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Rakhi coming exclaims she realizes that sometimes the hearts get troubled, she apologizes to Karina for the wrongs of Sherlin, she even apologizes to Kritika but she says that there is no need since she might be wrong, Kritika apologizes then Sherlin thinks Kritika tried to take revenge from her but she also has a mother in law like Rakhi who stood for her, Sherlin exclaims that when there is a big family then some fights are bound to happen, prithvi thinks Sherlin is really smart as she acted like the English and created problems for which she herself found the solution and made everyone sure that she is not wrong.

There is a bell on the door, Ganesh opens the door to find Karan standing there, he comes in asking is everything is fine, Prithvi coming to Karina exclaims her daughter has a big hearts when one accepts the mistake even when they have done noting wrong, they really have a big heart. The door bell rings once again, Karan rush to open it, he is shocked to see Sonakshi standing there he questions what is she doing here, Sonakshi replies she had to come one day, Dadi in anger questions what is she doing here, Sonakshi replies she knows that no one is happy that she came here but she did not want that everyone has hatred filled in their hearts so that if they meet at some other point then have the courage to talk, Karina replies that it was all in the past and they do not want to consider it, Dadi also says that she should leave, Rakhi explains she felt good after spending some days with her and started to feel like she is their daughter but after what happened in her wedding she doesnot want to meet her anymore because some pasts are better left forgotten and she would not like to remember her, Sonakshi explains she knows they all hate her a lot but she has come for her sister Preeta and even called Karan however he warned her to not call him anymore, she needed to apologize to Preeta, she rushes to her when Preeta asks her to not be worried as what happened was not right, she doesnot have any hard feelings for her, Kritika also warns her to leave as she has ruined their family, Sonakshi explains she wanted to come and meet the family whom she considered as her own, she is going to London, Preeta advises her to go and leave each and every memory which was in India, Sonakshi mentions she thought she lost Preeta just like she lost her elder sister, Preeta assures her, she would also be there for her and if she ever needs her advise then should call her, the entire family is shocked, Sonakshi thinks of taking the blessings of everyone but they don’t let her, she leaves after apologizing.
Preeta is picking up the dishes when Karan comes asking what has happened as he feels she is tensed, Karan asks if she was thinking about Sonakshi, then Preeta replies that she has now talked with her so everything is fine however she is worried about Mahesh papa because ever since he came to know about it, he has not even come out of the room, Karan advises her to give him some time as everything would be fine.

Rakhi is walking in the hall when Dadi comes out asking where is Mahesh, Rakhi replies he is in the room, Karina also comes asking what has happened to him, Rakhi explains that he has asked them all to lest him rest, Dadi asks her to not hide anything from her about Mahesh as she is really worried, Karina is also really worried when Rakhi explains that Mahesh took the tablets of depression last night and waking up in the morning he has started to act like before, she is really worried, Rakhi explains that today is Krishan Janam MahShrvatri so she doesnot know why she thinks that Krishan jee would send someone like him to their house, she feels that happiness would once again come to their house, she asks Karan and Preeta and so they both agree.

Shristhi enters the house calling both Sarla and Janki aunti but they both do not respond, she wonders where have they gone together, she realizes that she forgot that today jamashtri and they would have went for the shopping, she receives a call from Sameer so questions how did he call her because she is always the one to text him saying that she wants to talk with him, how did he call her but then Sameer asks he would talk if she lets him, she then says that she remained quiet to allow him, however she feels that he is worried, Sameer explains that he feels something wrong would have happened, he says Kritika told him that Sonakshi came to their house, Shristhi in anger questions what is wrong with her as even after speaking so much lies she came to their house, Sameer asks her why is she worried when Sonakshi has really gone, Shristhi replies that she doesnot think her chapter would end like this, Shristhi thanks Sameer saying she is glad he always informs her of everything happening in the Luthra house because he is always with her, Sameer agrees he would tell her but then she ends the call. Shristhi prays to Krishan Bhagwan that both Karan and Preeta are kept away from all the evils.

