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Meet open envelope and sees divorce papers. Masum says you have time till 12 midnight to convince my brother that you are not happy from this marriage and cannot live as Manushi’s replacement, I’m sure you also don’t want to live as an option. Meet says I cannot do this. Masum says don’t show your crocodile tears if you are so affected then why did you hide everything about Manushi I know Anubha is shifting Manushi to Delhi but still she break her promise now listen to me carefully if you didn’t give my brother divorce then I’ll bring your truth infront of everyone, then your family will not be able to show tour face in colony we all know one day or other this relationship eill break its your choice by respect or disrespect and she leaves. Meet in tears sit on the floor and thinks about Meet Ahlawat surprise party and what Masum said to her about divorce. 

Meet Ahlawat says how could a person have two different quality, one time entertaining and at same time irritating, don’t know where Meet is, she didn’t come to me yet isn’t she feeling sick for not fighting me from morning.

Meet is explaining everything about Meet Ahlawat’s routine and medicine to Chhavi. Meet takes his medicine with her. Masum stop Meet and snatch that box. Meet walk away.

Meet Ahlawat is in the room, he remember how Meet helped him in exercise and gets up take out belt and thinks about Meet. Meet looks at Meet Ahlawat from window. Meet Ahlawat walks to window and she hides. Meet Ahlawat takes her cream and remember him teasing her for one cream and lost in his thoughts. Chhavi walk in says to Meet Ahlawat come I’ll give you your medicine. Duggu walk in. Meet Ahlawat says to Duggu go and ask your Mami to check my medicine. Duggu says I cannot fine her. Meet Ahlawat says what do you mean, she will be at home. Duggu says don’t know I’m going to play. Meet Ahlawat calls Meet. Masum walks to Meet and says go and find a place where he cannot find you and next time come with divorce papers now leave. Meet Ahlawat says why is she cutting the phone, what happen? Chhavi says what medicine did Meet ask me to give him? Meet Ahlawat calls Chhavi and says no need to worry keep that box I’ll manage. Chhavi says I need to help you, you know how much I care for you, you didn’t had any medicine. Meet Ahlawat says no need to worry I’ll eat it. Masum walks in says what happen eat medicine, there should be no negligence in medicine and ask Chhavi to give him. Chhavi bring water for him. Meet Ahlawat have medicine and thinks what happen to Meet did I say something wrong, she is ignoring me since morning, I need to talk to her.

Meet is watering plants and remember what Masum said to her about divorce. Kaka says to Meet why are you doing this it’s our job. Meet says I was free so I’m doing this you can do something else and don’t tell anybody that I was here and take good care of Meet Ahlawat because I’m doing this. Kaka leaves. Meet says to God why is this happening I was about to get happy and I was becoming part if this family. Meet Ahlawat sees Meet in the garden and walks to her. Meet sees him. Meet Ahlawat says what are you doing here? Meet says can’t you see I’m doing work and hurt herself. Meet Ahlawat says show me what happen. Meet says nothing go from here. Meet Ahlawat says you didn’t come for my medicine and food and didn’t accept my gift what happen to you why are you avoiding me? Meet says you are running your brain too much I was busy since morning and you are quite well that anyone can take care of you. Meet Ahlawat says why will others take care of me you are my wife you will do it, I mean you promised mom and took the responsibility. Meet says I completed my promise you are getting fine and I’m not your nurse that I should stay with you 24hrs. He says you don’t talk like this, I understand there is something troubling you, either I hurt you or did something you don’t like but first tell me only then I can correct you because you are not the kind of person the way you are behaving tell me. Sunaina takes Meet name walks to them and says you both are here you know what we have decided that today we will enjoy bonfire the whole night and you know Masum gave this idea. They both get surprised. Sunaina says exactly my reaction was also same anyways we will enjoy you both be ready I’ll tell Mom and Dad and leaves. He says to her you have time till midnight to give me all the answers and I’m serious and walk away. Meet think about Masum, she told her that she have time till midnight or else she will tell truth to everyone and says what answers will I give I’m getting punished for something I did not do.

Everyone sit outside enjoying bonfire. Babita and Ragini sing song. Meet Ahlawat think why is she not coming out? Masum think why isn’t she coming out? Raj says how cultural our family is and says to Ram do you remember how our mother use to sing song during bonfire? Ram says I remember and now we don’t have any song left to sing if you have any please sing it. Raj says yes ofcourse and I have special memories for this song because I’m talking about the time when Babita use to come in car in college and I use to come by my cycle, she was beautiful and I was just a simple guy but still I don’t know what she saw in me, all of sudden I got lucky and the rest is history and says to Babita do you remember how you use to give your expression on this song so can we do it today? Babita says how will remember, it was ages ago. Meet Ahlawat and everyone encourage her. Raj and Babita entertain everyone. Meet comes out. Meet Ahlawat ask her to come and sit. Meet remembers what Meet Ahlawat and Masum said to her about 12 midnight, she walk and sit in corner alone. Meet Ahlawat gets up and walks to her. Masum rush and sit beside Meet. Meet Ahlawat sit beside Masum. Masum show her time and walk away. Meet get up and start walking. Meet Ahlawat hold her and ask what happen to you why are you ignoring me since morning, I won’t let you go give me answers. Meet says wait for some time I’ll give you answers.

