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Mukun asks how are you? She says fine. He is worried. Mukun says I am going. He leaves. Kesar says he didn’t say anything? Is he hiding something?

Devi holds Adhi’s hand and says you do so much for me. I have placed this mirror in the house. She puts his hand on her stomaach. She says we look so good like made for each other. Adhi shoves her. he says enough you have crossed all the limits. You have made my life hell. You think I love you.. I hate you. I really hate you. He breaks the mirror. Devi says then why didn’t you kill me? Why did you saved me every time? You could go from here. You could let me die. Devi says why did you say that you love? Why couldn’t you live away from me? He shoves her and says those were all incidents. I hate you. Devi says okay. I agree that you didn’t mean anything that night... But if you say that it doesn’t mean to you then I wont agree to that. You made me yours that night. You can’t deny that truth. She leaves. Adhi says I will write end of your life with my hands. This last time I will end your life and I wont stop.

Heera has arranged pooja. Urmi says is there something else? Urmi says Heera will handle everytthing. Don’t worry. Masa shows Adhi how he will throw the chandelier on her and she will die. Masa says Devi will die. Kesar and mukun will give me the heir of this house, no one will doubt us during pooja.

Kesar comes for pooja. Mukun sit next to her. Devi is searching for something on the internet. Masa comes and says come downstairs. She comes. Adhi pulls the rope. Devi comes downstairs and says I will do rituals of my sister. Heera gives her dia. She says keep standing here with this dia.

The pooja starts. Devi is standing beneath the needles chandelier. Masa says to Mukun you will give me heir soon. Pandit ji says bring your younger son and wife in this pooja too. Masa says no they will stand. A woman says whats wrong with that? She asks Devi to sit. Masa says stop. I want both couples to have separate poojas. Devi says masa is right. We will do it separately. I won’t be able to do it either. The woman says why? Devi says in this condition a woman can’t sit in pooja. Woman asks what? She says I am pregnant.. Adhi leaves the chandelier. He is shocked to hear what devi said. The chandelier is about to fall on her. Adhi shoves and saves her. A woman says you are right, if you are pregnant you won’t sit in the pooja. Devi says death is so weird it comes anywhere but there is one thing more powerful than it. Fate and destiny no matter what you do.. You can’t harm the one God saves. Kesar says this looks like a conspiracy. Devi says my husband saved me and my child. The woman says give her blessings Masa. Masa says what proof she has that she is pregnant? Devi says you will have the proof in front of you soon. A letter comes for her. She shows it. Its the test report. Devi printed it herself. Devi says I went to hospital and got the tests done. Masa asks Adhi waht is it? He says she is pregnant. The woman says congrats masa. You will be grandmother soon. Masa grasps Devi’s hand and makes her wear the thread in anger. Kesar hugs and congratulates Devi. Devi says in heart I am sorry God for this big lie.
Adhi comes to room and says to Devi what is this? Why did you say that? Devi says aren’t you happy? why did you save me then when you arrange everything? I know you planned to kill me. That one night changed everything. Your baby is in my womb. Your efforts to kill me always fail. You tried again but God helped me. If you kill me you will kill your child as well. She is dreaming this. Adhi isn’t there. Adhi comes to room and recalls the night when he was drunk. Devi says aren’t you happy? May I know why? He says no I told you before that night doesn’t mean anything to me.. Devi says what? You were drunk? So is that my fault? Did I ask you to drink and come close to me? Two good news came to this house Muukun and our child. Masa now knows that we are one in every manner of the phrase. He leaves. Adhi sits down alone. He says is she right? I don’t know what to do? Devi says I am sorry God. Adhi says if she is right then?
Masa is very angry. She says Devi is lying. i know she isn’t pregnant. Bansuri says then whose child is it? Masa says that is someone else’ child. She is characterless. Urmi says we should tell everyone. Masa says whole sujanghar will know. Devi calls Ambiika and says I am so happy. Ambika says I am very happy for you. Adhi comes. Devi puts his hand on her stomach. She says I wish my child is like you loving. Our baby is coming. I know you will love our child. I see a responsible father in you.

Devi is working, Kesar says you shouldn’t work. Devi says women is city work till the last day. Kesar says I don’t care but you won’t work. Devi says thank you. You are so nice. Devi says to Kesar you should try to go ahead with your relationship as well.

Kesar comes to room. Mukun is changing. Kesar says Devi is so lucky she will be a mother. She sits next to him. She says masa must be so happy. She puts her hand on his. He says where iss adi? He leaves. Kesar says he doesn’t even look at me.

PRECAP: MAsa says call Chauhan family. She accuses that Devi’s child is not Adhi’s. Masa says if it is then walk on these burning coals. Adhi says you don’t have to walk on this. This is is my child. he is my blood. I will take you to doctor tomorrow.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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