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Dr. Advaith offers flower band to Anupama in his usual style and then offers flower to Nandini. Nandini says thank you guruji. He says she look tired, so she should sprinkle rose water on her face and feel refreshed. He then ask Anu how is she feeling now? Anu smells flower band. Advaith says if a person gets well with flowers, what will doctors like him will do. He then says she has to do something. She asks what. He says he knows she is jealous. She asks why. He says his hair is so silky long that any girl would get jealous of him. Anu laughs. Advaith says that he what he wants. Nandini says Anu can smile even at home. Advaith says hey oversmart lady, can he speak to his patient. She nods okay. He tells Anu that mind needs smile to get well, but body needs treatment. Anu asks what happened to her. He says there may be problem, he knows she is eager to go home, but should increase his bill a bit. She smiles. He says she needs to get well for herself than her family and says women get busy in serving family that they forget themselves; when a person doesn’t love herself, how can she love anyone else; so she should love herself and jokes that he is very happy loving himself and his long tresses and Kanhaji. Anu says Kanhaji is free even after bounded by many relationships. He says that is why he is god. She says a kite flies only if it is attached to a thread. He says mind is a bird which doesn’t like to be tied, so she should become a bit like him. She says a mother cannot become like him and break all the bonding even if she wants to; a father gets moksh/eternity by breaking the bonding, but for a mother, bonding is moksh. He says she is right and tells Nandini that they shouldn’t argue with a mother at all. Nandini says never. He ask Anu again to think about herself a bit and goes to get her medical report. Nandini follows him. Adaith takes Anu’s medical report from nurse and reads it. Vanraj asks if everything is alright. Advaith says this is first report and he can opine only after reading other reports. Vanraj asks if anything serious. Adaith says he will inform him first if there is anything serious and walks away with serious face looking concerned.
Samar video call Nandini and ask where is she? She says she is at resort as Kavya was coming here and she had to come here witj her. He asks how is mummy and if there is any problem? She says she met her just now and doctor said he will give his opinion after checking the report. He ask what happened to mummy? She says doctor said BP shoot up due to anger and frustration pile up and aunty didn’t take care of herself well. He says they never thought of mummy as a human, even machines fail after sometime, mummy is working continuously since 25 years; after certain age, human needs multivitamin and zinc; good that Bapuji and Nandini forced her to go on morning walks and yoga; now he will take care of mummy. She says they all together will and asks him to concentrate on his dance classes. He asks her to let him speak to mummy once. She says sure and smilingly disconnect the call. Kavya noticing her think Nandini and Samar are sensible even being kids, but elders do stupidity; people says millennial generation is selfish, but they are smart instead; they handle situation so well, she feel jealous thinking why there is no such understanding between her and V.

Nurse gives Anu’s report to Advaith. Advaith look concerned reading it and ask nurse to call Vanraj and start playing bansuri. Nurse inform Vanraj same and ask him to follow bansuri sound. 

Anu ask Nandini if reports is out. Nandini says not yet. Anu says doctors will exaggerate the issue to increase bill. Nandini says routine tests are necessary to diagnose and treat an upcoming big problems. Anu ask her not to frighten her. Nandini says it won’t and even if there is a small problem, it will be solved with a snap of a fingers. 

Vanraj meet Advaith who inform her that reports are not looking good and Anupama has tumor in her ovaries. Vanraj shocked asks if Anu will be fine? He says he doesn’t know as god decides everything and doctors just try their best; they are born with death and life is like a rented house, but people think it's permanent; Anu got a first notice to leave her rented house. Vanraj is shatter hearing that. Advaith says he will do his best to treat Anu and Vanraj should try to keep her happy; they cannot deny that she has tumor in ovaries. Vanraj sees Samar hearing their conversation. Samar is shattered and run towards Anu’s room. Vanraj run behind him. Samar falls down. Vanraj holds him and ask him to listen to him once.

