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At night Vaidika is asleep. Sahil brings a foot crème to apply to her feet; promising to always take her away from every trouble until his heart beats. Vaidika wakes up out of shock. Sahil says when he was ill Vaidika took care of him, why different rules between husband and wife then. He decides to bring evolution in the world of husband’s, he will serve his wife, cook for her and press her clothes etc. He even updates his facebook about it.

In the morning, Shruti plays Sahil and Vaidika’s video on social media. Prachi shows it to Bari Amma, they were worried as the video was getting a huge number of likes from people. Puneet comes to tell Bari Amma about a game against Vaidika which he played.
Vaidika was preparing for a class in her yard. A young man comes to her for admitting his son to her tuitions. The young man asks Vaidika to offer tuitions for elders as well. Nidhi enjoys watching Vaidika being harassed by the man sent by Puneet. Vaidika fumes over the man; he forcefully clutches her arm saying he feels love for her not shame. A lady brings her son along and comes out to be his wife. She physically harasses Vaidika calling her characterless. Other students also arrive with their parents. The couple wasn’t ready to get tuitions to their kids from such a character less lady, others also turns to leave. The man’s wife asks him to slap her twice on face first. He heads to Vaidika but Sahil comes there. Everyone blames Vaidika for physically assaulting the man, and questions who is Sahil to her? Sahil says she is his wife. Everyone there wonder how can they have a grownup daughter. Sahil now beats the man badly. Nidhi brings a glass of water to Sahil but he throws it away. Nidhi apologizes the crowd from her husband’s side. People weren’t ready to get tuitions to their children from such characterless lady. Nidhi tries to take Sahil inside, but he jerks her hand away. He tells Vaidika no matter what she tells him, he will always fight for her. He is Aarya’s father and her husband, and will fight the one whoever fights against her. No one has the right to stop him. He won’t leave this place at any cost. Vaidika asks what about Nidhi. Sahil says there can never be a relation between them apart from friendship. He will soon get an annulment of the marriage with her. He walks outside the house. Aarya comes to Sahil and asks him to smile, he seems like Panday when angry. Sahil cheers. Aarya tells Sahil he is the best thing that ever happened in Vaidika’s life till today; she was always hurt but Sahil came as a savior. Aarya was worried about her fees now. Sahil promises to arrange for her fees. When Aarya had left, Sahil looks towards the bike and goes to sale it. The buyer asks Sahil why he wants to sale this bike; and offers a thirty thousand to Sahil. Sahil agrees over it. Karan says Sahil would soon be an inspiration for all lovers of the world.

Nidhi’s speaks to her mother that Sahil can annul their marriage if he proves it was a betrayal. Her mother suggests her something that Sahil can no longer cancel the marriage.

Aarya tells Vaidika that Sahil paid her fees for whole year by selling his bike. Sahil returns home with a bulk of vegetable and grocery. Nani cheers watching the quantity, but was curt as he only brought spinach. Sahil complains why she didn’t tell him earlier what she wanted. Nidhi comes to take Vaidika’s permission to serve food for Sahil. Vaidika allows her while she was thankful to Sahil for always solving her problem easily.
In the kitchen, Nidhi mix a tablet in Sahil’s meal.

It was night. Vaidika comes to the yard to speak to Sahil but he behaved strangely; he looked around and confirms if she really wants to speak to him? Vaidika says he do a lot for her and her family, her mother must not have shouted over him. She suggests Sahil to think about his life and do something in future about his career. Sahil asks if his wife thinks he must get to work. Vaidika tells him to think about his interests and make a list, they will decide tomorrow morning what he is capable of and what he should do. Nidhi hears this and texts Sahil to come upstairs, she needs to speak to him. Sahil walks upstairs feeling dizzy.
Nidhi is lighting candles in the room. Sahil walks into the room, his head banged badly as he watched the candles lit inside the room. He calls Nidhi to ask about the good news, if she is leaving him? Nidhi walks into the room but Sahil’s vision had blurred already. Nidhi shut the room door and window panes, thinking Sahil won’t realize what will happen to him in a while. Sahil faints over the bed. Nidhi comes to lay over him.

