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Karan and Preeta are mesmerized by the child who is really cute, she asks how did he come to their house, who is he and who came with her, she however runs saying that she would tell them after they give her some milk, she runs away from them, Pihu hides in the window, Karan and Preeta are not able to find her, Preeta exclaims she was just here, Karan mentions they are not able to find her in their own house so they both should search, Pihu runs to hide to another window, Preeta sees her and so helps Karan, he gives up asking her to come out soi Preeta moves aside, karan asks since when did she change her sides, Preeta replies she was never playing any game so she was with her, Pihu hugs Preeta and even kisses her on the cheek, Rakhi come calling Pihu, she finds her but then Karan and Preeta are both tensed so Rakhi asks them to first come downstairs, they would then find out the truth.

The entire family is waiting and drinking tea, Rakhi and Karina are really happy to see them, Preeta even plays with her and then makes a Pinki promise, she explains that Pihu is hungry, so they are going to the kitchen, the two women mention that she also needs something to eat as it is time for her lunch. Preeta asks Pihu what she wants to eat, she then offers her some sweets but Pihu refuses to eat any one of them, Preeta asks what does she want to eat, Pihu replies she wants to have some vegetables, Preeta agrees, so she sits down with Karan, Pihu starts copying each and every action of Karan, the way he twists his legs and places his hand, he then slaps his cheek however Pihu stops so when he asks why did she not slap her cheek, Pihu replies it is because she is not stupid like him, Preeta and Karan both share a laugh, Preeta then makes a bite for her, she however asks her to make a roll for her, Pihu eats it with a smile and even offers Preeta so she eats the roll hesitantly, Pihu then offers Karan and smiles. Sameer with a lot of excitement what did Karan said, Dadi says that karan has said what they all want to know and their answers were the same as they wanted, Sameer is also really excited when Karan and Preeta come with Pihu who is smiling, Preeta then sitting asks her to go and be with her mother however Pihu replies that she doesnot have any mother which worries Preeta who says that she must not talk like this, one of the women gives Pihu a ball so she leaves playing with it, Karan exclaims he would also go as she might get lost however Rakhi asks him to come and sit with Preeta because they have to talk something important with them both, and even if Pihu gets lost she would remain in the house and they will find her. Karan sits down with Preeta, Dadi asks how did they both like Pihu, Preeta mentions she is really cute and those who have children are really blessed, Dadi replies then she is really blessed as Pihu is her daughter, Karan asks if they are those people, Karina replies they are from the orphanage, she says to Preeta that they both are not the mother of Pihu as they work in the NGO of her friend and are Shilpa and Gaitri.

Gaitri explains the different child who come to their house, she mentions they have brought the papers with them which they would have to sign after which they would get their child while Pihu would get her parents, she sends Shilpa to bring the papers and laptop from the car as then the seniors would talk on the video call. Preeta gets really happy so turns to look at Kana jee.

Pihu is running in the house trying to catch the ball, she hits it with her feet so it enters the room where Mahesh Luthra is sitting, he gets shocked to see the ball, then turns to see who it is and sees a child entering the room, Pihu looks at the ball, Mahesh also looks at her with a state of confusion, Pihu asks for her ball, Mahesh sitting beside the ball picks it exclaiming it belongs to him, she however replies it is her ball then he asks her to come and get it herself, he hurts her head and so is about to stumble, she helps him sit, Pihu exclaims she has saved him questioning what happened to him, Mahesh replies that because of her help he is fine and so can stand properly, Pihu turns to leave, she then explains she is lost so wants to go to everyone, Mahesh offers to take her to everyone.

The workers of NGO congratulate both Karan and Preeta explaining they are now the parents, they both then give them the papers mentioning there is just one single formality left which they can fulfil after coming to the NGO, then the workers explain they are really lucky because otherwise it takes a lot of time for the adoption process to be completed, they explain that they also give the children after seeing the family, since their family is really respectful so Pihu would also be able to just without any worry, they then say they would introduce Pihu to her family, they one by one introduce her to Sameer then Dadi and Karina, Mahesh even hugs her.
In the night Sarla comes asking Shristhi to take the necessities for the Pooja, Shristhi advises that they should go to the Mandir but Sarla however says that she feels they should perform the pooja in the house because everyone wants to pray to Bhagwan however she wants to ask for something for Preeta after which she would ask something for Shristhi as well, Shristhi even laughs then Sameer calls Sarla, she is tensed wondering why is he calling her, Shristhi exclaims that her mobile has full networks so why did he call her, Sarla gets tensed wondering what has happened, Shrishti requests her to put the mobile on speaker, Sameer also asks the same, Rakhi takes the mobile from him which worries Sarla so she asks then Rakhi explains that there was some tension after which happiness came to their house, Rakhi explains that Preeta went to the doctor and her reports came which mentioned that Preeta might have difficulty in conceiving so Karina Bua then suggested that until that happens, they should adopt a child, so they have adopted a daughter and her name is Pihu, Sarla and Shristhi are both really excited when Sameer explains he has become an uncle, Shristhi is also really excited on becoming a bua, Rakhi questions if she would give the blessings on the phone and not come, Sarla explains that she would surely come as Rakhi invited her, Shristhi in excitement mentions she would go and get ready, Sarla thinks she will prepare Kheer and then also take out the fresh oil.

