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The Episode starts with Doctor saying Prisha is recovering, she will be fine soon. Rudra thank him. He ask Vasu to go home and handle Gopal. Vasu says I will be fine if everyone is fine in the family. Rudra says you have to stay fine, go home and rest, I am here with Prisha, I promise I won’t move from here. Yuvraj comes and says I spoke to doctor, Prisha is fine. Rudra says she is fine, drop Vasu home. Vasu says I will talk to Prisha. Rudra says if you fall ill, then she will scold me. He asks Yuvraj to go with her. Yuvraj says I m fine here. Rudra asks Vasu to explain her. Vasu says yes, come with me, Rudraksh will manage Prisha and Saransh. Yuvraj gets angry. Rudraksh asks his family to leave. Ahana says call us if you need help. They leave. Its morning, Saransh comes to Prisha and hug. Pyaar ka yeh bandhan….plays… She feel hurt. Saransh ask did I do anything. She says you made me fine, I love you. He says I love you too, never leave me. She says I won’t go. Rudraksh cry seeing them. He says you forgot me. Saransh hug him and says I love you too, never leave me. Rudra says promise. Prisha ask Saransh to go and rest. Rudra says he will go in some time. Saransh says I will learn martial art and then fight. Rudra says idea isn’t bad. Prisha laugh seeing them. Nurse says doctor is on rounds. Prisha and Rudra send Saransh to his ward. Nurse gets soup for Prisha. Rudra asks Prisha to have it. He feeds her. Shayad kabhi….. plays… He cares for her. Yuvraj comes there and sees them close. He think she got shot and see how the treatment is going on, that’s why Rudraksh had sent me home. He ask Prisha how are you feeling now, is he troubling you. Rudra ask why? Prisha says he is taking good care of me. Yuvraj says I can see, he looks so tired, he is taking care of my Prisha, he can go home now. Rudra says I am not going anywhere until Saransh and Prisha get discharged. Yuvraj says wow, what an acting, I felt real husband is caring for his wife, I am a lawyer, not an actor, I know why you married Prisha, else I would have got confused. Rudra says you already look confused. She ask how is Appa? Yuvraj says he is fine, he is worried for you, talk to him on video call. He call Amma and says you can meet your daughter now. Vasu ask are you in the hospital. Amma and Appa get glad seeing Prisha. Rudra says everyone knows how good you are, stop praising yourself, let Prisha talk. Appa says I am fit now, get well soon and stay happy. Rudra think I wish my bond with my dad was such, Prisha is lucky. Prisha ask Appa to take food and medicines on time. She gets tired. Rudra says sorry, she got tired, take medicines on time, else she will worry. Vasu says take care of her, stay there. Yuvraj says yes, I am here with her. Nurse asks Yuvraj to leave, visiting time is over. Yuvraj ask Rudra to go, he looks tired, he should rest. Rudra and Yuvraj argue. Prisha look on. She asks Yuvraj to go. Yuvraj think I will take revenge on Rudra. Balraj asks Sharda to serve breakfast. She says I have to take tiffin for Prisha and Saransh, will you serve it yourself. He says fine, serve the tea. She says I didn’t make tea. He scold her. Ahana and Mishka come. Ahana says good, scold mummy ji more. Ahana and Mishka laugh. Ahana ask what happened, why are you scolding her? Balraj says she didn’t make the tea. Ahana ask Mishka to help Sharda in the kitchen, in fact Mishka will go to hospital with the tiffin. Ahana says I will make omelette and toast for you. Balraj says sure. Ahana think Balraj will make Prisha out of this house.

