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The Episode starts with Ahana asking principal how did she pass Saransh, how dare she. Principal says sorry, all his answers were right. Ahana says so what, you should have failed him. Principal says our names and reputation would have spoiled if we failed him and paper got rechecked. Ahana says I told them that parents of the kid should be a graduate, this is the admission policy. Principal says but Prisha is educated. Ahana says Rudraksh is not educated. Principal says he is a big rockstar. Ahana says he isn’t well-educated, even if anyone calls you, tell the same policy. She says Prisha, its your turn now, I will see how you get your son admitted in my school, its a check mate move.

Gopal and Vasu come to meet the jeweller. She asks him to show her jewellery. Jeweller says its kept in safe, the man who took the keys didn’t come, he will need some time, I will send jewellery at your home. Vasu says no, call that man now. He says he won’t come soon. She says I will call the police, I want to check my jewellery, you are forgetting that Gopal is a retired judge, if he makes one call, police will come. He says just sit, I will try to get it. He goes. Gopal says he helped me by giving money, why are you doing this. She thinks once I get proof, you will see the truth. Rudra sadly plays guitar. Prisha says Saransh’s admission happened in another school. Rudra says he had to go in same school. Prisha says this school is very good. Saransh says I m happy, I will make new friends. They go. Rudra says how did Saransh change his mind. Vasu says see he got late. Jeweller says sorry, I got late, but I got the keys. Vasu says just show it soon. She thinks how will he show it, Mishka was wearing my necklace. Jeweller shows the necklace.

Vasu gets shocked. He thinks I got saved. He recalls meeting Ahana and getting the necklace for her, keeping it back in the safe. He asks are you satisfied now, will I do wrong, do you want to get it now. She takes the necklace. She thinks how did it come in the safe suddenly. She goes. Rudra goes to meet Saransh. He hears Saransh talking on call. Saransh says I m very sad, Rudra is sad, I don’t want to look sad about admission in new school, I will miss you all, I can do anything for my Rudra. Rudra cries and thinks Saransh loves me a lot, Rajeev is with me in his avatar, Saransh will study in the school he wants.
Ahana likes the lunch. She asks Saransh what new toys and games he wants. Saransh says I already have it. She says you have much free time. Prisha says I got his admission done somewhere else. Ahana says that’s wonderful. Rudra comes and says Saransh will go to his old school. Ahana says no, my silly, Prisha said Saransh got admission in the new school. He says yes, but I cancelled it and got him admitted in your school. Saransh smiles. Mishka asks how did you get it. He says very easily.

Ahana asks what do you mean, you remember the school policy, how can you break rules. He says I m following the rules. She asks what do you mean. He says I also took admission in your school. She asks what are you talking about. He says I will also study there. Everyone gets shocked. He says Saransh got admission in 2nd grade and I got in 8th grade, I spoke to school authorities and they agreed, I will be educated from their school, Rudra is the student of their school now, I will complete my education which I should have done in childhood, breaking news is that I will complete my studies with my son in my son’s school. Ahana asks what’s wrong with you, you are a celebrity, this will be nationwide news, you will be termed like a cartoon. He asks shall I let Saransh’s future get ruined, let anything happen. She says think about it. Balraj asks are you in senses, forget all this. Rudra asks what will you do, will you beat me, my decision won’t change. Balraj asks who are you to decide, I m the eldest member in family, I will decide it. Rudra asks how long will you decide, let me also grow up, let me decide. Balraj says you will become a joke for the world if you do this, this name, money and fame, I got this for you, you will ruin my hardwork, you will not study, you are worse than kids, even a kid won’t do this.

Rudra says what you did is wrong, you have beaten me and didn’t let me study, how can you think of that, did you feel bad to hear truth. Balraj says I m feeling bad to see your foolishness, I have stopped you so that you become a sing, I made your life, you just remembered that I stopped you from going to school, this proves you are so selfish. Rudra says you are selfish, you snatched my childhood, I didn’t want all this name, money and fame, I m saving my son’s childhood, I won’t let the same happen with Saransh, I will study with him, my son is making me do this which you should have done as a father. Balraj gets angry. Balraj scold Rudra. He says I won’t let you do this foolishness. Rudra says fine, I won’t do any concert, recording, ad or music release, I will stop singing, our money and business will end, I got a chance to complete studies, if you snatch the chance, then you have to pay a big price for it. Balraj raises hand on him. Prisha holds his hand. 

