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Imlie walks towards painting seeing it resembling her mother’s eyes and is about to pick it when Aditya’s nephew stops her and informs that engagement is start. She walks along and gets disheartened seeing Aditya and Malini’s ring exchange ceremony starting. She tries to leave when Pankaj stops her and asks to watch ritual. Anu comments that boy’s ring is brighter than girl’s for the first time. Malini says not fair, she is looking most bright here. Dev asks her to fix ring in Aditya’s finger now. She does. Aditya looks at Imlie. Nidhi asks him to fix ring in Malini’s finger soon. Ring slips and falls in front of Imlie. Imlie picks it and asks god why is fate joking with her. Malini walks to her. Imlie gives her ring saying her ring came to her by mistake. Malini says its okay as its a mistake. Aditya walks to them and takes Malini with her. He fixes ring in Malini’s finger, and everyone clap for them while Imlie stands sadly.

The next morning, Bade papa reads news that a brave girl Imlie saved girls from human traffickers and police department’s praises for her. Family claps for her and praise that she is brave and saved other’s lives by risking her own life. Aparna scolds not to risk her life and go out of house after informing them. Imlie apologizing her says she went to search her father and hoped to find him somehow. Bade papa a person who left his wife and daughter long ago doesn’t deserve her tears. Pankaj says Bhai saheb is right, she should not remember a father who doesn’t deserve her worries. Bade papa asks her to consider him and Pankaj as her father from here. Aparna says she is their daughter from heron and hugs her emotionally. Bade papa hugs her next and says they will never leave her alone now. Aditya watches that and thinks they are trying to hold a person who doesn’t belong here.’

Dulari fumes seeing Imlie’s photo in newspaper and tries to burn it. Mithi stops her, but Dulari yells that her daughter is not a collector to be praised and she doesn’t know to read what is written. Satyakam enters saying he can read. Dulari burns paper. Mithi sets off fire from her bare hands. Satyakam reads newspapers and informs about Imlie’s bravery and Aditya covering the news, says Aditya works in this newspaper and he will find out Aditya’s address and take Mithi to meet Imlie. At home, family leaves home for shopping and asks Imlie that guests will come and she should serve them well without fighting like she fought with Dev. Imlie says they need not worry and thinks she will serve guests well and not let them complain.

Malini finds Aditya’s camera left at her home and calling him says he forgot his better half. He says how can he forget her. She says she means his camera. He says Dhruv bhaiya left camera after clicking engagement pics, he will come and take it in the evening. She says she will watch engagement pics till he comes. Aditya gets tensed thinking she will watch Pagdandiya pics also. Malini checks engagement pics. Pagdandiya pics start next. She tells Dev that Pagdandiya is so beautiful. Dev feels sad. Anu walks to her. She asks Anu to check pic, then stands shocked. Aditya worried thinks of rushing to her home when she calls him and informs that before she could see Pagdandiya pics, his camera’s battery drained. He relaxes and says he will come there.

She prepares food and waits for guests. Electric bill generator rings bell. She thinks him as guest and forcefully drags him to dining table. NGO people come to collect charity, she drags even them in followed by laundryman, vegetable vendor, beggar, etc. and forces them to have her prepared food. They all eat it with great difficulty making weird faces and try to escape in vain. Aditya returns home. They all ask him to escape before mad girl comes. He asks what is happening and why are these people at his dining table. They all plead him to let them go and rush away. He vents out his anger on Imlie.

