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Masa says I hope my plan works out. She hears Devi screaming.

Saradh says to Mukun why are you living away from your family? I beg you don’t ruin Kesar’s life. She waited for you all those years. You are living a dual life.
Mukun says I know how difficult it is to live an unacceptable life. People like you can only blame.

Kesar comes to Masa and says I spilled the milk. I am sorry. Masa is angry.

Mukun comes to meet Kiran. He says where is Kiran? Kiran hug him form back. He says you left me alone. Kiran says I just came to help my brother. Kiran says he gave you this office? Will you start a new life. How will you tell your family that you love me. Mukun says you are not getting me. Kiran says we promised to live together. Mukun says I came here for you. Kiran says you have a rich family and a wife you will forget me. If you leave me I will tell your family the truth. Mukun says I really love you I wont’ ever leave you.

Devi asks servant to make foods. Masa says who is coming? Devi says my bua. Masa says none of your family members can come here. Adhi comes in. Devi says I feel so alone here. I want someone to talk to. I want to go to my house for some days. Masa said she wont let anyone from my house in this house. Adhi says you wont go anywhere. Wait. He goes out and brings Ambika. Devi hugs her. She says wow I am so glad to see you. DEvi says thank you Adhi. He says I am your husband. Devi says thanks for doing this for me. Masa is angry. Ambika says he is such a good son in law. He knew Devi would need me in this time, Devi says bua will take care of me these days. Ambika says to Adhi you take so much care of devi, are you doing this for devi or your child only?
Masa says to Adhi I don’t mind your decision. Devi says thank you Masa for letting bua stay here. Devi takes Ambika to her room. Urmi says what is happening here. This Ambika ruined my life. Masa says don’t worry. I know what to do. Ambika says to Devi I had to come here as a daughter in law. One lie of Masa and she ruined my life. Devi says this time a lie will bring the families close. Ambika says what lie? Devi says that I am pregnant. Ambika says what did you do. What will you do now. Devi says please live this lie with me. Devi says Adhi will get to know he will be very angry. You can’t keep this lie for a very long time. This lie might make him larger beast. Devi says people will see the Ram inside him. He will know why I lied. He will understand me. He did so much for that he I never expected. Adhi comes in. He says to Devi I want to talk to you. He takes Devi with him. Ambika is worried. Devi says where are you taking me? He says sit on this chair. Devi says but.. He says I brought this oil for you. This makes you and the child stronger. He massages her feet. Devi smiles. Adi’s phone rings. He says yes I will be back home. He forgets his phone. Devi goes to give phone but slips. Adhi hold and saves her. Devi says thank you. He picks her and takes her to room. Devi says your phone. He says are you crazy. For phone you did all this. Devi says I should be careful. He says go and rest. He says masa please call your dai. She will take care of Devi. Ambika says I will take her to hospital. Masa says no dai will come and tell.
Kesar says to Saradh I want to live for mukun. Thanks for bringing me sindur. Mukun is looking at them. Masa brings the dai and says she will tell us if there as a child and how is he. She will check you and tell you everything. You shouldn’t go to hospital. Masa says to dai please check Devi and tell us if there is a child and how is she? She says go and get your check up done from dai.

Adhi says to his client I have to go and shop for my baby and wife. He buys a lot of toys. Dai checks Devi. She does her tricks on her. Masa says is the child okay? She says what child? She isn’t pregnant. There is no child in her womb. She is a liar. Adhi comes and says what happened? Masa says she fooled us all. Adhi says what are you saying? Masa says she isn’t pregnant. She had been lying all this time. Adi drops the toys. Devi says I.. He says you don’t have to give any clarifications. I know you won’t lie to me about our child. Dai says but my experience.. He says I took her to hospital and I trust doctors more than dai. Masa says Adhi you can’t see it. Adhi says you see conspiracy in everything. Devi’s womb has our heir. My child. Please stop this hate. Ambika says to Devi you have to live with this lie. You can’t tell him. He has started trusting you. Everyone can see the good in him. Adhi says to Masa I just want you to be part of my happiness. I beg you don’t do anything that affects our relationship.

Heera comes to Devi and says you are playing this game. Devi says you are right. There is no child in my womb. I will play this game honestly. Heera is angry. Devi says you used so many lies to defeat me but I am using lie to win my husband. My lie is to bring happiness. Heera says you better told me the truth. You know what will happen when Adhi gets to know. He will hate you and never trust you. Devi says once I win his heart you hatred will go out of his heart. This is my challenge. Heera says I will wait to see you defeated. She leaves. Devi says before Masa uses this lie I have to tell you this truth Adhi but I have to win your heart and trust first.

PRECAP: Dai says she is not pregnant. Masa says to Adhi she isn’t pregnant. She had been lying.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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