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Prithvi and Sherlin stop the car, the flower vendor asks Prithvi to remove the car from the front of his shop because it is not right, Prithvi getting mad says that he would park the car in the same spot as his name is Prithvi Malhotra and he only gives orders, they are fighting when Sherlin sees Karan and Preeta stepping out of their car, she gets tensed wondering if they are going to the same coffee shop as this would mean they both would not be able to enjoy the coffee, she then sees that Karan and Preeta are going to the fertility clinic so decides to follow them, Prithvi is still fighting with the vendor and exclaims he got scared when he is shocked to see Sherlin is leaving, he calls her so she says he can take his wife to the date, Prithvi get worried when he gets a call from Kritika.

Karan and Preeta reach the reception asking about their appointment with the doctor, they both are directed to her and sit with her, the doctor explains she has once again checked her reports and is sure that the problem is not that serious, there is a solution to them, she advises them not to be so sad and remain happy because sadness only causes depression, Preeta once again gets a call from Shristhi she answer it, she even hands it to Karan but he is not able to hear anything, Preeta leaves saying she needs to answer it. Preeta asks Shristhi what happened? Shristi ask if she is okay because she went through so much but she being a sister was not able to see the pain behind her smile, she is not a good sister, Preeta reply she made sure that whenever they both meet she would also be surrounded and she should come as soon as possible, it was really difficult for her to stay away from her, Shristhi then try to end the call but Preeta asks if she got tensed, Shristhi reply she is angry because Preeta did not trust her enough, Preeta explains she had an appointment with the doctor before they went to Lonavla and when she came to reveal the news, she was not able to because the entire family was happy, she even did not want to say anything to Sarla however when she called she was not able to hide the truth then she gathered the strength to reveal it to Karan, she asks Shristhi not to cry because Sonakshi set an appointment with the doctor in Lonavla who assured that her case is not that complicated, she can also be pregnant, Shristhi must not be worried as she would give her good news really soon. Sherlin standing in the corner thinks now she would make sure that everyone in the family knows the truth about Preeta, so they start hating her. Preeta requests Shristhi not to be worried, she reply she would surely come to meet Preeta really soon.

Sherlin come out of the corner saying she has now found the entire truth about Preeta, she would make sure that everything that causes happiness to Preeta is ended because she herself hid such a big truth even after instructing her that they must not reveal the secrets about the family to anyone else.

Preeta enters the cabin, Karan asks what happened, she reply that maa told Shristhi she is not pregnant so she was crying, Karan gets tensed, the nurse comes saying they are ready, the doctor asks Preeta to come with her as they need to take some tests of her, Karan starts wandering in the cabin, he decides to call Shristhi, she entering the house is tensed when Karan calls her asking if she is still mad, she reply she was mad but not anymore and is really happy with the way they both handled the Sonakshi situation, Karan reply that he does not want to talk about it, he sees Preeta entering he ends the call, she asks who was it when he mentions it was Shristhi. The doctor sitting on her chair explains that she has urged them to hurry up with the tests so they will get the reports very soon, Karan and Preeta both stand to leave.

Sherlin standing outside thinks she has set such a plan which Preeta would not be able to save herself from, Karan and Preeta walk outside, she is very nervous so he asks what has happened, Karan explains that would tell the family but she must not worry as he would himself tell the entire family. Sherlin enters the cabin explaining she is Sherlin Luthra and came with Karan and Preeta but he is outside and forgot something, the doctor is shocked explaining she did not think that they also told her, Sherlin reply that they all hid the truth from the family, Sherlin explains if the doctor recalls when in Lonavla Karan mailed her the reports of Preeta, doctor says he sent her them for consultation about why does she need them now, Sherlin reply Preeta desires to make a file and so she needs them, Sherlin walking out thinks that she must not be happy because Preeta would never be able to conceive as she will be at her mother’s house.

