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Pakhi And Virat Meet At A Cafe Pakhi Ask Virat To Divorce Sai While She Will Divorce Samrat So They Can Both Marry, Meanwhile Sai Visit Same Cafe And Sees Them Holding Hands While Chatting.

Virat meets Pakhi at a cafe. Pakhi orders 2 double expresso coffee and says she knows expresso is his favorite. Virat order green tea and says things change over time and even he and his preferences changed. He ask why did she call him here. She says he is in a hurry and try to check his temperature. He stops her and says she need not worry about him, asks what she wanted to talk about and what did Samrat discuss with her? She says Samrat asked her to take decision and she wants him to opine. He asks her to be specific. She says what she should do? He asks what does she mean. She says she means what should she do with her life. He says its her life, how can he answer. She says its her life and how can he opine. She says Samrat wants to stay back if she wants to. He asks what should he do. She holding his hand says he is ignoring her since long and they need to talk about them. He pulls his hand back and says there is nothing between them and why don’t she understand that. She says he knows she is staying in Chavan Nivas for him. He says she is mature girl and should understand that everything changes over time. She asks if he forgot everything, them clashing in Nasik, meeting in camp and speaking 1000 words without any meaning; those were the precious moments of their lives and his eyes used to reveal how much he loved her; everything was special between them and he can’t deny it. He says it was his past and she should understand that some stories are incomplete, that is why they separated, and when fate brought them in front of each other, she had already agreed to marry Samrat. She says she thought he moved on, she had not married Samrat when he met next and agreed to marry Samrat on his insistence. He says he remembers everything and just wants to explain to her that if fate wanted them to unite, they would have long ago and if she wants to talk same, its better he leaves. She stops him. He says he already explained to her and will repeat again that their story ended when she and their family accepted her as Samrat’s wife. She asks why is he doing this to her, they have a chance to reunite. He ask her to sit down and says she should understand that she cannot betray her husband just because he is his brother. She says he betrayed her, earlier he loved her and then asked to move on in life saying nobody can take her place in his life. He says a lot changed in 1 year and even his promise. She says promises are made to be fulfill and she married Samrat just because he promised that he will love only her, then Sai entered his life and changed him. He says he is repeatedly saying he has changed, what would she have done if she was in his place; he is alive because of Kamal sir, he cannot repay Kamal sir’s debt and hence fulfilled his last right to marry Sai, now he has moved on and even she should and understand that he and Sai spent more time than them, he and Sai understood each other more and he didn’t realize when she became his wife from responsibility, he can proudly say that he has feelings for Sai.
Sai reach college thinking what will be Virat’s decision; if he decides to go away from her, who will take care of him; then thinks why she is bothered about him. Pulkit sees her and asks why she looks tensed. She says Virat is having high fever. Pulkit assures her not to worry as Virat’s fever will subside soon. Sai’s friends greet them and invite Sai to a coffee shop. Sai deny saying she needs to return home soon. Friends insists. Pulkit tells Sai that college life will not return and she will miss the moments spent with friends, cafe comes on the way to Chavan Nivas, so she must go. Friends insist again, and she agrees.

Pakhi continues crying that Virat moved on in life, but she is standing at the same place thinking he will gather her broken heart pieces; asks if he doesn’t feel anything for her. He says he is not denying her words, but he understood that they meet many peoples in life and get attracted to and later realize it was just an attraction. They like each other a lot and should realize it was just an attraction, love is only between him and Sai and its increasing each day because he gave one chance to their relationship which Pakhi didn’t give to her and Samrat’s relationship; he can understand that Samrat left her the next day after marriage, but he is back and fate is giving her a second chance, so she should give herself a chance. Pakhi says she wants to move on in life only with Virat, in fact Samrat also wants same. He asks why don’t she understand that he is married to Sai and has feelings for her. She says he knows that and can see it in his eyes, but Sai doesn’t love him a bit and don’t understand him. He says he knows and himself told her that. She asks then what does he see in Sai which he doesn’t see in her? He warns her not to cross her limits.

