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The Episode starts with Balraj breaking things in anger. Ahana and Mishka smile. They go to him and calm him down. Ahana asks what will happen if we do this. He asks what shall I do, shall I let him join school. She says yes, you don’t have a choice, think of it, if he leaves singing, your business will be finished, you may get it in your profit, I will make sure that the publicity will be handled, I will show that it was you idea, you are a doting father and wanted his education to complete, just imagine, people will respect you so much, that will be a slap on Prisha’s face, you can’t slap her physically, Prisha won’t lose, we have to fail her by our mind, please calm down, I m there to take your revenge, have some faith. She asks Mishka to get water for him. Mishka goes.

Prisha and Rudra discuss about online schooling. She says you have to obey school rules. He says I have to talk to my stylist. She says focus on books, not looks. Ahana comes and says Rudra and Saransh’s admissions are confirmed, I forgot, you have to sign on the intimation form. Rudra signs the form. Ahana says you can read it if you want, I read it. Rudra says its okay, done. She smiles and thanks him. She goes. She says impossible Rudra, you didn’t read and signed the form, its your termination letter, if you break any rules or misbehave, then you will be terminated, you can’t be disciplined, you create your own rules and break it, get ready for the shock. Prisha sees Saransh happy and thanks Rudra. Vasu calls her and asks how are you. Prisha says good, how are you and dad. Vasu says I m fine, I m upset, you didn’t tell me that Saransh got admission in the same school. Prisha says sorry, I was busy,

Vasu says Saransh told that Rudra also took admission. Prisha says yes, he did this for Saransh’s sake. She says I will call you later. She says Saransh, I will go and ask Rudra if he got the logins. She goes to Rudra and holds the headphone. He pulls her. Mahiya….plays…. He says I will save myself if you come to hit me. She says you have hurt me, I was removing headphones. He says sorry, show me. He holds her face. Shayad….plays… He gets close to her. She goes away. He stops her and thinks she isn’t going away from me, I have gone mad and thinking she has gone mad too. He asks why are you going away, do you feel anything. She says no. He says lie, you are feeling something, you want me to come close to you. She says its nothing like that, don’t give credit to you, I don’t feel anything. He thinks why do I feel so. She says if you do this, you will miss school, did you get login id and password, check your phone. He checks and says no, I didn’t get. She says Saransh got it. Rudra says Ahana didn’t send it intentionally, they don’t want me to attend class, dad did this. She says we will ask Ahana.

Ahana shows the paper and says I got it signed by Rudra. Mishka says genius. Ahana says Rudra will be out of the school if he makes one mistake. Rudra and Prisha look on. Ahana gets shocked. Rudra says this is your plan to remove me from the school, tell me. Ahana asks what are you talking about. He says its dad’s plan, he stopped me from sending the login id and password, why did you support him. Ahana says stop thinking negatively, why would dad do this, he doesn’t know of such details, you think we are making a plan against you, you gave Sharda’s number, she would get the details, student’s parents get the details, just go. He says sorry. She says this is really offensive. She taunts him. Prisha asks him to come, they will go to Sharda. They leave. Ahana says problem will be solved when Rudra gets out of the school.

Rudra and Prisha knock Sharda’s room door. They hear some sound. Sharda opens the door. Rudra asks her what is happening, why can’t she allow them inside the room. Sharda says no, I m feeling sleepy, don’t worry. Rudra says you let us get in, please. They get shocked seeing the room ruined. He asks how did this happen. He says dad vented out anger. Prisha says its wrong. Sharda asks them to go before Balraj comes. Prisha says we can’t leave you alone. Sharda says I m fine. He says we will help you. Balraj comes and gets angry seeing them. Rudra and Balraj argue. Balraj scolds Prisha. Prisha stops Rudra for Sharda’s sake. Rudra says we are going, mum come along. Balraj says she won’t go, she is my wife, she won’t change. Rudra asks Sharda to come. Balraj says I have a right on her. Prisha says she isn’t any lifeless thing, she also have feelings, she is also human. Sharda cries. Prisha says she is Rudra and my mum also. Sharda stops Rudra and asks him to go to his room. She says I won’t go, you go. Balraj says you heard her, right, just get out now.

Rudra get angry. Prisha calms him down. He says mum stopped me. She says things won’t get fine in one day, don’t worry, just focus on your school. Rudra says I forgot to get login id and password. She asks him to sleep, she will message and get it. She says I will wake you up in the morning. He asks am I a kid, no need to wake me up, I have put three alarm clocks. She asks him to sleep over alarm clocks. She goes. He says I will get ready before Saransh.

