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Virat asks Kesar is there any garden where I can jog? She tells him. He says I will roam around Sujan garh. Masa smirks at Devi.

Devi has made pasta. Devi says Virat really likes it. These parathas are for you. Masa says where is he? Devi says let me call him/ Masa says dont go to his room or you can. you are so close to him. Adhi says you sit. I will bring him myself. Devi says to Kesar are you okay? You look worried. She says I am fine. Adhi knocks on Virat’s door but he is not inside. Adhi sees women clothes on his room. He is dazed. He sees broken bangles as well. Adhi is angry. He says there was no girl with him? What is all this? Virat comes back from jogging. He says this city is so pretty. Find me a girl I will stay here. Where is devi? Masa says in kitchen. Virat says let me see. He goes to kitchen. Devi says I made pasta for you. He says I went to jog. I don’t wanna be fat like you. She says you called me fat. She throws flour on him. Devi falls on hinm. She laughs. Adhi comes in and sees. Adhi is angry. Devi sees Adhi.

Adhi look at Devi and Virat together. He is angry. Devi says I slipped. Adhi grasps Virat’s collar and says how dare you. Virat says what the hell. you are doubting your wife? Devi says let him understand. Virat says he can’t trust you. This is the problem with these small town people. Devi says listen to me please. There was oil on the floor. I fell on him. Adhi says he is just here to be part of our wedding. He won’t live here. Devi says listen.. Adhi says he will live in guest house. Virat says he is right. I will live there. He leaves. Devi says okay I won’t meet him. Please control your anger. She goes to her room.

Masa comes and says what happened? Urmi says Devi was just taking her friend’s side. Masa says that guy has a bad eye on Devi. She can’t understand him. Masa comes to Kesar and says what have you decided? She says I will care for my child. Masa says good. You have to make Devi trust you. For you your child should be everything. don’t think about others. Kesar says okay.
Adhi looks at Devi’s photos. He says I should control my anger. I made a mistake. She cares so much for me and I doubted her. I shouldn’t have talked to her like that. She made me a human from a beast.But I can’t see someone else close to her. Love changes everything. How will I fix it?

Devi sees rose on her way. She keeps picking them. She comes to a suited man. She says whom do you want to meet? He turns, its Adhi. Devi is surprised. She smiles. He says meet me, your prince. Devi laughs. She says you are so cute. He gives her the last rose. He takes all the roses from her and dances with her. He badly fails. Devi laughs. He says lets try again. He try to dance with her. Devi says don’t do all this. He says your friend told me that you love dancing. She says didn’t hel tell you how to take a girl in arms. Adhi says I will learn. Devi says I like how you are. I don’t want to turn you innto a prince. You are prince of jungle. He says go to your room.

Kesar comes to Devi and says you look worried. Devi says Virat didn’t eat. He left the house. Devi says can you give this to Virat? Don’t tell anyone. Kesar says sure.

Kesar is taking food to Virat. Adhi says where are you going? Why are you picking all this weight? I should take it. She says I am taking all this for Virat. He doesn’t eat food from here. Adhi takes it and goes to his room in anger. He is angry. Adhi looks at his sherwarni. He recalls Devi being close to Virat.
Kesar comes to Virat. He says I brought these sweets for you. He says thanks, she says Devi sent food for you. Adhi snatched it from me. Devi was really worried for you. He says I can’t believe that Devi is marrying an idiot like him. He doesn’t trust her. Kesar spills sweets on his shirt. Kesar says give me your shirt I will wash it. Kesar takes his shirt.

Kesar tells Devi that I have given these sweets to Virat. Devi says he is allergic to pumpkin I told you. Adhi says I need to calm down.. I should apologize to Devi.
Kesar tells Masa Devi is going to him. Devi runs towards Virat’s room. He is in a bad condition. She says I am really sorry. She didn’t know you are allergic. 
Masa write a fake love letter. 

Devi gives Virat his medicine.

Masa says I think someone is coming.

Adhi is looking for Devi everywhere. He reads the love letter. It reads last night was so romantic. I loved it. I will take you with me from here. This place is full of uneducated people. Adhi looks for Devi. He sees her with Virat. Adhi slaps Devi. He says he.. Adhi says to Virat I told you stay away from Devi. He hits Virat. Devi says please stop. Adhi beats Virat. Adhi says shut up. You cheated on me. I came here to apologize to you. You are a characterless woman. Devi says its not like that. He says I saw everything with my eyes. Adhi drags her and says get out of this house. You dont’ belong to this house anymore.

Precap-Devi says enough. An uneducated man can only stoop so low and think this way. Masa asks Adhi to marry Kesar.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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