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Sanam thinks that one is tied to ones past. Shaad thinks that some people are so close to our heart, we cant forget them. Sanam feels like she has lived this moment before. Shaad wonders who is Ahil and if he should ask her. Shaads moby rings. Its Ashfaque. He informs Shaad that Dawat-e-Dastaan is going to be held at his place. Shaad reassures all will be done in time. Sanam asks the matter. Shaad shares. Sanam asks what is it. Shaad says hs mom used to tell that thoughts cant be tied but those who can express their feeling in words, his mom was a big fan of theirs so she started this event. Sanam says great event, will go start preps. Shaad thinks trying same with you to find out your story.

Shaads aunt comes to fake-Misbah and asks for her familys happiness. She feels guilty for putting Shaad’s life in danger. fake-Misbah tells her … the apple is very sweet, eat it. She refuses. Fake-Misbah force feeds her. She says feel bad seeing you. She puts the knife on Shaads aunt. She says you wanted to marry Shaad. Fake Misbah says yes but till Shaad found out Shashi Kapoor is a woman. Sanam has ruined things by telling Shaad all. Now will end them both. Fake-Misbah thinks that dont have time to waste. Need to end both.
Sanam-2 is signing papers and Lawyer congratulates Sanam-2 and tells her she is equal partner in Ahils work. Sanam-2 tells lawyer that he will keep Sanam-2 updated on all developments as she doesnt want work to suffer in Ahils absence. Gazala asks Sanam-2 how she did all this without Ahil’s consent. Sanam-2 says she went before media deliberately so she gets right to handle her husbands every deal. She says i have equal right on every thing of Ahil. Sanam-2 says will make Ahils property mine. Tanveer died dreaming to make property on her name, but i dont wait for dreams to turn true but i make them true. From now on, the reverse countdown of Ahils life starts.

Shaad tells Wazira that he knows its dangerous but he has to try. He says that coz of Sanam found out Shashi Kapoor is a woman and close to me. Fake Misbah rues that everytime she tries to end off Shaad, Sanam interrupts. She cribs that heard hearts are connected in love but how do they reach out to each other without any communication. She decides to find out the connection between Shaad-Sanam. Fake-Misbah recollects Shaad looking at his watch and worrying for Sanam. She thinks that there is some device that helps Shaad-Sanam keep in touch. She wonders how to find out.

Gazala-Razak are watching horror film and scream on seeing Sanam-2’s silhouette. Sanam-2 tells them to get on job. She tells Razak to get 10 drops of blood of one true couple who love each other and do anything for each other. Gazala says Sanam-Ahil’s pair. Razak wonders where will we find. Sanam-2 says go find out.

Sanam-2 is busy making some black magic potion. Gazala-Razak come and say got many pairs but couldnt find true lovers. She says found the pair in front of me but was busy searching elsewhere. Gazala-Razak ask who are the pair. Sanam-2 says you two. They give their blood. They ask why but. Sanam-2 says their true love will help Ahil to forget his true love Sanam and make him fall in love with Sanam-2.

The event is on at Shaads place. One person shares about his brother in laws tricks on him. He says ..
raaz jante hain hum kholne ka dil ke talon ka, ishq me humko ae dost tajurba hai teen salon ka.

Abki garmi me ..raatein zyada choti ho gai shayad, galat faisla tha tera, balon ko katne ka. Nigahon nigahon … harpal afsana ban jata hai.

Shaad is talking to Sanam and his friends tease him. He says nothing is ready. They insists. Fake-Misbah asks Shaad to tell about his love story. He freezes. She asks Sanam to help Shaad. She is hesitant too. She says only remember falling in love not how and when. Fake-Misbah insists again. Sanam recollects moments with Ahil but faces are blurred. Sanam looks at Shaad.

