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The Episode starts with Yuvraj coming to meet Vasu. He says sorry to come and meet like you, I am worried for Appa, I got the prasad for you. He asks where is Appa. She says he went for a walk. He says I will wait here, I will give him prasad and get tension free. She says he has a breakfast plan at friend’s place, he will get late. He thinks the old man is partying. She asks him to go, she also has to go somewhere. He says fine. She thinks he won’t know anything now. The society men come talking. She worries. Sharma asks for Gopal. He accuses Gopal for theft. Vasu says he didn’t come home at night. Yuvraj thinks so this is the truth, Vasu was fooling me, see my drama now.

Rudraksh and Prisha wait for the delivery. Receptionist come to ask them if they want a room. Rudraksh says we are waiting for our friend. She goes. He says dad cancelled the order, maybe the guard told him that we have his laptop. Prisha asks how will we find Saransh. Rudraksh says don’t worry, come. They go. Vasu says Gopal gave you 5 lakhs. Sharma says he didn’t give remaining 5 lakhs, call him, he has run away. Vasu says someone else had stolen the money. Sharma scolds her. Yuvraj stops him and says she is my Amma, how can you talk to her like this, Gopal is a retired judge, will he do a theft. Sharma asks him to pay 5 lakhs if he is feeling so bad. Yuvraj says 5 lakhs, shall I give…fine, I will give it to you by tomorrow, but don’t talk like this to my mum, get out. The men leave.

Rudraksh says we have to find dad’s room. Prisha asks how. He lifts her and asks her to do acting, her foot has a sprain. She screams and says its hurting a lot. He says don’t worry, we will go to the room and order medicines, where are the keys, I will go and get the keys. She says I can’t stand. The room service guy says I also have a keyset, tell me the room number. Rudraksh says I don’t remember the number, booking is by Mr. Khurana. The guy asks who are you, how are you using Balraj’s name. Rudraksh says I m Rudraksh Khurana, I need help in finding dad’s room. The guy says I m your big fan, come. Rudraksh thanks him. Yuvraj says I will sell my car but give them 5 lakhs. Vasu folds hands. He says I should say sorry, you are tolerating so much, I swear that I will not leave you both and stay with you, even if you scold me. She blesses him. He smiles and thinks the real game begins now. Rudraksh pays the guy. He asks Prisha to take Saransh. He says I will talk to dad. Ahana and Mishka laugh and like the peace at home. Maa asks are you talking like this about Saransh. Ahana says we are also worried, don’t get hyper, Saransh would be around. Mishka jokes. Niketan comes and scolds them. Sharda gets upset. He asks them to apologize to Sharda. He says I m going for imp work tomorrow. He goes. Ahana says finally, dad is going, we have been waiting for it. Rudraksh and Prisha check the room. They hear a sound from the washroom. He says there is no one here. Prisha gets an invite there. She says its a marriage invite. He says its dad’s handwriting. She asks in whose marriage did Balraj go. He says maybe a friend’s marriage, we have to catch dad. She says we have to attend this marriage. They reach the venue. She asks is the address right. He says no, maybe we got late. She says Balraj would have taken Saransh. He says we will go in and confirm. The lady asks them to wear masks, its compulsory. Prisha says there is no one here. Rudraksh asks is the marriage done. The man says there is still time for mahurat. Rudraksh lies to the man. Rudraksh and Prisha sit. They greet the groom. Rudraksh says I will check outside and come. Vasu says Gopal always informs me when he goes out, I m worried for him. Yuvraj thinks its better if he dies. He says he will come back soon, maybe Prisha knows, I will call her. She says don’t tell her anything. He says you promised that you won’t hide anything, tell me. She says Saransh is missing. He thinks he is my bank, can’t she manage a kid. He says foolish Prisha, she is handling this problem alone, I love Prisha, Saransh is like my son, no one told me about him. He acts to cry. Vasu says it was a misunderstanding, I will tell the truth to Prisha. He says I want her happiness. She says she would be happy with you, see what she is tolerating there. He smiles. Pandit chants the mantras, connected on a video call. Prisha thinks why did Balraj come in this marriage, I will go and see if Rudraksh found Saransh.

Yuvraj says no one can punish Prisha, when I am here, I will get Rudraksh and Prisha divorced, I will get her back. Vasu says I will get you both married, I will see who stops it. Yuvraj says thanks, I will order some food. She says no, I will prepare it. He smiles and thinks my plan’s first step is done, Vasu agreed, when will that old man come, who will listen to him, Vasu will get me married to Prisha, but Prisha lost Saransh, she is useless to me. Saransh checks the place. The lady throws the water bottle and goes. Ahana says dad is going tomorrow, we are going to buy the gift for him. Sharda says he didn’t tell me. Mishka says maybe he didn’t think its necessary. Ahana says maybe you were sleeping, shall we get a gift from your side too. Sharda says sure, come soon. Ahana and Mishka leave.

