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At Shaad’s residence

After Sanam is unconscious, Misbah comes out, and then hides as fake Misbah comes in her way. she hears the fake misbah hollering at her own mother, and asking her to press her feet. the real misbah is apalled to see this. She is unable to bear the taunts and tantrums that the fake misbah puts her mother through. She eyes a knife, and takes it and stealthily begins to move. Sanam wakes up and stops her, and takes her away from there. She asks if she is crazy. Misbah asks why should she trust her. Sanam says she should not, but actually she should be sane, and tries to pose the danger that this lady possesses for them. Misbah meanwhile inside gets doubtful and begins to come out. Sanam assures misbah that they shall fight this together. she takes misbah away from there just in time, while shashi kapoor comes out.

In their room, Misbah thanks Saanam for her help, and is happy for her being married to Shaad, and thanks her for saving her life. Sanam says it isnt needed, as its nothing compared to the torture that she has gone through. She says once shaad comes tomorrow, they shall expose the fake misbah, and then gain his trust. She wonders why the fake misbah did this.

At Ahil’s residence

Ahil asks the lawyer to fulfill this in under seven days. the lawyer says that he shall, but for that he shall have to come for details. Ahil wonders how he shall manage with the new bride with him all the time, but then says that he shall have to manage somehow, and then the lawyer gives him another address to report to. He takes it, and the lawyer leaves. As he turns around, he finds the new bride standing in the way, and gives an excuse. she asks whats he doing. He is quizzical. She asks why is he so scared. she tells about how nazia and saif want to spend time together, and requests his permission. he is hesitant, while she asks him not to be a conventional brother and allow the love birds to romance. He is hesitant of nazia’s safety. He says that he isnt comfortable with the two of them together. she says that she can go with both of them. He jumps at the idea, and pretends that she can go. she gives him a phone and says that he can keep this to stay in touch. He is super excited and pretends to be in love.

Later, Nazia thanks the new bride for having organised this weekend. she asks how did ahil agree. the new bride says that she lied that she shall come too. Nazia is tensed. She assures nazia that she wont come to spoil their romancce, and says that she shall spend the night at a friend’s place. The new bride remembers saif’s torso, and says that she got what she needed. the new bride asks her to go and leave, before she changes her mind. The new bride gives her a sweet to eat, which she eats and then gives the new bide too, and she tioo complies. But she spits it out, the minute nazia leaves the room. Outside, nazia gets dizzy and she falls unconscious. gazalla and razaak place her on the bed, and the new bride sits by her side, saying that she waited for ahil a long time, and since he denied, now she shall spend the night with saif, as she shall do this with saif. The new bride thinks that tonight shall be devilish. She asks them to keep an eye on nazia and ahil.

Outside, as saif waits by the car, the new bride comes seductively, and informs that nazia is sick and sent her instead. He is tensed. She says that its good as due to this, they shall be able to spend quality time together, as they shall be related soon, as she has this right after what she did for them. he is uncomfortable.

At Unidentified Location

Misbah is shocked to find the real misbah gone and is scared that if she reaches home, her game shall be ruined. She decides to get the work done before shaad returns and then flee.

At Hotel

Saif asks why are they here, and she says that she came to meet a friend here. she asks if he doesnt mind. the receptionist hands her the keys and they proceed to their room. just then, ahil’s car draws in. She remembers that she forgot her purse, and goes to check on it. meanwhile, ahil is filling up the visitor’s register. their paths dont cross, as ahil walks ahead. she comes and collects the purse and walks after him, both oblivious of the other’s presence. They walk their separate ways towards different lifts. She then takes out her phone, and dials ahil’s number, and as he sees it, he steps aside, to receive it. Saif meanwhile comes to her and they both together proceed towards the lift. before they can talk, the network gets cancelled in the lift, and she is unable to talk.

In the room, she tries to seduce him, while he is about to go out. She warns him that he might accuse her of raping her, if he tries to flee, and everyone shall believe. She asks him to think, while she freshens up. he is disgusted.

At Shaad’s residence

At the dining table, sanam offers everyone food. sanam says that she isnt feeling well, and takes her plate of food to eat later. she leaves. Misbah thinks that its good, as once she sleeps, she shall get to finding that file undisturbed.