Rakhi in excitement exclaims that they would now perform the Pooja with Sarla and Shristhi, Karan along with Preeta come with Pihu who in excitement asks what she is crying, Rakhi however denies that she is even crying when Pihu rushes exclaiming she would enjoy a lot and break the pots, Sameer runs after her so she doesnot fall, Rakhi hugs both Karan and Preeta, wishing that their life never falls into the evil eyes of anyone, she leaves suggesting they should get ready for the Pooja.

Prithvi coming to Sherlin exclaims that what has happened is really bad with the both of them, Sherlin replies she got really happy after knowing Preeta would not be able to become a mother as then the family would start hating her, Prithvi explains what is happening, they used to think Preeta belongs to a middle class family so would no be able to adjust as a member of the Luthra family however she has ruined the reputation of Sherlin, she used to think they were both at the same levels but Preeta is now at a much higher position, Sherlin replies she did not come to hear his taunts, he gets angry when she accepts they should not fight, she sitting down thinks she must shake hands with Preeta, Prithvi starts smiling questioning her what does she mean, Sherlin standing mentions they do not have any other choice because a child came into her life at Jamashtri and even when Karan made such a big mistake no one considers it wrong, they both hear Kritika coming, Shelrin immediately hides.

Kritika places the dress of Prithvi on the bed mentioning he selected it herself, she asks if he met the child because she is really cute, prithvi asks if he can change his dress.

Karina questions Sameer what is taking so long, he replies he is just about done when Mahesh explains they have given him some duty which he will fulfil, Karina questions where Pihu is, Kritika replies she is attaching the ring of the peacock, Dadi also asks about Pihu when Rakhi explains she is just about to come.

Prithvi coming exclaims that this is really a good scene as the little child as changed the emotions of the entire family, Kritika coming beside him agrees, she starts correcting his dress, Sherlin gets really mad seeing her, she thinks it is better for Kritika to not come before her as she is always roaming the house, she thinks of killing her if she comes too close to her Punu baby.

Sarla and Shristhi walk through the door, Kritika immediately goes to hug her when Sarla after wishing everyone asks about her granddaughter, Dadi mentions she is correcting her peacock feather, they see her coming, Sarla and Shristhi are really joyed seeing her.

Pihu immediately goes to try and break the pot however she is not able to reach, she decides to push the sofa but is not able to, the entire family starts praising her so she manages to push it, Sarla asks her to come close but Pihu looks to Preeta who signals her to go, she showers her with a lot of love. Sarla asks if Pihu knows who she is, Sarla then clarifies she is the mother of Preeta which implies she is the Grandmother of Pihu, Sarla asks if she knows what gifts she has brought, Sarla explains she has brought kheer and oil which she made herself, Sarla offers her some, Pihu asks who is the tall girl, pointing towards Shristhi, everyone shares an immense laugh, Shristhi going to her asks if she doesnot know then explains she is the younger sister of Preeta, meaning she is her aunt.

Shristhi mentions she is her aunt as she is the younger sister of her mother, her name is Shristhi, Pihu replies she doesnot like her, Shristhi questions why does she not like her as she is the favourite one, Pihu replies it is because she is not dressed like Radha, Shristhi mentions it is because she doesnot have any clothes like her, Shristhi even explains she doesnot have anyone who would be her Krishan as Preeta has Karan, Pihu looking around brings Sameer mentioning he would be her Krishan, Shristhi still says she doesnot have any clothes, Kritika assures there is nothing to be worried about as she would help her, Kritika takes Shrishih with her.

