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Kalyani tells Malhar that if Sampada tells that she has danger with him, then court can’t snatch Moksh from us. She asks him to calm down. Anupriya says Sampada is in Dubai. Kalyani says she is divorced now and came back to Aurangabad. She says we have to search for her. Malhar gets Sampada’s address and informs Kalyani. Kalyani says Aai and I will go to Sampada’s house. They come to the parking lot after watchman sends them there. Sampada is seen drinking and sitting infront of the car. They ask her not to drink. Sampada asks who are you? She says I don’t have money. They take her home.

Malhar tells Pawar that he has to see the two person’s face whom he hates a lot. Kalyani asks Sampada not to let Atharv get Moksh’s custody being the latter’s biological mother. Atharv asks if she is fine and calls her Aunty. Sampasa says I am your Aai. Moksh gets afraid and runs to Kalyani. Sampada says I am your Aai. She forces him to call her Aai and gets angry on Kalyani. Moksh says she is bad aunty. Sampada is about to slap him, when Malhar comes there and shouts Sampada.

Sampada ask Moksh to call her Aai, as she is his Aai. Moksh says you are not my Aai, you have beaten my Aai. Sampada is about to beat him, when Malhar comes and shouts at Sampada. He tells kalyani that they have done a mistake by bringing her here, and says she had eloped with someone, although she was married. Sampada says yes, I will take Moksh away from here, as nobody has any right on him. Later she gets drunk and calls Moksh. Aao Saheb says you are drunk, it is good that I have sent Moksh with Godaveri. Anupriya, Kalyani, Malhar and others come there. Sampada kicks Kalyani and makes her fall down. Sarthak asks how she will give statement, Atharv will prove that she is a drunkard. Kalyani tries to make her understand. Sampada slaps Kalyani. Anupriya slaps Sampada and asks how dare you? She says you was on road, we have brought you here and giving you another chance in life. Aao Saheb says we have become fools to trust her. Malhar says we shall kick her out. Kalyani says I will make her understand. Sampada asks what you will make me understand and blames Kalyani for snatching her husband, son etc. She curses Kalyani and tells that she will never become a mother and her lap will be empty.

Atharv comes there and says you have brought this drunkard. He tells Sampada that she got married thinking him dead, but he didn’t feel bad. He says we will take Moksh away from here. Kalyani tells that she will pulled out their eyes, if they dare doing this. She takes Sampada to the room and locks it. She says you have given birth to Moksh and can change his destiny. She says don’t let pillu’s destiny get connected with Atharv and tells that Pillu needs both her mothers. She asks how can go Moksh to Atharv? Sampada tells that she get only curse for her, whenever she sees her with Moksh. She tells that she is ready to do as she says, but she has to agree to her sayings and says you have to go away from Moksh, and from this house. She asks her if she is ready to give her life. Malhar, Aao Saheb, Anupriya and Sarthak are standing out and hearing them. Malhar says Sampada has gone mad. Atharv comes there and says two women action scene are going on, lets see if Kalyani will give her life for Moksh or not. Malhar and Anupriya ask Kalyani to open the door. Sampada shows kerosene can to Kalyani and tells that she will help her. She tries to pour kerosene oil on Kalyani, but it falls on herself. Although Kalyani tries to stop her, she lights the matchstick. Malhar asks Kalyani to open the door. Just then they hear the scream and break the door. They get inside and see Sampada burning and Kalyani standing far. Malhar sets off the fire and asks someone to bring water. Kalyani says Sampada tried to kill me, but when she light the match sticks, she was burnt herself. She says Sampada has committed suicide. They rush her to the doctor.

Doctor tells Malhar that it is difficult to save the patient, with 96 percent burns. He says sorry. Later Kalyani, Malhar and others come to the crematorium ground to cremate her. Kalyani says sorry and tells him that she got Sampada ready in red clothes today, as she wanted to die as such. Sarthak tells Pandit ji that he will do the last rites. Atharv comes to Kalyani and acts to cry. He then takes selfie with her. Kalyani comes near the pyre and finds Sampada’s hand out. Sampada’s hand holds Kalyani’s hand tightly…She shouts asking Sampada to leave her hand. Malhar tells Kalyani that there is no hand. Sarthak says I told you not to bring her here. Malhar tells Kalyani that she is illusioning this, being scared. He hugs her and says I am with you. They burn the pyre.

Later Moksh asks Anupriya where is Sampada? Godaveri says we will go to have milkshake. Moksh asks where is Sampu Aunty? Anupriya says she has gone to her house, as she got fine. Atharv says bye bye Sampada, RIP. He goes. Kalyani looks at the burnt pyre. Malhar tells that they shall go home. Sarthak calls Malhar and says Pandit ji is calling you. Kalyani sees the marks on her hand and realizes Sampada had held her hand in reality. She thinks if it was my illusion then from where these marks come on my hand.

