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Ahil then joins them at the breakfast table, and tries to take Biryani. But she stops him. the new bride and ahil have breakfast together, while she insistently feeds him boiled veggies and fruits, citing it as healthy, while he keeps getting frustrated, but smiles nevertheless. She asks him to go on and eat and he complies. He tries to take water to gulp it down, and she stops saying that he shouldnt drink water while eating and asks him to finish food first. She then tries to send gazalla and razaak out for an english movie. They try and argue, while she insists them to go and take nazia too. They get her message. Ahil wonders whats she upto now.

Ahil is taken aback, when the new bride takes him inside, and asks him to choose a saree for her. He asks if they are going out. She asks what he thought, as to why she sent everyone outside, so as to spend time together an d be lost in his arms, having forgotten everything. She hugs him, while he tries to stay calm, and says that since she is pregnant, they cant have physical intimacy. She says that she has her research done, and it wont be a problem, and says that today they shall celebrate their love and consummate their marital relation that has love now. Ahil is shocked, while the new bride is evilly thinking that she would now be able to manipulate her pregnancy.

At Shaad’s residence

Meanwhile, in her room, Sanaam worriedly keeps calling shaad, oblivious that misbah is underneath her bed, and is fusing chloroform on the hankey, and then when sanam falls asleep, misbah douses her with that hankey. Once confirmed that she is asleep, misbah rummages through stuff. Later, shaad comes and wakes up jannat, who tells him that she tried him immensely. Shaad hurriedly asks her why did she call him so many times and call him urgently. She says that it was since she wanted to show him something. Sanam tells shaad that she wants to show a revolver to him, that she retreived from Misbah’s room. shaad is shocked. She then goes to the almirah and doesnt find the book and the revolver. shaad meanwhile is tensed, as he eyes Shashi Kapoor’s dress in her almirah. She takes them out, and is herself boggled too. They both are oblivious that misbah is hearing all this from the outside, evilly smiling at her plan’s success. misbah comes in and asks who is she and why is she accusing her like this, and then reprimands shaad and her for unnecessarily messing with her life. Jannat warns her to stop now and that she should stop her drama and acting, as noone shall believe her, when she exposes her. Shaad is tensed. Misbah flares up when sanam mentions that she is even making her own mother lie. Misbah asks her to stop involving her mother. Jannat asks her to stop. She says that she knows how she treats her own mother. Shaad asks them to stop fighting, as shashi kapoor is behind this. Misbah reminds that the doctor had said that she might be hallucinating. Shaad takes sanam to rest.

At Ahil’s residence

Ahil tries to divert the new bride’s mind from being intimate by arranging a dinner outside, but she doesnt pay heed, and says that she has a better idea. She tries to seduce ahil by gyrating sensually, into consummation, while ahil tries to get away. As they finally lie on the bed, he takes out ba ring like structure stealthily from under the pillow, while she continues top seduce him. He pins her agaainst the almirah, and then intentionally does so with a jerk, so that the flower vase falls on her head, and she gets dizzy. He puts her on the bed. Then they both fall asleep.

Early morning, Ahil gets the dream of him shooting at the new bride. he wakes up and gtets to her side of the bed. He stealthily takes his phone out from her clasp, without awaking her. He then goes out and places the call to the lawyer, and whispers him to arrange anything that might need the new bride to give a legal proof of her pregnancy and as soon as he does, he should come to his home. He hears sanam waking up, and instantly cancelling the call, he tries to rush to the door to close the bathroom, but she comes just then He immediately takes her in his arms, and uses this chance to delete the numbger, while talking romance to her. he demands for sometime to open upto her love. She says that she shall give him seven days, and after that only she should be in his thoughts and life. He asks what after seven days. She says that they shall consummate their marriage after seven days. She then asks him to go and make breakfast for her. He happily agrees. she goes in to freshen up. he is frustrated.

At the breakfast table, gazalla and razaak try to ask the new bride what happened last night, and if they consummated their marriage. She asks why are they bothered, and gazalla taunts that she is rude since she wasnt successful. She begins to get irritated at their advise and taunts, as they say that lies cant be hidden for long. Gazalla says that she can have any father to her child, to sire a son. The new bride likes the idea. razaak asks where shall they find a boy like this, and gazalla says that they would if destiny demands. The new bride smiles evilly, as she is lost in some hunk’s thoughts.

At Shaad’s residence

Shaad comes out and finds that misbah hasnt slept yet, and asks why isnt she. She says that he did believe her and believed that she wants to murder him. She emotionally blackmails him asking why is he doing this, under jannat’s influence, and is willing to forget everything. She tries to instigate him, that jannat is not known to him for long. She smiles as he is forced to think. he gets his friend’s wife’s call, and he leaves. she says that she shall definitely break his trust on jannat, time and again.

Later, sanam observes that at a particular time, misbah gets out every single day. She is determined to find out, and goes to ask her mother working in the kitchen. She immediately gets tensed, and excuses that she gives food to the orphan and homeless to feed them. she leaves. Jannat says that misbah isnt that good natured too. she decides to go and find out. She finds a burqa on the table and goes out wearing it. Misbah is aware of someone’s presence, while sanam is tensed, as misbah stands still. She turns around while sanam ducks just in time, behind the drums kept. Misbah tuirns back and begins to move, while sanam again starts following her.
At Unidentified location.

