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The Episode starts with Vividha saying we will trick the murderer. Atharv asks how will we make this reach to murderer that we trust Guddi. Ravish drags Guddi out. Everyone try to stop him. Ravish says no one will come in between, laws will see her, I am taking her to police station. Sujata tells Dadi, Ankit and Bua Dadi to calm down. Vividha and Atharv act and ask Ravish to leave Guddi. Ravish says no, Guddi tried to kill Kangana, I will not leave her, she has done a crime. Guddi apologizes and promises she won’t do such mistake. Atharv says yes, she is part of our family. Vividha and Sujata look around. Sujata says forgive her. Vividha says I request, please forgive her for my sake. They look around and think. Ravish says fine, I won’t take you to police this time, you won’t be seen around
Kangana now. Guddi nods. They all look around.

Atharv and Vividha come to room. She says I hope our acting succeeds, we all tried to doubt on Guddi, everyone is involved in plan, I don’t know what’s happening, I did not see anyone. Atharv says he is clever, he hears everything and knows whatever we do. She says who is he, why is he after Kangana, can we catch him or not. Atharv says I hope we catch him, two people died till now. She worries and says if one of us is the target of that man then… He consoles her and hugs. He says nothing will happen to you, I m with you, we are alert.

Atharv locks the doors. Ravish says no one can come inside now. Madhav asks what are you doing. Vividha asks him to come and sleep. He says Kangana did not say story to me, so I did not get sleep. He asks what are you all doing here, what’s this. Ravish says I told you about the game, we don’t have to let anyone come inside, we will get points. Madhav agrees. He asks what’s the game. Ravish asks him to get that sofa here, as he is much strong. Atharv and Vividha keep sofas. Madhav acts as if he did work and says I m so tired, I will sleep now. Sujata asks him to come and goes.

Vividha asks is Kangana is fine. Ravish says she is unconscious. Vividha goes to see her. She sees Kangana sleeping and goes. Bhoomi comes to Kangana and recalls Vipul. She gets angry and gets bridal dress from cupboard. She says I know you killed Vipul, so you got hurt now. She wears Kangana’s dupatta. Ravish says I checked doors again, no one will come inside, good night.

Bhoomi says this family does not care for Vipul and me, everyone should be punished here. Vividha sees some shadow and goes out. She sees someone in bridal dress and follows. She sees Kangana sleeping in room and thinks who was that girl. She comes back to room and lies down. She gets blood in her hand and sees Atharv sleeping beside. She switches on lights and sees blood on the bed and on Atharv’s clothes. She panics and shouts to everyone, asking them to call ambulance. She asks Atharv to keep lying. Atharv gets shocked seeing the blood on his clothes. She checks his stomach and says I m not wounded and not hurt. They see the blood on the ground and follows the marks. They see someone and go to see. They get shocked seeing Bhoomi.

Its morning, everyone cry for Bhoomi’s death. Dadi says some family member is leaving always and cries. Madhav asks what happened to Bhoomi. Vividha takes him. Inspector sends body for post mortem. Everyone cry.

Inspector ask Ravish if he has doubt on anyone, if he heard someone. Ravish says we locked the door, we did not see or hear anything. Inspector asks him to say if he remembers any of his enemy, or has doubt. He goes. Vividha hears them and recalls Sujata’s words. She asks Sujata about Kangana’s phone. Sujata says I came to your room with phone and then Ravish came there. Atharv says phone will be in our room. They look for phone. They all talk. Vividha says who is that K, whom Kangana calls, that K is behind all this, we did not get that phone, K took the phone and was present at the party. Ravish says we sealed the house, who can come inside the house, who killed Bhoomi. Atharv says I think someone killed Bhoomi in our room, but I don’t understand how did her blood reach my clothes. Vividha recalls seeing shadow. Atharv says maybe Bhoomi has seen murderer, so he killed Bhoomi and dragged her out of the room. FB shows the moments. Ravish says Vividha saw the blood marks when she returned to room, what does this mean. Vividha says it means when I was following that girl in bridal dress, Bhoomi got killed at that time. Ankit comes and says doctor checked Kangana and is calling you all to talk. Vividha comes and steps on a slipper. She keeps slippers aside. Doctor asks them to come with him. Doctor says she should have got conscious, but its not a good sign, we are doing our best, we can wait for her to get conscious. Atharv says we doubt on her and she is unconscious, everyone is getting killed by some stranger. Ravish says we have to find out, who is it. Vividha makes Madhav sleep and says I will make mango milkshake for you. Madhav says Kangana told me about deer and bear story. She says you have to wait, I will find that book and tell that story. Madhav sleeps. She goes to Atharv. She asks what’s happening in our house, Bhoomi got killed. He holds her hand and asks did dadi have food. Vividha says Sujata is with her. He says we are scared, but we don’t have to lose courage, much could have happened if we got Kangana’s phone. Vividha recalls Ravish keeping his phone in the room, while he was recording. She says one phone was kept here, we can get something from it, to know who did all this. Atharv says yes, but light went, if we don’t get to see anything in darkness. She says we can still find some clue, look for the phone. They look for the phone. Atharv finds the phone under the bed. She asks him to see last recording. They see darkness. He says its not visible and audible, its nothing. She checks video again. She ask him to see, door opened four times, you left first, then Ravish, then Sujata and me. She says then door did not open, light was coming inside when door opened, when light came, Kangana was attacked. He says it means door was not open, Kangana’s attacker should have come by the door. She says it means that person was between us in the room that time. He says its not possible. She asks what do you mean, someone would be there. He says maybe there was no attacker in the room that time. She asks what are you saying, Kangana is attacked by someone, do you mean Kangana did this attack on herself, no this can’t happen, look at her state, its impossible, someone attacked Kangana, who is it. Atharv sits thinking.

Its morning, Ravish tells Atharv that he reached city hospital of Ajmer. Atharv asks him is he near reception. Ravish says yes, but why did you send me here. Atharv asks him to check hospital records of the day when Madhav was born. Ravish asks why, what are we finding. Atharv says I can’t say now, once you find it, we will know it. Ravish says but… Atharv says just trust me, we have to do this today. Ravish says fine, I will check. He goes to reception and ask for hospital records. The lady says sorry, we can’t display records, why do you want to see. He says I can understand, but its important for me. She says sorry, we can’t give such info. Ravish recalls Atharv’s words. Ravish sees the record room. He sees CCTV cameras. He looks around and manages to get inside the room. He checks the old records. He does not understand anything.

Vividha comes to Kangana’s room to keep fresh flowers. She sees a dried plant in the pot. She picks the pot and some liquid falls from it. She smells it and recalls the juice drink given to Kangana. Vividha gets shocked and sees Kangana.


Ravish checks more records and gets shocked seeing something. He calls Atharv and says you will be shocked seeing this, she was here in this hospital when Madhav was born, she was mental ward patient. Atharv comes home and sees Kangana gone. Kangana takes Vividha in the car. He runs out to see.

Never Say Goodbye Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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