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Sanam is limping. She calls out to Shaad and collapses. Shaad calls out to Jannat. Sanam is throwing stones she can grab and one stone hits Shaad. He notices her and rushes to her. He shakes her hand and asks her to open her eyes. He rubs her feet. He notices the snake bite and suck out the venom out. He keeps shaking Sanam. Shaad says you cant leave me like this. I know the bond between us is a lie but the love in my heart is true, I love you. Shaad says I know I'm no one of yours but you are my life. BG – Tu mila to khudaya mil gaya. Flashbacks of Shaad-Sanam scenes. A drop of Shaads tear falls on Sanams lips. She moves a bit. She regains consciousness. Sanam tells Shaad, you are here. She hug him passionately. He too hug her back passionately. Shaad tells Sanam lets leave. He is carrying Sanam in his arms. Fake-Misbah is already waiting outside and points gun at Shaad-Sanam. Fake-Misbah says .. Akkad-Bakkad-Bambai-Bo. Right then she hears sirens and hides. Cops reach the site.

Ahil calls BSF and ask to check details. They say will let you know in a while. Ahil is on the phone. Sanam-2 is signing papers when an assistant comes for more signatures. She asks about Ahil and he says that Ahil is on the phone. Sanam-2 leaves all work aside and rush to Ahil.

Cops chide guards for not being alert. Shaad self thought pretty sure Shashi Kapoor did all this with Sanam. He says I wont spare her. Shaad get a call from Military saying the case of the girl you gave us is pending, what to do? Doctor says we need to take her for further treatment. Shaad gets up to leave but Sanam holds his hand firmly. Shaad sits back and tells the military guys to close the case. Pak forces delete all info of Sanam being missing and inform BSF that there is no update. BSF inform Ahil and add that maybe she died. Ahil screams out .. NO. He drops the phone and breaks down.

Sanam-2 comes in the cabin and notices Ahil standing with phone lying on the floor. She asks Ahil if he was talking with someone, who was it. Ahil points the gun at Sanam-2. She is shocked. Ahil says you killed my Sanam, I wont spare you. Ahil tells Sanam-2 surprised that your meds didn't work on me. Love is not caused by pills but by heart. A witch like you can't get anyones love. I won't spare you. Sanam-2 asks Ahil to fire the gun. Ahil is taken aback.

Sanam-2 asks Ahil what's the matter. She asks Ahil to fire the bullet and that with her, their baby will die too. She asks him to fire the bullet. Ahil is frozen and Sanam-2 points the gun at her shoulder and makes Ahil fire the gun. Ahil is shocked. Sanam-2 falls down and smiles. Ahil is even more confused. All staff rush in Ahils cabin and help Sanam-2 to get up. She refuses help. She says when my hubby doesnt care, whats the point for me to be alive. Sanam-2 fake acts that.. I came to ask Ahil what he is doing in this room and he fired the gun at me. Ahil glares at Sanam-2. She says you dont even care that i am carrying your baby. Sanam-2 is about to fall when Ahil catches her in time. Staff call out for ambulance.

Doctor tells Shaad that given her meds but all the happenings has impacted Sanam and she can see things that dont exist. Aftab asks how did all this happen. Shaad says I understand all this. Shashi Kapoor has done all this. Aftab asks him how can you say that. Shaad says I saw Shashi Kapoor, she pushed me off the cliff and coz Sanam was looking for me, she tied her in the godown so she cant reach me. Sanam coughs and Shaad asks are you fine. Fake-Misbah fumes and said I dont know why I sent Jannat to the godown without changing my attire. Shaad ask Sanam how she got locked up in the godown. Fake-Misbah says I sent her there coz i thought you were there. Shaad fumes at her saying I had gone to look for you. Shaad says when I came to look for you, found your book and dupatta on the cliff, how did it reach there. Fake-Misbah is worried.

All rush Sanam-2 to the hospital. Ahil ask docs to save Sanam-2 at all costs. Reporters ask Ahil how can he fire the gun on his wife. Ahil says i didn't fire the gun. All corner Ahil. Ahil says this is hosp, pls. Cop comes and says come aside, answer our questions first Ahil. Ahil goes with cops.

Fake-Misbah says because of wind, the dupatta flew off. Shaad says the book cant fly. Fake-Misbah says you know me dont you. She asks her mom to help. Her mom supports her. Shaad says she has changed so much. Fake-Misbah fumes that you are doubting me. She walks off. All follow Fake-Misbah. Sanam self thought, seen a lot of drama but none like Fake-Misbah. Need to find out whats going on. Shaad reassures Jannat and asks her to relax. Shaad tells Wazira on phone and says met Shashi Kapoor. Didnt see her face but she wont escape me anymore. Shaad asks Wazira to meet him at the earliest.

