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Imlie Jumps in happiness after receiving scholarship/wazeefa. She fills food in her tiffin box and tells teacher that she wants to celebrate her success with her mother and is taking food for her. Teacher permit her. Imlie prays that she should get happiness of the whole world and should get a husband like Vinod Khanna, etc. She carries some more food for nakli naani/grandma. She runs towards home when she see a man announcing about drama in mobile cart and snatching mic from him gets on cart and announces that their village’s girl made them proud by winning scholarship. Aditya rides sooty and get a call, he rams his bike on cart trying to check mobile. Imlie and him fall down. He gets up and helps Imlie get up. Imlie yells at him for making her fall and spoiling her food. He says its just a food and it was a mistake. She gives him a long lecture and asks villagers to force him to apologize to her. Villagers angrily walk towards Aditya. Aditya ask them not to stretch a simple issue. 

Malini calls him repeatedly and seeing him not picking call think he said he will call after reaching Pagdandiya, but is not even picking her call now. Mother notices her and says Aditya doesn’t even have time for her, so she should forget him and find someone who can respect her feelings and take care of her. Father interferes. Mother says she doesn’t want her daughter to be devoid of love and ignored like her. Father walk away saying he has some work. Malini tells mother that Aditya loves her and must be busy in work.

Back in the village, Imlie continues provoking villagers. Villagers say they will not spare Aditya for disrespecting Imlie. One of them picks camera and asks what is it. Aditya says its camera and clicks their pics. They get happy and ignore Imlie. He clicks even Imlie’s picture leaving her fuming. One of them informs there is an issue near water well. They all rush towards water well. Aditya follows them. Landlord stops villager from fetching water from well. Villager plead with and says he is coming to teach him a lesson. Satyakam enters and says he will not let injustice here and tries to fetch water. Landlord sends his goons. Satyakam trashes them and throw knife near landlord warns him that he never misses his target and spared him today. Landlord try to frighten him in vain and walks way. Satyakam fetches water and breaks age old injustice custom. Everyone clap for him. Aditya clicks his pictures.

At Aditya’s house, his mother informs youngsters not to make any mischief when Aditya’s would be in-laws come, they will shower their love and make them realize that their daughter is going in a lovable family. Rupali jokes that she is eagerly waiting for Aditya’s wedding and has bought many sarees.. Nidhi walks in and starts taunting and fighting with them. Rupali gives her a befitting reply, but Nidhi continues. Mother scolds Nidhi for spoiling family’s mood and father consoles her.
Imlie returns home and shows her scholarship certificate to her mother. Mother says she knew she would win, so she prepared sweets for her. Nani enters and throws laddoo thali away, snatches certificate and pushes Imlie far away. Imlie falls half a kilometer away and runs towards grandmother for 5 minutes. Grandma tears certificate before she reaches.

Nakli Naani yells at her daughter and asks if her husband returned that she prepared laddoos. Imlie warns her to stop her nonsense and shows her scholarship/wazifa certificate. Naani snatches it. Imlie snatches it back. Naklie Naani yells that her fate will never change and will live in this village and will die here, she is an illegitimate child and even if she goes to city, she will retun back here soon. She snatch the certificate back while Imlie and her mother try their best to snatch it from her. She push Imlie far away. Imlie falls half a kilometer away and runs towards grandmother for 5 minutes. Grandma tears certificate before she reach and stands laughing. Imlie with her mother shatters seeing that and walks away crying while her mother try to stop her.

Janendra stops Aditya from taking Satyakam’s photos and says he is a refugee and if villagers see Aditya clicking his picture, they will kill him. Aditya says he didn’t do anything wrong and will take both interview and pics. Janendra ask him to have some patience. Satyakam notices him and asks villagers who is he? Villagers says he is a tourist. Satyakam walks away saying they are dying for water and someone is busy as tourist. Aditya says he read a lot about Satyakam, but he seems to be a good man. He calls Malini who excitedly picks his call and asks if he is fine. He says yes. She asks if he met Satyakam. He says he clicked Satyakam’s pics and hope to meet him during mela tonight.
Imlie’s mother collects torn pieces of certificate and requests Nakli Naani to forgive Imlie. Nakli Nani snatch the papers and try to throw them in fire pit when Satyakam enters and holds her hand. He plead with her not to burn Imlie’s dream as she is the future of their village. Nakli Naani yells that Imlie and her mother are waste and can’t even make diwali lamps. Satyakam says sun doesn’t make lamps. Naani continues her arrogance. Satyakam says he has returned after many years to change village’s fate and will make villagers dream big. He requests her not to stop Imlie from dreaming. Naani walk away yelling. Satyakam asks Imlie’s mother if she is not happy seeing him after many years. She says these are tears of joy. He says he considers Imlie as his daughter and she need not worry for her. He walks away saying he knows where Imlie must be. Imlie continues crying standing on water tank’s top. Satyakam reach there. She emotionally hugs him calling him dadda. He hands over her certificate and asks her not to stop dreaming. She says she is very small and doesn’t deserve to dream. He says he will give her shagun and gifts her 10 rs. She says its incomplete. He gives her 1 rs and says whether its 10, 100, or 1000 rs, shagun is incomplete without 1 rs coin; she is 1 rs coin and is very important. She hugs him emotionally again. He says she is like his daughter and his blessings are always with her.

Malini’s father Chaturvedi imagines Imlie’s mother and draws her painting. Anu walks in and asks what is he drawing. He says he was painting and drew a village girl’s pic, she knows he is famous for painting village life and visiting Pagdandiya. He says a painter returned from Pagdandiya and not her husband, how can he draw anyone’s pic without knowing her well. He says he really doesn’t know this girl. She asks if she can tear it. He says she can and walks away.

Imlie enjoys boat riding with her friends. Friends ask if she will forget them after going to city. She says no. Aditya notices them and clicks pics. Imlie with her friends reach shore and plays with them. Aditya clicks their pics. Friends get impressed and pose for pics. Imlie gets irritated and silently punctures Aditya’s scooty tires. Aditya asks her to join her friends. She pulls her friend’s hair and takes them along. Aditya notices pin in her hand and fumes seeing tires flat. Janendra calls him and asks where is he, he is late.

Precap: Imlie tells oodhiya is of not of 20 rs. He asks if its of 50 rs, villagers loot city people. She returns his money and says all villagers are not thieves. Satyakam with his team points gun at Aditya and warns him to pray god before he dies. Aditya closes eyes in fear. Satyakam shoots, and Imlie shouts in fear.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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