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Karina ask Dadi to come with her and rest, Kritika also asks Prithvi to come but he refuses to come saying she should go and rest as he needs to handle the US clients so would be awake all night, Kritika mentions he can even work from their room but Prithvi explains he doesnot want to ruin her sleep because their would be discussion all night as he has suffered a loss so she would be disturbed. Kritika agrees to leave, Sherlin is also happy.

Prithvi while walking in the hall think that it is night and people tend to sleep but now, he only needs one thing and it is to end the relation between Karan and Preeta, he is only waiting for the time when the storm comes to ruin their lives.

Karan is waiting when Preeta comes out of the bathroom, she picks up the blanket to leave when he questions what has happened asking where is she going, she mentions she is going to the guest room, Preeta receives a call from Sarla who asks if she is okay, she knows it is really late but she was feeling worried, she forgets that there is no need to worry for her as she is with Karan who is always there to protect her but she is her mother so tends to get worried. She calls her whenever she feels tensed, she asks if everythinbg is alright then exclaims she might be getting mad as she knows Karan will always be with her and will protect her, she is mad as she slept without closing the door and it is a blessing that the guard was there otherwise the crooks would have entered the house, she is missing Shristhi as when she is present then she is not worried otherwise whenever she gets tensed so decides to call her.

Sarla asks why is she not saying anything, Preeta replies it is because she is tired so Sarla suggests that she should rest as she might have gotten tired at the function, there is someone at the door which worries Sarla, Preeta says that it would be Shristhi and Janki aunti because they have also just arrived so she should open the door, Sarla ends the call advising Preeta to take care of herself while she would open the door.

Karan calls Preeta, his phone rings so she leaves the room, he follows her calling his name but she doesnot respond, Sherlin standing in the corner is really happy.

Sarla exclaims that she is coming so opens the door, Shristhi walks in the house and is really tensed, Sarla questions why the long face because they went to the wedding, so she asks what has happened.

Karan is following Preeta, but she doesn’t listen to him, Prithvi while walking sees them so think he wished for the storm to come and it has already arrived, this means his prayer is being listened so now Preeta ji is going away from karan and very soon their romantic love story would end after which his story with Preeta je would start. Karan is following Preeta however she doesnot listen and enters the guest room, Karan exclaims he wants to talk with her but she doesnot respond, Prithvi thinks this is really amazing, Karan once again knocks on the door saying he wants to talk however Preeta replies she doesnot want to, Karan leaves, Preeta once again lies down on the bed.

Sarla asks if everything is fine, Shristhi and Janki do not respond then Sarla once again questions asking what has happened because she talked with Preeta who said that she was fine but she felt that something is wrong as she woke up because the door was open and even the Akhund Jhot was not lit, Shristhi recalls when Preeta said that she must not tell anything to Sarla she even asked Janki to lie because Sarla would even know the truth. Shristhi exclaims everything is fine, Sarla threatens to slap her saying that she is lying and how can it be that after coming back from a wedding she is not laughing and kissing her, Janki exclaims that Shristhi just entered the house and she has started scolding her, she then asks Janki why is the reason she is crying, Shristhi exclaims it is because she just returned after not telling her, Sarla thinks she gets mad without any reason so they must not worry and go freshen up while she would make something for them to eat, Shristhi and Janki leave for their rooms.

Sherlin is in her room thinking that it is really amazing to see Karan and Preeta fighting as they are now moving away from each other, she thinks that even now they are not fighting like she wants so she wants that Preeta leave while Karan starts to act like a Devadas, she wonders how it will happen then vows to do it herself, she plans to call Sarla and tell her that karan has deceived her daughter, she would come to the Luthra house to fight as she is always ready to stand for her daughter, this would cause problems between both the families.

Preeta in her room think how Sonakshi exclaimed that she is the mother of Karan’s child, Karan also thinks about Preeta, she in her room picks the mobile, Karan’ mobile rings and he answers it exclaiming he knew she would call him, Sonakshi says she called to apologize to him, Karan says that she has ruined his life and should not even call him anymore, Sonakshi is crying exclaiming she is really sorry for what she has done to his life.

