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Outside, in the car, nawab waits for ahil, who comes with sanam, insisting her to come too. but she says that she has lots of preps to do. he romances with her, while she asks him to hurry and go to his father. he expresses the emotions he feels for her, while she shyly smiles. She asks him to remember the taveez everytime he misses her. He asks what when she misss him. She teases that she wont miss him at all. he flirts and clenches her to him, asking if thats really possible. He tries to get intimate with her, and seal a kiss, while she is embarassed. the new bride sees this from the roof’s balcony, and is angered. she tries to cast black magic, but is unable to due to the taveez. she is irritated. sanam frees herself from his grasp, and leaves, while he smiles at her. As sanam comes inside, she find a anote from ahil, on the fridge requesting her lovingly to make apple custard for him. she smiles and gets to work. the new bride finds her working, and turns towards the kitchen. She faces her stoically, asking that she must be very happy, as thats happening what she wanted. sanam says that what god wills is happening, and not hers, as whats happening, is for the god’s will, and for their benefit. The new bride asks sanam to keep control of her happiness, as every happiness come with the price, and for prayers to be answered, sacrifices have to be made. sanam is visibly tensed. The new bride leaves.

In the corridor, gazalla and razaak wait for sanam to approach, and when she does, they start acting, fighting for seher’s purse. she gets anxious and asks them where they found it. they say that they found it outside the outhouse, in the backside of the kitchen. She finds seher’s passport and other stuff inside, and wonders whats it doing here, and how she left without this, and why are they fighting over her purse. she reprimands and wards them off. She wonders why seher felt the need to sneak out from the backside. Sanam searches for and asks latif that when seher left the house, if she saw a big suitcase or a bag. latif denies. gazalla and razaak watch the fun. Sanam is tensed, wondering how its possible, that seher didnt take her stuff, and left her passport too. latif is dismissed. sanam prays to the lord to keep seher safe wherever she is, incredibly tensed for her sister. gazalla and razaak send a message to the new bride, that her allotted work is done.

On the road

In the car, the new bride receives the message, and says that to trap the bird, she has to use a bait. Just then, she gets sanam’s call on seher’s mobile, and is amused. She sends a picture to sanam on her mobile, of seher in captivity. The new bride thinks that she sent seher’s picture to buyers and traders and also to sanam, and now its just a matter of time, before they found out, who claims seher first, the buyers or the lovable sister. She smiles evilly.

Ahil’s residence

Sanam is worried that seher’s phone isnt going through. Just then, she gets a message. sanam is shocked to see seher’s picture in a captive cage. she tries to trace the phone. She thinks that she thought their troubles were over, but who is this now. she remembers the new bride’s words, and deduces that she is behind this. She decides to ask latif. She finds gazalla and rzaak stealing themselves out, and wonders that they too must be culprits in the plot.

At Undisclosed Location

The new bride tauntingly sings seher a song, as she wakes up from her dizzy state, and is baffled. The screen freezes on the two sisters.

At Isolated building and on the road

In her dizzy state, Seher comes across the new bride standing in front of her, taunting her for her intentions. Seher murmurs incoherently. The new bride smiles evilly. Later, when the buyer comes and likes seher, saying that she would fetch a wonderful price, the new bride says that her sister shall come too, equally good, and she shall give away one for one free.

Meanwhile, Sanam asks the autodriver to follow razaak and gazalla’s car, while they intntionally drive around, to lead sanam in the wrong direction. While seher is in a dizzy state, the new bride solds her off to the sheikh who pays her a hefty amount, who compliments her beauty profusely. Finally, sanam reaches the place, but a little too late, as seher is thrown in a truck full of sand bags, despite her protests and screams, on seeing sanam, and taken away.

Inside, gazalla and razaak are overjoyed to find money, while the new bride smiles, as they praise her galore, belittling tanveer in front of her. Just then, sanam storms in, and they hide themselves. Sanam eyes the cage and recognises it from the pic. she asks where is her sister and where has she sent her. the new bride says tht she got a little late, as she sold seher off. sanam comes to her boggled, and shocked. She says that she isnt here for her nonsense. The new bride keeps repeating the same. sanam slaps her in anger. she starts reprimanding her for her shameful act, as a woman herself. The new bride asks her to shut up. She asks how could she think that when she cries, ahil would give her a divorce and she shall leave easily. She reminds sanam about her debt on her to allow her to stay here, and says that she paid the debt by keeping seher alive. sanam says that she was at fault to think that she shall improve. She says that she would call ahil and tell him everything. the new bride says that if she does, her men would treat seher very badly, and then she would be dead too along with seher, which she doesnt mind. Sanam asks why is she torturing seher, as she is her enemy. the new bride says that she would give a last chance to save her sister, as she doesnt know where she is being taken, but knows this much, that she is in a truck right now, and gives her the number of the truck, and the route, and asks her to go ahead and wish her sister goodbye for the last time. She says that once it leaves the city sanam would never see her sister. sanam is dumbfounded. the new bride asks her to rush out and hurry, as she doesnt have much time. sanam screams that the lord shall never forgive her, and spitting on her, she leaves. the new bride smiles evilly.
Outside, sanam frantically rushes out in the auto, while the new bride continues to use her black mgic, and raises a dark storm. the auto fellow refuses that he wont go further. Sanam is frantic and gets down. the new bride says that she didnt want her to get to her destination, but now she would bear the same fate, and the more she progresses the more she would be dragged behind. She again does some black magic, as a result of which, sanam finds herself next to a bus stop, with a person sleeping underneath it. She runs from there and again finds herself at the same stop over and over again.

