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Preeta is excited hearing Shristhi and Janki has come, Karan exclaims Sonakshi cannot keep a secret. She apologizes saying it slipped from her tongue, Sonakshi exclaims Shristhi is also really cool as she took her side when Rajat and Karan were teasing her by calling her Sunny Deol, Preeta is amazed Shristhi took her side explaining she is a die hard fan of karan so must have really liked her, karan replies she just felt sorry for Sonakshi because she doesnot know how to dance, Sonakshi says that she is not someone weak as she beat Rocky in collage, Karan asks if she ahs to talk about this now, Preeta asks what did she do, Sonakshi explains that Rocky used to tease Karan a lot and would even run away with the stumps, she decided to beat Rocky so spilled some itching powder beating him a lot, Sonakshi says she is the one to be a best friend as she did it all for him, Rajat exclaims Karan told how she would loose in the hand competition, Sonakshi mentions she would just loose for the sake of friendship. Preeta is sitting when Janki greets her from behind, Preeta huffing her exclaims she is glad Janki came here, Shristhi also comes down from the stairs, she is really excited so hugs Preeta exclaiming she was not able to live without her so came to Lonavala, Shristhi says she must not worry who invited hr but should just care that she came to meet her, Janki mentions Shristhi really invited herself, she getting mad asks her to reveal all of her secrets, Preeta questions then why did Sarla said she ran away from the house, Janki mentions it was because she left a note in the house saying that she ran away for her love, Shristhi explains she wrote it in her writing which no one can understand, Janki getting mad says she would not longer help her, Shristhi immediately apologizes, the trainer comes asking them to start the rehearsal for the second song. Sonakshi and Rajat go on the stage, Karan is standing with Preeta, he thinks as if they both are dancing together, really enjoying themselves and how they cannot be separated from each other, when the dance ends, Preeta signals Karan to come back to reality, Sonakshi apologizes to Rajat saying she believes he can dance after seeing the performance.

Rakhi come to Preeta questions what is she doing here when she was instructed to rest as it is not good for her to work in such condition, Preeta replies there is nothing to worry and she would actually feel as if she is ill while staying in the room, Rakhi knows she likes to be around the family, Karan mentions it is just the first week and Preeta is a strong women, Sonakshi greets Rakhi who is excited to see her, Janki also exclaims she has come, Rakhi replies she should say they are now the entire family is present, Shristhi replies Rakhi suddenly changed her expressions after seeing them while she was scolding Preeta before, she apologizes to Preeta but explains that she is always the one who is scolded so now when Rakhi is scolding Preeta it feels really nice, Preeta hits her saying she is going to the kitchen to prepare the drink for Dadi, Sonakshi asks her to tell the cook, Preeta replies it is because the cook doesnot know what ingredients are to be placed in the drink, they all leave. Shristhi asks Janki where is the room, Janki mentions their room is five, Shristhi questions why is she shouting, Shristhi is not able to find the room wondering where has Janki left her, she thinks she might have come to the wrong side, she hears someone talking and it is the mother of Rajat who is discussing with her brother in law warning him to not reveal the news because it would create a lot of problems, Shristhi is really worried wondering what might be the reason, they both get suspicious but Shristhi is hiding.

Sherlin is really tensed walking in the hall saying that she cannot believe the entire Luthra family is walking around Preeta as they consider her to be a goddess, they all want a child from her but how would she give them an heir when she is not even pregnant, she decides to prove that Preeta is not pregnant so sees the kitchen coming up with a plan. Shristhi is hearing them when the mother of Rajat says that she doesnot want the truth of the past to come out as it will end the marriage which she doesnot want, she leaves warning him to not reveal the truth, Shristhi wonders what is wrong so gets a call from Sameer asking him to meet her as she wants to talk with him.