Dadi in her room asks Karina why is she worried, Karina exclaims she is tensed about Preeta because she is still pregnant and fears if she doesnot go to her house, she is because of a middle class mentality and might go to her mother’s house, Dadi making her sit exclaims that there is nothing of the middle and upper class, these differences have been created by them but she feels if Preeta desired to call her mother then would have already done so but she did not do anything for the sort so this means she wants everything to be normal otherwise would have called Sarla by now, she feels that had it been any other girl then Preeta she would have gone back to her house till now, she even thought of calling Sarla by herself but then thought that it is a matter between a mother and daughter, Sherlin thinks Sarla would know the truth after some time as now her mobile has ended in battery but it would recharge very soon, Sherlin walking in the room asks Dadi if she can take her charger from her purse, Dadi agrees so Sherlin leaves. Sherlin entering her room thinks that she is really happy and prays that nothing that causes her happiness should not come to her, Sherlin calls Sarla who wonders who is it at this time, Sherlin exclaims that she knows Sarla is really angry with her and there is always a fight between them but she knows Preeta really needs her, Sarla asks Sherlin to shut up because she knows Karan would really take care of her daughter so knows nothing wrong would ever happen to her, she asks Sherlin to say it clearly, Sherlin exclaims that Sonakshi is the mother of Karan’s child, Sarla in anger calls Shristhi. Shristhi comes asking Sarla what happened at the wedding of Sonakshi, Shristhi replies nothing wrong happened when Sarla warns her to not lie because she knows the truth and just wants to hear from their mouth, she knows the truth as Sherlin told her everything but she still doesnot want to believe them as Sherlin is not that kind of a person, if what has happened is the truth then why are they both in their house as they should be with Preeta, Sarla exclaims she would ask Preeta herself. Sarla calls Preeta but she doesnot answer and is thinking about the moment when Sonakshi accepted that Karan is the father of her child, Sarla exclaims that she is not answering her call, Shristhi tries to talk with her but Sarla says that she should not even try to talk with her and if she wants to talk then should reveal the truth otherwise should not dare, she going into her room closes the door, Janki and Shristhi both request her to open the door exclaiming she is the strength of their family and how would they be able to face this situation without her, Shristhi says tat Preeta warned them to not say anything to Sarla but she got mad and is now not opening the door, Preeta and Sarla both are crying in their rooms. Shristhi requests Sarla to open the door, Sarla prays to Mata Rani asking why did she do this to Preeta as she is also a maa and never complained about the troubles in her life, she always accepted every problem with a smile, she snatched her children away from her but she never complained, she did not get the right to be responsible for the upbringings of Shristhi and Preeta, she never complained about anything but she cannot bear anything now, the storm that has come into the life of Preeta must end, she cannot bear anything, this cannot happen with Preeta because she has proved to pass in every test, the one relation which she believes in should not be snatched from her, that relation should be given back to her as she also has the right to stay happy, Sarla continuous to cry.
Preeta in her room is lying down, she picks up the mobile to see something. Karan entering his room thinks how he tried to stop Preeta, but she did not listen to him and went inside the room, Preeta sits up in the bed, Karan in anger hits the stand so injuring his hand however he doesnot care for the pain but is only worrying for his wife, Preeta is also not able to sleep in her room and so sits on the bed. Karan covers his eyes when he thinks that Preeta has come to him and placed her hand over his face, he is holding her hand starts crying but opening his eyes realizes it was just a dream and so gets worried, Preeta once again lies down when she hears the call of Karan so answers it, she is sitting up starts weeping. Karan once again comes to her room and is about to knock when she opens the door, she gets stunned and turns back, he asks what is she doing as she should at least talk about what has happened, Preeta mentions she is in pain, Karan replies he is the one in pain because is not talking to him, Karan explains he thought she was angry with him, he assures he did not know anything otherwise if he had any clue then would have come to her, Preeta explains that had it happened when they were together she would have been really angry with him and would even be justified. , Preeta explains that she is still angry knowing that it happened before they were even together but even now she is not able to understand the feelings which is why she came to this room, Preeta explains that now when he knows the truth about his relation with Sonakshi so might have some feelings for her, Karan assures that she is the only women in his life, he can never even think of anyone else. Preeta replies he also means the most to him because he is her entire life, she explains everyone thinks that she is a great women but she is really a normal girl but Karan mentions he feels she is special because she made him into a husband from the flirt Karan, he hugs her, she explains that when he talks like this she feels she is really lucky to have a husband like him, karan mentions he is lucky to have her as his wife and would always remain her husband, he requests her to forget everything that happened today. Karan and Preeta are sleeping together in the morning, she places her hand over his chest and waking up, she smiles seeing him beside her in the bed so even hold him tightly smiling that she has her husband beside her, Karan also wakes up, they both look into each other’s eyes Karan then kisses her in the fore head so she once again gets comfortable then sitting up exclaims they have slept in the guest room, she explains they should leave now otherwise everyone would get worried, Karan asks why is she worried about everyone, Preeta replies it is because she loves them all, they both get each other and walk out of the room.

Dadi asks Rakhi what has happened, she replies it is because she feels there is something wrong because after what happened at the wedding of Sonakshi, she feared that the relation of Karan and Preeta might end, Dadi replies she was worried in the night but when it did not happen she is not calm, Karina and Rakhi ask what does she mean, Dadi replies she was worried that if Sarla came to know about what happened, she would come and they would not be able to say anything to her because she would be right, Sherlin is standing at the corner when Rakhi explains that she feared a lot of Preeta, she worried if Preeta would leave the house, it is because she loves the entire family a lot and considers them her own which is why did not leave the house and even if someone from their family makes a mistake, she does not tell her own family, Karina assures nothing of the sort would happen as Preeta is a knowledgeable girl so would not do anything wrong, Rakhi must take care of her health.

Sherlin standing in the corner thinks that when Sarla used to come she would get mad but now is desperately waiting for her and wondering when she would come to scold the Luthra’s, Prithvi coming asks why she is smiling, Sherlin replies she told the entire incident to Sarla and is now waiting for her, prithvi smiles then greets the entire family.

PRECAP: Sarla orders Preeta to go and pack her belongings and come back with her, Karan is shocked to hear Sarla, Sherlin explains they all love her because she is about to become a mother, she vows to do all she can to prove that Preeta is not going to be a mother, they would all then hate her.

This Is Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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