Sanam enters a warehouse type of location. She stealthily tries to follow Misbah’s voice. Sanam is shocked to find that misbah is trying to wake a girl, who she has kept captive and probably drugged too. She is apalled to see the girl in bondage, tied to a chair, while misbah ruthlessly asks her to get up and eat. When the girl doesnt comply, misbah forcibly feeds her, while the girl pleads her to let her go. Misbah slaps heer tight, shocking jannat. she says that till her work isnt done, she cant go anywhere. sanam wonders who and why has misbah kept captive. Sanam wonders what work is she talking about. One of the boxes accidentally falls, and sanam ducks underrneath. it alarms Misbah who asks who’s there.

At Ahil’s residence

As ahil is reading the newspaper, the new bride comes and introduces the same new person, as the mayor’s brother, and ahil immediately gets interested. When he asks him to speak, saif is hesitant. the new bride says that he loves nazia and wants to marry her. nazia meanwhile hears this from a distance. Ahil is super angry, while they are tensed of his reaction. The new bride calls nazia down. Ahil asks nazia how long this has been going on. He tries to speak, but ahil shuts him, scaring them. But then all are relieved as ahil happily accepts them and congratulates both of them. Nazia is happy, while ahil says that he has a condition. They are tensed.

As they sit, ahil asks them how they met. The new bride comes in just then, and accidentally spills the drink on saif, who rushes to the bathroom. The new bride rushes after saif, asking ahil if she can give the person one of his shirts. Ahil complies. Nazia too leaves after him shyly. She then goes to the new bride and thanks her for getting saif to come and talk to ahil. The new bride says that she just reciprocated the favour, that she did on her. she asks her to go prepare breakfast while she shall just come. The new bride meanwhile walks in on that hunk, who is bare torsoed, washing off the stain and she leeringly eyes him. he gets conscious seeing her. She comes to him and takes the shirt saying that she shall let it dry. She taunts him that since they have decided on their relation, then he doesnt need to be shy in front of her, as they would have to see each other like this, for her work to be done. the guy is tensed and embarassed. she gives him ahil’s shirt, and he wears it hurriedly. The new bride suggests with an innuendo, that he should come to her room, to take the talks further. he is tensed and wonders why has he been called and whats it that she wants to talk about. he walks nervously in the hallway. She opens the room, grabs him by the shirt and locks the door. she asks saif that he must be wondering the reason. She says that she wants something from him, and unbuttons his shirt. He senses someone’s presence and says that someone’s coming. He tells it to the new bride. Oblivious to this, ahil is coming towards the room, when he is stopped by the lawyer and gets the idea, that being the nawab’s wife, if she decides to open the trust, and for that she would have tol submit her pregnancy report in front of the notary people. ahil thanks him and asks him to get the papers ready. The lawyer says that it shall take 12 days, but ahil gives him minimum of seven days, remembering the new bride’s deadline. he says that he shall bring her true face forward. outside, nazia asks saif why is he so tensed. the new bride comes and says that he has passed a test, and maybe marriage has him worrying, and asks them to go and spend sometime together. Nazia thinks about ahil, while the new bride says that she shall manage. Nazia thanks her profusely, while she winks at saif, thereby making him more uncomfortable.
At Unidentified location

Misbah takes her sword and stabs all the grain bags, including the one sanam is hididng herself in, missing her barely by an inch, scaring her completely. But sanam doesnt make a sound. Misbah meanwhile gets a call, and frustratedly says that she shall leave soon. She hastily rushes out. To help her, sanam comes to her and finds her in a drugged state and when she doesnt respond, sanam splashes water across her face. Sanam comes and asks the captive girl, why has misbah kept her captive. The girl says that this mean woman has kept her here, and has taken her identity too. Jannat asks who is she. The girl replies that she is the actual Misbah. Sanam is shell shocked. She starts combining two and two together. The girl begs to be saved. sanam tells her that she shall save her, and she neednt be scared, as the fake misbah shaall be exposed. She decides to call the police, but the girl vehemently resists it. She says that if she gives a single testimony she shall kill her mother. sanam is tensed. She decides to call shaad, who doesnt pick up. The girl says that there’s hope now, and begs to be saved. sanam hugs her and comforts.

At Shaad’s residence

Sanam gets the girl, in an niqab, still semi conscious in her drugged state. misbah sees them and sanam says that its an old woman who fainted and needed help. Misbah says that she shouldnt and neednt clarify. sanam keeps talking, while misbah stares through the eyes in the burqa, and the girl shivers in scare and falls unconscious. misbah tries to help her, but sanam asks her that it isnt needed. When misbah insists, she takes the head in the veil and lets misbah take the feet. they lay her on the feet. Misbah asks her to take off the niqab so that she isnt suffocated. Misbah tries to speak, but sanam rushes her out.

Misbah wonders whats wrong with jannat, and then decides not to bother for it. Meanwhile, the girl in the veil wakes up and its misbah, who surprisingly hits her with a rod. sanam is shocked as she falls unconscious. The girl meanwhile thinks that sanam betrayed her by bringing her back to the same evil woman.

PRECAP: Nazia thanks the new bride for having organised this weekend. the new bride asks her to go and leave, before she changes her mind. The new bride gives her a sweet to eat and she falls unconscious. gazalla and razaak place her on the bed, and the new bride sits by her side. The new bride thinks that tonight shall be devilish… The new bride, dressed in a gown, comes to take the room service, while ahil is wearing shoes in the hallway. She doesnt notice him and goes inside the room, but then sensing something, she comes out again to see, and is shocked. Meanwhile, Shaad tells sanam that the last call from shashi came from this very place, and he is tensed. she says that she wants him to meet someone who is here, and is betraying them. She says that she wants him to meet the true Misbah. Shaad is shocked.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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