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Someone touched New Sanam who is as old hag from behind and asks what is she doing, she says that she is driving away evil spirits, and decides to ask her about Sanam. but she says she is new and doesn't know. She then ask about the guest house, and is shown the address. She decides to stay as a guest, for starters to take her revenge.

Meanwhile, Misbah teases Shaad, as he find himself concerned with Jannat’s safety. They both get in the car and drive off, and a person eyes them suspiciously, as they leave. In the car, shaad asks misbah where she has to go. misbah is out with shaad, in the car, where she gets a message that the timer on the bomb placed in the car is 20 minutes, and she should get down, before that. both of them try to initiate a conversation, where she points out that he has changed much after marriage. She starts teasing him about his special gift, and he shys away. She is happy for his new found love for jannat. She notices that only 14 minutes are left, and soon he shall be blows to bits and pieces.

Inside the house, Sanam comes down with sherbat, and notices the smoke, and asks the same maid, who tells that the lady has gone towards the guest house. the new bride goes around every room, to find out about Sanam and the house, oblivious that Sanam too is on the trails. As Sanam goes around the lobby, trying to look for the woman, the new bride notices her from a distance, and is shocked. she immediately takes out the poison, and holds out the dart, ready for action. She goes behind sanam, who intuitively think that someone is following her, and she turns around, just in time, for the new bride to hide. once she is assured there’s no one, Sanam starts to go to the stairs, again and again feeling someone’s presence, but not finding her/him. she instively pulls the alarm, and Shaad gets extremely tensed, as he hears the alarm. He decides to go for jannat, and begins to get down from the car. Misbah asks him to take the car, but he says she should go in the car as he shall take the taxi, and he can't desert her too, and insists on taking the car. he gets down and rush out. Misbah try to get out of the car frustrated but she isn't able to. She calls the person. the person tells her that she should have gotten out ten minutes back, as is shocked that she is still inside, as by her instructions, she didn't want Shaad to get out, and hence he made a mechanism that locked the car five minutes before the blast. she is horrified.
At Shaad’s residence

Mibsha is shocked to hear the person’s statements, and wonders what to do now. She desperately try to unlock the door somehow. Finally, she is somehow trying to find an escape route to be able to get out while the clock is tickling away is alarming her consistently. Seeing the countdown coming down to 30 seconds, she is petrified. She eyes the hells of her sandal, and then gets an idea, and starts to use it to break open the windshield, and is finally able to. She jumps out dishevelled and makes a mad dash. Misbah frustratedly gets down and then rushes ahead. Hearing a blast, Misbah turns around and is surprised, and angered too that her plan failed completely, eyeing her bloody fingers. she says Shaad may have lived today due to Jannat, but next time, they both shall not be spared. she is frustrated.

Meanwhile, Sanam retreats to her room, while the new bride comes from behind. She locks the door behind her, as she locks herself. Seeing Wazira the new bride, hides the dart, and makes an excuse that she was searching for the bathroom. Wazira insistently takes her towards the bathroom, away from Sanam’s room. She gets inside, and is frustrated that she was this close to winning. She is irritated that she doesnt have much time, and if anyone gets a hint of it, she wont be spared. She wonder what to do now. She takes the bucket and intentionally throws it, screaming for help, wincing in pain. wazira comes in and says she shall help, but the new bride says she wont be able to help, as she is old, and she should instead send someone young. Wazira goes, and in the meanwhile, the new bride takes the dart out again, and stealthily hides it under the palm of her fingers. Wazira meanwhile goes to Sanam’s room, and tells about the new bride’s accident, and asks her to help her out. Sanam comply hurriedly. They both rush out. Sanam finds the new bride and innocently trying to help, oblivious of her actual identity. She try to lift the bride, but she says she is too heavy for that. While the new bride lays flat on the bathroom floor, Sanam asks for her hand, not recognizing her, with the dart hidden easily concealed between the fingers of her opposite side of the palm. Sanam doesnt realize that she is this close to her death, as she extends her hand for help. But before the dart can prick her hand with the cobra’s poison, Shaad comes in and screams out for Jannat, and the new bride immediately retreats her hand, so as her plan isnt exposed. the dart falls from her hand and onto the flowing water, running from the bathroom tap, and in the sink. The dart too slips away in the sink, much to the new bride’s disapppointment. Sanam asks Shaad to help the old lady. they both help her to get up on her feet. She asks them to move ahead, while she comes. Shaad leaves with wazira and Sanam, while the new bride fumes at her failure.

Outside, he asks Sanam the reason of the alarm. She tells about her intuition, while he says its okay, and just wants her to be safe. the new bride comes out, and sanam instantly asks if she is okay. the new bride asks whats her name, and sanam identifies herself as Jannat and that she is Shaad’s wife. She asks them the duration of their marriage, and sanam isnt able to respond. She tells about her memory loss, and says she knows only what shaad told her. she asks her to pray for her memory gain, so that she remembers everything. the new bride is shocked to understand that sanam has lost her memory. Shaad comes with medicine. The new bride says that she shall go back now, and that she shall pray for them to be together always, and prays that Jannat always stays in this house. She leaves. Shaad and sanam eye her leaving.

