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Devi says Adhi please listen how can you say that. He says enough. I trusted you and you cheated on me. He shoves and says stay away from me. She says please its not right. He says you fooled me all the time. I now know why you did all this. You wanted to run away from here. My family kept telling me about you but I chose to trust you. I loved you and did everything for you. I stood in front of my mom for you. Devi says please listen. He says I won’t listen at all. You don’t deserve to be in this house. Devi says its our wedding today, he says I will never marry you. He shoves her. She falls on Virat. Adhi says people like you are called characterless. Devi says enough. Listen to me now. He says shut up. She says you shut up. Devi says I did everything for you and this is how you aare repaying me? I wont apologize because you have stooped so low. You put on such much allegations on me. What can I expect from an illmannered man like you? He says you belong outside this house. He shoves her and shuts the door. Devi and Adhi both sit crying on each side of the gate. Devi cries and recalls her moments with Adhi. She says how can you forget our moments. devi recalls when he danced with her. Virat comes to Devi and says I am sorry. I shouldn’t have come here. It all happened because of me. Devi says its not your mistake. Its not his either. His mom did this. She has always been doing things like these. It was all Masa’s game. Virat says but he loves you he should trust you. Virat says should I talk to him? She says no I have to fight this.

Masa comes to Adhi and says don’t cry like this please. She says I am sorry this is all my mistake. I shouldn’t have gotten you married to her. Adhi says I am sorry. We are better than these city people. I am sorry. Now see how I forget her. She will pay for this.

Virat says you should enter the house one way or the other. Devi sees some women. Devi says these are dancers. I will go in with them. Devi comes in the house as a dancer. Bansuri says who are you? She says I am a dancers. Bansuri says go to hall then. Masa says to Adhi guests are coming. What will we do now?

Masa says you have to marry. Adhi says marry who? Masa says marrry Kesar. Devi hear it and she is dazed. Adhi says how can I marry her? Masa says people will talk about us if they return. Your dad’s name will be ruined. People will appreciate you. It will be good for her coming child as well. This is your responsibility. Adhi says I can’t do this. Don’t ever say this again. He leaves. Devi says I should talk to him.

Adhi comes to his room. he is angry. Adhi recalls his moments with Devi. Devi comes in. Adhi says you.. Why are you back? She says to laugh at your condition. I pity you. You are crying now. So bad. People are right. Men go mad in love. Remember the day you forced me to marry and there is today when I broke up to avenge. You can’t show your face to the society. I had fun with my friend and then there is you alone and pathetic. I am happy with my friend. He throttles her and realizes he was dreaming all this. Adhi is in his room. He laughs and cries. He breaks Devi’s photo. He burns it. Devi is looking at it all. He burns everthing related to her. Adhi sits there crying. Devi is crying too. Masa comes and says what are you doing. Why are you giving pain to yourself for that characterless girl? She fooled you and ruined your life. Don’t be mad for her. You deserve someone like Kesar. She respects everyone. Marry her. I am your mom. You have to prove to that Devi that you are not upset and you can go ahead with your life. Show her that she lost. Marry Kesar. If she won we will be lost forever. She called you uneducated and illmannered. Don’t miss her like this. I am leaving. I will tell Kesar that Devi had made you weak. Adhi says stop. Tell Kesar I will marry her today. Devi is dazed. Adhi says I will forget that Devi forever. Masa says thank you I am very happy. Masa announces in the house. Devi is crying. Guests are wondering who will Adhi marry? Devi comes to store and cries.
Urmi says to Bansuri go and talk to Masa about me. Masa comes and says Adhi will marry Kesar today. Urmi is dazed. Masa says celebrate everyone. Devi says I am sure Kesar will never marry Adhi. she can’t do this to me. Adhi is my husband and I will marry him.

Adhi says I will show that Devi. I will make that child mine.
Masa says to Kesar I have prepared everything. I told you this will happen. Kesar says I heard all that you said. But enough now. Devi says in heart I knew Kesar. Kesar says I was such an idiot. You always thought about me. But I could never see it. You did all this for and my child. Thank you. Devi is dazed. Kesar says I can marry him this is my right and Devi was taking my right away from me. I helped you in kicking her out. I gave him those sweets. Thanks for doing all this for me. Devi says Kesar how can she do this? Masa says get ready for the wedding.

Urmi breaks stuff in anger. Bansuri says what happened? She says I waited all my life to marry Adhi. Kesar came and took him. Bansuri says calm down. Urmi says Heera said Kesar will marry Adhi. Bansuri says there is time left. She covers her face and says when he picks this ghunghat you will come out. But by then he would have marry you. I will do an emotional drama. Masa will have to accept you as his wife.

Devi recalls her moments with Kesar. She says anyone can get selfish in this condition. Adhi loves me and I love him. I can’t let Kesar marry Adhi. Adhi will never make her happy. Masa is ruining three lives with this game. I can’t give up like this. I will get my husband back.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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