Virat tells Pakhi that they haven’t come here to discuss about him but to discuss something important. She says he wants her to give a second chance to Samrat, but life wants to give her and him a second chance. She asks what does she mean? She says Samrat himself accepted that there was something between us and left home because of that, now the whole family knows about us and will not be in a shock if we get together. He asks her to forget whatever happened between them in the past. She says its impossible, its better she divorces Samrat and he divorces Sai, then he can take a job transfer somewhere and they both can happily live together. He asks if she has gone mad. She reminds him not replying anything when she asked him if they can be together again. He says he didn’t say yes, its waste to dig the past. She plead with not to go away from her as she loves him immensely and asks to touch his heart and say if he really doesn’t love her. He angrily shouts enough, if he should write it down that there is nothing between them He hits a glass and it falls down. Everyone notice them. Waiter cleans the mess. He suggest to her to start a new life with Samrat as Samrat is a very good man and any girl would feel lucky to marry Samrat. She says not her, and if she accepts his suggestion, it would be a forceful relationship; she is not like him to fall in love again. He requests her to give one chance to Samrat, everything will be fine soon. She asks if everything is fine between him and Sai?

Sai’s friend asks her why she is worried for her husband even after he misbehaved with Ajinkya when he came to meet her. Sai says Virat sir apologized for that and he was having high fever since yesterday. Friend says there are many family members to take care of him and she need not worry. Sai thinks she is right. Friend alerts her and says let us go to cafeteria. Back in cafeteria, Virat suggest to Pakhi to forget about him and Sai and give a second chance to Samrat, she may get a true love in Samrat. She says she found a true love in him. He request her to forget the dead past. She cry not to say that as their past may be dead for him and not her. He asks her to stop crying as he is feeling bad seeing her crying, but he cannot lie to make her happy. She says he should lie that she is in his heart and he wants to stay with her, she will do whatever he says, will stay wherever he keeps her, will obey his each command and spend her whole life with him, he shouldn’t leave her. He asks her to stop. She holds his hand and says she loves him and she cannot live without him. He repeats that she should think of Samrat and stop crying.
Sai enters cafe with her friends and is shocked to notice them chatting holding each other’s hands. Friend asks if he is Virat sir, she said he is unwell, she was worried for him and he is busy with some other girl, who is she? Sai says she is Samrat’s wife, Pakhi. Virat notices everyone watching him and is shocked to see Sai also present there. Pakhi also notices Sai and asks Virat what will he do now? Virat asks waiter to bring the bill. Sai’s friend asks her to wait with them for sometime. Another friend asks if he is friend as Sai told he is ill. Virat says he is fine. He requests Virat again to stay back for sometime. Sai tells friend that she told them not to bring her here, she wouldn’t have seen this. Friend asks Sai to stop Virat for sometime. Sai says she is no one to stop him and try to leave. Pakhi stops her and taking her aside says they were just.. Sai says she should have understood in the morning itself when Pakhi entered their room. Pakhi says they came here to talk about something important. Sai says she doesn’t need any explanation, they can sit back and enjoy. Virat says he doesn’t want to explain, but wants to say that whatever happened here and the situation belongs to him, he doesn’t care what Sai thinks and keep it to herself as he really wants Pakhi and Samrat to reunite and Samrat not misunderstand due to her misunderstanding. Pakhi walks behind Virat. Sai thinks Virat must have come here to plan his future life with Pakhi.

Precap: Sai informs Shivani that she was worried for Virat’s health, but he was enjoying in cafeteria holding Pakhi’s hands; she feels bad for Samrat. Virat hears their conversation, gathers family and says he wants to inform everyone what happened between him and Pakhi. Samrat asks Virat if he is informing it to family as Sai saw them together. Bhavani says she didn’t it from Chavan family bahu. Samrat asks if Pakhi has not letf Virat yet?

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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