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Kavya shouts at Dolly to shut up. Pakhi warns her she cannot misbehave with her Dolly aunty like that. Dolly asks Kavya to help them search FOR bhai/Vanraj or else she will file a police complaint that she mentally tortured bhai and forced bhai to leave the house uninformed, she has Vanraj’s letter as proof. 

Vanraj walking somewhere outside think he should return home as he cannot get weak, God knows what family must be go through, Anu has to face everything alone, and Kavya may take harmful step due to her insecurity. 

Anu ask Kavya to go home and ask family members to call Vanraj’s ex-colleagues and friends and find out if he came to them. Pakhi asks if they should file police complaint. Samar says not yet. Kavya cry that V cannot do this to her, she will die without him and runs away from there.

Vanraj continues walking on a bride and stands tensed. Family rushes out of the house to search for Vanraj when they see something and stop. Kavya gets a panic attack and repeatedly messages Vanraj to come back or call her. Police jeep stands in front of Shah family, and inspector asks if this is Vanraj Shah’s house. Anu says he is her husband. He shows phone and asks if it is Vanraj’s. Anu says yes, where did he find it? Inspector says he found it near a dead boy as there was suicide case. Anu says this can’t happen as her husband would never do that. Inspector says body is in jeep and she can check and verify. Pakhi panics that he can’t be papa. Anu consoles her and walks towards jeep tensed.

Nandini returns home and not hearing Kavya thinks she must have gone out. Kavya is seen sitting on the floor nearby behind sofa. Nandini drops her phone and picks it and walks away without noticing her. Anu runs and hug Pakhi and informs that dead body is not of Vanraj. Inspector orders constable to send dead body to post mortem and call people who filed missing complaint. Anu asks if she can file missing complaint of her husband. He says not before 24 hours, so she can come to police station after 24 hours if her husband doesn’t return. Pakhi hopes papa is fine. Anu says her heart says he is fine and nothing will happen to him.
Kavya continues panicking and crying that she cannot live without V. She reminisces the time spent with him, records a last message for V, and drops her phone down. Nandini returns home searching for Anu. Anu asks Pakhi to take care of Meenu while they search for Vanraj as she is sure he will be found soon. Kavya walks to her and asks how can she be so sure. Anu says she knows him since 25 years, he will not run away from responsibilities. Kavya asks why did he write a letter then? Anu says he is stuck between family and Kavya and fears if his family will accept Kavya or not. Kavya says she think Vanraj loves Anu. Anu says she is sure he is not, as there was no love between them till now, they have relationship of family and not love, etc. Kavya says she loves V a lot and will die if she doesn’t marry him, she has dreamt a lot about their marriage. Anu promises to fulfill her dreams. She hopes he would have spoken to her before taking this step and tells family let us search for Vanraj. Vanraj calls her. She asks where is he, how can he go without informing her. Kavya snatch thr phone and speaks, but call gets disconnected.

