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The Episode starts with Prisha saying I have to tell Rudraksh, he is also finding you. Balraj says oh God, anything can happen to Saransh, call him fast. Rudraksh says I will go to Bunty. He gets Balraj’s call. He answers and says its good you called me. Prisha says I m with Balraj uncle. He asks is this his plan, tell me. Prisha says I m fine, Saransh isn’t with Balraj, he doesn’t know about Saransh’s kidnapping. He says he is lying, I will talk to him. She says stay at home, I will come home and tell you. Niketan is leaving. He asks what happened, Rudra, sorry, its time for my flight, I have to report at the airport soon, I couldn’t meet Prisha and Balraj. Balraj comes home. Rudraksh asks where were you, where is Saransh. Balraj asks how would I know, Prisha told you. Rudraksh says you can’t fool me, tell me, where did you keep Saransh. Niketan asks did you kidnap Saransh, he is just a kid. Balraj says what rubbish is this. Niketan says you used to shout on him, but kidnap…. he is your grandson. Balraj says wait a min, he isn’t my grandson, I don’t know anything about him, I didn’t kidnap him. Rudraksh says I beg you, please tell me where is Saransh, you can make me agree to anything. Balraj asks did you go mad. Rudraksh says I will call the police. Ahana asks him to believe Balraj. They argue. Prisha comes and says Rudraksh is saying the truth, you kidnapped Saransh. Balraj get shocked. Rudraksh says you agreed to me, right. Balraj asks Prisha what are you saying. Rudraksh says just talk to me, I will get Saransh back, I will not tolerate anything, I will call the police. She says I called the police. Balraj says you are blaming me. She says yes, I got the evidence now, Saransh’s kerchief was in your pocket. Balraj says I don’t know. Rudraksh asks how much will you lie, you took away Saransh, police will make you say the truth. Balraj asks them to explain Rudraksh. They leave. Prisha says I don’t trust Balraj. She asks Niketan to go with Rudraksh, he knows the commissioner too. Niketan says I have my flight. Prisha says it will take some time. Niketan says fine, I will go. Ahana and Mishka see the drama. Ahana says I can’t digest that Balraj kidnapped Saransh. Sharda says we will get Saransh fast. Prisha says yes, call Rudraksh home with the police. Sharda says how, you sent him to the police station. Prisha says Balraj didn’t kidnap Saransh, someone else did, I will tell everything later, just call Rudra home, we have to find Saransh. Sharda calls Rudra. Prisha checks Niketan’s room. She gets the red saree. She says I have to find Saransh. She cries. She hears Saransh and says I have come, I will find you. She checks the bed trunk. She finds him inside. Sharda asks Ahana to not go out. Ahana says we are going out. Mishka says we are going to give the bag to dad, he is helping everyone. Sharda says call Rudra, she has to give her an urgent message. Ahana asks her not to cry. Sharda says Balraj isn’t the kidnapper, real kidnapper is someone else. Ahana says Prisha is acting, I will call Rudra, its ringing, he isn’t answering my call. Sharda asks how can I give him the message. Ahana says we can call dad. She calls Niketan and asks did you reach the police station. Niketan says no, reach airport, we will meet there, get my bag. She asks is Rudra with you. He says no, he maybe driving, when I reach there, I will tell him. She says I have to tell Rudra to get police here, Prisha thinks culprit is someone else. Niketan says that’s nice, get my bag to the airport, I will tell Rudra. Ahana says calm down, dad will give the message to Rudra. Sharda says Prisha said she will tell the truth when she gets evidence. Ahana says so much drama, why the suspense, who kidnapped Saransh. Sharda says you are saying this about Saransh. Mishka says its fine, we shall go, dad would be waiting. Ahana says I want to see the real culprit. Prisha frees Saransh and hugs him. She says I m not a good mum. He says you won’t leave me again, right. He gets dizzy. She asks what happened. He says I m feeling sleepy. She asks who did this. He gets shocked seeing….. Prisha turns to see… Prisha sees Niketan. He says not bad, you are much intelligent, you found him. She says lucky too, I have seen the kerchief in your pocket, I have put it in Balraj’s pocket and blamed him. He says so you have sent me to the police station. She says yes, I couldn’t imagine that you would do this, you have no humanity, who is the lady, since when were you planning all this? Niketan says he got to know my secret, which I had hidden from everyone. She asks what secret, do you have an affair with that lady. Balraj asks Rudra do you think I can kidnap a kid, trust me, I didn’t do this, I swear on Rajeev, I don’t know about this. Rudra stops the car. Balraj says trust me, I don’t know anything, Prisha and I came home together, she parked the car and then came inside, she changed her words, maybe she knows something that we don’t know. Rudra says I will call Prisha. He sees Sharda’s missed calls and calls back. Sharda asks where are you, I am trying since long. Rudra asks what’s the matter. Sharda says Prisha asked you to get police home. He says dad has hidden Saranah. She says no, its someone else. Rudra asks where is she. She says she is upstairs, did Niketan inform you, he has come home. He asks what, he had gone to the airport. She says he said, he left some important stuff, Prisha said she will get the culprit out, she is there since a long time. Rudra says it means, Niketan kidnapped Saransh, so he came back home and didn’t inform us. Balraj asks why would Niketan do this. Rudra says maybe Prisha got the kerchief in Niketan’s pocket, she had sent us out of the house. Balraj says she wanted to find clues. Rudra says Prisha is in big problem, try to manage there, I am coming soon, no need to tell anyone. Ahana asks you okay. Sharda says I am fine. Mishka asks why isn’t dad coming downstairs, I will go and see. Sharda says don’t go upstairs, Niketan said he has to make impotant phone calls, there is still time for the flight, he will get disturbed. Ahana says correct, dad will get angry if we disturb him, thanks for saving us. Sharda think Rudra, come soon, Prisha is with Niketan.