Yuvraj says thanks Mr. Rahul Arora, you called me for this interview, it will be my honour to work for you. Rahul says you are over qualified for this job, you had been a judge and reputed lawyer, you want to work as a legal advisor. Yuvraj says its my dream, I have always fought for truth, I left the judge’s post, I don’t lie, I have many ambitions, I wanted to apply in your company, you will know that I m a good lawyer. Rahul says you are a big liar, I found out everything about you, you didn’t resign from judge’s post, you were suspended, then you got banned from law practice.

Balraj ask how dare you hold my hand. He raises hand on her. She shouts don’t you dare…. Everyone look on. She says don’t make this mistake to raise hand on me, else I will get you jailed, you forced me to stop you, how dare you raise hand on your son, did you see yourself, you know your truth, you have beaten up Rudra when he was a child, you didn’t let him attend school, you snatched his childhood, he is right, you are selfish, you treated him like a note printing machine, not a human, you should be ashamed to be such a father. Ahana says Prisha… Prisha says shut up, don’t talk in between. She says Rudra is an adult now, he will decide for himself, he will complete his studies. Balraj says who are you to stand as a wall between us. She says Mrs. Rudraksh Khurana, Rudraksh’s legal wife. Rudra look at her. She ask Balraj not to talk of status. She threatens him with police. Ahana says please stop, Prisha what are you saying. She stops Balraj from getting angry. She begs him not to say anything now. Balraj goes. Ahana says Prisha, behave. She goes. Rudra sees Prisha. Saransh praises her. Rudra goes. Sharda worry. 
Rahul says I know you filled all the wrong details, I called you to see how much can you lie to get this job, get lost from here. Yuvraj get angry. He says call the guards, police will come to arrest you, I have also checked your past before coming here, you own a big company, this lavish house, you would have done a lot, also wrong work, remember, your head office caught fire last year. He smiles.

Prisha comes and says I shouldn’t speak like that, wrong is wrong, your dad is wrong, I couldn’t tolerate that, sorry. Rudra cry and hug her. Pyaar ka yeh bandhan… plays…. He says Rajeev also couldn’t protect me, what you did today, I felt alone always, but I feel I am not alone, thank you Prisha. Prisha says don’t thank me, until I am in your life, I will always support you, thanks, you joined school and showed courage. Sharda comes and says Balraj will take it as an insult, don’t know what he will do. Prisha says if we get scared, will Saransh also stay in fear? Rudra says no, I will give answer to dad. Prisha says we are all with you. Saransh says we are a family, promise. They hold hands and smile.

Yuvraj says your partners were trapped in recording studio, you wanted to become super hero and save them, people stopped them, you had to save something precious, legal papers, you could have become only owner of the business, your partners died, you became rich, are you the owner or murderer, maybe both, next time, don’t give me lecture about truth and lie, I find it boring, we have something common, Rudraksh Khurana, your biggest competitor, he earns a lot, I know you failed to remove him, because you didn’t had Yuvraj with you, your money and my mind, we can remove him. Rahul asks what did he do. Yuvraj says he cheated me and married my would be wife, he has my precious thing, I have to get it, tell me, join hands with me. Rahul shakes hands. He says enemy’s enemy is friend, welcome aboard. Yuvraj smiles.

PRECAP: Balraj ruins the room in anger. Ahana asks him to calm down. She says we have to defeat Prisha by our mind. She takes Rudra’s sign. She says Rudra, this is your termination letter. Rudra look on. Mishka changes the alarm timings. Ahana says I will give you a good news, Rudra will be expelled from the school. Prisha sees Rudra sleeping. She asks him to wake up.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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