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Adhi says this day is very important for me. She handcuff his hand with hers. She says we will be together in whole party. He says guests are waiting for me open it. She says key is here tied to my waist. he says take it and unlock. She says you take it. She throws the key. Their hands are tied together. Adhi takes out his pistol and places it on her head. Everyone hears a gunshot and are dazed. Saradh goes upstairs to check. Masa says everything is okay don’t worry. Adhi tried to shoot the chain but it didn’t break. He says I don’t know what to do. She says it had only one bullet? He says I am very angry. She says there are guests downstairs. you want the contract right? We can go and make this party better.

Saradh comes to room;. Adhi says do something. My hand is handcuffed with hers. Saradh says the guests are waiting. Devi says we will both welcome them together. Adhi says the key fell down. The guests are waiting. Saradh says there is not enough time. Come soon. Masa is coming towards Adhi’s room. Devi says we have to walk together since we are tied together. She holds his hand and covers it with her chunri. Adhi goes downstairs. Masa stops him. She sees him holding her hand. Masa is angry. Adhi and Devi come downstairs. Everyone claps for them. Urmi and Bansuri are shocked. Urmi says masa will kill us. The guests say you look inseparable made for each other. Bansuri says to Masa she knows magic. I dont’ know how it happened. Masa says you can’t do anything. If he succeeds people will think that Devi is his good luck. I have to stop his success. Urmi says don’t worry we wont let you complain this time. Saradh says to Kesar why are you so silent? She says never been to such parties. He says come let me introduce you to the guests. Devi asks for water. Urmi mixes something in the drink. Devi gives it to Adhi. He says no I dont want it. Devi drinks it. The guests ask them to have a drink with them. Urmi mixes something in all those drinks. She says see what happens now. Devi says I think someone mixed something in my drink. I want lemonade. He walks. Devi falls on him. He says stand properly. Devi rests her head on his should. Devi drinks lemonade. The guest says the music is so good. No preps for dance? Saradh plays the music. The guest dances with his wife. He asks Adhi to join them. Devi says we have to or they won’t like it. Devi and Adhi dance together. Masa comes and sees them dancing. She is angry. Devi is fainting. She is in hangover. They both dance together. Masa and Urmi are angry.

Bansuri gets drunk and says these people don’t know how to enjoy. She dances on snake music. She pulls hair of guests. Urmi gets drunk as well and dances. Kesar takes them upstairs. Masa says are you both not done yet? Throw them in the room. Urmi says you liked my dance Kesar? Masa says I have to do something. She calls someone but the phone is off. The guests say that they enjoyed. The deal is almost done. Devi says thats a good news. its hour honor to host you here. Adhi says what they said? Devi says told you when you take me good things happen. They said deal is finalized. Adhi says wow. He is happy. He says my mall will be constructed. She says lets dance. Adhi says stop this drama now. Open this. he takes her upstairs. 

Massa is trying to call someone. Its the manager. Devi thinks she heard his voice. He picks his phone. Devi stops in the balcony. Masa calls Shekhar. He goes out. Devi says that's the same ringtone and voice. He says enough with the drama. Devi says its important please listen. He says I am taking you to Masa’s room. Masa says no worries I have more games to play. I don’t like losing. Adhi comes there. He says Masa. She sees their hands. Adhi says you know I can never go against you. This was my problem. He shows her the cuffs. Maid comes and says I found this key. He opens the handcuffs. Adhi says Masa you know this party was very important for me. She put it in my hand. Devi says you put it in my hand. Adhi says when did I? Devi says I am talking about masa. Devi says I know who is responsible for the fire in the shed. He is in the party. Masa says you think you will say anything and we will listen. Devi says he is from your office. Adhi says they are like my family. Don’t accuse them. Masa says throw her in her store. Devi says I know what I am saying. I am not saying this for you. I am saying this for your work. Masa says she is turning you against your people. Devi says I heard the same ringtone in the party. Masa says enough. Adhi says silent. You know who is he right? Tell me his name. Devi says Shekhar. Adhi is dazed. He says come with me. He goes downstairs and says where is Shekhar? A guy says he just left. Adhi says call him and ask him to come. He says Shekhar’s phone is out of network. Adhi says keep trying. Saradh says what happened Adhi? devi says that man is Shekhar. Saradh says what? Saradh calls Shekhar. He comes in. He says were you calling me Saradh sir? Adhi says why were you not picking the call. Devi hears same ringtone in someone else’ phone. She is confused. Adhi says a lot of people have same ringtones. Adhi asks Shekhar to go home. Masa says to Adhi how long have you known her. Your poeple have worked for so many years. How can you accuse them? Adhi goes to his room in anger. Devi says how do I prove it.

The next morning Urmi wakes up. Her head hurts. She wakes up Bansuri. They recalls last night. Urmi says masa will throw us out of house. Bansuri says don’t say that. Bansuri says you are a snake. Show them your poison. remember that in your mind. Masa says this plan will get Adhi in my control completely. Urmi says what trick? Masa says can you even understand. Masa says Adhi will see that Devi is not good for him.

Devi does arti. Adhi is getting ready. She puts tilak on his head. She says if you don’t smile while tilak God gets angry. Take this parsad for yesterday’s success. He says I wanted to say something. Whatever happened in party, I want you to come to office and apologize to Shekhar.

PRECAP: Masa says pandit ji knows more than anyone. Pandit ji says keep your wife with you. Everything good happens, then it will show. A vase is falling on Adhi’s head. Devi sees it. Adhi dresses Devi’s wounds. Later Devi applies tilak on his head. He falls from stairs.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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