Prisha says if Saransh knew your relation with the lady, I would have explained to him, you risked his life. Saransh says there is no lady. Niketan sign him. Prisha says that lady pushed you right. Saransh says Niketan used to dress up like a lady, I was finding Rudra and you, he caught me. He recall going to find Rudra. He sees a lady dancing. He says its the same aunty who pushed me that day. He get shocked seeing Niketan. He says I will click his pic. He takes his picture. Niketan catch him. Saransh says you are looking cute, I will show the pics to Rudra and mumma. Niketan asks him to give the phone. Saransh says no. He gets the phone. Saransh shouts. Niketan catches him and takes him to the storeroom. Prisha says it means that bindi and saree are yours…. Niketan says yes, its mine, I like to stay like a woman, I have hidden this truth from my wife and daughters. Prisha says its not a sin.

Niketan says you tell me, would you respect me the same way knowing my truth, impossible, so I always stay abroad, I am accepted the way I am, I can do business there, but its not possible here, I didn’t want my daughters to get insulted, I love Saransh a lot, but unfortunately, he had seen me like that. Prisha asks what would Saransh do? He says he would have ruined my business and respect, I had no choice, I can do anything to keep this secret, Sharda, Mishka and Ahana would have doubted, but I managed my lies, I shifted Saransh here, my plan was to go abroad, but you had seen his kerchief in my pocket, I thought to throw it. She says police will punish you for your sins. He points gun at him. Niketan says I am saving my secret, I have to kill you and Saransh. Rudra and Balraj come home. Rudra asks where is Niketan? Ahana asks why, he went to his room to get the bags. Rudra says no. Prisha shouts for help. Rudra says if he comes down, stop him until police comes. Ahana asks what’s happening? Niketan says don’t shout, don’t act smart, else I will shoot Saransh. Prisha says Rudraksh will be coming. Niketan says Rudraksh didn’t get your message, I didn’t give him the message, he is getting his dad jailed. She says we won’t tell anyone, its not late for you, are you not tired to have a dual life, its not wrong, but this is wrong what you are doing is wrong, Mishka and Ahana will also understand. He says no, I will be ruined, I will kill you all. Prisha says nothing will happen to Saransh. Rudra comes and shouts Prisha. Niketan points gun at him and says you… Rudra says I should have been at the police station, right, just drop the gun, we will talk and find a solution. Niketan says there is no option. He takes Saransh and asks Rudra to get back. Rudra says just let them go, kill me, leave them. Niketan says Saransh is the problem of everything, I will not leave him. They worry.


Rudra asks Niketan to listen to him. Prisha asks Niketan to leave Saransh. He shoots her. Rudra says I will give my life, but not let anything happen to Saransh and you. Ahana says I have to give you a bad news, Prisha got shot while saving Saransh. Vasu and Gopal get shocked. Nurse says Saransh is fine, you have given him blood on time and saved his life, Prisha’s state is deteriorating.

My Desire Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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