Rudraksh says there are no rooms, dad can’t stay here, we have to sit here and wait. The bride faints. Prisha checks her. Rudraksh says my wife is a doctor. bride’s mum worries. Prisha thinks how shall I tell Neha is pregnant, what if this isn’t Shreya’s child. She says take her to room, I have to check her. Neha gets up and asks who are you? Prisha says you fainted. Neha says I was so busy in the marriage. Prisha says you are pregnant, I am gynac, is this Shreyas’ child. Neha says yes, he loves me a lot, one day… but I didn’t know I will get pregnant, call Shreyas. Prisha says fine, you can talk to him. Rudraksh thinks to go and see Balraj. He sees Shreyas worried and asks is this love marriage. Shreyas says almost six months. Rudraksh says you should have married her later. Shreyas says she didn’t listen. Rudraksh says you will now breathe by her wish, you will become a wish, they really dominate us, this sweet, cute and zero figure girls are before marriage, then they make us weak, they snatch our everything. Shreyas worries. Rudraksh says I left the bed and sleep on the sofa. Shreyas says no, Neha is not such, she has values, she will never do this, I didn’t see her parents fighting. He sees her parents fighting. Rudraksh asks him to see. Yuvraj calls Prisha and says you have hurt me a lot, you didn’t tell me about Saransh, what about our love and relation, trust me, I didn’t steal that necklace, Ahana tried to frame me. Prisha says I told you… He says I remember I shouldn’t call you. He drinks. She says it was so sudden, I will inform you when I get Saransh. Rudraksh calls her. She says I will call you later. Rudraksh asks whose call was it. Prisha says Yuvraj called to ask about Saransh. Shreyas argues with Neha and goes. Neha cries. Yuvraj says I love you Prisha, what an acting, I have to get Saransh and become his legal heir, I have to meet Saransh. Someone takes Saransh and puts him to sleep. Sharda says I will ask Niketan if he needs something, maybe he isn’t there. Ahana and Mishka come. Ahana says we didn’t get anything interesting. Sharda says he isn’t in his room. Niketan comes and asks whom are you finding. Mishka says no. Niketan says I went to storeroom to find suitcase, but I didn’t find it, sorry, I should have asked for it. Sharda says its your house too. He asks about Saransh. She says we didn’t know. He says I will call the commissioner. She thinks police will know about Balraj. She stops him and says Rudraksh and Prisha will find him. Niketan says I will get back to packing. He goes. Ahana says Sharda behaved strange, I will find out why.

Neha cries and says Shreyas doesn’t want to marry me. Prisha asks why, you are pregnant, its his child, doesn’t he know this. Rudraksh asks what. Neha says he doesn’t know, he said he doesn’t want to marry, I didn’t get time to tell him, he said he wants to become free, he doesn’t want to share his room, bathroom, bedroom. Rudraksh worries. Neha says he said marriage is a disaster, he doesn’t want to marry. Prisha asks Rudraksh what did you do. She asks him to go and convince Shreyas. She asks Neha not to worry, marriage will happen, my husband will get it done. Rudraksh says I will try. He goes to Shreyas and says I was joking, I love my wife. Shreyas says you said the opposite. Prisha says he was joking, tell him how much I care for you, you are so lucky. Rudraksh says yes, she is loving, she is bit dominating for my good, she wants me to have healthy food, not have alcohol, not drive faster, she irritates others, not me, get married, so that I get saved, I mean so that Neha and your love gets saved. Prisha says marriage is a relation of life time, the person who can take care of everything, who will witness every moment you live. Neha says I want to see you happy, break the marriage if you want to stay away. Shreyas says no, I didn’t wish to stay sad by marrying me, because of my habits. Rudraksh asks didn’t you do this because of me. Shreyas says no, I kick and snore during sleep, I saw your parents fighting, I was scared. Neha says you are hurting by breaking the marriage, I won’t let you sleep when you snore, we will fight and say sorry, my parents fight but we are happy together. Neha says I m pregnant. Shreyas says it means I m…. He hugs her and says I m so stupid. Neha says we are marrying because of our love, but because of this pregnancy. They thank Rudraksh and Prisha, and leave. Rudraksh argues with Prisha. She pinches his hand again.


Rudraksh says I didn’t complain to the police, dad can kill Saransh to get his anger out. Vasu asks about Gopal. Nurse tells her. Yuvraj says Appa is in hospital, leave Prisha, its food for her. He takes Prisha. Sharda asks did you file the police complain about Balraj. Prisha says no. Someone hides Saransh inside the bed trunk. Yuvraj says someone from your family did this. Prisha says Yuvraj is going to file complaint against you and your family.

My Desire Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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