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The Episode starts with Ravish requesting everyone to trust him and accept Kangana. He says I miss my mum today, she always believed in my decisions, she regarded me a good army man, she did not take much time to know whether I m right or wrong, I wish she was alive today, she would have understood my decision, she would have accepted us heartily, any person can take mum’s place, but can’t become mum. Sujata goes. Ravish says you all have right to get annoyed, but we two are at the target of your hatred, I did not expect anything, I just have expect from myself.

Ravish and Kangana turn to go. Sujata stops them. She comes with aarti plate and kalash. She reminds Ravish that she has regarded him a son, she does not want to turn away from responsibilities. Guddi cries. Sujata says I promised myself I will never let you miss your mum, not even today. She does their grahpravesh. Vividha stops them. She says when bad sight catches house’s happiness, then lightning diya is not needed to do aarti of bad fate, Ravish wants us to welcome Kangana, then fine, we will welcome her by blowing off the diya, a big abshagun is going to happen, so we will welcome an abshagun by an abshagun. She blows off the diya. Ravish says I did not wish to hurt Guddi ever.

Kangana is about to hit kalash. Guddi says you are much wrong, I have explained you many times, you said you gave me promise. She shows the ring and says Kangana and Ravish have crushed my happiness under their feet, they can celebrate it, no need to hesitate. She puts her ring in the kalash. She asks Kangana to kick her relation else this celebration and rasam will not get completed. She cries and runs.

Kangana walks in home. She goes upstairs with Ravish. Everyone look on. Vividha comes and taunts Ravish asking did he throw his uniform and courage as well, why did he do this, does he have answers, he promised Guddi of marriage, when she asked him if he is serious, he said yes, where did he throw her happiness, what does he think, Kangana loves him, she needs a husband to win the custody case, so she trapped you. Ravish asks her to stop it. She says you have cheated us, you killed your trust, you were example of sensibility and loyalty. He asks her to stop it, what does she want, I will answer it, you just want me to bear everything silently, its as if I m a puppet, not any Ravish, whatever you did and said, I always stood with you, never asked anything, but today when I took a decision, you are behaving this way with me, life snatched everything from me, I lost my dad, mum, and family members, just for you, I never asked anything, did you ask what am I feeling, if I m lonely, what I need, I m your servant, I will do what you say, did anyone think what I want to do.
Atharv comes and sees them. He takes Vividha along. Kangana says everyone is getting away from you, they all are misunderstanding you, you should have not done this, I did not wish to go through this. He asks her to rest, he will get her bags. He leaves.

Vividha thinks of Ravish’s words. Atharv asks her why is she silent. She asks what shall I say or do, Ravish has done this, was he left to cheat us, I thought Ravish loves Madhav a lot, but I was wrong, such long relation and friendship, he has forgotten everything, he wants me to welcome his new wife happily, I can’t do this, she is like a black spirit on our family.

Ravish passes by in corridor. She says Ravish ruined everything, we have tolerated a lot in these years, so much passed. Ravish hears her and leaves. Atharv says we have to have patience, we can’t get emotional. She says its not about winning or losing case in court, Madhav is our biggest responsibility, we lost someone who was close to our heart, whatever Ravish did, did you not get angry, we trusted him the most. He says it does not matter to me, but Ravish has given me deepest wound, since this case started, we can’t take any wrong move, we have to win this case, one wrong decision can make us regret, just think of Madhav, we can’t lose him. She says Ravish was ready to do anything, he could not do this for you, where did his loyalty go. Guddi comes and asks who is talking about loyalty between brothers, shall we talk about loyalty between sisters, did you stand for me, you knew I love Ravish since long, you knew his feelings for Kangana, who got her home, you got her after knowing everything, you did not think what effect will fall on my relation, you gave her a chance to make place in Ravish’s heart again, everything was fine till she came, but you had to get her here, Kangana has snatched Ravish from me.