At Hospital

While the police try to take the new bride’s statement as she lies, ahil enters. He is asked to go outside, so that she doesnt give her statement under any undue pressure. He is tensed. The new bride says that she wishes to give testimony after talking to the husband. He asks if she is under pressure. She says no and that she would call him. The police leaves. Ahil comes and grabs her by the throat surprising her. He says that she may cast all possible allegations, and make the world hate him, but he is leaving her, as this marriage is over for him. She grabs his throat and says that one testimony and he shall go where sanam is, and hence she cant leave him, not till she gets what she wants. she says the marriage maybe over for him, but it means the life to her and he shall have to go through this, by any means. he eyes her angrily.

Outside, ahil is again thronged by the reporters, as the new bride is taken out in a wheelchair. They ask for her statement. She puts her hand in his, and tells that she is overwhelmed with their concern, but the truth is that it was all an accident. He takes his hand away, while she adds that she fought like a married couple, but they are very much in love. she pretends to be getting up with great difficulty. She says that she knows ahil loves her and their baby much more, and can do anything to keep them both satisfied and safe. He is frustrated but doesnt protest and silently complies. She says that she doesnt want to implicate ahil at all.

Later, the doctor gives some meds to the new bride, along with high dose painkillers, and asks him to take care, as the meds wont be a problem, since she isnt pregnant, or else he wouldnt have prescribed them. Ahil is shocked to hear this, and then the doctor reconfirms that she isnt pregnant at all. Ahil says that he finally found the solution to the problem, and now he shall expose this new bride, and thats his promise to sanam, that he shall ruin this girl who separated him from his true love.

At Ahil’s office

The new bride keeps getting impatient in front of gazalla and razaak as to where is ahil. just then, he enters. She asks him where was he as she was about to send someone to look for him. He enters angrily remembering the doctor’s words. Gazalla and razaak are scared. the new bride is tensed wondering whats the matter. he shushes her, while she tries to talk. he holds her by the arms, and then apologises, shocking all three, saying that he really means it, as before pulling the trigger, he should have thought of her and their baby. she says its good that he understood well in time. He says that he wants to make amends, and that he has realised that they are meant to be together, and he was not living the reality running for a dream. he says that she shall be his reality from now on, and he wants to make a fresh start with her. He says that he is a bad and mean person, as he hasnt ever heard the baby’s heart, and he wants to do so today. the new bride is tensed, as he places his hand on her stomach. She says that even the child wants to meet the father. Gazalla and razaak are boggled how would the new bride manage this. He bends down and tries to hear. He asks why is the baby not kicking, as she is in her second trimester. she along with gazalla and razaak says that he must be sleeping. She says that she shall definitely have to do something, to be able to hide this from ahil longer, as it would pose a problem soon.

At Shaad’s residence

While wazira is working in the kitchen, Sanam decides to talk to wazira trying to find out about her daughter misbah. she tries to talk to wazira about misbah, and she immediately gets tensed. She gets emotional saying that misbah’s father died when she was seven years old. Sanam says that she must be incredibly proud of her, and wazira says that she indeed is, and that she helped her out of the trauma of losing her husband, and used to help her in the kitchen to ease her work load. Wazira happily comments says that she cant make better food than her. sanam comments that misbah has never made anything here. out of tension, wazira burns her right hand, and then says that its okay, as she doesnt use the right hand, while misbah uses the right hand, unlike her. Misbah passes by and finds them talking, and asks wazira whats the matter. She then reprimands her for being careless. Misbah tells wazira to switch the geyser on for her, and also put medicine on her hand. She leaves resignedly. Misbah begins working, and sanam finds that she is using the wrong hand, and when misbaah says that she is lefty, sanam is shocked as her mother, wazira said otheriwse. Then she asks misbah for Kasoori Methi, and she gives her methi(normal) instead. Misbah leaves. she understands that along with misbah, wazira too is lying, and is determined to find out why and what.

As she goes inside the room, she finds the bathroom locked from inside, and says that this is the only chance to find out about misbah. She throws some shampoo on the floor, to make it slippery. She says that a person is genuine when they are alone, and she shall not be able to befool anyone then. Sanam finds that misbah slipped, and is cursing at everyone. Wazira comesSanam is shocked to find the way misbah treats her supposed, mother and is distraught, at the way she is threatening her own mother, while she genuinely cares for her. She says that she is sure that Misbah cant be her daughter, as no daughter can talk like that to her mother. She says that she would have to expose misbah.
Later, Sanaam finds misbah leaving outside, and stealthily follows her. She finds a locked door in the way, and the maid cleaning up. She asks the maid why isnt she cleaning the room. The maid replies that wazira herself cleans it, and only she has the key. sanam is boggled and tensed, and thinks that she would have to get the key from her, before misbah comes back. She wonders why and how. She comes to wazira pretending to be nauseous. Wazira leaves to get water for her, while sanam eyes the key bunch that she kept on the sofa. While she returns, sanam takes the keys. Sanam takes the water and decides to go and rest, so that she feels better. she retires while wazira asks her to relax. she comes out with the keys, and rushedly opens the lock on the door. She finally manages to and then enters. She rummages through the stuff kept in the room, while oblivious that shashi’s signature white shoes are in one of the drawers. she keeps rummaging to find some clue of misbah’s identity.
At Shaad’s residence