Yuvraj comes to meet Vasu. She asks him to come and have food. He gives her sweets. He says bless me, I got a new job, isn’t it a good news. She says congrats. Gopal asks who gave you the job. Vasu asks what is he saying. Yuvraj says I know Appa loves me a lot, so he worries for me, I told them everything, no one was hiring me, I met Mr. Arora of Magnum music company, he hired me. Gopal turns away.
Mishka comes and changes the alarm time. She asks Rudra to keep sleeping. She takes his phone and switches off the alarm. She goes and tells everything to Ahana. She says Rudra won’t wake up to attend call, he will be out of the school. Ahana laughs. Prisha wakes up Saransh and makes him ready. She goes to see Rudra. Ahana says we will get a call that Rudra didn’t attend class, he will be out of class. Balraj comes and asks for Sharda. He says I didn’t get coffee since morning. Ahana says I will give you a good news, its Rudra’s first day of school, he will be fired, then your stress will be over. He asks how will this happen. She says let me tell you. Prisha sees Rudra sleeping and asks him to wake up. Ahana gets a call. She asks what, are you sure. Balraj asks what happened. Ahana says this is absurd, principal said Rudra has logged in. Mishka says that’s not possible. Ahana says we will check. Balraj says I will come along and see. They see Rudra attending the class.

Rudra thanks Prisha for saving him. He recalls Prisha putting water on Rudra and waking him up. She says just 2 mins left for the class, freshen up and come. She logs in and asks him to come fast. Rudra sits and says present Madam. Prisha asks why didn’t you wake up. Rudra says alarms didn’t ring, my phone was switched off, thanks for saving me. Ahana says I m going to kill her, she will ruin us. Balraj thinks I will ruin her by doing something big, that her pride will be destroyed. He goes. Prisha goes to Ahana and argues. They hear teacher shouting on Rudra. They rush to see. Rudra says it was an imp call, how can I avoid. Teacher asks him to leave the school if he can’t obey the rules. Prisha says he didn’t join to leave, he won’t make the mistake again. Teacher asks where is his uniform. He asks what. Prisha says we got admission two days back, we couldn’t arrange it. He asks am I a kid. Teacher says rules are rules, its compulsory. Prisha says he will wear uniform tomorrow. Teacher says fine. Rudra asks are you mad. Ahana smiles. He asks Ahana what’s all this. Ahana says I m the trustee, the school isn’t mine, I can’t do anything. Prisha asks him to focus on class. Ahana and Mishka go after Prisha.
Prisha says Rudra has to follow the rules. Mishka says his profession is imp. Prisha says he can finish class and give time to his profession, it will be tough for him, but I m with him, he will manage. Ahana and Mishka get angry. Gopal asks Vasu to have uttapa. Yuvraj comes and gets prasad. He says its my first day of job today. She wishes him all the best. Yuvraj says you are making uttapa, I m hungry, shall I have breakfast. Vasu says yes sit. Gopal asks her to let him go. Yuvraj says I will have it, you used to make uttapa for Saransh. Vasu says yes, don’t know when will he come, he got admission in old school, Rudra did it. Yuvraj says maybe he gave donation. Gopal says he is inspiration, he took admission there for his admission.

Yuvraj asks what. Vasu says he left studies to become a singer, he took admission to study in 8th grade to complete school policies, parents should be educated. Yuvraj laughs and says it means Rudra is a rockstar, he didn’t even pass 10th, unbelievable. Gopal says even I couldn’t believe it. Yuvraj thinks Rahul will be happy knowing this news. Prisha looks for Sharda. She goes to room. She sees Sharda crying. Sharda says I m better now. Prisha asks what’s the matter. Sharda says no. Prisha asks are you hiding something. Sharda says no. She recalls Balraj beating her in anger. Prisha asks did Balraj say something. She thinks why is she silent and not saying anything.

PRECAP: Sharda says if we can get a cloth, we can stitch uniform. Rudra wears the uniform. Ahana asks how did you arrange it. Balraj says your image is getting ruined. Ahana goes and cuts the uniform shirt. Rudra gets shocked seeing it and thinks how will I attend the class now. Rudra says we can’t do anything, dad has won. Ahana calls Principal and asks didn’t you expel Rudra, he didn’t wear the uniform. Principal says how can we remove him, he has worn the school uniform and attending the class. Ahana gets shocked seeing Rudra.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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