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Imlie brings tractor and helps Satyakam and his team to escape. Satyakam takes Aditya as hostage. Aditya pleads that he is not with police. Imlie drives tractor. Satyakam tells Aditya that he wants him to drop weapons and submit himself to police, but police will encounter him and he is alive till the gun is in his hands. Aditya says again he didn’t call police. Imlie says he is very intelligent and wicked. Satyakam jokes and then says he will take Aditya to his most fierceful companions Channa and Imirti.

On the other side, Anu returns home from Aditya’s house and fumes that Malini is grown up between servants, how will she live in a house where family shares same towel and anybody can walk in to room without knocking. Malini says she will manage and asks her to calm down. Servant gives her envelope saying postman delivered it. Malini says there is no news about Aditya after he went to take interview, so she wants to go to Pagdandiya. Anu tear the envelope and says she waited for Aditya for 7 years and should wait for a few more days at least. Malini sadly look at paper pieces when Chaturvedi says this time her mother is right and she should have some patience.
Satyakam with his team takes Aditya to cowshed hide out and ties his hands while he pleads that he is not with police. Aditya then asks him if he can speak to his family. Satyakam doesn’t agree and walks away. Imlie and Aditya’s nok jhok continues. She picks his camera. He requests to keep it back as she may break it. She says she doesn’t mind and asks how to start it. He asks to free his hand and he will open it for her. Satyakam’s men point gun at him. He asks her to press red button and scroll down. She does same and fumes seeing her pics. He says he didn’t do anything wrong and took pictures with permission. She asks when did he take her permission. Satyakam enters and taking camera from Imlie asks her to return to mela. Imlie returns to mela and seeing police heading towards cowshed stops gets tensed. Inspector stops jeep and asks her cowshed’s location. She misleads him with her long conversation.

Satyakam checks camera and asks Aditya since when he is following him and why did he clicks his pictures? Aditya says to print Satyakam’s picture in article and show the world that Satyakam is not the one whom they think, he is an angel to his villagers while demon to others, there are good and bad people in police and some will definitely help him; he wants to know who Satyakam really is. Satyakam says he is farmer’s son who wanted to study, but was given plough instead. Imlie knocks door and says its her. Satyakam lets her in and asks if everything is fine. Imlie informs that police knows about cowshed and will reach here anytime. Police reaches wrong location and realizes Imlie gave them wrong location to save Satyakam. He hears cow sounds nearby and heads jeep towards it. Satyakam blames Aditya for calling police here. Aditya says he didn’t and asks him to check his mobile. Satyakam says he must have fixed tracker in it and breaks phone while Aditya pleads not to. Police reach and orders Satyakam to come out, else they will come in. Satyakam pulls his gun saying he will not accept defeat. Aditya pleads to listen to him once, Imlie says let us go from here. Satyakam says he will not drop gun and will fight till the end. Aditya pleads to return his ID card and let him handle police, if he fails Satyakam can shoot him. Satyakam shoots bullet. Imlie gets afraid. Aditya opens door and tells inspector that he is reporter Aditya Kumar Tripathi. Inspector asks about Satyakam. Aditya says he was here, but left just a few minutes ago. Satyakam and Imlie hide behind doors. Police search cowshed for Satyakam.

Police searches for Satyakam, inspector says fugitive shouldn’t escape. Aditya misleads them and sends them away and closes door from inside. Satyakam thanks him for risking his life and saving him. Aditya says if he trusts him, he should call him via his men give him interview. Satyakam agrees and says let us go. Aditya asks him to cover his face. Satyakam asks his men to drop Imlie home. Imlie gets emotional and requests Satyakam not to go. He says she is his 1 rs shagun coin and he will return for her for sure. Imlie cry hugging him. Satyakam leaves with Aditya. Aditya drives his scooty and asks Satyakam to wear helmet and mask. Satyakam says when Pagdandiya and Aditya are his, why should he worry? Aditya sees police jeep passing and trying to hide falls down, severely injuring his foot. Satyakam helps him get up and takes him to his hideout for interview. Imlie returns home and describe the whole incident to Mithi. Mithi surprisely asks if city man saved Satyakam? Imlie says she thought he is wicked like other city men, but he risked his life and saved Dadda; asks till when Dadda will be running as fugitive. Imlie says one gets evil easily and goodness with price and Satyakam is paying his price to be good.