Anu eagerly wait for her test reports. Nandini ask her to rest. Anu says she is feeling restless as mother is not habituated to rest, she ask if Samar is coming? Nandini says he must have reached by now and was worried for her. Anu says she knows as he is worried for her always. Vanraj reminisce Anu’s services whole life and says he made a mistake again. Samar says he does mistakes repeatedly and mummy suffers because of it; even they all never thought about mummy and took her for granted; they had friends, work, college, etc., but mummy had only them and fought for them all; they all let mummy down, he was busy in competition and thought he will spend time with mummy once he becomes famous, but didn’t know mummy doesn’t have time now. Vanraj says this is just a beginning and they will fight. Samar ask if nothing will happen to mummy. Vanraj cry holding his leg and he consolees Vanraj. Kavya notices that from a distance.

Vanraj continue crying holding Samar. Samar ask if he want to see mummy happy, he should divorce her. Vanraj sit silently. Samar says he first says yes, then no, and then run away; he shouldn’t let mummy be in rollercoaster ride like this. Vanraj says let us do the work which is necessary instead of thinking about divorce, they need to keep Anu happy as they don’t know how much time Anu has. Samar says he is right. Vanraj says if they want to keep Anu happy, they need to hide her illness from her. Samar ask till when they can hide it? Vanraj says till they can, Anu’s each day from today should be her happy day. Samar agrees.

Samar meets Anu mimicking doctor. Anu laughs He says he is a doctor and patient cannot speak. He act as reading report and shows her a smiley in it. She ask what kind of report is this? He says it means she is fine and needs to pamper her younger son 3 times a day with hot water, scold her elder son 4 times with warm water, and pull her daughter’s ears 3 times. She acts as getting pain. He rush to her concerned. She pulls his ears and asks to say sorry. He says sorry. She says pagal badmash chokra and asks if reports are fine? He says yes. She says good then, now everything will he alright with her son’s presence. She hug him, he cry hugging her tightly, then wipe his tears and says patient needs to smile 1000 times a day and shows her. Vanraj smiles hearing their conversation standing near window, think Anupama’s happiness is with family, so he will call everyone; till now he just gave her pain, now he will give her only happiness. Samar blindfold Anu and takes her along. She ask where is he taking her? He says someone’s house whom she knows well but meets rarely. She ask who? He remove her blindfold showing a house saying it's his mummy’s house. Anu get happy seeing her kitchen stuff there. He ask her to meet herself in this house and shows her name plate. She reminisces him telling her that he will gift her a house which will have her name plate and only her orders will work. She happily touch her name plate and asks how did this happen? He says Dr. Advaith understood that she didn’t like room, so he gave her cottage option. He cheers her up more and says whenever he goes out with her, he doesn’t remember home as house is where mother is. She get emotional. He says her friend has also come. She excitedly ask Devika? He says one who is with her since childhood and shows Tulsi plant. She says this is exactly like her home tulsi plant. He says Advaith arranged lot of stuff like home. She says she needs to pray before entering home. She happily performs tulsi pooja and draws swastik mark on door. He says perfect. She asks how much time is left for her? He gets tensed and asks if she found out. She says till when she can stay in this house? He relaxes and takes her towards door on flower carpet. She gets happy seeing her utensils and masala bottles in kitchen and performs daily kitchen pooja. Samar then heads her towards door and opens it. Vanraj welcomes her. Pakhi happily hug her. Bapuji and Nandini also walk to her. Pakhi says someone else has also come. Baa walks to her with aarti and says scolds her for talking about leaving home, says she performed bahu’s aarti 25 years ago and today will perform beti/daughter’s aarti. She performs aarti. Everyone welcome her. She gets happy seeing family pics on wall. Baa reminds her to touch her feet and take blessings. Anu does. Vanraj offers her flowers and welcomes her. Baa says let us take Thakurji’s blessings and says Thakurji loves her a lot, so he came even here. Anu asks why they did all this for just 2 days. Baa gets emotional and asks her to stop talking and perform aarti. Anu performs aarti singing Aarti Kunj Bihari Ki.. bhajan. Everyone feel sad standing behind, but smile when she turns. She finishes aarti and thinks everything is fine, but feels everyone is hiding something from her.
PRECAP: Family dances with Anu. Vanraj thinks he wants keep Anu happy till she is alive. Nandini asks what if Dr. Advaith informs Anu about her condition. Anu asks Advaith what he thinks about her medical reports. He says she has a tumor in her ovaries. Anu asks family if they thought they will hide with her about family and stop her death by cheering her up. Vanraj shouts to shut up and don’t talk about it again. Advaith gets concerned hearing about Anupama’s advanced reports.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm     

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