Prithvi sitting at the coffee shop wonders what is happening as everything is wrong, he even feels that whatever will happen would be wrong, Prithvi sees Kritika walking in the shop, he is shocked so she comes to hug him, she appreciates what he has done thanking him, Prithvi asks how did she get here, Kritika asks if she has been able to shock her husband, Prithvi mentions he is indeed shocked to see her, he orders one hot coffee for her while a cold one for himself and makes her sit. Prithvi asks how did she know he booked a table at this shop, Kritika explains she came to his room as she wanted to talk to him but when she was about to leave, she saw that his mobile rang and when it ended she saw it was some manager, she answered it the manger told her about the entire plan without even listening, the waiter comes giving him the hot coffee, Prithvi ask about his name explains that Kritika ordered the hot coffee, he apologies so Kritika takes it, he helps her in drinking it so opens it, Sherlin then opens the door and is shocked to see Prithvi enjoying coffee with Kritika, she leaves in anger, Prithvi gets nervous asking her to wait while he will come back soon. Prithvi try stop to Sherlin but she does not listen, he asks why is she angry because she herself asked him to call Kritika, so he was enjoying the coffee with her, Sherlin questions if he listens to everything says she asks as when she asked him to stop fighting with the vendor, why did he not listen to her, as if he listened then would be involved in her plan but he needs to fight, Prithvi exclaims he cannot understand what the problem is, he ask if she is angry because he fought with the person or was having coffee with Kritika, she reply she has a problem with him she try to leave taking her purse. Prithvi stop her mentions that when he called the manager to fix the table and then informed her he would meet her after freshen up, he explains after that he went to the washroom, leaving his mobile on the bed just then Kriti entered the room when his phone rang, she answered the mobile and the manager told her that he has fixed the table, Kriti then thought that he has set the table for both of them, Sherlin reply she is angry as he is calling Kritika Kriti and then also must take care of his mobile because if she calls him telling him about her plan and Kritika is the one to answer it, they both would be thrown out of the Luthra house, Prithvi asks if she thinks he wants to be with Kritika because he does not want to as he is only using her, he asks what was she talking about, Sherlin reply that she is going to prove that his Preeta jee is not pregnant, Prithvi reply that he has heard it five hundred and fifty five times, Sherlin reply it is because she did not have any proof but now is going to prove it and then Preeta and Karan would not be able to live happily as she will take a big revenge so that even Sarla hears it.

Karina is talking with Sanjana asking why she has not came to their house as it has been a long time, she ends the call seeing Maa coming from the pooja, Mahesh is sitting asking Bani Dadi to give him the Parshad, she asks him to come after washing his hands, but he asks her to feed him, Karina also exclaims she is her own daughter.

Preeta comes with the lemonade for Mahesh, Rakhi comes asking what is happening in this house because she asks Preeta to rest however she does not listen to her, she is busy making food for some while bringing drinks for others and they also take them, Mahesh replies he did not ask for it, Rakhi asks him to remain quiet, Rakhi then asks Dadi why did she also not ask Preeta to rest as Preeta doesnot listen to her, Preeta then replies that they all ask her to rest however she does what she likes to, Rakhi helps her sit. Rakhi then standing asks they all know she is pregnant and doesnot know what she needs to eat but they all should take care of her, Dadi asks why she is being so hyper, she sees Sherlin coming so asks if she would bring an orange juice for Preeta. Mahesh also asks her to sit saying that she is being hyper, but Rakhi denies that Dadi also says that she must not be hyper as it would cause high blood pressure, they all assure that they will take care of Preeta because there is nothing to be worried about, Sherlin comes with the juice, Karina asks Rakhi to see that they are taking care of her. Sherlin is standing in front of Preeta who asks what happened, Sherlin sit mentions that she would have heard it is said that if they desire to find a truth it comes to them, she says Preeta went to the hospital and also because she desires go get what she does not have, she went to get her child, Preeta is shocked but Sherlin says she has found out the proof that Preeta is not pregnant by getting the reports which Preeta sent to the doctor. She has the proof and would now reveal the truth, Preeta leaves her rushing to the room, Rakhi and Karina ask what has happened, Sherlin stops them.
Preeta enter the room asks Karan to come with her, they need to reveal the truth to everyone, Karan questions what has happened because he told her they would reveal at the proper time, Preeta reply this is the proper time as if they don’t say anything now then Sherlin would say the truth before them.

Sherlin explains she has found out the proof that Preeta is not pregnant, Dadi scold her and questions what is she trying to say, Sherlin reply she herself was pregnant and knows how a pregnant woman walk which can not be seen in Preeta, Rakhi even scolds her asking what does she mean, Sherlin reply she had her suspicion on Preeta but did not know anything for sure and so in Lonavala told Karina about what she felt and thinks about, Rakhi says she must not do anything which will force her to take any serious step. Sherlin asks Karina if she recalls when she informed Karina that she thought Preeta was not pregnant, what she said they recall that Karina said she can not understand what has happened to Sherlin as she is talking nonsense, she does not want to say anything wrong to Sherlin so she should leave, Sherlin says in the morning they all scolded her a lot but she called Sarla because Preeta is really hurt, she can not understand anything, they all know that when the mother comes in front of the children they tend to get calm, Preeta was tensed because a lot of problems be it Sonakshi or her pregnancy so she thought of calling her mother, they did not think of understanding her, she knew it for a long time that Preeta was not pregnant, she decided to reveal the truth when her suspicion was proved right, Rakhi asks what does she mean, because Preeta is pregnant, Sherlin however yells saying that Preeta is not pregnant, Rakhi in anger slaps Sherlin. Dadi says that Karina knew about what Sherlin said for long even then she did do anything as what Rakhi did today, Karina should have done a long time ago, Dadi in anger says she did not slap Sherlin because of which she used words, Dadi exclaims she is not of the old thinking but knows for sure that because of the incident that happened with Sherlin she has lost her mind, she needs to rest, Dadi asks her to pack her bags and go to live with her mother for some time as it would correct her mind, she must stay at her mothers house, Dadi says she is the elder of this house and has a lot of experience, she knows that some women have such low thinking that they do not want others to get what they were not able to achieve, Sherlin is not able to become a mother so does not want Preeta to give birth, she is jealous and it is only her jealousy, Sherlin reply she knew they would behave with her in this way so she did not reveal the truth without getting proof, now she has proof which would prove she is telling the truth while Preeta is lying.