Sanam tells Shaad to tell all. She says it means a lot to me. She says you are so embarased about us. Shaad says yes our love started with a mistake. He says how on his way back from work, he was diverted. He says how he saw Sanam distributing balloons to poor kids. He says fell in love with your smile. His friends praise their love-at-first-sight look. Sanam feels confused with Shaads story. Fake-Misbah notes all.
At Shaad’s and ahil’s residence

Sanam tries to know more about how their love story blossomed, and shaad is tensed. Misbah wonders why is she asking as if she doesnt remember anything, and asks shaad to spill the truth. He says that he never proposed but mutually decided to spend their lives together. Sanam is tensed. Misbah sees through the differences, and decides to try it out, saying that he should propose to her right now. sanam says that this isnt needed as they are already married. but misbah insists, while the others too tease and coax him into proposing to her, as to how much he loves her. both of them are tensed, but the people dont let go. Shaad finally gets down on one kneee, and takes off his ring. She wonders that this is probably the most bful of her memories, then why does she feel so weird. Sanam hears shaad asking if she accepts his love, and is boggled, as she remembers faint memories of ahil’s proposal to her. she is disconcerted. Misbah asks sanam whats she thinking, and asks her to extend her hand. When she doesnt, misbah pulls her hand out and finds the wrist watch, and understands that this is the device that alerted Shaad.

A sudden bad intuition makes ahil clench his fists and disturb him in his deep sleep induced by the new bride, while he mutters asking sanam not to do so, as she cant.

Finally, Shaad extends out his hand to don the ring on sanam’s hand, while she is terribly disturbed, while across borders, ahil too is terribly worried in his sleep. she finally retreats her hand away, and wonders why is she so tensed, to wear this ring. Misbah asks why is she trembling so much. Sanam says that its nothing like that, and goes to freshen up. Misbah takes this chance to surf through her room, while all others including shaad are worried searching for the ring. Misbah finally finds shaad’s watch that has been alerted by sanam’s watch, that she stealthily had pressed, while extending sanam’s hand out for shaad. Shaad finally finds the ring, but doesnt show it to anyone, whereas sanam comes and says that they shall find the ring tomorrow. He conceals the ring, and apologises for not being able to propose. She makes him promise, that he would take her to the site of their first meeting. He tensedly asks why. She says that she wants to know everything about their romance, her connection to her past. He promises her that he shall take her there tomorrow. she smiles at him.

Meanwhile, Misbah finds the watch, and sits by the poolside, and breaks it to pieces, and then throws it in the water. She says that his minute by minute connection to jannat is broken, but she has suffered enough due to jannat, but now its become easier, as her love story shall end where it started, as when they go to their meetinfg site tomorrow, it would be fatal for shaad. She taunts that shaad’s last night is today with jannat, as tomorrow his death is imminent and thats Shashi kapoor’s promise.

Early morning, sanam wakes up with a start, wondering why is sh feeling so restless, that she is being distanced from her love, when everything is right. She goes out to find out where is shaad. As she comes down, the others are eating at the dining table. She is invited for breakfast, along with shaad’s father insisting her, and she complies. misbah is tensed. she picks up a conversation reminding shaad of his promise to Jannat, to get her to the place where they first met. Jannat invites them all. But wazira asks what shall they do. Misbah pinches her, while sh then says that they can come along. Misbah is happy when she concedes, and asks shaad’s father to come too. they all decide to tag along. Shaad and Sanam notice that Wazira is tensed.

While he searches for the watch, shaad is frustrated that jannat called everyone. she comes in saying that she wants him to spend quality time with his father. He is mesmerised, as she takes the dupatta and it lands on his face and then slides off. He asks about the watch and she says that she hasnt seen, but it doesnt make a difference, as they are together. He is hesitant, while she assures that they are already connected by the heart, and they shall go and come back together and when she is with him, she isnt scared. She keeps her watch there too. She takes him out finally.

At Ahil’s residence

Mazalla and razaak are shocked as to how the potion that the new bride has concocted fr ahil, so that he falls madly in love with her. The new bride tells gazalla that this love potion shall work only when he isnt thinking of sanam. She says that hence she would administer it to him, when he is unconscious, as she cant risk a mistake with ahil and for achieving this, she would send everyone out of the house tomorrow. Gazalla is tensed and boggled and asks what then. she is asked to clean the swimming pool by then and leaves hastily. they both wonder what shall happen to sanam and ahil, as this lady wont let them unite.

At Shaad’s residence

Meanwhile, Misbah is getting ready and asks wazira to pack one of the dresses and angrily leaves. And as wzira complies, a revolver falls out. she is shocked to see it. later, when misbah returns she doesnt find the revolver, and is angered. Meanwhile, wazira is thinking of disposing off the revolver in the gutter, before shashi kapoor finds out. misbah hollers at her to stop, but she makes a mad dash. Misbah rushes after her, while wazira has the revolver hidden underneath her dupatta. As she collides into shaad, it slips and falls under the centre table. He notices something falling, but doesnt realise whats it. he bends down to try and feel it, and then get it out, while wazira and misbah watch tensedly. wazira hopes that shaad gets this revolver, as that would ensure their family’s safety. Misbah notices the khurpi kept, in a pot, and hides it stealthily.