Prithvi is roaming in the room, Sherlin seeing him comes in questioning what has happened, he looks at her in anger, he explains Kritika was crying, Sherlin asks the reason, Prithvi asks her to tell him the reason, Sherlin replies that she is his wife, but Prithvi says that she would know the reason, Sherlin explains she said something to her so she started crying because she has been talking a lot, Prithvi accepts that Kritika should think before talking with her but Sherlin herself must think before speaking. Sherlin said Kritika has spend enough time in the Luthra house so must think about her own family, this means she would be with him in his room, Sherlin knows what would happen then, she realizes that they both would be together and in the same room, Sherlin agrees to not say anything, Prithvi says that she is not doing him any favour, Prithvi mentions he is really angry as there are a lot of problems in the house, Karan and Preeta are not separating even when Sherlin has tried a lot to ruin them but was not able to, Sherlin asks what was Prithvi able to do, he replies he was waiting for the opportune moment and would then be able to achieve anything, Sherlin mentions she would also see how he achieves anything, Prithvi then by himself thinks that he would surely achieve anything he desires.
Karina is with Bani Dadi requesting her to come and have something to eat, she however says that she would not eat anything then Karina says that if she gets depressed then how would the family be able to live happily, Rakhi asks Karan to come and have the breakfast, Karan however explains that he needs to talk with the doctor because the reports of Preeta might have come, he calls her mentioning that she asked him to consult her, the doctor replies that she has got the reports and was even about to courier them to Luthra house, they all question her however she is quiet, the doctor explains that she told them that Preeta’s case was difficult but now after seeing the report mentions that she now knows that it is difficult and Preeta would have difficulty in conceiving the child, the entire family is shocked so they start crying, Preeta also leaves them all crying.
Karina explains that there is a solution which can help Karan and Preeta have the child, Rakhi also sits down crying thinking how would she go and face Mahesh as he is expecting that they would be able to become Grandparents but how would she reveal that they might be able to be one.

Preeta is with Karan crying, she mentions there was one last hope, and it has now ended, Karan asks how she is thinking like this when the doctor said that there is still a chance. Karina comes to them mentioning they both can have a child even when it is difficult for them to conceive, Karina explains that even if they start the treatment but what would happen if it is not successful then their dreams would end even after waiting for so long, she believes that if they have seen a dream then must fulfill them without waiting, Dadi asks Karina what does she mean, Karina replies she would say what she wants but only after talking with Karan and Preeta as it would affect them, they both should never think that they are forcing them however must think of her suggestion, Dadi asks what does she mean, Karina suggests them both to adopt a child, she explains they are not of the old mentality as when the child comes to a women, she considers him to be her son, Karina explains they all are waiting for the child so they both should fulfil their dreams, She asks him to see how Preeta is breaking and might go into depression after which they would not be able to cure her, he must before that give her the child for whom she would shower all her blessings, Preeta would then be fine so nothing would be better than this because there are a lot of children in the world who are orphans and need someone who would take care of them as their parents, Karina mentions she is thinking how Mahesh would react as after the child comes, he would not go back to his room and will only worry about the child, Rakhi would have to take him by force, she asks them to think clearly as they all would make a lot of relations with the child but they both would have the biggest responsibility of becoming the parents she has a friend who runs an orphanage and if they agree, she would talk with her so she will come to their house. Rakhi going to them both mentions she feels Karina is right but they both should think of it as even when the entire family would be happy, Preeta’s smile would come back, Dadi and Rakhi both ask what they desire, Karan and Preeta both agree, hearing that they also desire it, the entire family is really happy, Sherlin thinks this is really wrong and then thinks of telling prithvi as he is the only one who would help her, she even fought with him but they have to stop this adoption under any circumstance.

Sherlin rushes to the guest room calling Prithvi however he is not in the room, she doesnot even find him in the bathroom so decides to call him, Prithvi is in the room drinking tea with Kritika, he exclaims that she has made fantastic tea, she mention it was just an excuse because she wants to confess something, Prithvi thinks if she might one again talk of going to his mother’s house, Kritika explains his words gave her immense courage and she now knows she must not stay quiet when someone says anything wrong to her, she would surely reply if Sherlin ever tries to misbehave with her, Prithvi is worried, when Sherlin calls, he thinks she has called him when she herself was not able to come, Kritika exclaims that his second wife has interfered, prithvi was not able to believe what Kritika has said.