Atharv defend Vividha. He says Vividha has just seen goodness in Kangana and gave her a chance. Guddi says I respect you a lot, today don’t defend Vividha please, it was not about giving chance, it was about Vividha becoming great, now Vividha has become great, your chance to Kangana made her ruin my life, now Vividha has to bear burden of my ruined life, I have lost my new life forever. Ravish hears Guddi. Guddi says Vividha got angry on Kangana as she did wrong with her, not me, she did not tell Kangana about my problem. She scolds Vividha and cries. Atharv says its not Vividha’s mistake. Guddi goes. Atharv hugs Vividha. Vividha cries.

Ravish gets Kangana’s bag and asks her to arrange her things in cupboard. She says I made you away from your family. He says don’t worry, they will understand me some day. He keeps the pic and goes. She gets sad.

Kangana comes to kitchen to make something for Ravish. Sujata says when you both did not come to have food, I have kept your plates ready. She passes the food. She says this house has rule that none sleeps hungry, but just think are you cheating this house.

Vividha sees Madhav sleeping. She thinks of Kangana and Ravish’s marriage. Chadariya…..plays…… Atharv comes to her. Guddi sees Ravish’s pic and recalls their engagement. She cries. Sujata also cries in her room and sees Khushi. Atharv and Vividha come there and look on. They get sad.

Kangana sees Madhav’s pic and cries. Ravish holds her. Vividha sees Madhav’s pic and cries hugging the pic. Atharv sees her and holds her hand.

Its morning, Sujata feeds Khushi. Madhav comes and jokes on Khushi. He asks Vividha why is she sad. Vividha says nothing, have food. Kangana comes there and asks Madhav to come with her and have breakfast. Vividha says he will sit here. Kangana says I want him to have breakfast with me. Vividha says I want him to stay here, it does not matter what you want, he will sit here with his sister and dine, this happens in normal family. Kangana asks do you call this normal, Khushi can do anything.

Vividha taunts her. Kangana says I m taking Madhav along. Vividha stops her. She says I donated this house roof to you, I have set some rules for Madhav which were not followed, but it will be followed now, you won’t talk to Madhav, you won’t touch him. Kangana says you can’t make Madhav away from his mum. Vividha warns her.
Atharv asks Vividha to calm down. Vividha says its enough now, when person dances on head, we should show her the place. Ravish says you can’t make Madhav away from Kangana. Vividha says you also stay away from Madhav, you won’t talk to him. Ravish says Madhav is my son, I m his father. Vividha says you are no one to Madhav, you don’t matter to him. He asks what did you say, he is my son. She says no, you are not Madhav’s father. She asks Sujata to take kids and go inside.

Vividha stops Ravish from touching Madhav. Kangana asks Vividha did she go mad. Vividha says no, I came to senses now, I will do anything to keep you two away from Madhav. Ravish says you did not come to senses, it will be late till you get senses, seeing your doings, Madhav will leave you and come to Kangana. Vividha angrily slaps Ravish. Everyone get shocked. Vividha raises hand again. Kangana holds her hand and asks her to think before raising hand again, I can bear my insult, but not of Ravish. Atharv asks Kangana to leave Vividha’s hand, I don’t want to forget that you are a woman.

Atharv says I don’t understand why Ravish did this, I don’t regret that Kangana made a grave of our favors, I regret you have put soil on that grave along with her. Ravish says I m just trying to get together and make everything fine, after seeing what Vividha did, I feel we can’t reach any conclusion, now I will see how Kangana does not get Madhav’s full custody. They all look on.

PRECAP: Madhav asks Vividha if she is angry on him. Vividha asks do you like Kangana. Madhav says I won’t go to her if you say, promise. Vividha says Ravish does not know right and wrong. Atharv says this is not that Ravish, who loved and respected Vividha. Ravish says to support right, sometimes we have to stand against family. Guddi scolds Vividha and says you just worry for your child and pain, you are selfish. Vividha asks Guddi to stop it. Guddi asks her to get Ravish back.

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