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Devi is waiting for Adhi. He comes drunk. Devi says why did you drink? You went to find a solution to Kesar’s problem. He says you are here for me. She lays him on the bed. He caresses her face. Adhi says you are my support. She says what do you mean? He says you understand me before I even speak. He comes close to her. Adhi says I really love you. I want to own you. I want to marry you with rituals. With consent of both of us. I can’t wait anymore. Devi says really? He says yes you will only get true love now. They hear Kesar screaming. Devi comes to Kesar. She hugs her. Kesar screamed and scared in sleep. Devi says nothing will happen to your or your child. Devi says to Adhi please do something. Please fulfill your promise. He says I thought I would talk to Saradh but he ran away from jail. I dont’ know what to do. this is why I drank. I cant believe why he ran. I spoke to every marriage bureau they all said no. They think she did a sin. Masa was right no one will marry her. Devi cries and hugs him. She says Kesar has faced a lot already. Adhi hugs her and says I am with you. We will find her a life partner don’t worry.

The next morning Devi gives Adhi breakfast. He pulls her closer. Adhi says I can’t wait to marry you again. Devi says first you have to win my heart. Then I will decide if I want to marry you or not. He says what? She says scared? He says I am not scared of anything. I will win your heart. Now you see how I win you. Adhi asks Devi to come downstairs. She says what happened? The table is full of jewelrry. She says its so pretty. He says do you like them? She says I love them. He says these are for our wedding. Devi says these many? He says I didn’t know what you would like so I brought them all. Urmi and Masa are angry. Urmi says once he marries her she will be the queen and we will be servants. Masa says I won’t let that happen. See what I do now.

Masa comes to Kesar. Masa says sit. You are going to be my son’s child’s mother. I want to apologize to you for all my sins. I saw Mukun in dream. He told me this is his child. Kesar says thank God its your child. Masa says this is our heir. It should stay with us. You and your child will be dependent on Devi. Can you see all that? Think about your child. Adhi should marry you.

Masa says you should marry Adhi. Kesar says what are you saying? Kesar says don’t say things like these. She says Devi is like my sister. I can’t take her happiness. Kesar leaves. Masa says I have to stop this wedding. Kesar comes downstairs and sees Devi and Adhi choosing bridal dress. He says you look so pretty. Kesar says I can’t ruin their happiness. I will tell her later. Adhi says what does your heart say about me? She says its not easy for a village guy to impress a city girl. He says I will win your heart anyhow. I can do anything for my love. He grasps her hand. He says you have to say yes. She says I will. He says are you staying away from me because I am an ilterate? She says no. Devi comes to Adhi and hugs him. She says I am sorry. Some love is deep and can’t be seen. It can only be felt. I loved you that way. He hug her. She says I have never loved before. Love is from people not degrees. And I want to know whats in your heart. He hug her. He says I really love you. This is why I want to marry you. I can’t imagine going away from you. Urmi looks at them angrily.
Urmi comes to Bansuri and says I think that Devi is fooling Adhi. She is making him fool so she can use him. He is innocent and she is very clever. She must have a guy in the city. These city people have so many people in their lives. Adhi is listening to all this. Urmi says she makes stories in front of Adhi. She is fooling him. Adhi leaves in anger.

Kesar comes to Devi. Devi was talking to someone. Kesar says who is it? Devi says someone personal. She says has called for the cake. The baker calls on the landline. Masa picks it. Devi says its for me. She orders the cake.

Kesar says today is my birthday no one knows in this house Masa comes to Kesar and says I am sorry for what I have done in three years with you. I was worse with you. I called your child a sin. Please pardon me. I want to apologize. Kesar says please don’t do this. Masa says happy birthday. Stay happy you and your child. She hugs her.
Masa says to Kesar did Devi wish you? She was very busy with Adhi. Kesar says the day hasn’t even started. She will wish me. Masa says she doesn’t see anything but Adhi. Devi makes kheer for Kesar. Kesar says whats the date today? Devi says is there something special? Kesar says no. Devi says in heart I can’t ruin the surprise. Someone comes to kitchen and kidnaps Devi. Devi says who is it? Its Adhi. He takes her to a surprise date. Devi is dazed. She says all this for me? He says see I gave you a surprise. She says its really pretty. But Kesar’s birthday.. Adhi says I got all these ready all day. I want this time to be for us only. We shouldn’t talk about any third person. Devi says you did all this all alone? She says wow you have learned how to make me happy? You force me to forget everything. He says your love made me crazy. See it's all just happened. My heart guided me to do all this for you. Devi says but.. Adhi says this is our personal time. Adhi says I want these moments to be for us. I want to make memories. Its rains. Adhi dances with Devi. He comes close to kiss her. Devi stops him.

Kesar says no one cares about me in this house.. Devi and Adhi comes to her with cake. Devi hug her. Adhi brings balloons. Devi says I was making this kheer for you. Kesar says you didn’t get time all day. Adhi says Devi was with me. They ask her to cut the cake. Kesar cuts the cake. Adhi says bhabhi is tired. DEvi says but I want to talk to her. Adhi says lets go. He takes Devi with her. Masa comes to Kesar. She says Devi came? She got time so late. She just gave this cake and left. People don’t care about others at all. She is with Adhi. I want to get you married to Adhi. No one cares about your child in this house. She doesn’t care about anyone. I will do everything for you. She makes her eat the cake.

The next morning, Devi wakes up late. She comes out Adhi pours flowers on her. She says all this? He says for your smile. She says all this is so dreamy. He says you look so beautiful with a smile. He comes close to her. Devi stops him. She says after wedding. Adhi says too much wait. Adhi says I really love you.

Masa wakes up Kesar. Masa says you slept so late. She gives her food. Masa says I know you kept waiting for Devi and didn’t eat yesterday. Eat for your child. Masa says like you no one cares about me in this house too. I know why I want to get you married to Adhi. Kesar leaves. Bansuri comes to Masa and says why didn’t you think about this when Urmi was a widow? This all is wrong. Masa says don’t tell me what's right and what's wrong. Masa says Adhi won’t marry Kesar. He will marry Urmi only. Now see what I do.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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