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Deep and Meet Ahlawat in car. Meet says don’t know what is their problem. Deep says what problem if have issues then I’ll go. Meet Ahlawat says why you will go, every time meeting is conducted in our office and if location is changed then it’s been informed before hand. Deep says why it feels like it’s not about shifting it’s something else tell me or how a flexible person can be so rigid about shifting when you know it’s normal in meeting. He says but sleeping in kitchen instead of bedroom is not normal. Deep got confused and ask who slept in kitchen. He says Meet sleeps in Kitchen. Deep says you are not looking after her, what she can do you are her husband, I think she must be thinking about someone else you also think her as your friend. Hey says she is not that kind of girl. Deep says I was kidding and I would suggest go and confess her. He says you are right I will go and talk to her tonight.

Meet park her bike near college gate. Isha surrounded by boys on other side of college gate. Boy saying to her we told you to come alone so who were you sending out last night. Meet sees them. Bay hold Isha hand and ask tell me. Meet says who are they troubling and walks to them remove boy and see boy holding Isha hand. Meet says leave her hand. Boy says I won’t go from here. Meet remove his hand and slaps him says if you try to hurt or do something wrong I’ll call commissioner, did you understand go back. Isha says bhabhi please don’t talk like this they are my friends. Meet says no need to be scared if them I have beatun many like them. Isha says they are really my friends and you are insulting them, I was handling but you came and slap him, you are involving so much in ky life last night also you lecture me this was not expected from you. Meet says you will say lie was also not expected and these don’t look like your friends, I’m not involving in your life Chachiji told me you left this book so I came to give you. Isha says whatever this is my life no need to involyin this. Meet take her away and says listen to me I noticed you were sacred when your phone was ringing and last night there was jo watchman I asked him and I have common sense that you were not going to take friends, the way they were talking to you is not how friends talk, now tell me what is the problem, Isha I trust you but your environment would take yo to wrong path so please teel me. Isha thinks should I tell or not a biy show his phone to Isha, she lashes out at Meet says it’s nothing like that im getting late for my calss and walks away. Meet says there is something, what is she hiding.

Meet Ahlawat thinks what was the reason Meet was sleeping in Kitchen. Isha calls Meet Ahlawat. He asks what happen. Meet walks in and greet Isha. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet I want to talk to you our Isha is smart and mature, she knows who should be her friends and I think a girl has every right to choose her friends like boys, it’s her lookout who should be her friends. Meet says I do understand but I thought it was something else. Meet Ahlawat when she is spending her time with male friends then we should not interfere in between. Meet says listen I know she is smart but sometimes there is time which make conditions to hide things from our older one and then we go on wrong path or unable to tell true. Meet Ahlawat says if something like this happen then Isha will come to me and tell me because I’m her good friend too so take care next time. He take Isha to have something. Meet thinks Isha didn’t tell truth to Meet Ahlawat I want need to find out what’s happening is she in trouble?