On the road, the new bride suddenly appears in her devilish avatar, donning complete black and looking like a witch, thinking that today on Amavasya she shall become the world’s most beautiful woman, and ahil shall be her prize. She says that she would be undefeatable and most strong after this night.

Meanwhile, sanam tries to hitchhike her way towards the toll gate, but in vain. she prays to the lord to help her. She starts running. meanwhile, the truck containing seher and other ladies in drugged state, is found to proceed towards the toll. meanwhile, sanam finally reaches near to the place where the trucks are in line, and starts going through their number plates. The drivers leeringly talk about the girls, and suddenly find the police cheking the goods in the earlier trucks, creating a barricade. they are scared, as they are asked to get down. The driver says that its just rice bags, but the police doesnt believe, and ask him to show it to confirm. They shows that its rice bags actually, and just then, seher wakes up from her drugged state, but before she can react, the driver takes the police aside and bribes him and he agrees. sanam sees this and is shocked.Sanam finally finds the truck, bearing the same number, and is very scared and worried. 

On the road and Ahil’s residence

Sanam finds the truck and gets inside. Gazalla and razaak enjoy thr possession of their new room, which was the new bride’s room earlier. but they are oblivious of the stitches that she has kept for her black magic. gazalla steps on it, and they both start screaming. They rush out. Meanwhile, due to the end of the black magic, Seher wakes up with a start and remembers having been captive. Seher wakes up to realise that she is trapped, but she doesnt realise that sanam too is in the car, trying to search her. Ironically, sanam gets trapped in the truck, and seher makes a mad dash for escape, oblivious that her own sister is stuck behind. The truck starts moving, while she tries to ask one of them, if they saw the girl. The girl screams, and this draws the driver’s attention. They start to check whats the matter. One of them realises that the dress of one of the girls is changed, and deduces that this isnt the same girl, but her twin. the other one wonders where is she. They decide to find out about the other girl. Sanam hears this with her head hung low, and when she tries to escape, they throw her, and her head hits against the sides of the truck, and she doses off.
The next morning, seher has a bad headache, and is stuck in the forest. She thinks that sanam must be very worried, for her, and hopes that she finds her way out soon. Sanam wakes up worried and tensed. Meanwhile, the drivers find her sitting stranded, and rush to catch seher, who makes a mad dash. they finally catch upto her, but she throws sand and dried leaves on them, and runs out of their grasp. She finally finds her way to the highway, where she almost collides with an oncoming truck, and is thrown off a long distance. the drivers think that with such a great collision, she definitely would have been dead.

In the corridor, ahil is tensed for sanam’s messges, and thinks that she must be busy planning a surprise, and eyes the ring that he has got for her, and admires it. he thinks that this would make a perfect gift as a symbol of their love, a diamond ring, expressing their never ending love. He enters the room, and finds sanam’s stuff gone, and her wardrobe empty. He turns around to find the new bride standing in front of him, and asks why is she still here and where is sanam. She says that she is apologetic, and that she didnt want to cause sanam or ahil any arm. The new bride starts weeping, getting on her knees in front of ahil, and saying that she didnt want sanam to read it, but she did, and went out. He opens the package, and finds thats a confirmed pregnancy report. Ahil is shocked, while the bride says that she is pregnant and not sanam, and when sanam read this, she was distraught and stormed outside. he asks what nonsense is she talking. She says that these are her reports and its their baby. He asks how can this be. She asks if he doesnt remember the night at the hotel. He gets frustrated saying thats all a lie and asks how could he show this to sanam. Ahil is apalled and shocked to hear this. She says that she begged her to stay, but sanam didnt listen. Ahil goes out angrily. The new bride thinks that his efforts shall be in vain, as she is gone forever from their lives, and now ahil has just one sanam and thats she herself. Ahil comes to the kitchen and hollers for latif

Ahil says that the new sanam showed her some fake pregnancy reports, and sanam went out. latif is tensed too. Some girls unidentified come in too. Just then, ahil notices a heart placed across his demand note for apple custard. He opens the fridge. Ahil finds the apple custard and a note in the fridge, saying that she loves him. He tells latif this means she wasnt angry at him, when she went out, then what and where could she be. he leaves to find her. He finds her phone not reachable. the girls come to ahil, boggled and tensed. Ahil’s sisters ask him whats the matter. he tells about sanam and seher’s disappearance, and that he wants to make sanam understand that he didnt betray her. they console him, while he hugs them. The new bride eyes them from a distance smiling evilly.

In the truck, sanam desperately keeps crying, while the other girls wake up too. The truck comes to a halt. The drivers serve them food. meanwhile, while all other girls eat, sanam refuses. The drivers recklessly tell her, that if she is fortunate then she shall stay in the sheikh’s harem, or else she shall be his servant all life. sanam is distressed, and her being sold is certain. they leave. sanam apalled eyes the other girls hungrily gorgng on food. she wonders what is she being punished for, and thinks that ahil is waiting for her, whereas she is being sent to a different country.

PRECAP: Ahil gets to searching for sanam, but in vain. he gets berserk in frustration. Sanam wakes up, and a stranger asks her questions about her, her whereabouts and her accidents and she has no memory of it, as she walks in a daze. Meanwhile, a pakistani army officer is shown to ride on a bike.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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