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The Episode starts with Vividha and Atharv dancing. Inna sona kyu rab ne banaya…..plays…. She thanks him for the beautiful date and proving her wrong. He says fine, how did I prove you wrong. She says I thought you don’t pay attention towards me, I now realized you always focus on me, I did not know I can carry this dress and heels so well, I m looking so good. He asks how do you know, you did not see mirror. She says I can see in your eyes. He asks what did you see. She says your eyes make me feel too. He asks what. She says I have to read it. He asks her to read. She says after reading your eyes, I feel I m world’s most beautiful woman. He says right, even my eyes are saying that, you are world’s most beautiful woman. They get close. The door bell rings. He says romance is not there in my fate, I will just come. He goes to check. Ravish comes home. Atharv asks did you not come early. Ravish says we thought we will get late. Guddi comes after him. Atharv says yes, your attendance was needed, I was busy bro, Guddi you understood right, Ravish won’t understand. Ravish asks did everyone sleep. Atharv says yes, Madhav was not sleeping, I said Ravish will come and wake you up, then you have to make him sleep. Vividha comes wearing gown over the dress. Guddi asks what’s this gown over dress. Vividha says I was thinking to have bath. Guddi asks bath at this time, that too in high heels. Vividha says no, Atharv was saying I should wear heels. Guddi teases her. Vividha says its Madhav’s birthday party, I thought to practice today and get comfortable. Guddi asks Ravish to come. Ravish says I will meet Madhav. They leave.

Vividha checks all doors. She goes to Guddi and asks where are you lost. Guddi says you scared me. Vividha asks how was your evening. Guddi asks her to tell about her romantic date, I have seen preparations on terrace, is that dress connected to your date. Vividha says leave about me, tell me how is it going with Ravish, I m sure its something good. Guddi says I think Ravish is thinking about our relationship. Vividha asks did he say. Guddi says no, I felt so, there was light music at the place, I felt good seeing Ravish paying attention to me and taking care of me. Vividha smiles.

Ravish comes out of Madhav’s room and sees Vividha. He says its easy to wake him up, but tough to make him sleep, his thinking is going ahead, his questions are not ending, he wants all answers, why are you looking serious. She says even I want some answers from you. He says I did not understand. She asks him to come along. She says I know you are always clear and confident about what you want to do, today I feel you are not clear. He asks the matter. She says you are a nice man, you always kept other’s happiness over yours, Guddi can’t get a better person than you but… He asks her to say what is it. She says you are with Guddi, I don’t know what’s in your heart, I m scared there should be none in your heart, Kangana shouldn’t be there in your heart, we all know you got feelings for Kangana, but when her truth came out, the time was painful for you, Guddi is a nice girl, she has seen a lot in her life, she was unlucky in love, Guddi has many hopes from you, she loves you, I don’t want you to give her expectations which hurts her. He says Guddi is a nice girl. I respect her feelings, I never lie, I had feelings for Kangana, I don’t know how much right it was, before I could understand it, so much happened, now I have moved on. She says just understanding this is not needed for commitment, Kangana left from our lives, we all should move on, its Madhav’s birthday tomorrow, I want you to do something for Guddi, that makes her happy. She goes.

Its morning, Madhav looks for Atharv and Vividha. She surprises Madhav and wishes him happy birthday. Madhav asks for gifts. Atharv wishes him and gifts him. Madhav asks Vividha to gift him as well. Atharv jokes and asks him to think something new. Madhav says I will play with new toys and then bath. Atharv says have bath first, what will you have now. Madhav says chocolate cake, its my birthday today. Atharv takes him. Vividha checks some papers and recalls her child. She cries. She says don’t know if anyone is celebrating your birthday or not. The girl is seen sitting quiet and seeing the cake, and balloons. Vividha says I wish I could tell you, we love you a lot, I don’t know your likes or dislikes, I just pray you come back to me, be happy, happy birthday. The girl cuts the cake and eats. Vividha sits crying.

