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The Episode starts with Guddi angrily thinking of Ravish and Kangana. She throws the clothes out of her cupboard. He asks her to clean the junk from her mind, as she said she trusts him and his love, I will never move back from my promise I will never cheat you, I was just helping Kangana. Guddi asks does he still want to keep the promise by his heart, I feel this ring is not part of the promise, I feel you are helpless that you could not unite with Kangana.

Vividha comes and asks Ravish to come along, she has to talk urgent thing. Guddi asks what happened. Vividha says I have to solve few things. They go. She shows the photos of the little girl. Kangana sees the photos. Vividha says this man would have met you, he swapped our babies, he has ruined our lives, don’t know how many wrong
things he made you do. Kangana says sorry, I did not see him, he always used to cover his face and meet me, I just remember his hair was similar. Atharv says we can’t identify anyone by hair. Kangana says I told you, I did not see his face. Ravish asks do you remember by which number he called you. She says its old thing, I was not mentally fine, I don’t remember. Ravish looks at her. Atharv says such people change disguise. Ravish says you did not see his face, he would have changed number, what can we do now. Vividha recalls Sujata’s words. Vividha says you saved that number by letter K, what’s that. Kangana says I don’t remember well. Ravish asks her to think well and recall, maybe if you remember anything, its very important for us to know. Kangana says I remember a bit, the man used to talk like he knows all of you very well, like he hates you all, he wants to take revenge, he used to talk much about Atharv. Atharv says why did he hate me. Kangana says sorry, I can’t help you right way, but he said that he will show Atharv his status, he hates Atharv a lot, he used to talk as if he is chanting mantra. Vividha recalls Kailash. She sees Atharv and cry. She asks Kangana was his name Kailash? They all get shocked. Kangana says yes, this was the name, he did not tell his name, he said once that Atharv will know he is facing Kailash Kashyap. Atharv get angry. Kangana ask how do you know him. Vividha says he was my dad. Kailash goes to the girl, who is sitting under the table in some dark room. Vividha says I am not shocked that he is alive, I told you he loves himself a lot. Guddi says we should inform Uma. Vividha says no, she will feel better and I will tell her, we need more proof against Kailash. Ankit says it means Papa is doing this, he is alive, where is he? She says I don’t know, but I just know, I will find him. Vividha says he ruined my life, I will see him, he snatched my Atharv from me, then snatched my daughter, he will be punished, I will not leave him this way. Atharv gets angry and says Kailash is your dad, think again, do you want to punish him? She says I don’t know him as dad, he has hurt us a lot, now his fight is with a mum, not daughter, I will get him punished, we are close to finding our daughter, we should not regret that we did not find her. He agrees. Ravish asks from where shall we start. She tells him about the school in gift shop area. Ravish shows the map and says shop will be nearby, the man would be living close if he came by walk, his shoes have mud on it, it means he came by walk. They all look on.

Ravish says this man would be walked to that shop. Vividha recalls the video. Ravish says he has a little girl with him, but how could he walk far with her. Atharv says but you are saying he stays around, why did shopkeeper not identify him, maybe he is not from this area. Vividha says Kailash never liked to go far from shopping, he stays there. Atharv says we think he is Kailash, but maybe he is not. She says there is difference between guess and intuition, mum’s intuition is saying he is there, we should go and find out. Vividha asks them to come. Madhav asks where are you going. She says we are going out, we will come soon. He says no, you won’t come, I wanted to show prize yesterday. She says I will take you for icecream once I return. He says no, don’t go. Kangana comes and says Madhav, your mumma got late yesterday as she was finding your fav cornflakes. He asks really. She says yes, let her finish her work, we will play. She takes him. Guddi says I will come along. Ravish asks her to stay at home. She says Kailash is my dad too, so I have right to come along. Vividha says Madhav is alone with Kangana, stay at home, everone went to temple, we can’t leave Madhav alone. Ankit asks her not to worry, he will tale care of Madhav. They leave. Ankit sees Kangana and Madhav. Everyone try to find Kailash. Guddi says none has seen this man. Vividha says some people have seen him. Ravish says yes, but maybe just once, I think he does not stay here. Vividha says the people saw him alone. Atharv says he would be taking ration, the shop keeper told me that someone does not come home to take things, the delivery boy takes the goods and that man silently keeps money and takes things. Guddi calls that man mad. Ravish says no, he is clever. Atharv says we can know about him once he calls the shop for delivery, this time we will catch him.

Kangana takes care of Madhav. Ankit looks on. Madhav finishes the food. Kangana asks him to have bread and butter. Madhav refuses and runs. She asks him to have it. She tells stories and feeds him. She sees Ankit and asks him to come and have breakfast. He asks her to have food. She says you can have food and keep an eye on me. He eats food. 

Guddi says I don’t think he will come. Vividha asks her to go home but she won’t come till she finds her daughter. Guddi asks don’t I worry for that baby, we should be practical. Vividha asks her to have patience. Atharv and Ravish ask them to stop it. Atharv says ration owner called, he said that man asked for delivery, we will get our child back. She says I will take all answers from him today.

Kangana plays with Madhav. Ankit looks on and smiles. He suddenly gets dizzy and holds the table. Kangana looks on. Ankit sees the food plate. He thinks why is he getting dizzy. He sees Kangana and says she added something in food. Kangana smiles.

Ravish, Atharv, Vividha and Guddi see the delivery guy keeping the packet. Atharv says he will come now. He ask them to have patience, that man will come. Ankit faints. Kangana asks what happened. Ankit asks what did you add in my food. Madhav looks on. She takes his phone. Madhav asks what happened to him. She says don’t know, now we are alone at home. Everyone see the person in black coat and hood coming to take the packet. They get suspicious.

PRECAP: Atharv asks Vividha not to hurry, we will miss him. They all follow the person. Vividha says Madhav is not at home. They see the blood spots and go to the room. Atharv opens the cupboard and sees Madhav lying inside, with blood on his hands. They get shocked.

Never Say Goodbye Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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