Aditya enters home and sees strangers having food on dining table. They plead him to escape from the girl as nobody can save them from her. Imlie returns. Aditya asks what are they doing in his house on his dining table and asks them to go. They all thank him and run away. Adi asks why she messes his life always. Family enters, Bade papa nervously says he asked her to serve guests. Aparna says they feed whoever guest comes before wedding and did it even during Dhruv and Rupali’s wedding. Whole family backs her. Adi walks away. They relax and asks Imlie who were those strangers and why were they running as if they escaped from jail. Imlie says they asked her to feed guests, she prepared food and served guests, but is scolded instead. Family consoles her, and Aparna asks Imlie to relax as they mislead Adi and sent him away. Rupali and Nidhi signal her, but Aparna continues that her son is snobbish and she somehow managed him today. Everyone looks at Adi. Aparna asks if he is standing behind. Adi says they all fooled him and tried to protect Imlie, now Imlie cannot stay in this house and he will drop her back to Pagdandiya on 15th. 
In Pagdandya, Satyakam shows bus ticket to Mithi and says they are going to Delhi on 15th to meet Imlie. Mithi gets emotional and says she will take Imlie’s favorite snacks and shagun to Aditya’s family. Rupali asks Adi if he is angry on her. He says no. She says then why he is sending Imlie out of house. They all insist him not to do that. Adi says his decision is final. Aaprna gets a call and informs Adi that he will not go to Pagdandiya on 15th and instead will go to Meera Bagh with baraat to marry Malini. Adi smiles. She asks if he is happy. He says yes. Imlie stands sad hearing that.

Anu shows costly wedding card and guest gifts to Malini. Malini says they are good, but whole wedding could have happened with this expense. Anu asks why they are not happy with her choices. Dev says its Malini’s wedding and decision should be hers. Daadi says they should respect a mother’s wish and her excitement. Malini apologizes Anu and says card is innovative. Anu smiles and tells Dev that they need to visit Tripathis to give wedding cards. Malini asks Daadi why is she on Anu’s side today. Daadi says she is on truth’s side and they both cannot be happy by making a mother unhappy. They both salute her.

Imlie takes Adi’s clothes to his room and says Aparna asked him to try them for measurement for his wedding sherwani. He asks her to keep it and go as he is busy. She walks out. He closes door. She walks blabbering that he always scolds her, hears something falling, opens Adi’s room door again. sees him struggling to wear kurta, and laughs that he looks like a scarecrow in fields. He continues falling and asks her to help him. She asks him to come near her as he ordered her not to enter her room. He permits her and she helps him remove kurta. She says Aparna told to click his pic and show if any correction is needed in kurta. He realizes that camera is with Malini and she is very near to truth, asks Imlie to go, calls Malini and says their families are meeting tonight and why don’t they also meet in a coffee shop. She agrees. He asks to bring his camera along. She says she thought he wants to go on a date with her, but he wants go with his camera, what is so important in that camera that is he hiding. He says very important and he wants to discuss some important issue with her. She agrees.
Dev, Anu, and Daadi visit Tripathis. Sunny asks to get Twinkle also married as he doesn’t have to share his room with her after she leaves. Nidhi scolds him, and Aparna asks Anu to forgive kids. Anu says kids told truth and asks her to show Aditya’s room as she wants to see if Malini can adjust there. Aparna agrees. Malini waits for Adi in a restaurant. Adi walks in, and she hugging him gives camera and asks what he wants to say. He says truth which can weaken their legs after marriage. She says even she wants to know as there shouldn’t be any secret between husband and wife. He gives her camera and asks to see the truth herself. Tripathi family takes Anu to Adi’s room. Imlie brings juice and stops remembering Adi’s warning. Anu as usual throws tantrums and asks if they have a better room as Malini cannot adjust in it. Dev says Adi also will stay in this room. Anu says even their servant’s quarters are better than this room. Imlie interferes and says her daughter is lucky to get this room, she would love to sta in this room if given a chance, a room doesn’t determine one’s happiness but one’s family, togetherness and their love for each other; she is not from this family, but even being a servant gets a lot of love in this house, they will keep their bahu on their eyebrows and give her the love of whole world. Dev thinks she speaks like Mithi, so he needs to find out if she is related to Imlie.

Precap: Aditya informs Malini that villagers forcefully got him married to Imlie and explains her whole incident. Malini sits shocked. Aditya tells Imlie that he is tired of her drama, she can return to her mother, he already booked her Pagdandiya ticket on 15th on his wedding day and someone from his office will drop her to Pagdandiya.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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