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Meethi does Imlie’s bidayi. She then tells Aditya that he cannot do for whatever happened here, but she can request him to take care of Imlie who is everything for her. Aditya asks her to tell her daughter that he cannot tolerate delay. Imlie hands over cloth bundle to Imlie and asks her to go. Imlie walks behind Aditya while Mithi stands crying. Dulari asks villager to follow Aditya and if he does anything wrong to inform her. She thinks Pagdandiya’s doors for Imlie are closed completely. Imlie ravels on bus top with Aditya reminiscing spending her childhood in Pagdandiya. She cries profusely. Aditya asks if she has to cry, why did she marry him. She says he would have better cut her neck then. He says he should have done that than forceful relationship, how will he face his family and Malini now who are eagerly making his wedding arrangements. Imlie promises that she will not inform anyone about their wedding. He asks why did she come along, he cannot take her home. She says she will do whatever he says. He say she ruined his life already and shouldn’t go on her own way after reaching city. Imlie continues crying profusely.

Dulari’s puppet follows bus on bile. Conductor stops bus at a dhaba and says they will halt for 20 minutes. Aditya gets down and walks away without helping Imlie. Imlie jumps down with great difficulty and walks behind Aditya. Customers praise that they both are looking pretty together. Aditya tries to sit in common area. Waiter asks him to sit in family section with bhabhi ji. Aditya says he will sit here only and asks him to bring tea. Waiter asks what about bhabhiji. Imlie says she doesn’t need anything. She tells Aditya that its not waiter’s mistake. He says its her mistake to agree for marriage and walking behind her like a poster. She promises that she will not become a hurdle for her and walks away. Dulari’s puppet notices her.

Anu confronts Dev that he made a mistake 18 years ago and Aditya is doing same with Malini now, if he is not worried for his daughter. Dev says he is and nothing happened then and even now Aditya is not wrong. She says all men are same and something would have happened 18 years ago, else wouldn’t be so superficial to her after that. Malini walks in and says Aditya is not a random man, she knows him since 7 years and he never made her doubt him.

Imlie walks to washroom and remembers her marriage and Aditya’s words that he cannot follow forceful relationship, etc. Aditya on the other side thinks he should call Aditya and speak to her. Waiter serves him tea, he asks if dhabha has phone. Waiter says its dead. He asks passerby to lend his phone, but passerby says there is no balance in phone. Bus conductor says its time to leave. Imlie removes her bangles and sindhoor reminiscing Mithi’s words and Aditya’s taunts. She washes her head to clear sindhoor. Aditya eagerly waits for Imlie and seeing Dulari’s puppet lends phone from him. Malini packs her bags and tries to leave home. Anu asks where is she going. Malini says she is going to Pagdandiya to search Aditya. Anu asks why her common sense stops when its about Aditya. Malini says whatever she thinks. Dev says its a risky route and she cannot go there. Malini says she can’t wait. Anu says why is she worried when Aditya’s family is not going there. Malini says she is also Aditya’s family. Aditya calls her just then and she asks how is he, he made everyone worried. He says sorry and he is reaching Delhi by evening. She takes his family in concall. They all shout if he is fine, if he had food, if he is getting gifts for them, when is he coming. He says he is fine and is coming home in the evening. They disconnect call. Malini asks what he wanted to say. Just then, puppet takes phone from him. Aditya stands fused seeing Imlie back in her old dress. Puppet calls Dulari and informs that something is wrong her. Dulari orders him to drag Imli back to her if she does any mistake, she will show Imlie that they cut throat if a bird flies back even after cutting feathers. Aditya with Imlie reaches Delhi and gets into cab with her.
Aditya takes Imlie to an NGO. Imlie asks if they came home. He goes in first and asks Imlie to follow him. He meets NGO head and introduces her to Imlie. Lady asks if this is Imlie and asks her not to worry as there are many girls like her here who ran away from her family for some reason. Imlie gets sad hearing that. Aditya asks Imlie if she can stay here. Imlie says why not when didi is so good. She drops her baggage down and picking it back sees Aditya already getting into cab. Dulari’s puppet Birju drags her away and asks where did her husband go. She pushes him away and picking stick warns that he troubled her in village and now come here. He acts as calling Dulari and forces her to come along. She resists in vain. Aditya enters and kicking him down warns how dare he is to hold his wife’s hand. Birju says Aditya had left her, so he was taking her back to Pagdandiya. Aditya says this is Delhi and not Pagdandiya, if he wants to go to jail. Birju runs away. Aditya says her villagers have sent many Birjus and who all she will fight with. Imlie asks what will she do now. He says he will think something.