Prithvi and Kritika are sitting in the room when his mobile rings, she asks if the second wife came in between, he is really shocked when she says she meant this mobile, he thinks when would the wife of someone ask her husband to go and talk with his second wife, he answers it when Sherlin exclaims she knows she yelled at him but knows he is the only one who can help her, she then questions why is he so quiet and talking in half words, she realizes that someone is near him, she questions where is he but when he is about to answer, Kritika also receives a call, she leaves the room, hearing this Sherlin realizes he is with Kritika however Prithvi refuses so she mentions she is going to video call him and if he is in Kritika’s room then it would be really problematic, Prithvi wonders how he would answer the call since Sherlin would realize he is in Kritika’s room, he thinks of making the white curtain as the background but just then Rakhi calls Sherlin saying that she must go and help Preeta because she is decorating the Parna alone. Prithvi gets relieved so rushes after placing his mobile in the pocket.

Preeta is decorating the Parna when Rakhi comes to show her the murti of the Kana jee mentioning it is Jamashtri so they have to make sure that his Singharn has nothing left, Sherlin comes asking if she can perform his Sthan, Rakhi agrees but instructs that she must use Milk, yogurt and other ingredients, Sherlin replies she knows them and would also decorate him, Rakhi then asks Preeta to increase the length of the ribbon so they find it easy to swing. Preeta realizes when she taught Karan how to swing the Parna, Karan comes asking what is she thinking about, she replies she was thinking they would have their own Bal Gopal who they both would raise and give them swings, karan questions why is she always talking about the children and are they not children themselves, he leaves when Preeta thinks she knows he gets irritated hearing her words but if she is hurt then some of it would come to her mouth, Karan also thinks he knows how she is really hurt but he would have to be the one who is strong as he cannot reveal his pain. Preeta sitting prays to Kana jee that today he was born and filled Maa Yashoda with the sentiments, she prays that he do the same for her and give her the mother of a Bal Gopal, she is praying when a child enters the house, he starts running around with bangles in his feet, Preeta turns but she is not able to see anyone, she gets tensed so once again hears the voice and looking up see a child running in the hall, she stats smiling, while the child runs removing all of the curtains, he while doing so drops the piece of peacock which he has, Preeta manages to catch it, Karan is working on his laptop when he also hears the sound of the child running so leaves, both Karan and Preeta reach when the child stop, they look at each other, Preeta asks who is he, the child replies he is Pihu.

Karan and Preeta are mesmerized by the child who is really cute, she asks how did he come to their house, who is he and who came with her, she however runs saying that she would tell them after they give her some milk, she runs away from them, Pihu hides in the window, Karan and Preeta are not able to find her, Preeta exclaims she was just here, Karan mentions they are not able to find her in their own house so they both should search, Pihu runs to hide to another window, Preeta sees her and so helps Karan, he gives up asking her to come out soi Preeta moves aside, karan asks since when did she change her sides, Preeta replies she was never playing any game so she was with her, Pihu hugs Preeta and even kisses her on the cheek, Rakhi come calling Pihu, she finds her but then Karan and Preeta are both tensed so Rakhi asks them to first come downstairs, they would then find out the truth. The entire family is waiting and drinking tea, Rakhi and Karina are really happy to see them, Preeta even plays with her and then makes a Pinki promise, she explains that Pihu is hungry, so they are going to the kitchen, the two women mention that she also needs something to eat as it is time for her lunch.

Precap: Preeta prays that her life be filled with a child when she sees that child is walking in their house, Karan also runs after him, Preeta questions who is he so the child turns revealing his name. Gaitri asks Karan to sign the papers as there is just one other formality which they can fulfil at the NGO, Gaitri calls Pihu questioning if she remembers they told her that she would meet her parents, she introduces her to Karan and Preeta mentioning they are her parents however Pihu replies they are her friends.

This Is Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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