By night, Shashi comes in sanam’s room, and then places the chloroform on Misbah’s face which is covered in blanket. She wakes up before shashi can douse her. she hides, as misbah goes to the bathroom. Shashi kapoor tensedly watches her. she is oblivious that on the othere side of the bed, sanam is asleep. Sanam wakes up and asks if she needs anything, and misbah answers that she is okay. sanam comes and helps misbah walk. The screen freezes on shashi’s shocked face.

At Shaad’s residence and office.

Shashi is shocked to find sanam and misbah together, while sanam attending to misbah. She wonders how she reached here, and remembers sanam bringing a veiled woman, who she didnt want to see the face of. She wonders how can she be so foolish, that the couple are taking risks, the husband is out searching for shashi, while the wife is ruining her plans. She decides to teach them a lesson.

Meanwhile, wazira and shaad continue to try and search the location and get the signal somehow, by tracing the last call, and it is found that shashi placed the last call from his very house. both are shocked.

While shashi tries to come out, misbah hears a car honk and gets up along with sanam. Sanam says that she shall go and see who is it, as if its shaad then they wont have to hide and shall expose the fake misbah. misbah says that she too shall come rightaway. but she askss misbah to rest. She says that she shall lock the door from outside. Sanaam leaves. shashi eyes misbah, sleeping and comes out. Sanam finds shaad increasing the security cover of the house, and getting CCTV installed. he assures sanam that officers shall guard them completely. Shaad tells sanam that the last call from shashi came from this very place, and he is tensed. She tries to tell him, but he is more focussed on shashi kappor. She insists. she says that she wants him to meet someone who is here, and is betraying them. She says that she wants him to meet the true Misbah. Shaad is shocked. She takes him along urgently. she gets him in the room, but doesnt find her. she goes to check on the bathroom, unaware that shashi is hiding behind the curtains with the unconscious misbah, who she drags out stealthily. Shaad asks why is she doing this. She tries to protest her innocence and continues to talk about their plan. He looks at her disbelievingly, while she begs him to believe her once and places the entire blame on the fake misbah, who comes in reprimanding her why does she keep accusing her, and she can leave if thats what they want. Sanam asks her to shut up, and asks shaad not to listen to her, and says that she can take her there. she says that she shall suffocate her to death and begins to strangle her. Shaad is shocked.
At Hotel

Ahil asks for directions to the room and begins to go. he finds his shoes unlaced and gets to tying them. The new bride, dressed in a gown, comes to take the room service, for champagne and snacks, while ahil is wearing shoes in the hallway. She doesnt notice him and goes inside the room, but then sensing something, she comes out again to see. meanwhile ahil knocks on the door and goes inside. she comes out and doesnt find anyone. She is boggled.

Ahil talks to the lawyer who says that she shall have to give a pregnancy test for the opening of the trust before the childbirth. he likes the idea. He again gets the new sanam’s call, who asks if he remembers her. He says that he was thinking about her only. She asks him to make her talk to gazalla. He doesnt show his tension and hurriedly complies. he pretends to walk out of his room, and moves in the hallway, pretending that he is searching for gazalla. She asks him to let be. She says that she just wanted to know if he is home. he says that he misses her. she hears the voice as if its coming from the outside. ahil wanders outside her hotel room, unaware that she is inside. She is tensed. She leaves the phone and walks out, but doesnt find anyone. She still walks ahead towareds the room ahil is staying in. She wonders why is she feeling ahil being here. She goes inside. She tries to seduce saif, while he asks why is she doing this? she asks him to look in her eye and he shall understand everything. He is terribly uncomfortable and tries to get away from her. The new bride gets to her work, and throws herself on him, as she pins him on the bed. Accidentally, one of the candles falls on the floor in the struggle, and a fire ensues, in the bag which then catches onto the rug, and then finally the bed sheets and the robe too. both are oblivious of this. the smoke alarm goes off, and the new bride and saif are shocked. Saif tries to douse the fire, while ahil too hears the alarm and is tensed. all guests start running out. Ahil suggests that they should leave too. the new bride sees everyone going and is tensed. She and saif argue as to how can they go out now, as soon people shall find out the alarm is coming from their room. saif says that if people see them together, it would cause problems. they wonder how to get out. she tries to think of wearing something else. she eyes his clothes, and tries to take them off, while he struggles not allowing her.