Adity reaches home. Family gets happy seeing him. Aparna performs his aarti. He then touches elders’ feet. Imlie waits outside house. Pankaj asks if his work completed on time, Rupali asks why didnt he come yesterday, etc. Imlie drops pooja thali kept nearby. Everyone look at her. She walks in stepping on kumkum. Aparna asks who is she. Imlie says she Imlie from Pagdandiya and since she needed work, she forcefully came behind Aditya. Aparna asks if he took her parents’ permission. Aditya says yes. Imlie says her mother sent her here as she needed work badly to get a shelter and food. Dhruv asks how can they keep anyone without any verification. Imlie says she doesn’t have proof of verification, but she always keeps her promise and will not go until they send her out. Aditya walks to his room asking family to handle this issue as he is tired. Twinkle frightens Piyush that Imlie’s bag has small kids in it and if he misbehaves with her, she will put him in bag. Piyush says he will call her Twinkle didi from hereon. Aparna asks Imlie if she knows household chores. Imlie says she can cook, make cowdunk cakes, etc. Badepapa asks her to go in, Rupali will explain her everything. She walks inside home with kumkum smeared feet.
On the other side, Mithi cries looking at Imlie’s books and pencils. Her friend asks if she got any information about Imlie, she would have reached city by now. Mithi says going to city is Imlie’s dream and she didn’t think it would be fulfilled like this. Friend says Aditya will take care of Imlie. Mithi says Aditya is a good man, but will Imlie’s in-laws accept her. Rupali shows cleaning items to Imlie and then kitchen. Mithi tells her friend that Aditya has someone else in his heart and how will Imlie find her place in his heart. Imlie sees Aditya and Malini’s photo and remembers him telling his girlfriend’s name is Malini and he calls her Moon. Aditya calls Malini from landline. Malini gets happy and says she is coming right now. He says he wants to meet her outside home and discuss her a lot of important issues. She agrees. Aditya sees Imlie at door and asks why is she listening to his chat hiding, she doesn’t have right on him and is not his real wife, she is his problem instead and he already has someone in life, so until she is here she shouldn’t forget her place. Rupali shows her house and then a servant room with mattress. Imlie reminisces Aditya’s words. She asks if she got married. Imlie reminisces marrying Adtiya. Rupali says she can work here and think as her practice before marriage, says every girl is not lucky to enjoy sasural’s life, asks her to unpack her bag and come out. Imlie looks at her certificate and reminisces Satyakam’s words that she should just dream and leave everything on god. She excitedly cleans her room, makes a home temple and prays god. She then thinks her dream is same, today she decorated her room and soon her dreams.

Family enjoys tea and snacks in living room and crack jokes. Imlie walks in. Rupali asks her to have tea. Imlie says their family is big and she liked them. Pankaj asks who is in her family. Imlie says she and her amma, she has a sheep, etc. She continues her blabbering and says she even has a nakli naani. They ask what that means. She says some people make relationship but don’t follow it, reminiscing Aditya.

Precap: Aparna asks Imlie to clean dining table. She washes dinining table, and water falls on Aditya’s mobile. Aditya scolds her. Imlie watches Malini hiding near wall. Malini asks who is she. Rupali says she is maid whom Aditya brought from Pagdandiya and Malini is her bhabhi.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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