Rudra gives flowers to Prisha. She sneezes and says move this. Vasu comes and ask who got the flowers. He says I got it. She says she is allergic to flowers. He says I am seeing for the first time, that a girl is allergic to flowers. He goes. Vasu says I got hot sambar. Mishka get tiffin. She ask where was Rudra running. Vasu says Rudra got flowers for Prisha, but she has allergy to it. Mishka joke that he should have got a cactus for her. She asks how are you feeling now? Prisha says better. Mishka get angry. Prisha ask Rudra to get roses for her next time. Vasu and Mishka ask Prisha to have food. Rudra says doctor said just liquids are allowed for Prisha, I will have it. Mishka says we will go out for breakfast. Rudra says we will have it together here, I will call Saransh here. Mishka says I am on diet, I can’t have it, I will go and check in the canteen, won’t you come with me. He says no. She get angry.
Ahana get breakfast for Balraj. She says thanks, you didn’t make Mishka and me out of this house, dad did wrong. He says its not your fault, you don’t think about it. She says but Rudra thought wrong about you. He ask how? She says he blamed you for Saransh, you don’t like him, but it doesn’t mean you will kidnap him and that Prisha… Balraj says that was just a coincidence, you can’t blame them. She says you were very lucky, Prisha got to know truth on time, else you would be in jail instead of my dad, Prisha accused you, Rudra is so innocent, I am sure Prisha trapped him, else he can never go against you, stop Prisha before she ruin everything. He ask her not to worry, he will have control on the house. She think I will be the winner. Rudra takes care of Prisha. Pyaar ka yeh bandhan….plays…. Days pass. Rudra finish the formalities. Nurse says you can take them home. Rudra get Mr. Ahuja’s call and says I am busy right now, I can’t do the concert, not even for double fees, I will call you later. Prisha says you refused for concert, Balraj will get angry. Rudra says let him get angry, concert isn’t happy than your health. He think Rajeev would have done this if he was here. They leave from the hospital and come home. Saransh says we will serve you. Prisha ask for water. Rudra asks do you really want water or just having fun. She says both. Balraj comes and scold him. He says Ahuja was giving us double money, even then you refused. Rudra says I can’t leave Prisha and Saransh now, career won’t end if I leave one concert. They argue a lot. Prisha and Sharda worry. Balraj says you have to do the concert. Rudra says I won’t, don’t call, it will be your insult. Balraj says you have to do this, else you won’t stay in this house. Rudra hug Saransh. Balraj asks him to leave the house.  Yuvraj come to meet Prisha. He sees the empty ward. He says Rudra said he will be here, but he isn’t here. He ask nurse about Prisha. Nurse says Rudra’s wife. He says yes. She say she got discharged in the morning. He asks where is Saransh. She says Rudra took them together. Yuvraj get angry. 
Ahana and Mishka come. Balraj ask Rudra to decide it now, will he do concert or leave the house? Rudra says I won’t do the concert, even if I have to leave this house right now. Balraj says I knew you will leave all of us, we don’t matter to you, I mean nothing to you, right, I made you a big rockstar, you blamed me for Saransh’s kidnapping, you think I am a devil, you have this respect for your dad. Ahana says its actually me saying this. Mishka asks what, you did this. Ahana says yes. Balraj asks who made this image in my heart for you, you were shouting on Saransh, so I doubted you. Balraj says you were sure that I was wrong, think my life would have got ruined, I am your big enemy, right, you didn’t give me a chance to prove my innocence, he doesn’t care for me, I also don’t care for him now, he is also nothing for me. Prisha worry and thinks Sharda will get hurt in their fight. Balraj says tell Rudra that I will forget everything, I have one condition, he will obey me and he will do the concert, he can stay here. Rudra says you want a son on your conditions, you say that I hate you. Prisha says I am feeling low. Rudra goes to her. She says I just need rest. She thinks it was important to stop the fight. Rudra lifts her. Ahana says Balraj isn’t bad hearted, take Prisha. Rudra takes her to the room.

PRECAP: Yuvraj says Prisha and Saransh aren’t safe here, they should come with us. He argues with Rudra. Niketan attacks Prisha and Saransh again. He shoots her. Prisha says Saransh would be sleeping with Rudra. She goes and sees Saransh. She stops Rudra from going to Saransh. She says I can’t do there. Rudra says you can’t go there, you can’t put the family at risk.

My Desire Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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