Shaad eats sanam’s cooked food, and he compliments her for her professional quality prepared food. he finds her tensed, and asks whats the matter. She says that she wonders how difficult it is for him to be with her, and talks about how she didnt even remember how long they have been married. She says that she gets frustrated at her memory loss. To please her, he says that they got married on Valentine’s day. she again says her parents too got married on this day, and is drawn back to asad and zoya’s memory, and is boggled and surprised. She starts getting very tensed, thinking that she doesnt even know if these memories are true or fake, that she creates to make up for the hollow in her life. Sanam asks him to detail everything about their past and their love story, as if she doesnt get to know, she would go mad. She is berserk and gets incoherent. Shaad is extremely tensed. Just then, the servant comes in and says that wazira is asking for shaad. he leaves, while she wonders whats her story. Shaad comes down and signs the reports, and then after the police leaves, misbah gives an excuse of the car blowing up, when she got down to take a call from her friend. she says that she doesnt know who or what could have prompted the murder attempt. He says that it was for him and not her. His father asks him to stop chasing shashi kapoor now, but he says that he neither believes nor will he, as shashi is alive. misbah listens intently. his father asks him to prove. he says that he doesnt need to prove. wazira wonders how helpless she is, that she cant tell them, that the person they are searching for, is right in their house, as her daughter. His father asks why he left misbah alone. he tells about jannat’s scare. His father asks if he can ever care about anyone other than his own wife, and he wonders if he is his son after all. Shaad finally speaks and says that he is saying so, since he doesnt want to be like him. Shaad says that he cant stand his hypocrisy anymore, and is glad that he cares for his wife. He says that he is happy that he isnt like him, who cared for everyone except for his wife. Sanam listens to this from hiding and is tensed. he says that he shall continue caring for her, come what may. Shaad leaves angrily. His father is shocked by his statements.
At Shaad’s residence

Sanam finds that shaad has locked himself inside the room. he remembers his father’s stinging words, and is tensed and hurt. She desperately asks him to open the door, and when he doesnt, she presses the alarm on the watch to signal him and get him to open. He throws the watch but then to her surprise, he opens and lets her in, on her request. She finds the room decored in the mid-sixties, and a song playing, which he says was his mother’s favourite song. She tries to get him to cheer up, by dancing to its tunes, and he finds himself enjoiying slightly, despite continuing to try to put up a tensed face. sanam dances with shaad, while he is taken aback, by her frivolity. Later she comments that she is very happy to see him like this, and feels that she has met the happy Shaad for the first time, and asks why isnt he like this earlier. He says that he too saw this a long time back, and she comments that in this room, she feels as connected as he does. he says that this is his mother’s room, and it still shares the memories that he has of his mother, and relives them once again, and for the first time, anyone else has come in. she asks what he does when he comes. he says that he spends time with his mother, who used to be a creative writer, and when he misses her, he reads her books. she hears tensedly. He says that when he finds that his conversation is one sided, he writes himself. She is shocked and surprised, and asks him to read it out. he says that his writing only has pain and grief, and she says that she shall find it beautiful too. he narrates one, and she is mesmerised with his talent, and insists for more. he says some other time. she finds a pic of his mother by the taj and he says that she loved everything about india. she asks him to elaborate more on his mother, as she would like it then.

As they sit by the poolside, she goes through his mother’s pic, while he gives an inteo of her and other details, of how she was an indian, but after separation, she settled in Pakistant, even though she always felt strange here, and tried hard to compromise herself, but couldnt relieve herself of the pain of leaving her own country. he says that she just wanted love and bvrotherhood between the two enemy countries, and that she wanted the same status as a woman, as she got in india, but then pakistant didnt have such modern thinkling, and hence her modern ideas were rebuked, by the world, and even by her husband, and she always felt lonely and lost, without a proper life partner, and those who are alone always lose out. Both are in tears, while she wipes his, feeling his pain. he is in tears, while she too is tensed. He rests his head on her hands.

At Ahil’s residence

Gazalla and razaak enjoy the lavish spread that the new bride has arranged for them for food. they ask her why she left her alive, as she wouldnt have understood due to her memory loss. She says that she didnt have any reason to kill her, as she has forgotten her love for ahil, then whats the use of killing her. He hastily asks what if her memory returns back, but then seeing her reaction he is scared. she says that by the time, sanam returns, she shall have full control over ahil, and she would make him so helpless, that even if sanam returns, he wouldnt let her in his life. They are boggled and asks what she plans to do. the new bride says that ahil’s life is about to change, once he wakes up from his deep sleep. gazalla and razaak are surprised. She says that when ahil wakes up, he would have a new life, ruled by none other than she herself.

At Shaad’s residence

Sanam insistently takes him out, in the garden, trying to point out that he is still living in the past, wheer things happened due to the circumstances then. She says that he has loset himself in his mother’s thoughts, and asks him to move on and let go of the burden and guilt of the past. he says that it isnt easy. she asks it isnt difficult, and says that she has a solution, and tries the same balloon method, with shaad, asking him to let go, of the pain and grief torturing him, through the balloons, while he is extremely nervous and tensed, while she is oblivious that she reiterates the same dialogue that she gave to ahil, when he was tormented by his past. she writes a balloon for him, and asks him to let go. she has flashbacks of doing the same with ahil, in a haze. After having done away with many balloons, he isnt able to do the same with his mother’s pain. He says that he cant. she asks him to. When he isnt able to, she speaks out, asking him to leave it, addressing him as ahil. she is boggled, and confused yet again, while he gets tensed to hear the name. he wonders who is this person, and if its her lover. 

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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