At Agarwal House, Shruti and Puneesh spoke to each other on phone. Puneesh suggests about booking a room in hotel for all the romance. Anjana caught Shruti speaking on phone, she questions who it was on the call? Puneesh watched this from across the corridor. Anjana tells Shruti she isn’t a child, who was there on call. She places Shruti’s hand over her head and demands her to swear on her life. Shruti withdraws her hand. Anjana was emotional about losing both her son and daughter. Shruti tells Anjana she is not like Sahil at all. Anjana says society forgives a hundred murders to a guy, but not a few stains to girls. Puneesh comes inside the room. Anjana says she was only advising Shruti to be cautious in this heat. Puneesh offers them to have some mangoes with each other.
Nidhi gets up besides Sahil while he lay shirtless. He hallucinates about Vaidika sitting on the bed instead of Nidhi, and asks She? Nidhi replies she is his wife. Sahil sits closer thinking its Vaidika, but fell unconscious on the bed. Nidhi tries to wake him up but he doesn’t move. She calls her mother complaining the whole plan is flop. Her mother tells her about the plan ahead.

The next morning in Agarwal house, Deepak cheers hearing Gauri feeling nauseatic. He says he would now become a father of a son who would inherit this whole property. Gauri comes out of washroom and says she isn’t pregnant at all, it’s only stomach upset.
Next morning, Sahil wakes up and was shocked to find himself, shirtless on the bed filled with flowers. He wonders when did he come upstairs, and didn’t really anything about last night. Nidhi’s clothes lie on the floor. She comes from behind to hug Sahil. He questions if she has gone crazy. Nidhi was happy about whatever that happened between them last night, he surprised her completely. Sahil was sure there can be nothing between them. She insists they spent the night together, and are connected. Sahil says he understands himself well, he won’t cross his limits if he doesn’t love someone. He hates her and can take her life, he would never sleep with her. Nidhi follows Sahil into the corridor and shouts at him to accept her as his wife. Sahil tries to get the grip of her hand off his arm, she slips down the stairs and fell down.
Sahil and Vaidika take Nidhi to hospital emergency. Gauri comes to the corridor from the other side without spotting them. The doctor congratulated her for being six week pregnant while she look perplexed. Sahil and Vaidika were waiting outside the emergency room, police comes to ask about Sahil Agarwal. There was a complaint lodged against him that he attempted to kill his wife, they have an eyewitness. It was Panday. Sahil charge to grab Panday’s collar but police deters to arrest him. Panday says he lives right in front of their house, he saw from the balcony how he was fighting with his wife. He pushed her down the stairs. Sahil grabs his collar and says he is lying, he didn’t push her down the stairs. Sahil says there was nothing but an argument there. Vaidika says she is sure Sahil would never hurt anyone deliberately, it was only an accident. Sahil only watched her compliment him and smiled towards her. Vaidika says she also saw them arguing but he didn’t push her. The inspector implements a section against Sahil. Sahil asks the inspector to let Nidhi wake up. Nidhi and Sahil’s family reach the hospital. Bari Amma scolds Sahil for holding hand over his wife. Prachi insults Vaidika to leave. Vaidika stops Sahil from reacting and requests him to stay calm. She leaves the corridor. Sahil looks towards Anjana and assures he didn’t do it through the signals of his eyes.

Gauri drinks a glass of water in the hospital, she decides not to tell Deepak else he would find out the gender of baby and abort if it’s a girl. She turns around and was shocked to spot Deepak, then goes to another corridor and hits Vaidika there. Vaidika asks if she is pregnant, Gauri turns to leave forbidding Vaidika to share the news with her family. Vaidika was sure her family must be happy. Gauri says not if it’s a girl. She brings Vaidika to a corner and says Deepak doesn’t want a girl, they have attempted a lot to bear a son. She says it’s her second marriage, the first one broke after two years when he left her and her daughter. Deepak was the manager at their shop, he conditioned not to bring up someone else’s child. Her daughter lives with her grandparents and she isn’t allowed to meet her. Deepak doesn’t want a daughter now and will get it aborted otherwise. She says she can’t live alone in life, and has to live with Deepak anyway. Vaidika wipes her tears and forbids her share the news of her pregnancy for three months; then her child would be secure. Every woman has a right to be a mother, no matter a daughter or son. It’s her decision to bring the child to life. After three months they won’t be able to abort the child, as it becomes illegal. Gauri requests her not to tell this to anyone as well. Vaidika says the child must come to this world, and promises to fight for this child if ever Gauri needs her. Gauri cries hugging Vaidika. Vaidika thinks here its Gauri, and there Nidhi; Sahil has been surrounded by troubles.

PRECAP: Sahil takes Nidhi to hospital. The inspector brings an eye witness against Sahil that he attempted to kill his wife by pushing her off the stairs. At home, Puneesh appreciates Bari Amma’s planning. Bari Amma says Sahil must stay behind the bars until he is stubborn.

Age Is Just A Number Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 5pm

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