Manushi in her room says where did Kunal kept letter from father in law and he didn’t tell me till when test will go on I should find and figure it out, she checks bag and says I’ll do give test till the given date not a minute then that and I’ll ask Kunal to let me talk to in law’s and I’ll convince them after all I’m expert in that, she gets call from unknown number. Kunal shouts Manu help me, other man says if you want to see your husband alive then come to behind Gurudwara with 25lakhs. Manushi says wrong number and hungs up. Kunal says call back again. Manushi picks up and says ee im poor do one thing call his father he is rich he will pay you. Kunal thinks she is clever and acts as if amn are hurting him to scare Manushi. Manushi says you know I don’t have money I’m poor please try to understand. Kunal says try to understand my wife don’t uave cash but she got jewellery. Man take phone says listen don’t try to be smart come with your jewellery and hear it should not be less then 25 lakhs or else we will behead him, Kunal shouts on phone and disconnect. Kunal says to Man good job you gave nice audition, everyone applauds nearby. Man says to Kinal will I get job in tv show. Kunal says you will get work in film but after doing two more scene are you ready. Man says yes. Kunal says good.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat in bed. Meet wakes up and check is he sleeping says if he will sleep like this then how will he get proper sleep and have office tomorrow, she gets up and leave. Meet Ahlawat turn wakes up thinks she didnt wait for late night to go to kitchen. Meet sitting beside him in chair see her gets scared. Meet says you were looking for me. He says why will I find you, I was feeling cold so was going to take extra blanket, he gets out of bed. Meet follow him and copy him. Meet Ahlawat says you are copying me. Meet start say everything what he says. Meet Ahlawat says you were following me. Meet says no I was going to take blanket, walks to cupboard and take out. Meet Ahlawat snatches blanket and says you want me to sleep early why. Meet says if you will get to sleep early that you can wake up fresh and will be charged for your day. Meet Ahlawat ask what you will do if I get to bed early. Meet thinks how will I tell him that I need to study and I cannot tell him this or else he won’t let me do anything, she start jumping says I’ll sing and play music, I’ll also go to bed if you will sleep what questions you ask, listen do your mood right then sleep. Meet Ahlawat says don’t be worried about me I’ll go to sleep and annoy her. Meet says you are always angry like a small kid. He says should I go to sleep and gets inside bed. Meet pray to God says why did you give kid in my luck and says there is only one why to make him happy, she tickle his legs. Meet Ahlawat wakes up laughing and says fine leave me. Meet says listen I know you love you sister so much and you want good for her so I promise I won’t do anything like this. Meet Ahlawat thinks I’ll talk to you in midnight when you will go kitchen, that time you have to give my all answers, says okay goodnight.

Manushi take out jewelry from her hidden place says till the yime I don’t go to my in laws house till then this jewellery is earning and I fought with my mon for this but Kunal is rich and handsome and looks at CCTV camera and hide it again looks at camera says hi father in law I’m Manushi as you are seeing I’m doing everything for test, your son Kunal is kidnapped and Goons demanded for 25 lakhs you will do something to help him, are you listing and jump over to to tap camera but camera was not connected so it’s wire come in Manushi hand and she pull it down, she gets shocked and says it’s not connected it mean all camera are not connected and they are dummy means no connection with father in law. A package hit Manushi she walks to door to see who throw it but didn’t find anyone and open package see a t-shirt with blood and remember what Goons said to her about Kunal live says it’s Kunal tshirt.

Meet Ahlawat turn while sleeping and see Meet not in bed says I’ll ask her why she go missing in night and walks downstairs calls Meet says she is not here might be outside and hear a voice from Kitchen walks toward the door says why is it closed. He hear a male voice says I remember a joke on this situation. Meet Ahlawat thinks who is this boy talking to Meet late night and remember Deep saying to him she might be seeing someone else and says she is your wife you cannot spy on her she is your wife, if you have something in mind thel talk to her directly and remember Meet saying to Isha about how you go on wrong track and hide things, he try to open gate says try to understand if she is not telling anything then there must be some reason and I should understand that. Meet inside kitchen studying says Raju bhaiya teach well in his videos everything goes in mind in only one sitting.

Manushi outside main door get’s call. Kunal start acting on phone, shouts in pain says please leave don’t beat me. Goon take phone says I now you are smart girl but don’t try to reach out police or else you will be dead along with Kunal. Manushi says bhaiya please don’t do anything to him I’ll do exactly what you say don’t do anything to Kunal. Kunal shouts is pain and disconnects says now she is in trap, girls may be intelligent but blood and cockroaches are there weakness, she might be frightened after seen blood tshirt. Manushi says to save Kunal I have to give jewelry.

Meet Ahlawat gets back to his room tensed remember Deep telling him that you are not taking good care of Bhabhiji, remember what Meet said to Isha earlier about hiding things. He says is Deep right is Meet seeing someone else but I want to give second chance to this relation but if she, he walks to cupboard and take out a book named my story and see Manushi’s photo inside that book, says I wish you wouldn’t have ditched me and loved me so that Meet could be with someone she love and not have to stay with me , I hate you Manushi. Meet inside kitchen studying. Meet Ahlawat lie down in bed and looks at Manushi’s photo, kep her photo on side table and looks at her in sadness

Meet walks to her room and get into bed and check if Meet Ahlawat is sleeping or not and says I don’t like to tell him lei but uf I’ll tell him then he will also wake up whole night, I’ll go to mom house and will study there alon with that I can take care of Mom and Dadi. Manushi’s photo lying on floor.