Karan explain to Preeta that Sherlin would not reveal the truth, questioning why Preeta thinks so when she reply it is because Sherlin told her downstairs that she was waiting for everyone to gather when she would reveal the truth, Karan says he would talk with Preeta, Kritika comes asking them both to come downstairs because they all are waiting for them both.
Sherlin standing with the family thinks today is the end of the Preeta, and now today she would change the life of Preeta and make them all hate her so much that Preeta will not be able to live and one day might be forced to leave the house, she thinks today is really special for her as she would make sure Preeta leaves the house. Preeta comes down with Karan and Kritika, Karina questions why did she do this to them, Dadi also questions her asking why did she not tell the truth, Sherlin reply why did Preeta do this when she knew that everyone was waiting for grandchild, Karan asks her to stop talking, Dadi reply she did not expect this from Preeta and lied to them without thinking how they would feel after realizing the truth, Karina exclaims she has told a big lie and after knowing that she was pregnant they all took care of her worrying for what would happen to her if she was not able to eat but she still lied, Dadi questions Karan why did he not tell them because he cared for the tears of his wife but did not think how his mother would feel, she is crying and has a storm going on in her mind and heart, Karan try to explain that Preeta wanted to tell them, Dadi exclaims she did not, this means that she never wanted to reveal anything, Karan try to explain Preeta desired to tell them. Karina explains that they both lied to them and even when Preeta is the ideal girl in the house, she lied to them all, they all know that she did not like Preeta but after she came to know that she was going to be the mother of Karan’s child, she removed all the previous anger and moved to care for her but she ruined their trust in her. Dadi also scolds blaming Preeta for being wrong, Prithvi think he is feeling sorry for Preeta because had she left the house in the morning, she would not have to suffer such humiliation, Dadi says Karan has also become like Preeta because he was so open minded but has also started to lie, Mahesh comes questioning what has happened, Sherlin shows him the reports saying Preeta cannot be a mother in her life, Karan in anger shouts at her saying she must not say it ever again as he is not saying anything that does not mean he can tolerate it, Karina scolds Karan saying this means they both knew about the truth and did not think of informing them because had it been after some time they would have still been hurt. Karan explains the only reason they did not tell them now is because after the incident of Sherlin, they both saw how Mahesh got ill and so they decided to have the baby even when they were not ready, they got to know Preeta is not pregnant, he now feels they only love Preeta because of the child but not for herself even when she cares a lot for the entire family, Karan explains Preeta tried to reveal and even insisted but he asked her not to say anything, they also met the doctor who assured them that she can become a mother once again. Preeta asks them not to say anything to Karan because it is her fault and she did not tell them, she only got to know the truth when they were leaving for Lonavla and even tried to reveal the truth but she was not able to say anything because Mahesh and Rakhi had gotten well after so long, so she did not want to hurt them, they even got the solution to their problem, Karina however says she is now tired of Preeta so they need a break from her, she must go back to her mother’s house, Karina and Dadi both order her to leave, they don’t listen to Karan. Karina ask Rakhi to order Preeta, Rakhi after standing explains some people in the house might never understand Preeta however she must not get tensed because Rakhi her Maa would always be standing with her, Preeta hug Rakhi, Mahesh is also delighted. Rakhi explains she is hurt after realizing Preeta is not pregnant but Preeta might have been hurt because she was about to become a mother, Rakhi says they all are blaming Karan and Preeta for hiding the truth but did they think what Preeta must be feeling after keeping such a big secret from them all for so long, she ask them to wonder the reason Preeta hid the truth was because they all were in Lonavla and had she revealed the news there, the drama would have been at the wedding. The family would not have liked it, Rakhi mentions she can not comprehend what Preeta must be going through even when the Dai maa also confirmed that she was pregnant with not one but twins, she ask them to think what she must be going through because whatever she did was for this family, she would reveal the news at the right time, Rakhi says to Karina she was right because whatever the time they received the news it would have hurt them but did she listen to what Karan said that the reports would come tomorrow and there is still hope, one should not be so negative. Rakhi turning to Karan mentions he was childish but now she feels he has grown and when her daughter in law was in so much trouble, he did not leave her side, she prays that they remain a couple by the grace of Mata Rani, Karan look at Sherlin in anger.

PRECAP: Karan opens the door to find Sonakshi standing at the door, he questions what is she doing here, the entire family is shocked to see her, Sonakshi replies she had to come one day and so has arrived for her sister Preeta. Sonakshi comes to Karan’s house. Everyone gets shocked seeing her. Karan asks her why she came. She says that she had to come once. She came for her sister, Preeta.

This Is Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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