Manushi is puking. Amma worried and ask her to sit and says what happen to you are you feeling good wait I’ll get water for you. Manushi says I’m good but feeling dizzy. Amma says how many times I told you not to eat outside, tell me what you had wait I’ll call doctor. Manushi says no don’t call doctor I’m good and run away. Anubha walks in. Amma calls her and ask is Manushi feeling different to me? Anubha says thankgod you realised, I’m finding her different since she came back, I’m scared that she might not burn herself. Amma says Manushi is not like Meet and I can bet on that, she is diamond but you are the one who cannot look clearly you always blame her. Anubha says for a mother every kid is equal but daughter are different right, one understand things in a glimpse but the other one repeat the same mistake over this every neighbour says that mother favour only one over the other but I wish you understand this and give same love to both daughters.

Masum looks at her watch and says I think she went to bring the divorce papers. Meet come out of the house and walks to Masum with paper. Masum says intelligent girl and ask for the envelope. Meet drop the envelope in bonfire. Masum shouts. Raj ask what did you burn. Meet says nothing it was trash no need to worry… (Meet talking to Raj, Raj explain to her saying before marriage you know you would be facing hatred but know you didn’t give up that’s why you make places in everyone’s heart because of your hardwork and says I have to tell you something there are two options to face a problem one by running away from it and the other by facing it and you face problems. Meet remembers what her father use to say about facing problem.) Meet says to Masum I use my brain a lot and then it came to me that do whatever you want to do this time you are messaging Meet Hudda if I’m not saying anything dosent mean I’m scared, I respect you but you don’t like that respect, I didn’t grown up with lots of money but I grown up with relation and I cannot break them after I took oath for this relation infront of fire and I’ll maintain that relation for life long, I’ll not divorce Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat turn her and ask what did you say, what happen to you I’m asking you why are you ignoring me and says give me answers. Meet holds her ear and do sit-ups in front of him. Babita ask now what did you do. Meet says I’m saying sorry to him because I hurt him. Meet Ahlawat says what are you doing? Raj says we don’t know what happen but she is saying sorry from her heart so please forgive her. Meet continue doing sit-ups. Meet Ahlawat stops her and says what is this new talent acting like melodramatic queen. Meet says sorry I was busy since morning so I’m sorry for that and I promise I’ll only take care of you, I won’t leave you alone. Meet Ahlawat says now it’s done. Chhavi walks in says it’s so cold here and says to Meet Ahlawat you must be feeling cold wait I’ll cover you. Meet says one minute stops her. Chhavi leaves the Shawl and says take it. Meet says you did a lot of work since morning now go and rest I’m here for him and cover Meet Ahlawat with Shawl. Masum shouts enough stop your drama. Raj scold Masum. Masum says we have to talk to these people like this, you consider her sweet and hardworking and have faith in her, she is a liar. Babita says first think and says before blaming her. Masum says I’m not blaming her I know the truth and says ask her is her sister Manushi not at her home, she kept this secret from us. Babita says stup up Masum and ask Meet is that true what Masum is saying? Meet says yes me, mom and dadi don’t want to hide this from you all but the condition in which was Manushi melted our hearts and parents cannot reject there children. Raj says she is right now is her sister is back then why should we punish her and make difference with Hudda family and says I feel bad why Masum presented this sensitive topic and such bad manner and says I don’t wanna hear anything. Everyone gets normal and Masum says now she will tell everything about her by herself and will plan harder this time.

Everyone gets inside house tired. Deep walks to them. Everyone ask him what are you doing here in house this late. Meet Ahlawat says to everyone I told him to tell me on phone but he was like I’ll tell you in person. Deep says you were chasing a foreign investors so one if them has shown interest in our company and guess what I have fixed a meeting with them and says to Raj once we collaborated with them then we will have international reach for our business. Babita says my son did so much of hardwork for today. Raj says Guruji was right Meet is lucky for him finally it’s showing. Deep says meeting time is 4a.m, Babita says it might be 4p.m. Meet Ahlawat says it’s foreign client so there is time difference that’s why meeting is at 4a.m. Babita says tomorrow is important day for my kid so nobody will sleep tonight we all will stay awake all night and boast his moral, I’ll get Rabdi for everyone. Raj gets excited and flirts with her.

Amma is sleeping, hear door noise and look for Manushi, she says where did she go, she might be have gone to washroom and goes back to sleep, she hear Manushi saying are you mad leave me and sees shadow of Manushi hugging Kunal, she gets up and go out, and sees there is no one and switch on light and sees Manushi on the bed and gets confused. Manushi acts as if nothing happened says Dadi please switch off the lights do not disturbme. Amma switch off the light says how did this happen but my eyes and ears cannot be wrong, is she trying to play with me and connects all the dots, thinks about Manushi morning sickness and says God what has Manushi done? Manushi inside room says my plan is successful now Dadi will make room for me and Kunal in this house.

At Ahlawat’s everyone is having Rabdi. Ragini says let’s play a game. Isha says good idea let’s play Dumbsharad. Deep says not let’s play Antakshri. Isha says it’s boring, you sing very bad. Chhavi whispers to Masum says you will be proud on me today because I have added sleeping pills in her bowl now she will say truth and it will be fun. Masum says good job you are learning now go sit. Isha says we will play folding newspaper. Masum sees Meet is yawning. 


Isha says we will play folding paper. Meet says I don’t know how to play. Meet Ahlawat says we won match together this is easy for us. They start playing. Meet Ahlawat says I love you, my love brought you back to me I love you Manushi. Meet says to Deep, Meet Ahlawat has to get back to senses it’s important and there is one option. Meet ask Sunaina for help

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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