Kalyani think how come the marks come on her hand, if it was her illusion. Malhar asks what happened? Kalyani shows the marks on her hand, but her hand is fine. Malhar asks her not to worry and says I am with you. Atharv comes to Aao Saheb and hugs her, says how can I live without my Sampu? He acts to cry and then laughs. Aao Saheb asks him to stop his acting. He says he couldn’t get real tears, and that’s why acted. Aao Saheb says I don’t understand why Sampada went with you, leaving her good family. Atharv says if you was young then would have known. He blames them for torturing Sampada. He says you all are responsible for her death and also Kalyani. He says Sampada had lost her husband and son due to Kalyani. Malhar pacifies and hugs Kalyani, says there is nobody’s mistake in this. He asks her to lie down and sleep. Kalyani sleeps. Kalyani gets up in night as she hears Sampada’s curse in sleep. She comes out to get the water and find the clock striking 12. She thinks when they come home, it was 12 am. She recalls Pawar telling that the time of death is 12. Kalyani thinks she is overthinking and shall divert her mind somewhere else, when she hears someone crying and thinks Godaveri must be crying. She goes near Sampada’s ghost and gets shocked. She runs inside and hugs Malhar. Malhar asks what happened? Kalyani says Sampada is sitting on the swing. Malhar says who is there, show me? When Kalyani takes him there, he couldn’t see Sampada. Kalyani says a woman was crying here. He says I know that you are traumatized seeing Sampada burning and says she is dead, how she can be here. He takes her from there. Sampada’s evil spirit comes behind her.

The next day, Aao Saheb feels bad for Sampada and thinks she was lovely and good, don’t know what magic did Atharv do that once she changed, then she didn’t become good like before. She asks how is Kalyani? Anupriya says Kalyani is in trauma, but she will be fine. She says now I am worried, how we will save Moksh from Atharv. Aao Saheb says if we are together then we will not let Atharv win.

Atharv wakes up in the morning and finds Sampada’s saree on the sofa and table. He wipes his eyes and goes near the saree. He gets shocked and calls everyone, asking who has kept Sampada’s burnt saree here. Aao Saheb also gets scared seeing Sampada’s burnt saree. She says how did this come here? Atharv says if you think that you will force me to go away from here, then you are wrong. They go to Kalyani’s room and find her not there. Just then they hear voice coming from kitchen and Kalyani in the same burnt saree and tries to burnt herself with the gas fire. Atharv takes the video and says until you stop her, she will be burnt. Aao Saheb sprinkles water on her face, to bring her back and sets off the fire. Kalyani wipes her face with the saree and says this is Sampada’s saree, why did I wear it? Atharv tells that he will use this point in court, and tells that a bad father is better than a mad mother. Kalyani asks what did I do? Aao Saheb asks when did you bring this saree from crematorium ground. Kalyani says I didn’t bring and feels much headache in her head.
Malhar and Anupriya come back after filing custody case for Moksh. Anupriya says we will get Moksh’s custody. Malhar tells that Moksh’s case is very important for him and that’s why he called Kaka also. Sarthak comes there. Malhar says he wants both of them to fight the case together with them. Anupriya asks why did you call him. Malhar says he wants to tell Atharv that he has top notch lawyers with him and says Kaka’s experience will work for them. Aao Saheb makes Kalyani rest on the bed. Atharv comes there wearing wig and laughs acting like Kalyani. Aao Saheb asks Moksh to apply balm to Aai fi and take care of her. Moksh sits to apply her balm.

Malhar tell Anupriya and Sarthak that he wants to win this case at any cost, they both know that how important is this and I want to make Atharv feel that they have two top notch lawyers. He tells Anupriya that Kaka’s experience will work for them. Anupriya asks Malhar to let Sarthak fight the case. Sarthak also refuses to fight case with Anupriya and goes. Anupriya also says sorry and goes. Kalyani wakes up and finds Moksh sitting and watching in his mobile. Moksh tells that Indian pro Musical league is coming on Zee TV. He says do you know who is the brand ambassador. Kalyani says Salman Khan. They promote the show. Aao Saheb tells Godaveri that she has no interest in puja stuff. Anupriya comes to Aao Saheb and tells that she can’t fight case with Sarthak for Moksh’s custody, and asks why was the need to Malhar to plead infront of him. Godaveri gives her water. Anupriya asks for the puja. Aao Saheb says you didn’t know what happened at home. She says kalyani and stops.
Kalyani is again on the bed and asks Moksh to bring the blanket, as she is feeling much pain. Moksh says you are already covered with blanket. She says I think I shall get sweater from the cupboard. She opens the cupboard and takes sweater. Just then Sampada’s hand holds her neck and lights her in air. Moksh gets shocked seeing Kalyani shouting and is on her toes. He shouts calling everyone. Kalyani cries while Malhar hugs him. Atharv takes their recording. Kalyani says someone is there in the cupboard. Malhar tells her that Moksh ran away afraid and tells that Atharv will use this against them and asks Malhar to get her admitted in the mental asylum. Kalyani says she is not lying. Aao Saheb says we shall check the cupboard once. She checks in the cupboard and couldn’t find anything. Kalyani feels much headache. Anupriya takes Kalyani to bed and massages her head. Atharv tells Malhar that his destiny is bad, one wife left him and other wife got mad.

PRECAP: Atharv gets scared and injures his hand. Kalyani gets worried and tears her saree pallu, and ties on his hand. Malhar, Anupriya and others do puja. Kalyani feels pain as she is possessed by Sampada. Sarthak comes there. Kalyani pushes him down.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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