The next morning Meet Ahlawat getting ready for office. Meet walks to him see his face thinks oh god is is still upset, your morning shouldn’t start from being upset or else your whole fay ruins I need to do something to cheer him up and says to Meet Ahlawat listen did you say any movie last night being so caring for me. Meet Ahlawat says what’s your problem if I talk then you have issues and if I don’t then you have issues, do you want yo look in mirror or should I. Meet says wait I’ll see and says to him that I was thinking I should go and live with mom for few days. Meet Ahlawat thinks that boy must be of Shahbadh and says go if you want who am I to stop you from meeting your loved ones. Meet says why are you so rude, you still angry. He says I’m not angry and you are adult you can take your decision, why are you asking for permission. Meet says I’m not asking for permission I’m worried if I go then you will be able to manage all things by your own. Meet Ahlawat says when you were not there I was managing myself you can go . Meet says okay then I’ll leave and start packing her bag. Meet Ahlawat says how happy she is, I use to be that happy when I was with Manushi, my love story didn’t lasted well but I’ll try that her love story lasts more and walks away. Meet get down to pick pen and see Manushi’s photo on floor, she hear him coming back so slide that photo under bed. Meet Ahlawat says to her I left my phone, she leaves and he start looking for Manushi’s photo find it under bed and keep it in his book inside cupboard. Meet looks everything from outside thinks I know you loved Manushi so much but she hurt you bad, it will take time to cure but it’s good he doesn’t take out her topic infront of me that’s why he is hiding, take how much time you need to come out of trauma I just need you to be happy.

Manushi blindfolded on call says I’m at location with jewelry and everything please don’t do anything to Kunal. Kunal start acting please save me. Man take phone says a Baba will come there, give him the jewelry bag do as we says and we will leave Kunal and listen carefully don’t try to be over smart or else you will be dead too with him you are on my gun point.

Meet Ahlawat on phone with Deep says I did a mistake and feel guilty, I promise that Manushi chapter will be closed but I took out her picture and see it and what you said to me was true I think she like someone else. Deep says I was kidding. Meet Ahlawat says what you said come out to br true she feel happy whenever she talk to him on phone, that’s why I decided whoever she likes I’ll support Meet. Someone throws a chit he says to Deep I’ll talk to you later and Meet Ahlawat pick it up. Isha sees that and gets panicked. Meet Ahlawat says who threw stone, goes to window says who is throwing stone like Majnu style and see a boy standing outside. Isha gets call from unknown number. Meet Ahlawat read the message on paper when are you coming to meet and pick up phone. Isha says I hope Bhai dosent find out about this.

Baba walks to Manushi and says give the jewellery. Kunal is watching from behind. Manushi says to Baba first bring my husband. Baba says first Jewelry then think of husband. Manushi give him jewelry and Baba give Kunal signal for jewelry and says to Manushi you can go now to your house you will find your husband there and give him corn says take your prashad. Manushi holds it says its corn. Baba says start eating this and sit here till the time you finish it. Manushi says okay and ask should I remove the blindfold and start calling Baba, remove her blindfold and eat corn.

Meet Ahlawat walks to his room thinks who this message could be for and see Meet talking on phone. Meet says my phone was kept aside and I was getting ready for job and disconnects call. He thinks is that same guy who talk to Meet the whole night and is this message for Meet. 


Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I was thinking to stay with mon for few days. Mewt Ahlawat thinks that boy mustbe of Shahbadh. Meet Ahlawat gets a letter in hall saying why aren’t you picking up phone come fast when are you coming to meet. Meet talking on phone with someone says my phone was not near me, I was getting ready for job. Meet Ahlawat thinks is this the same guy who talks with Meet whole night is this message for Meet. Isha take out jewellery from her bad says I’ll return this jewelry to Taeji and will say I find out lying on floor. Meet walks to her and ask tell me what is the matter?

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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