Karan stops Preeta asking what the truth is, he explains she is looking beautiful with each passing day, and she is more beautiful than she was yesterday, Preeta questions if he would only love her if she will remain beautiful because when she would turn sixty years old. She will not be like this because at the old age they tend to get wrinkles and also wrinkled skin, karan says that he would even love her because he is her husband while, she would be his wife, Preeta exclaims this means he would not stop this behaviour, Karan questions what is to stop as he is showing affection towards his wife which is not a crime. She says that she has to leave and prepare the drink for Dadi, Karan stopping her asks her to also take care of him, he forces her to apologize to him, she asks if he wants her to apologize when she has not even made a mistake saying he would regret it when she is not with him wondering he should have asked to say I love you instead, Karan leaves in anger saying that she should work for others while he is going to leave, Preeta thinks he is doing this to get her attention.

Sherlin going to the kitchen tells the workers they are being called downstairs so that they can be informed where they are going to be placed, when they leave Sherlin immediately sabotages the stove thinking that Preeta would burn herself when she comes to prepare the drink for Dadi, the Luthra’s will call the doctor who would inform them that there is not any child hearing which the Luthra’s would question why did Preeta hide the truth from them, she recognizes that there is a strong smell of gas so she sprays the air freshener to mask the smell of gas, she decides to leave before Preeta arrives. Shristhi stops Sameer who asks if her anger has calmed down, she realizes asking if he meant the Aanaya anger explaining it is a free world and they all can do what they desire, she replies she has not come for it but to explain something really important as there is something really off about this marriage, she asks him to come to the corner. Sonakshi thinks she would ask Preeta about the Mehndi designs, Sherlin asks her if she is going to the kitchen, Sonakshi says that she is going to meet Preeta, Sherlin replies there is no one there but Sonakshi says that she has come so is just going to see but Sherlin stops saying that everyone has been called downstairs, Sonakshi gets a call from someone but it is not able to connect then she leaves, Sherlin thinks she would hide to stop anyone from coming to the kitchen as only Preeta needs to enter the kitchen.

Karina is with Bani Dadi, Rajat’s mother greets them but receives a call from the worker so leaves to show her the way, Shristhi comes asking Dadi if she saw Sonakshi, Dadi replies she saw her leaving with the clothes, Karina warns Shristhi to not even think of doing anything as this is not the Luthra house where she can go anywhere she desires, she has come to this resort as their guest so must remember that the Luthra’s have a reputation to protect, Dadi assures Karina that Shristhi would not do anything of the sort, Karina explains that she knows Shristhi really well, Shristhi exclaims it is wrong to even think good for someone but Karina warns her to not do anything wrong, Rajat’s mother comes asking why is Karina scolding her as she is a really nice girl and has always tried toi make everyone laugh, Shristhi appreciates asking why did she take her side even when she doesnot know her, she asks why did Shristhi not attend her call last night as it was from Rajat because Karan told him she can help him win the heart of Sonakshi as it is an arrange marriage, she leaves when Karina asks her to not be serious because she is just nice, Sameer comes asking what happnee,d Shrishti says that she is confused because Rajat’s mother is really nice and even appreciated her so she is confused, she asks him to not be worried and talk with his new friend Aanaya, Sameer laugh.

Aanaya is instructing the decorator when Preeta comes asking about the kitchen, Aanaya asks if she needs anything but Preeta replies she needs to work so heads into the kitchen, Preeta calls but there is no one there and so she starts searching by herself when Sherlin thinks she would now pay for what she has to do, Preeta gets a call from Sonakshi who asks where is she because before she only had the booklet of Mehndi but now even has the dress and designs for Mehndi, Preeta asks her to come to the kitchen, Sonakshi wonders why did then Shelrin say the kitchen was empty, Preeta turns on the stove, it catches fire she immediately steps back, Sonaskhi turns off the fire and pulls her out exclaiming she feels someone is trying to harm her on purpose, Preeta questions who would try to harm her. Sherlin is walking wondering why did Sonakshi had to come, she is pulled by someone, Rajat sees her being pulled away so rushes questioning who is there, Sherlin is pulled into the room where she is unconscious. Rajat wonders how can it be as he saw Sherlin and someone was pulling her, Shristhi is also wondering what might be happening as she feels there is a big secret regarding the groom, Rajat thinks of calling the family and police, he sees Karan with Karina so explains that someone was pulling Sherlin, Karan asks him to come as they will have a look. 

