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Kesar comes to Devi. Adhi is holding her hand in sleep. Devi takes the meds. Kesar says take water. You sat here all night. You really love him. Your love is true. Come and eat. She fills her hairline. Devi says God give me power to bring him back on his feet and protect him for his enemies.

Devi comes to room. Kesar comes. Masa says I will take care of my son. Kesar says I am sitting till Devi comes. Masa shoves her out of the room but Devi is there. Devi says you here? He needs rest. He can’t hear what you have to say. I am here with him. Masa says I know you know meds. But he needs me. Devi says we all know why you want to stay here. Masa says I won’t let you provoke my son against me. Devi does Adhi’s arti. She prays for his health. She says to Masa this arti is for your son. Masa takes arti. Masa recalls what Devi said. Devi says to Masa police came. Urmi says what? Masa goes out with Urmi. Urmi says why is police coming? Urmi says I got so scared. I thought police is coming to arrest you. She is very clever. Masa says she has locked the room again. Adhi coughs. Devi smiles. She says are you okay? Thank God you are conscious. She calls doctor and tells him. He says give him meds on time. She caresses Adhi’s face. Adhi recalls saying harsh things to her. Adhi says water. Devi makes him drink water. Adhi says why did you save me? Devi says what kind of question is that? Adhi says If I died your life would been peaceful. I am your enemy. Devi says you are my husband not enemy. I would even save an enemy why won’t I save my own person?

Masa says what if she tells Adhi everything?

Devi says to Adhi I want to tell you something important. Devi opens the doors. She says Masa. Masa says what she said is a lie. Don’t trust her. Adhi says but what she said is truth. Masa says what will I do now. Devi says there is another important thing. You let me apply tilak on your head. You should take it from Masa. Give her this right so gives you her blessings. Stop giving me credit of your hardwork. It all happened due to her prayers. Devi says to Masa we should let him rest. Masa says to Adhi get well soon.

Saradh is about to trip. Kesar saves him. He says thank you. He says this bouquet is for Adhi. Kesar asks Saradh did you find anything about him? Saradh says not yet. Saradh gives her a flower from bouquet as thank you gift. Kesar takes it.

Masa stops Devi amd says what game are you playing? Devi says just told him the truth. I saw tension on your face and just told him that. What will happen when he know what is the reality of his mother? A mother can never harm her kids and now just to bring me down you harmed your son. I don’t know what to call that.
Devi says I have to do your dressing. he says I can’t take my kurrta off. She says are you being shy?? I am your wife. I am a doctor as well. Doctor gave me this responsibility. He says I will do it myself. Or do it from a distance. She says I can’t do that from a distance. Don’t do this drama. Let me do this. Saradh comes in and smiles. He says forgot to shut the door? Devi says I was dressing his wound.
Adhi recalls Saradh’s words. He says I know you are angry. Devi says you two fought? Adhi says where there is love there are fights. Saradh says can you bring tea? Devi says you both want to talk in person. Adhi says she is wise. Saradh says sorry. Thank God Devi was there. She saved you from those thugs. Anyone would have run. Now she is serving you. Be with humanity. I am your brother. Always see the good in other people.

Devi makes tea. She recalls Adhi being beaten. She says why am I thinking so much about him? Devi takes the tea. She recalls Masa. She says how can Masa do this? Should I tell Adhi truth? Masa comes and says go and tell him. But remember answer me one thing. Do you have any proof? Would anyone trust you? No one can trust a mother can do this with her son. My Adhi will kill you. You are so dumb. Go and tell whoever you want but truth is that I sent thugs to hit my son but do you have any proof? Devi has recorded it. Masa is scared. Devi goes to Adhi’s room. Masa stands there in shock. Masa comes to Adhi’s room. Saradh is leaving. Masa says stay. He says have to look after stuff in office. Devi says Masa will you go out? I have to dress his wound. Its at a place where only a wife can do. Adhi says masa please. Masa goes out. Devi shows her the phone. Masa goes out scared. Adhi says I don’t need it. I will do it myself. Or you can keep your eyes closed and do it. She says how can I do with eyes closed? Why are you feeling so weird? He says why are you giggling? She says you are being shy. Are you scared of me? Don’t be. Devi dresses his wounds. She says done. Adhi says listen. I wanted to ask something. When I left you on the way why did you have to come back? I was never nice to you. Why you saved me? Why you saved a devil of your life? Devi says I don’t have an answer either.
Masa is worried outside. she says Devi must have told him. Urmi says what happened? Heera says mind your own business. Devi opens door and says Masa he is calling you in. Adhi says Masa want to make you hear something Devi showed me. He asks Devi where is your phone? Devi gives her phone to Adhi. Masa is scared. Adhi opens something on phone. Its a mantra. Adhi says she thinks this mantra helps people in healing? is she right? Heera says yes it might. Adhi says why you look so worried? Devi says she is worried for you. Her BP is high. Devi says to Heera I want you to tell him truth.

Masa leaves the room. Devi smirks. She says to Adhi you rest. Adhi says listen you talk so much but didn’t answer my question. Why didn’t you leave me there. Devi says I am a medical student. It is my duty to save lives. So I did that. She leaves.

PRECAP: Adhi shows Devi picture of her brother. Devi says why no one ever talks about him? Kesar says to Devi am I so ugly that he left me on the secondd day of marriage? devi says no he will come back one day. Masa says to Devi you will say yourself that I can not even dream of harming my son. Police asks the thug who attacked Adhi? He points at Masa.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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