Pihu then brings Preeta with her asking her to feed her, Sarla goes to stand with Karan, Dadi exclaims that now in this house everything would happen according to the desires of Pihu, Rakhi also mentions this is the true, Sarla exclaims that she is glad to see the smiles on the face of everyone and prays they never leave the house, Rakhi explains nothing wrong would happen to their family and it all happened because Karina as she suggested to adopt a child, Karina explains even if some people think she is not a good person she always thinks the best for her family, Sarla also smiles.

Shristhi comes with Kritika, Pihu exclaims the heighted Radha came so she goes to exclaim she likes her, Shristhi forces to exclaim she loves her, Sameer also comes dressed as Krishan, Pihu goes to Sherlin requesting her to play the song, Dadi corrects her explaining she must call her as aunt.

Shristhi starts the performance, Karina is not at all happy to see her, Sameer also enjoys a lot performing with her, they both perform making everyone enjoy it, Pihu is also watching while sitting with Sarla and Preeta, after performing for a while they bring Preeta and Karan who come to dance on the stage, prithvi however gets frustrated to see them both dancing together, Karan and Preeta then bring Pihu with them, giving her a haar of flowers, Karan picks her up while the entire family joins them all, Pihu then starts playing the violin flute while they end the performance.
After a while Pihu exclaims that she danced a lot, Sarla replies that she is the reason everyone was dancing and would remain like this because of her, Shristhi comes to her mentioning that she even dressed as Radha for her so now she must call her as aunt, Pihu calls her aunt, she then questions at what time will they break the pot, Sarla replies she cannot break it at her well as they would only do it after the Krishan Janam, Rakhi explains that the birth occurred at midnight so after performing the pooja, they would break the pot, Mahesh mentions they can perform it before midnight however Pihu disagrees, Mahesh agrees exclaiming she is just like Karan in her attitude, Pihu replies it is since her birth.
Preeta mentions that it is twelve so they can perform the pooja, Pihu then holds the hand of Preeta, Karan coming explains she wanted to hold his hand however Preeta came first but then they start arguing, Pihu questions why they have both started fighting once again as she is the one who is young, Sarla explains she must not worry about them as they both are even more young than her, they start the pooja.

Preeta and Karan are performing the pooja with Pihu, they also swing the swing with her, she enjoys a lot, Preeta is also really happy as her dream fulfilled, Rakhi hands the thali of the pooja to Karina and Shristhi, so they perform the ritual, Prithvi along with Kritika come after her when they hand it to Sarla and Shristhi.

The Pandit jee performs the final rituals, they all start praying and then chant the slogans taking the blessings from the fire, Sarla prays that she prays both Karan and Preeta always remain like this in happiness, Rakhi also prays that the happiness which they have gotten today should remain like this and nothing wrong must happen in their family a lot.

Karan asks Pihu if she wants to break the pot, she goes with Karan and tries to break the pot however she is not able to so Karan helps her, the entire family rejoices wishing her when Pihu exclaims she wants to sleep, Preeta asks her to come but Karan says she wants to stay with him, they both start arguing when Pihu makes them remember they are fighting once again, Pihu then goes to Preeta who takes her upstairs, Sarla exclaims that Preeta is intelligent but with Karan she also acts like a child, they then take their leave as it has gotten really late.

Pihu comes out of the room, she is all dressed up when both Karan and Preeta are standing asking her to come, they both fight over who has the most right over the child, Pihu gets really tensed but then Preeta makes her wear the socks even when Pihu replies that she is not feeling cold, Preeta explains even she feels cold in the night, Karan decides to call Mahesh asking if the only right of a father is that he should earn or play cricket, Mahesh answering the call asks if this is what she said then Rakhi taking the mobile replies she doesnot if it is right but that Preeta is never wrong, Mahesh after the call is ended questions what is she doing as she knows that this is not right, Rakhi explains she is only saying what is the truth but this angers Mahesh who tries to reason with her.

Preeta is with Pihu on the bed, karan questions what is happening as Pihu would come and sleep with him, Preeta reply she is really comfortable with her and is just about to sleep however Karan insists that she come and sleep with him, Pihu makes them both statue then comes in the middle of them saying that she will sleep in between them both, Karan asks Preeta to not fight with him, she says he is the one to start the fight.

PRECAP: At home, everyone is searching for Pihu, but they can’t find her. Prithvi is driving somewhere and has someone in a sack. He says now Luthras will know what they lost and what he got. Sonakshi exclaims that she has come to introduce them to her daughter so how can she leave without introducing them, Karina warns her to remain quiet asking why is she lying when her father told said her child was dead at birth, Sonakshi exclaims she has come to introduce her daughter and her name is Pihu, everyone is not able to believe that she is the mother of Pihu.

This Is Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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