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Masa says don’t even come near my son. Devi says a wife’s place can not be taken by anyone. No one can stop a wife. I know you will try but it won’t work. She apply tilak on Adhi’s forehead. Masa is angry.

Devi dresses Kesar and says you look so pretty. Kesar says I am so worried. Kesar says you are just shy. Dont worry I know some miracle will happen today. I my new journey I will always be with you. Kesar says you are such a good human.

Adhiraj passes by store room and seeing rat on floor walks into store room afraid. Devi taunts him how did he come in, he is not accustomed to be with rats. He angrily twists her hand. She confront him and says someone tried to kill him with poison. He says Maasa was given poison instead. Discussoin continues. Devi consumes poison and says she will see if he will save her or not. He shouts if she has gone mad. She asks him not to worry, she did not consume poison and was testing him.

At Adhiraj’s house, Mukun and Kesar are locked in their room. Mukun thinks he will not touch her and gulps alcohol. Kesar try to seduce him and hugs him from behind with Ang agade re…song..playing in the background..
Mukun is with Kesar. Kiran calls him. He caresses Kesar’s face. He turns his back. Kesar hug him. Kiran calls him again. Kesar hugs him. Kiran calls him. He picks and says I can’t talk right now. the door is locked. Kesar says my husband doesn’t want to come close to me. Please tell me the truth why you dont’ want to come close to me? Drinks and gets drunk. He opens her blouse. She smile.

Adhi comes to Masa. She says its pooja time. Lets go. Adhi says I want to talk to you. I don’t know what to do. You drank poison to just embarrass Devi. you hate her but for that you crossed every limit. All That was not Devi’s mistake. Why is she being punished? I hate myself for all this. I am sick of thinking how bad I did to her. Masa says listen. He says not today you will listen. No one will do anything wrong with her. I will stand by her. She isn’t alone anymore. Heera says so you love her now? He leaves. Heera sits in shock.

Adhiraj walks speaking to someone on phone that it is a huge amount, but he is okay with it. He clashes with Devi and reminisces Suchi telling him that he loves Devi a lot and should express it. Their phone get exchanged. Devi hears 45 lakhs on her mobile. Their eyes strike again.
Devi sees Kesar sad and says she will take her to Mukun. In a restaurant, Mukun tries convince his gay boyfriend Kiran. Kiran shouts how could he betray him and be with a woman. Their argument intensifies. Kiran slaps Mukun. Devi and Kesar walk in and are shocked to see this. Kesar slaps Kiran. Mukun slaps her back and shouts how dare she to slap his Kiran. Kesar is shocked more seeing her husband is a gay and runs out. Devi runs behind her.

Aarav while driving car calls Mansi. Mansi nervously picks call and in her usual mad acting asks where is he. He apologizes her for doubting her and says Maa was right that Suchi will create a rift between them. He asks her to give phone to mamma. Mansi walks down acting and sees a note in Suman’s hand who is on wheelchair, snatching note asks where is mamma. Suman gets afraid. Mansi then walks into kitchen, gives Babli her mobile, and hides near door. Aarav asks if Mansi is there or not. She says no, what happened. Aarav informs that Mansi is acting and is mentally sound. Babli says Suchi is brainwashing her again. Aarav Dr. Shukla confirmed that Mansi frightened him to make false reports, he is going to hospital with real reports and then will get Mansi arrested. Mansi hears that, silently sits on stairs and acts as mad again. Babli pampers her and thinks what happened Aarav, she will not get Mansi arrested so easily.

Devi walks to Kesar and says she does not have to feel helpless, she has to fight for her rights. She walks in and drags Mukun out and scold him that who gave him the right to play with someone’s life. She then takes them both to home and rings home temple bell, gathering the whole family. She asks Mukun to tell his truth in front of his dear ones. Mukun nervously asks what truth. Devi says the one he is hiding. Kiran walks in and says Mukun is lying, they love each other. Adhiraj reminisces Kiran getting Devi to hospital. Kiran continues expressing his love for Mukun. Maasa warns him to back off if he is planning to extract money. Kiran says she will not understand his love and will kill her. He shoots her, but Devi comes in front and bears the bullet. Mukun runs away with Kiran. Adhiraj run towards Devi.

Devi says to Mukun this is your family. Please tell them the truth. He says what truth are you talking about? Devi says I know it. Karan comes in and says I knew he wouldn’t tell you the truth. Mukun says go from here. Karan points gun at him. He says if you can’t be mine I wont be of anyone else. Devi says put this down. Kiran says Mukun you are mine. I really love you. You will leave me for this society. He hug Mukun and kisses his face. Everyone is dazed. Masa says what are you doing. He is my son. He can’t be this disgusting. Kiran says shut up. Your son loves me. Masa says you can’t blackmail us this way. You are doing all this for money. Kiran says you can never understand your son. Our society is this way because of people like you. I will kill you if you try to take Mukun away from me. He shoots Masa but Devi comes in front. Adhi picks her and rush her to hospital. Mukun and Kiran run away. Adhi is worried for Devi. Kesar says don’t worry nothing will happen to Devi. When she is well tell her how much you love her. Arav comes and says don’t worry. Devi will be fine. Doctor says a lot of blood is left. Ambika comes. She says you could never know the truth of my daughter. She can never harm her family. And you.. So full of hatred. You punished her for the sins she never did. She lied but did you try to know the reason? She wanted to make you a human. She wanted to win your love and you.. Adhi sits in tears. Adhi says please forgive me. Today I will tell her the truth. I always got her wrong and gave her pain. I had hate in my eyes. She sacrificed so much for my family. Today I will tell her truth that I love her. Kesar says she is conscious. Adhi runs towards her room. Adhi says thank God you are fine. He holds her hand and caresses her face. He says there is something that I want to tell you. I wanted to tell you that this Adhi.. Devi says what do you want to tell about Mukun? Adi says I don’t want to talk about him.

Masa is really angry. she recalls what Kiran said, she breaks things in anger. Urmi comes and says I know what you are going through. You are a mom and saw your son this way. What will you do now? Masa takes out her gun and leaves the house.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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