As misbah comes back frustrated, sanam hears her, and then immediatley hides under the bed. misbah comes and in irritation, she drops the mobile while falls under the bed. She tries to get it out, while sanam is scared that she would see her. The phone starts ringing, and sanam stealthily sneaks the phone close to her hand,and misbah picks it up, and leaves out rushedly. After that, sanam sneaks out under the bed. While rummaging through the room, sanam finds the book that misbah had taken to read at the maqbara, and when she opens it, she finds the hidden revolver and is shocked.

When she comes back, misbah is frustrated to find her door open, and goes onto search for the revolver, and when she doesnt find it, she hollers for wazira and when she comes, misbah asks her where is it. Wazira says that she doesnt know. Misbah slaps her tight asking her not to befool her. She asks misbah to believe her that she isnt lying. Misbah believes her, as she knew that wazira had actually slept, after cleaning the room. she wonders if jannat is behind this, as she takes out a piece of cloth.

At Ahil’s residence

Ahil is frustrated as to what to do, despite knowing the witch’s truth. He finds a cell and tries to call, when she comes in and says that there’s no outgoing on this. He is frustrated. She says that he doesnt need to talk to anyone else other than her, and she shall always be with him. he trfies to put a brave face and not show anything. he then joins them at the breakfast table, and tries to take Biryani. But she stops him. the new bride and ahil have breakfast together, while she insistently feeds him boiled veggies and fruits, citing it as healthy, while he keeps getting frustrated, but smiles nevertheless. She asks him to go on and eat and he complies. He tries to take water to gulp it down, and she stops saying that he shouldnt drink water while eating and asks him to finish food first. She then tries to send gazalla and razaak out for an english movie. They try and argue, while she insists them to go and take nazia too. They get her message. Ahil wonders whats she upto now.

Ahil is taken aback, when the new bride takes him inside, and asks him to choose a saree for her. He asks if they are going out. She asks what he thought, as to why she sent everyone outside, so as to spend time together an d be lost in his arms, having forgotten everything. She hugs him, while he tries to stay calm, and says that since she is pregnant, they cant have physical intimacy. She says that she has her research done, and it wont be a problem, and says that today they shall celebrate their love and consummate their marital relation that has love now. Ahil is shocked, while the new bride is evilly thinking that she would now be able to manipulate her pregnancy.

At Shaad’s residence

Meanwhile, in her room, Sanaam worriedly keeps calling shaad, oblivious that misbah is underneath her bed, and is fusing chloroform on the hankey, and then when sanam falls asleep, misbah douses her with that hankey. Once confirmed that she is asleep, misbah rummages through stuff. Later, shaad comes and wakes up jannat, who tells him that she tried him immensely. Shaad hurriedly asks her why did she call him so many times and call him urgently. She says that it was since she wanted to show him something. Sanam tells shaad that she wants to show a revolver to him, that she retreived from Misbah’s room. shaad is shocked. She then goes to the almirah and doesnt find the book and the revolver. shaad meanwhile is tensed, as he eyes Shashi Kapoor’s dress in her almirah. She takes them out, and is herself boggled too. They both are oblivious that misbah is hearing all this from the outside, evilly smiling at her plan’s success. misbah comes in and asks who is she and why is she accusing her like this, and then reprimands shaad and her for unnecessarily messing with her life. Jannat warns her to stop now and that she should stop her drama and acting, as noone shall believe her, when she exposes her. Shaad is tensed. Misbah flares up when sanam mentions that she is even making her own mother lie. Misbah asks her to stop involving her mother. Jannat asks her to stop. She says that she knows how she treats her own mother. Shaad asks them to stop fighting, as shashi kapoor is behind this. Misbah reminds that the doctor had said that she might be hallucinating. Shaad takes sanam to rest. The screen freezes on Misbah’s evil face, who seeks revenge on sanam.

PRECAP: The new bride tries to seduce ahil, into consummation, while ahil tries to get away. Meanwhile, sanam observes that at a particular time, misbah gets out every single day. She is determined to find out.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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