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The Episode starts with Ahana asking what’s happening, tell us, our dad is involved. Balraj asks them to stay there, Rudra asked them to wait. They see Niketan getting Saransh at gun point. They get shocked. Niketan asks them to get away. Ahana asks what’s happening, keep the gun down. Niketan says get my luggage and keep in the car. Balraj asks him to talk to them and leave Saransh. Prisha says nothing will happen to you Saransh. She asks Ahana to tell her dad. Ahana says just shut up, I m talking. She asks dad what’s happening. Rudra says he won’t say, because he kidnapped Saransh, he had hidden him in this house. Mishka asks what, dad, you…. Ahana asks why did you catch him, tell us. Niketan says don’t ask me anything, I don’t have time. Prisha thinks what to do to stop him. She shows the bag to Rudra. She asks Niketan to tell the truth, why did he hide Saransh. Rudra says he has hidden a lot of things in this bag. Niketan says don’t touch the bag. Rudraksh opens the bag. They see a red saree, bangles and make up items. Niketan worries. Everyone gets shocked. Mishka and Ahana ask what’s this doing in your bag. Niketan says its not mine. Saransh asks why are you lying, it belongs to him, he hides from everyone and wears these clothes, he becomes a woman, I had seen this, so he had locked me. Everyone gets shocked and see Niketan. Ahana asks is he saying the truth, are you a cross-dresser. Ahana says we will be mocked in the social circle all because of you. Mishka says its so embarrassing. Ahana says I can’t believe it. Prisha shouts enough, what’s this way to talk, if he has some weakness, then you should help, its not a crime to cross dress, he had tolerated a lot all these years, aren’t you ashamed to say this. Ahana asks her to keep quiet. She says don’t lecture us, its our dad’s personal matter. Prisha says Saransh got kidnapped because of your personal matter, if you have humanity left, ask him to leave Saransh. Niketan says shut up, I am going, no one will follow me, else I will shoot. Prisha says enough. Niketan says don’t do this mistake, Prisha. Prisha says I did a mistake to fight for you with your daughters, don’t take my goodness as my weakness, how dare you point gun at my son, I won’t leave you alive. Niketan warns her. She asks him to shoot her. She says you torture a kid to save your secret, shoot me before I will kill you. Niketan say I will really shoot. He gets back. Prisha says leave him. Saransh falls aside and faints. Niketan shoots Prisha. Everyone gets shocked. Rudra shouts Prisha and runs to hold her. He asks Balraj to call for the ambulance. Sharda asks Prisha to open her eyes. Prisha says Saransh….. Rudra catches Niketan and says you cheated us a lot, see what you did with Prisha and Saransh, I will not leave you alive. Balraj says Rudra, leave him. Rudra suffocates Niketan. Ahana and Mishka worry. Sharda asks Rudra to see Saransh. Rudra leaves Niketan. He sees Saransh fallen. He asks him to wake up and talk to him. Prisha worries. Niketan gets up. Ahana asks where are you going. Niketan says let me go, don’t know what they will do. Ahana says you deserve it, what were you thinking, you did this with a kid, you have shot Prisha. Niketan says get away else… Ahana asks else will you shoot me also. He points gun at her and cries. Mishka says stop dad. Ahana says shoot me, I won’t move. Police comes. Inspector asks Niketan to drop the gun down. Niketan cries and gets arrested. He is taken away. Ahana and Mishka cry.

Balraj says ambulance will come. Prisha asks Rudra to take Saransh to the hospital. Ahana says Rudra, take both Saransh and Prisha, I will drive, come. Rudra takes Prisha. Balraj takes Saransh. Mishka says how did Ahana change her heart, strange. They reach the hospital. Rudra shouts help, my son and wife, call the doctor. Doctor sends Saransh to the OT. Rudra says I promise, I will give my life, but not let anything happen to Saransh, you will be fine. He sits praying and cries. Balraj says everything will be fine, be strong. Ahana says I will fill the form. She asks what would be Prisha’s age. Mishka asks have you lost your mind. Ahana says come with me. She asks what’s wrong with you.

Mishka says I don’t care, Prisha snatched everything from me, my Rudra, my future, you went on her side. Ahana says behave yourself. Mishka asks why are you doing this. Ahana says to save ourselves, try to see the bigger picture, this responsible behavior is a drama, so that we stay safe, they will die and we will go to hell because of our dad’s mistake, Rudra will do tandav and throw us out of the house, he will blame dad for killing Prisha and Saransh, his secret will come out, our lifestyle will get snatched, we will be called a murderer’s daughter. Mishka worries. Ahana says I m doing everything for us, you also act good. She goes.

Balraj says I like seeing you do this for Rudra, you care for him when he did that with your dad, I thought you won’t forgive us. Ahana says no, Rudra is right, it was dad’s mistake, can you imagine, he did that with Saransh and Prisha. He says yes, your dad deserved this, he did a crime, its good he went to jail, I will see to it that he doesn’t get the bail. Nurse asks are you Saransh’s father. Rudraksh says yes. Nurse says his blood group is rare, you have to come and donate the blood, your blood group will match. Balraj says it won’t match, I will try to arrange. Nurse says someone has given drugs to Saransh, treatment isn’t showing any effect, come for the test. Rudra goes. Ahana says we should inform Prisha’s family. Balraj says her dad is unwell, but we should call her mom. Ahana says I will inform. She goes. Mishka asks what’s this new idea, don’t you have self respect.