After 2 days, Anu reminisces Vanraj’s letter that he cannot tolerate it anymore, he relived the memories of 25 years when he spent a few quality days with her recently; he is leaving to find answers to the questions which are haunting him. She ask god to tell where is Toshu’s papa as everyone are searching him including police, Baa and Bapuji are asking about their son, Sweety is crying, Kavya is panicking, 2 days have passed and he is found nowhere, god should help her. Toshu returns and asks why didn’t she inform him before and wants to handle problems alone always. He says nothing will happen to papa and calling inspector asks if he got any update regarding papa, walks aside from there leaving Anu nervous, and insists him to find papa soon. Nandini walks to him and asks if he found any clue. He asks about Samar. She says he went to hotel to see if uncle checked in there. He says papa shouldn’t have done that. She says they are searching uncle since 2 days, Meen and Pakhi are crying continuously, Kavya is in a shock since 2 days as she is very possessive regarding uncle .
Anupama sits tired on bench after searching for Vanraj. Kavya walk to her and asks if she called back the number she received Vanraj’s call from. Anu says she did, but its not reachable. Kavya insists to try again. Anu ask her to try it herself if she doesn’t trust her. Kavya says V left home because of her and asks Anu if they don’t want divorce, want to stay together, if something happened during 2 days in resort that changed their mind. Anu says nothing of that sort happened and she will not change her decision; she will not do what Kavya did to her; its not necessary that Vanraj left home because of Kavya as he didn’t inform anyone; she feels he is fine wherever he is, they will search for him or he himself will return. Kavya ask why did Vanraj call Anu and not her? Anu says maybe her phone didn’t connect. Kavya asks why always her phone doesn’t connect, but Anu’s does. Anu ties a protective thread on Kavya’s wrist and promises that she will not interfere between Kavya and Vanraj and whenever Kavya gets a doubt, she should look at this thread. Toshu and Nandini return and inform that they didn’t find Vanraj and even Samar didn’t. Anu gets a call and emotionally nods yes. Toshu asks whose phone was it. Anu says a man called and informed that Vanraj is in wellness resort. Toshu says he and mummy will go and search there while Nandini and Kavya search Vanraj here. Kavya insists to accompany them. Anu says she should search for Vanraj here as she isn’t sure if Vanraj is realy at wellness center and someone just called. Kavya agrees and asks Anu to remember her promise as she broke her trust always. Anu with Toshu reach wellness resort in a taxi and then reach reception. Receptionist greets them with flowers. Toshu says they want to meet yogi Advaith ji as he had called and informed that his papa who is missing is here. Receptionist shows resort map and yogi ji’s location. Toshu asks how will they find yogi ji in such a big resort. Receptionist says yogi ji says one should search for their destiny themselves even if the the route is tough. They both rush searching for yogi’s location. 

On the other side, Kavya nervously waits for Anu’s call. Nandini asks her to relax and offers her juice. Kavya ask why is she worried about her? Nandini says she get angry, but doesn’t hate. Kavya says even she get angry and doesn’t hate. 

Anu fumes why did Vanraj come here and asks Toshu to find where yogi ji is. He says they need to reach happy tree. She heard fruit and flower trees and not happy tree. Toshu finds tree and says yogi ji must be here. Yogi ji is seen playing bansuri. Anu covers her head saying one needs to cover their head when they go in front of elders or saints. She greets Jai Sri Krishna guruji. Yogi ji wearing modern dress walks to them saying whats up. Anu confused asks if he is Guruji. He says if she learns, he is guruji or else a random man. Anu says Toshu let us search for Guruji. Toshu says he is guruji. Guruji says if they expect that he would be wearing tilak and saintly clothes, they are wrong; he has 2 other gurus who accompany him always and don’t look like old saints. Toshu asks who are they? He shows his wallet and says empty wallet teaches a person a lot. Toshu asks who is his other guru. Guruji says his broken heart, these 2 gurus taught him which others couldn’t. He calls Anupama. She surprised asks who told her name. He says 4 people, 4 masala smells from her indicated that she is Anupama. He introduces himself as Dr. Advaith Khanna, the owner and caretaker of this beautiful property. Toshu excitedly asks if he is the great neurosurgeon Dr. Advaith Khanna and informs Anu that he has millions of fan following for his lectures. He asks Advaith if he is yogi also? Advaith says he is even batman and laughs. He then notices Anu’s tension and asks if there is any problem? Advaith takes them on a ferry vehicle and says her husband praised her food and hence he identified her via her masala smell. Toshu asks what about yog siddhi. He can touch his feet via yog siddhi, thats it. Anu asks where is Vanraj? He stops vehicle and says their destiny. Anu search for Vanraj and finds him sitting on a grass. She look at him emotionally. Vanraj asks how did she come here. She asks if he is fine? She says yes, who informed her about his location. She says guruji. He says he told guruji not to inform her, but he didn’t listen to him. Anu blasts him that Pakhi, Baa, Bapuji and the whole family is tensed because of his irresponsible behavior; how can he leave house uninformed. Vanraj stands aside fuming. She asks why did he come here? He says he doesn’t want to talk now. She says always his wishes will not work.

PR: Vanraj says until he understands what he needs to do, he will not return home. He sees Anu unconscious on floor and rushes her to Advaith who checks her. Vanraj asks what happened to Anu. Nurse gives Anu’s medical report to Advaith. Anu tells family that even if there is something small, doctor will exaggerate it. Advaith informs Vanraj that Anupama has tumor in her ovaries.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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