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Adhi is going to office. His man calls and tells him that shares he bought on Devi’s name are going way more up. They are touching skies. Adhi goes back to his room. Masa says what happened? He says I forgot something. Adhi comes back to room. Devi is doing pooja. He try to come in front of her to get tilak. Devi avoids him. He says that.. Devi keeps doing her arti. Adhi says how do I tell her. He collides with her. Devi says what is he trying to do? He comes after her. He says stop. He says there is no tilak on laddu? She apply it on laddu. Adhi try to show his forehead to her. She says what happened? he says apply tilak. She is dazed. Adhi says hurry up I am getting late for office. He leaves. Devi is shocked and happy. Adhi leaves. Devi tells everything to Kesar. Devi sees an envelop. She says I think he forgot these papers. Let me take them to his office. Masa says the same paper she is taking will have her lot written on it.

Adhi is mad at his staff for losing the paper. He says you can’t take care of a paper. Devi comes there. Adhi says what are you doing here? She says you forgot it at home. He says these are the same papers. He calms down. He looks at his staff and says you all go back to work. Devi sees burnol in his office. She says why you have it? He says go home. Saradh says bhabhi you here. Devi says I came yesterday as well. Saradh says why you have this burning med? Adhi says nothing this is just for first aid.

Devi sees Kaka. She says I am Devi. He says Adhi is a very nice guy. He worked so hard. He started so small and here he is.

Devi comes home. Urmi says madam is home. Masa please welcome her. Masa break a glass on the door. She says you have to walk on this glass to get in. Masa says if you can’t get in then don’t ever come in.

Masa says to Devi come in while walking on this glass. Otherwise don’t come. Devi takes off her chunri and walks on it. Her feet are not that hurt. Devi says I walked on glass just as you asked. Masa says you fooled me. Devi says you didn’t tell me how. Masa goes to her room in anger. Devi says stop giving me pain because I won’t take it anymore.

Saradh calls the tender. He says your company name is in the list. Adhi says I saw the list of ten companies and I wasn’t there. Saradh says they selected 15 companies and we are the 15th. Adhi is very happy. Masa call Adhi and ask how is everything? He says work is going on fine. I will call you later. Adhi is very happy. He says prepare for party. Masa says her game is going on strong. I have to do something.

Devi comes to Kesar. Kesar says you look so happy. Devi says I saw a hope. I saw Adhi apologizing. He gave me a new hope. Kesar says his family won't let you be positive in this house.

Adhi comes home and sees his closet. It full of shits. Devi says to Kesar if he wear blue tshirt that means God is giving us a signal. Kesar says what if he wears other color. Devi says then you will clean the whole house. They laugh. Devi sees Adhi coming out. He is wearing blue. Kesar giggles. Devi says there is something on his back. It hurt him. I want to know what it is. Kesar says what? Devi says you take juice for him. Kesar takes juice towards his room. Urmi comes and says give it to me I will take it to his room. She gives it to Adhi. Adhi says when did I ask for juice? Kesar says Masa asked for it. Give me I will take it. Urmi says I will take it. The juice spills on his shirt. Devi hide under his bed. Adhi locks the room to change the shirt. He takes off his shirt. Devi try to look at his back but she couldn't see anything. Adhi is doing pushups. Devi hides. Adhi wears other shirt and sits with his laptop. Devi try to go out. Saradh calls and says some foreigner will call talk to him. Adhi says you know my English isn’t good. Saradh says ask Devi to talk to them. Adhi says should I ask her or should I not?
Adhi says where is Devi? Masa says she is nowhere in the house. Urmi says she might have ran away from the house. Masa says she has no shame. Her family will pay for it now. Devi is under the bed. Kesar says lets look downstairs. Kesar goes out and says Masa this door isn’t opening. Devi comes out of under bed. Adhi says let me open the door. Devi come and says were you looking for me? Masa says didn’t you hear? Devi says I was looking for my ring. Adhi get a call from his client. He grabs Devi’s hand and takes her to the room. Everyone wonder what's going on. He locks the room. Masa is angry. Urmi says sure they will make love. Masa says he is my son he must be angry at her and ask her where she was.

The client calls. Adhi gives the phone to Devi. Client says can I talk to Adhi. Devi says sure. Adhi says I can’t speak in english. Devi talk on his behalf, he ask     about the land. Devi explains to him well. Devi says he is very impressed with your PA. He wants to work with your company. Adhi says thank you for helping me. Devi says most welcome. She comes out. Everyone looks at her. She goes to her room. Urmi says why did you go in the room? Devi says he is my husband. Maassa says don’t do this drama in front of me. Tell me what happened in the room? Devi says a foreigner called him so he asked me to call. Masa says enough.

Devi tells Kesar everything. She says I saw a happy child in him. He was so happy. Kesar says what he did was what Masa asked him when he burned you. He is not a bad human himself. Devi puts a phone in shampoo bottle to see what is on his back. She places it in his washroom. Devi says now I will know what is on his back.
Adhi goes to washroom to take shower while Devi does arti. Adhi comes out. He says my tilak.. She puts tilak on his forehead. Adhi leaves. Devi looks for the bottle in his washroom. Maid says I gave it to the tin man. The tin man is downstairs. Devi says I have to save it. Devi says I want to buy a shampoo. Bansuri says you have no shame? Devi says look my hair is so rough. She sits down and takes the bottle. Maasa says you won’t get anything. Devi says a little bit of it. Masa says take these old bottles and use from them. devi takes them all. She comes room and takes the phone out. Devi feels shy. Adhi takes shower. Devi sees the burned mark on his back. She recalls its the same as hers. She sits in shock.

PRECAP: Saradh asks Adhi what happened? He says my back is burned a bit. Devi is hearing everything on back. Saradh says masa asked you for this too? Adhi grasps his collar in anger and says Masa didn’t give me this scar. I gave myself. Devi is shocked. She says today I got to know there is a Ram ipn this beast. Saradh says to Adhi think about the party. you have to bring bhabhi here as well. Masa says to Adhi you forgot the promise. You said she won’t be with you. Devi hears and says my husband wants to take me no one can stop me.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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