Dadi says we will serve this birthday boy well. Madhav talks to them. They all smile. Ravish says Madhav made the family work today. Sujata misses Uma on this occasion. Vividha says she was going to come, but she got some work. Guddi sees Ravish icing the cake. Guddi asks shall we go out today. Madhav says yes. Dadi says we will go, its been long we went out together. Guddi says I will book tickets. Ravish says I m busy, you all go, take Vividha along. He goes. Guddi asks why was Ravish talking so rude. Vividha says he was talking normal, he would be busy. Guddi goes. Vividha says Guddi got upset. Atharv says its drama, proposal fun gets double. Dadi says yes, I will be seeing Ravish and Guddi’s happiness when Ravish proposes Guddi.

Madhav cuts the birthday cake. Everyone wish him happy birthday and give gifts. Madhav checks gifts. Vividha asks him to see gifts later. He says please show me this gift. She opens the gift and sees a doll. Atharv asks why are you upset. Guddi says I m enjoying party. He asks her to say, what’s the matter. She says you know you and Vividha have seen a lot in few years, I also went through a lot, what shall I explain Ravish, I know everything went wrong, Ravish is coming close to me, but then I feel he is like he does not know me, I don’t know what’s going on. He says mind and heart should not have conflicts, sometimes we don’t expect things and it happens, just listen to your heart, time will take its decision on own. Vividha checks the note, from K. She recalls Kangana talking to some K. Atharv comes and asks her to come, Ravish is going to propose Guddi. Vividha says that man has sent this doll, he knows its our lost child’s birthday today. He asks what are you saying, maybe someone gave this gift to Madhav. She says no, see this. He sees the note from K. She says this K is the man who has stolen my child, I know he did all this, I will not leave him, find him, do anything. He says you are mistaken, K sign can be any brand symbol, we can’t link this to it, that man took our child 6 years before, Ravish used army sources, we could not find anything, our search is going on, we can’t link to same thing, its Madhav’s birthday, Guddi is your sister, don’t you wish to become part of her happiness, stop thinking this, come.

Ravish gets a cake for Guddi and asks her to taste it, Vividha made it. She says I don’t want to have it. Ravish stops her and asks her to have cake. She eats cake. She gets surprised seeing the ring in it. Everyone smile. Ravish apologizes for his behavior and says I wanted to surprise you. Atharv says he is ring, I m the witness. Ravish promises Guddi that he will never make her upset in life, he will take care of her happiness, we have seen a lot and learnt much from life, I respect you a lot, I want to see you happy, I want us to start a new life, will you marry me. Saware……plays… Guddi looks at him and smiles. She agrees. Atharv and Dadi ask Ravish to make Guddi wear the ring. Ravish makes Guddi wear the ring. Everyone smile. Vividha gets shocked seeing Kangana. She says Kangana…. They all see Kangana. Madhav meets Kangana. Vividha pulls him away and asks her to stay away from Madhav. Kangana says I know, I don’t deserve your forgiveness, trust me, I did not come to hurt anyone here. Vividha asks is there anything else left, you thought you will come back and we will trust you. Atharv asks what are you doing here, did you run from rehab. Kangana says no, I was released from rehab one month before, I did not try to reach here before, but today its Madhav’s birthday, so I came to meet him, I promise I don’t want to hurt anyone. Atharv says whatever you did with us, all this talk is nonsense after seeing that. Kangana says I know, I killed innocent people, my mental state was not fine, after treatment in rehab, I realized my mistake, I tried to kill Vividha and Atharv, I m feeling guilty, forgive me. Atharv says I m glad you got fine and realized your mistake, don’t expect us to trust you, you can leave now, please. Kangana says I want to gift this to Madhav. Vividha says I will give it, thanks from Madhav’s side. Kangana sees Ravish.

PRECAP: Vividha says this is our last chance. Sujata says you know Kangana is dangerous. Vividha says we failed to find that man, let me follow Kangana, she will make us reach him. She sees Kangana at the gate. Ravish says its live video, two women are beating goons well, see. Atharv smiles. Madhav says look, its mumma. Ravish and Atharv see Vividha and gets shocked.

Never Say Goodbye Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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