At Shaad’s residence

Sanam asks shaad if he thinks that she is mad. She says that she still has evidence in his aunt who will confirm to her statements. Just then, his aunt walks in. Sanam says that if she knows that she has met the real misbah, then she wont have to be scared and lie. She asks the aunt to speak up and tell shaad. The aunt meanwhile stands still, eyeing shashi tensedly, who gives her warning eyes. she says what can she say, as her misbah is in front of her. sanam asks her not to be scared and speak the truth. But the aunt sticks to her statement, and sanam is shocked, asking why is she doing this, and tells how this girl has kept misbah. shaad asks her to stop hallucinating, and stop believing that its real. she asks why he doesnt believe her, as she met the true misbah. Shashi leaves the room. shaad says that he trusts her, and then asks her to sit and rest. She resignedly gives in. shaad leaves. She eyes the aunt, and then shashi, standing in the doorway. She says that she wont spare her, and shashi too thinks the same.
At Hotel

All panic, while the new bride wears saif’s shirt, while he too rushes out in the bathrobe. Saif finds a load for laundry and eyes it for a dress change. In the commotion, sanam and ahil find each other and are shocked. both ask the other what are they doing here,. while ahil is surprised at her clothing. she says that she came here to check on him, if he is at home or not, and hence the attire change, and asks whats he doing here. Ahil stands tensed. He finds saif too and is shocked. he asks whats he doing here, if she came to test him. she says that she brought saif along, before he can reply, as she didnt know the route to the hotel. she asks why he came here. Ahil says that he came here to meet his friend, who needed legal help, as he is tackled in a complication, and he didnt want to say so, so as to relieve stress from her, being five months pregnant. he says that he had to come due to his friend, and apologises. He asks her to hasten up, as the fire alarm is still on. He asks saif not to mind this. he looks at the new bride lovingly. He says that she can do anything for him. she wonders what are these papers that he is hiding from her.

At Shaad’s residence

Shashi is happy with her win over sanam, saying that its easy for her to fool anyone. she eyes shaad arranging for security. she says that she shall get rid of shaad from her way but what jannat did today, would be fatal for her. She descends down the stairs in the backyard, and then opens the water tank, and finds Misbah inside, drowning in water, with an oxygen pipe in her mouth, to keep her alive. she closes the drum back again.

The next morning, Sanam descends down the stairs, and all are tensed, as they wait for her to join them at the breakfast table. sanam comes and apologises profusely, for her basless allegations against her, and how her hallucinations got the better of her, and how maybe shaad is right that she needs some time off. Shashi sits tensed. Shaad asks misbah not to turn away and instead forgive jannat. she complies, and hugs her. she asks sanam whats this new drama now. She smiles and says that she is just acting along like her, and what she started, shall be finished by her instead. she says that she shall win as she knows the true misbah is here only, and that the real misbah cant escape from this house, and she would find her completely, and when she resurfaces, what about her. Misbah pretends to smile while she is fruistrated at her. She eyes her curtly.

At Ahil’s residence

While ahil and the new bride are asleep, she wakes up stealthily, and then opens the wardrobe to find out the file. she rummages through his stuff. When she finds it, she finds that ahil wants to open a trust for their unborn child. Before she can read completely, he takes the file from her, and says that it was meant to be a surprise, but her doubtful nature got the better of her, trying to emphasise how important their child is to him. she says that its very good. he leaves to see the lawyer. she wonders why is ahil in love with their child suddenly, and decides to find out.

PRECAP: Ahil is amused when the new bride is nervous as she says that she isnt feeling well, and asks if nazia is around. he asks her not to be nervous as they have done this before too. Shaad gets upto the tank. Meanwhile, inside the tank, shashi has misbah in her grasp, while she desperately tries to struggle herself free from her grip. Shaad finally lifts the tank opener. Sanam is tensed.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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