Shristhi sees the uncle so thinks she would talk with him because he will surely know something and might reveal the truth as he is from the small village, the uncle leaves without even asking anything, Shristhi exclaims that her stomach is hurting a lot, she prays that someone come to whom she can reveal the truth, Janki asks what has happened, Shristhi reveals there is something wrong but Janki leaves without asking, Shristhi questions if she doesnot want to know the truth, Janki explains that their couple has a very different connection so she should reveal what is the truth, Janki gets a call from Sarla so is about to answer but Shristhi doesnot let her answer and ends it, exclaiming that Sarla would surely scold her because of the note she left. Shristhi decides to call Sarla, explaining she must only scold Janki as she is the elder and did not say anything when they were leaving for Lonavla, Janki questions how tall does she want to become, Sarla advises her to always remain by the side of Preeta because she might need something to eat in this situation and they should always remain by her side, Shristhi assures they have come to cheer Preeta, she hears Karina yelling the name of Sherlin so ends the call. Shristhi asks Karan what has happened, he reveals Rajat saw someone pulling, he exclaims they should inform the police but Karan advises they should separate and search for Sherlin, he delegates so Janki also leaves with Karina.

Karina is searching for Sherlin with Janki but is not able to find her saying she feels they should have to inform the police, Janki reveals they would also have to tell them she is missing not knowing if she went by her own will, Karina replies she is just a maid even when Sarla has considered her as a family but she will always be a maid for her, Janki mentions this is why Sarla is her sister while Karina just the aunt of Karan. Sherlin is in the room, the person throws some water on her face waking her up, she is shocked to see that it is actually Prithvi.

Sonakshi is applying the medicine on Preeta’s hands, she says there is no need to worry since it is just a small burn and they should be glad that no one else was there to get hurt, Sonakshi getting mad asks why is she still worrying for everyone else when she herself was about to get hurt, Preeta explains it is because she has now gotten married, Sonakshi is also about to get married and would also have a family to take care off including her mother which she doesnot have at the present moment and also Rajat, Sonakshi gets mad, Preeta explains she used to feel Shristhi was one in the world but she is also just like her, Preeta asks her to not be worried, Sonakshi exclaims she is a really nice girl but then who would try to harm her.

Sonakshi exclaims Preeta is really good but why does anyone want to hurt her, Preeta asks what does she mean, Sonakshi replies someone really wanted to hurt her and was there when she said she would make the drink for Dadi, Sonakshi saw Sherlin so mentions someone purposefully left the knob of the gas open, Preeta replies that it was not a big fire that she gets suspicious someone tried to hurt her, Sonakshi asks her to think then realizes she saw Sherlin so replies it was someone but a girl, Sherlin.

Rakhi comes to Dadi asking where everyone as the lady is has come but they are not even dressed, Dadi replies that she is going through the book which has patterns for pregnant women too, Rakhi exclaims they should bring Preeta and see what design she would select, Dadi inquiries about Sonakshi because it is her Mehndi, but she cannot be seen anywhere, Dadi asks the worker to keep the books while they bring Preeta.

Sonakshi asks Preeta to think why Sherlin would try to harm her, mentioning she was also there when Preeta said to Rakhi that she will make the drink, she even stopped Sonakshi from going into the kitchen saying that Preeta was not there, she even saw Sherlin at the kitchen, but she did not come to save her, 


Prithvi tells Sherlin that both he and Sonakshi saw what happened in the kitchen. She will go and tell everything to everyone. Other side, Sonakshi tells Preeta that when she came to save her, she saw Sherlin there. She didn’t come to save. Sonakshi is sure that Sherlin is behind whatever happened. She says the question is why would Sherlin do that?

This Is Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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