Satyakam starts his interview and says he is ready to walk with city, but not get ruined by its food. He says 20 years ago, a city man visited Pagdandiya and left after spending a night with an innocent village girl, leaving her pregnant and never returned back; village girl gave birth to a baby girl and even now she is waiting for him. Aditya asks if the baby girl is Imlie? Satyakam says yes. On the other side, Imlie tells Mithi that she will go to city, study well, and become inspector, and then her Dadda can walk on roads freely. Mithi says she is protecting her dadda even now. Imlie asks why didn’t she marry Dadda. She scolds her smilingly and think she fell in city man’s love and didn’t see Satyakam’s love for her. Satyakam continue his story and describing his love for Mithi says he wants Imlie to study well and be hope for the village. Aditya says his wish will be fulfilled for sure. Imlie ask Mithi if she said something wrong and jokes will she go to see off Dadda tomorrow? Mithi hits her smilingly. Satyakam tells Aditya that he saw him switching off camera during interview, he is a good man, so he can meet Chandu who will brief him the whole story. He gives money and asks him to give it to Mithi for Imlie’s studies. Aditya says until Satyakam is there, Imlie is safe. Satyakam leaves saying he doesn’t want to be a threat to Imlie, Mithi, and Aditya.
At Aditya’s house, Dhruv’s daughter Twinkle tells him that he will wear lehenga in chachu’s marriage. Son says even he will. Twinkle says boys don’t wear lehenga. He says he said boys and girls are equal. Dhruv says he will buy them lehenga if they start studying for exam right now. Badepapa calculates wedding budgret. Aditya’s father tells Badepapa that Aparna and Badimaa want to gift jewelry to Malini and Anu. Nidhi gifts him money cheque. Dhruv requestgs him to accept it. Rupali walks in asking what about her dietician course, if he kept some money for her aside. Bade papa says institute is not given any certificate after course. Rupali yells that he always has problem with her. Mother says she got enrolled in 5 courses and let them incomplete. She yells he spent a lot on Aditya and cannot spend on her. Badepapa says he never differentiated between children and spent on Aditya as he wanted to study more. Rupali says she and Twinkle will leave his house tomorrow itself if he returns jewelry and walks away throwing tantrums.

Aditya wakes up early morning hearing someone knocking door. Imlie walks in and asks about Dadda. Aditya says he left last night. Imlie sees him limping and asks if he stamped his foot somewhere? He says he met with a bike accident last night. She yelll and asks if Dadda is fine. He says nothing happened to Dadda and gives her Dadda’s given money. He then inform her that Dadda asked him to meet Chandu, so can she take him there. Imlie agrees. After sometime, he calls Malini from lodge’s landline. Malini gets happy hearing him and asks where is his phone. He reminisces Satyakam breaking his phone and lies that it fell and broke in mela and since there is no repair shop here, he called her via lodge’s landline. He then informs that he took Satyakam’s interview and is returning home tomorrow evening. She gets more happy hearing that. He asks her not to take leave from college as he is coming in the evening. Imlie walks in and asks him to get ready to meet Chandu. Malini asks who is she? He says Satyakam’s relative who is taking him to meet Satyakam’s friend for more interview. Imlie continues her blabbering. Aditya asks Malini not bother about this jhalli. Malini says she feels he is going far away from her. He assures her that wherever he goes, he will return to her and disconnects call. His and Imlie’s nok jhok continues.

Precap: Aditya rides bicycle with Imlie and clicks her pics dancing in rain.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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