At Shaad’s and ahil’s residence

Before shaad can find it, misbah intervenes and says that she shall find it. But he continues searching and finally finds a key chain. he says that he was searching for it for a long time. Misbah meanwhile doesnt let shaad find it, saying that she shall find a pendrive for him, or play a different song list for sanam. Shaad agrees and leaves. misbah eyes wazira frustratedly and then takes the revolver out and places it back in place. She then tells wazira that she shouldnt interfere in other’s stuff. She warns wazira not to do it, threatening her for her daughter’s life. Wazira immediately changes tone. just then, aftab comes in and misbah changes her tone.

At Ahil’s residence

Gazalla and razaak wonder whats the connection, between the pool, the love potion, and ahil’s unconscious state. meanwhile, the new bride finds ahil in a deep sleep, and says that he shall wait for a few more hours, after which he shall be totally and completely hers. she then draws the sheets with a jerk, and throws ahil on the floor, by jerking the mattress, and he dopesnt budge in his sleep. She eyes him evilly, and takes his hand and begins to drag him, in lying state. She drags an unconscious ahil across the hallway and then drops him in the pool. gazalla and razaak are shocked, finding that he is still alive. She then mixes the love potion, which starts mixing in the pool waters and reaching his nostrils. She starts a countdown from 10, while gazalla and razaak are tensed that he might die of suffocation. the new bride says that she knows when to pull him out, and then begins with the stopwatch. gazalla and razaak are disturbed, asking her to take him out, but she asks them not to move, as to become his lover, he would have to drown in her love, and to do that, he shall have to face death, as the more he drinks this potion, the more their love shall intensify. Just as the countdown finishes, the doorbell rings, alarming them. Its shazia standing outside. Before they can react, the new bride throws razaak in the pool, and asks him to take ahil out. They struggle, while shazia is scared ouside, if everything is alright. Finally, razaak opens the door, and she finds him dripping in water, and giving the excuse of sleeping. She finds a trail of water from the pool to the room, and tries to get in, but the new bride comes and says that her brother is okay. Shazia is in a daze.

Later, ahil wakes up muttering for sanam. he finds latif, nazia and razaak by his bedside. He wakes up asking where is sanam, his wife. just then, he is shocked to find the new bride standing in front of him, eyeing him. he is super happy, and hurriedly calls her to him, and she is happy that the potion worked. He asks her romantically where was she, and that she cant leave him like this. Nazia tries to intervene, while ahil says that he wants to spend some time with her alone. All are shocked, as he rudely asks them to leave. nazia wodners whats wrong with ahil. Ahil makes the new bride promise that she wont ever leave him. she says that he needs rest, and makes him lie down, while he keeps ranting asking her not to go.

At Chand Bibi ka Maqbara

Sanam is overwhelmed to hear the eternal love story of Chand Bibi. the guide asks her to have a wish, as it shall get fulfilled, and instructs her not to go towards the slippery road, as one slip, and that person never returns. Also, there’s a haunted house, from which noone has ever returned too. Aftab asks wazira not to take the stairs, as she is old. Misbah stays back too. Shaad and sanam begin to descend the stairs. They start to walk towards the maqbara, each eyeing the other, with love and affection. Sanam says that the maqbara is covered in dust, and they decide toclean it. he goes to get water, and she asks him to stay clear of the danger area, and be highly cautious. He complies, overwhelmed at her concern. They begin to clean it together. after having done so, they keep roses on them. She prays that just like them, she should get true love in shaad, and the vice cersa, and they both be blessed with eternal love and happiness. shaad is tensed, and surprise,d thinking that he couldnt make hjer meet her true love, and he prays that she finds her true love. Meanwhile, misbah springs up from behind them, while they both pray with their eyes closed in front of the graves. Misbah takes out the revolver.

PRECAP: The new bride drags an unconscious ahil across the hallway and then drops him in the pool. She then mixes the love potion, which starts mixing in the pool waters. She starts a countdown from 10, while gazalla and razaak are tensed that he might die of suffocation. Sanam prays to the lord, that she shall meet her true love. Meanwhile, the new bride is hit by the pistol, which ahil holds out, saying that he is coming for his true love

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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