Ahana says just shut up, don’t you want revenge for our dad, do you think I will leave Prisha’s father, he is unwell, I m sure he will get a heart attack by hearing this news. Mishka says not bad, we will book a bed for Prisha’s dad here. Ahana says Prisha is lucky, she will not die alone, and get her dad and son along. She calls Vasu. She says I have to give a bad news, sorry. Vasu asks did they find Saransh. Ahana says yes, he is severely injured, he had blood loss, but Prisha got shot while saving Saransh, she is critical, her surgery is going on.

Vasu gets shocked. Yuvraj asks who is it, what happened. He scolds Ahana. She says her daughter’s life is in danger, Prisha and Saransh are severely injured, whom shall I inform then, just reach the city hospital. He asks who shot Prisha, how is my Saransh critical. She says just come soon. She laughs. Gopal asks what happened, why are you crying. Vasu says someone shot Prisha. He gets shocked. Vasu says be strong, she is in hospital, you aren’t fine, take rest. Yuvraj asks him to sit. Vasu says Yuvraj and I will go and come, nothing will happen to Prisha. Rudra feels sorry to Rajeev. Ahana says everything will get fine. Rudra asks how, Rajeev should have been here, I mean he should have been here with me, I miss him a lot. Nurse says blood reports have come.

Balraj says it won’t match. Nurse says blood group matched. Rudra says you mean its same, I will donate the blood. Ahana says its super strange, they have a blood relation, rare blood group and even then it matched. Mishka says their relation will get strong now, even if I get Rudra, my life will be ruined because of Saransh. Ahana says I m here, Saransh won’t be there in Rudra’s life, and not even Prisha. Mishka says if they get saved then… Vasu comes to ask for Prisha. Ahana says so sorry, they are in OT, is Prisha’s dad fine. Vasu says he got much unwell, you would be glad. Ahana says no, don’t cry. Yuvraj comes and asks about Prisha and Saransh. Ahana says they are in OT. Mishka asks Rudra to have some juice. Rudra says I m fine. Ahana says you donated blood, have it. Balraj says you have to stay fine. Rudra runs to see Saransh. Nurse says you donated blood at the right time and saved your son. Vasu smiles. Rudraksh asks is Prisha fine. Nurse says no, her state is deteriorating, she isn’t responding to treatment. They get shocked. Vasu says do something, call the doctor, save my daughter. Rudra recalls Prisha. He thinks just Saransh can save Prisha now. He asks nurse to leave Saransh. He takes Saransh back in the OT. Doctor asks Rudraksh to go out. Rudra says listen to me, Prisha is my life, Saransh is my son, I got him here, he is Prisha’s life, she will get fine knowing he is fine. Doctor asks what are you saying, let us do our work. Rudraksh says you are doing your work, its not affecting, give me two mins, I will make a mum meet her son. Doctor asks then will a miracle happen. Rudra says please let me do this. Doctor says fine. Rudra talks to Prisha. He says I promised you that I will save Saransh, look at Saransh, he is fine, you have to get fine for Saransh, Rajeev left him, will you also leave, will you make him an orphan, I can’t manage him alone, you handle him now. He gives Saransh’s hand in Prisha’s hand. He cries and asks her to tell Saransh that she will leave him and go. Doctor says your time is over, just go out now. Rudra asks Prisha to come back for Saransh, don’t lose. He asks Saransh to tell Prisha to come back, hold her hand, call her, she will just listen to you. Doctor says make him out. Rudra says let me stay here, she will die. Saransh holds Prisha’s hand. Rudra asks Saransh to tell her mumma. Saransh says mumma…. Prisha holds Saransh’s hand. Rudra smiles seeing them. He says she is responding, doctor. Doctor says yes, you really did a miracle. Rudra happily cries. He asks is she fine now. Doctor says you and your son saved her life, please go now, we will do our work. Rudra takes Saransh with him. Yuvraj scolds Rudraksh. Rudra asks what if anything happened to Prisha, Saransh has saved her life, she heard his voice and is recovering now. Vasu asks what, is she fine. Rudra says yes, she is out of danger. Vasu thanks him. Rudra says Saransh did it, I didn’t, they have a strange connection, Saransh said mumma and Prisha’s bp and heartbeat got normal, like she got a new life. Vasu blesses Saransh. She says if you didn’t take Saransh, then this would have not happened. Yuvraj says fine, don’t trouble him much, I will take Saransh to the ward. Vasu says take care of Saransh. Yuvraj says he is my son, this would have not happened if he was with me. He takes Saransh. Rudra looks on.

PRECAP: Saransh comes to Prisha and hugs. He says you have saved me. Rudra takes care of Prisha. Yuvraj looks at them. Rudraksh says I will not leave Saransh and Prisha alone, I won’t do the concert. Balraj says you can’t live in the house. Rudra agrees. He takes Prisha in arms and goes.

My Desire Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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