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Devi is doing pooja, her aunts comes there and ask what are you doing here, she says I came here for pooja. These new cars? New jewelry? Ambika says come with us we will tell you.

Masa asks Kesar where is Devi? She slaps her and says you made her run away. She stole the money and ran from here. Adhi’s man comes and tells Adhi that he saw Devi with Ambika in the car. Masa says she ran with your money and this Kesar helped her. Why did she run if she didn’t steal the. I told you not to trust her.

Devi and kaki tell her that they got a lottery. Devi says wow. Thats such a good news. Ambika says our bad days are over. We have seen a boarding school for Ishu. She will go there. We have so much money you don’t have to be scared. Kaki says you also get out of here and go to Dehli. Send him divorce papers from Dehli. Fulfill your dreams. Devi is dazed. Ambika says go there and become a doctor. Devis dazed and silent. Adhi asks his men to look for Devi.

Masa says to Kesar she ran after she took the money. Adhi says in heart I wish I could trust what Kesar is saying but Masa isn’t wrong either. Masa says to Adhi I asked you to stay away from her. She is a cheater. She stole your money. Urmi asks Kesar where is Devi? Kesar says she is asleep. Masa calls Urmi. Kesar says I hope Devi comes back soon. 

Devi prays to get the money back. Ambika and Kaki sa come there. Ambika and kaki ask Devi to go right there to airport. Devi says no I already broke Adhi’s trust; I dind’t want to tell you. I lost Adhi’s huge amount of money. Ambika says how can you do that? Devi says I can’t explain. I dont’ know what to do. If I run right now everyone will think I am a cheater and I stole his money. Ambika says did he ever think about you? You shouldn’t think about them. This is a sign from God. We will arrange everything at airport. The bus is coming. We will handle everything here. Bus is coming. They send there to the bus. Ambika says they will ruin your life. Devi sits in the bus.
Ambika says please go from here. Devi sits in the bus. Ambika and Rekha wave her good bye. Ambika says she should go form here. Ambika says both our daughters are safe now. Adhi’s men are there. They call and tell him. Adhi asks where did she go? Did she tell you? Kesar says she told me she was going to temple. She will come back. She will come back. His men come in and tell everything. Masa says I told you. She took your money and went from her. She ruined everything. And this Kesar you are responsible for this. You helped her. Why are you silent Adhi? People will laugh at you. Adhi says I won't let her go from the city. she broke my city. She will come back here and I will ruin her life.

Adhi drives and goes after the bus. Devi recalls her moments with Adhi. Adhi is driving towards the bus. Devi is worried. Adhi and his men stop the bus. They ask all people to come out. They ask a girl to take off ghughat. She takes off ghungat its someone else. All people sit in bus.

Masa says I had to take revenge. I had to do this. She can’t go like this. Adhi comes back home angry. Urmi says she left the house. She stole the money. She slapped on Adhi’s face. Devi comes back in. She says you are so wrong. I am Chauhan's daughter and Rajwat daughter in law. I can never steal. Adhi grasps her and says where were you? She says I went to pray that your money comes back. Masa says you do such good drama. You first stole and then doing this drama. Devi says repeating a lie doesn’t make it truth. Masa says your drama wont work on us. she shoves her. Ambika comes in. She says don’t you dare harm my daughter. Enough. You can’t harm her. Masa says you really like being insulted here? You could never be a Rajawat. You have no shame. Ambika says I am glad God saved me from people like you, I just came here for my daughter. Urmi says then take that thief. Ambika says she sacrificed her happiness for this shallow family. I will take her form here. she says lets go Devi. Devi says I wont go. Masa says she wants to steal more. Ambika says they will ruin your life come with us. Ambika says she should be the crown of your head. That is why God never gave you a daughter. Devi says I can’t come with you. I left that bus because this is my house. Rekha says they will ruin your life. Devi says my husband is here.
Devi says this is my home because my husband is here. Ambika says you come with me. She takes her to her room. Ambika says why are you doing this. You have a life ahead of you. Why do you want to live with these people. He is a beast. He isn’t your husband. Heera says to Rekha she can’t go out of this house. Just some money and see your tongue. She stole money from our house and gave to you. Devi says to Ambika I know you are my mother like bua. He isn’t a beast. I have seen a Ram in him. He needs me. I have to be with him. People misuse him here. I want to show his good side to the world. Do you trust me? Ambika says yes. Devi says then let me do what I want. Hate is answered by love. Ambika hug her. Rekha says to Heera your thoughts are so small. God is on our side as well. how much money do you need? We will take Devi from here. Devi says I wont go anywhere. I will live here with my husband. Adhi says in heart if Masa is right Devi would have gone from here. Rekha and Ambika leaves. Heera says to Devi you stole from my house. Rekha and Ambika insulted us and you stole. She is about to slap her. Adhi comes and says enough Masa. He holds her hand. Masa is dazed. Adhi says enough now. He goes to his room. Masa is angry. She leaves. Devi smiles. Devi is doing arti. Adhi comes and stands with her. He does arti with her. Devi smiles. She was dreaming this. Masa says to Adhi I was doing what I should do with a thief. Adhi says if she stole why would she come back? Do you have an answer. Heera says you have started thinking she is right. You are on her side and not mine why? Devi smiles. She says finally my husband took a stand for me. This home looks like house. I am his partner. She says I am in love. She smiles. She sees Adhi everywhere. She says I never want to go away from this house. This house is welcoming me in this home.

PRECAP: Masa says to Devi you stole from this house. She slaps her but adhi holds her hand and says enough Masa. Adhi asks Devi you could run why did you come back? Heera says to Devi why are you in this room? Devi says my husband Adhi allowed me to live in this house. Adhi asks Devi what happened to your foot?

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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