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Virat cheers up Sai with his comment. She miles and wears his gifted pendant and asks if its pretty. He says yes. She asks what did he bring for other family members. He says she is his wife, so he brought gift only to her. She says already the whole family is angry with her and now they will create more issue, explains what Pakhi did because of which family is angry with her and him and think she is mogambo and he is her slave. He laughs. She says everyone thinks he dances on her tune and she sitting in her room chants Sai Khush Hui. He laughs more. She says this pendant will be problematic to her. He says when the issue ended that night itself when she apologized to Pakhi’s mother, then what happened? She says he should ask Pakhi. He says he wants to hear it from her and says he knows she can handle any situation, but shouldn’t hesitate if she needs his help. She thinks she likes him being around her, though she doesn’t love him, may be she is habituated to his presence. He ask what is she thinking? She says nothing. He asks if she liked his gift. She says a lot. He says she accepted his gift at least. She says she has accepted many gifts of his and his family. He asks which one. She says 3 times free meals and shelter, which his family gives to her as charity as they don’t consider her as their family member. He says she finds a chance to taunt him regularly, he knows all this and she should tell something new. She says she has Chavan family’s breaking news for him. He excitedly asks what is it. She says Pakhi didn’t have anything since morning due to their argument due to sari, she apologized to her, but Pakhi didn’t agree. He says Pakhi behaves like a child always. She asks if Pakhi did it even before. He says when she stayed in Pulkit’s house, Pakhi threw tantrum and didn’t have food, Bhavani insisted on him to feed her. She asks if he fed her. He asks why is she so curious? She says they should somehow convince her and feed her. He says they are not her parents to pamper and feed her. She likes his idea, asks him to call Pakhi’s father, and herself informs him what Pakhi did.

Bhavani and her puppets try to convince Pakhi to have food. Pakhi deny. Shailesh calls her and asks her to have food. Pakhi asks who told him about it. He says Virat called him. She gets happy thinking Virat returned and still is worried for her. He says Virat just said hello, then Sai explained the whole issue. Pakhi gets angry and says she doesn’t want to have food. Bhavani takes phone and assures Shailesh that she will feed Pakhi as she considers her as her daughter and not DIL. Shailesh says he is worried as a father, but is happy that Pakhi is married in Chavan family. Bhavani requests Pakhi again, and she agrees. Sonali rushes to dining hall and asks Karishma to serve plates to everyone as Pakhi agreed to have food. Bhavani walks in with Pakhi and her puppets. Karishma comments its good Pakhi agreed to have food or else she would have fallen ill. Bhavani scolds her and feeds Pakhi. Sai walks to Pakhi and filling water for her thanks her for having food. Pakhi yells that she shouldn’t think she is having food because because she called her baba, but because of Bhavani’s request. Sai says whatever the reason is, but the end result is good. Virat walks to them and tells Pakhi that Sai is much younger than her, but she is very mature. He further apologize to her for taking sari to her mother as it was his idea and not Sai’s and says Sai never lived in a joint family and hence never knew its rules, he insisted her to gift sari, apologized to Bhavani for breaking family rules and says he thought that nobody would feel bad if gift is given with love. Bhavani and her puppet raise their eyebrow in arrogance as usual.

Sai says she prepared today’s food with Usha’s help and asks Karishma to sit as she will serve food to everyone. Karishma happily sits. Virat goes to bring his phone from his room. Chavan family’s toxic drama starts again. Sai serves food to Pakhi. Pakhi yells she doesn’t want to puke with over eating. Bhavani yells that they are lucky to have food made by Usha and Sai. Ninad yells if food is fit for eating. Sai says he should say that as she knows he will never praise her as Ashwini prepares tasty food daily and he never praises her, so why will he praise her; they all have to adjust till Ashwini returns as she will complete Ashwini’s task till she returns. Bhavani yells why is she pointing Ashwini’s work so much, if she wants them to praise Ashwini. Sonali yells Sai and Ashwini always want to be praised. Bhavani yells that is what happens when 2 wrong people meet and mimics Sai and Ashwini. Sai asks what wrong did she say. Ninad yells to stop. Sai asks if he shouldn’t have gone with Ashwini as her husband as her father is ill. Ninad yells she will teach him morales now. She says she wants to finish work soon and study. Pakhi yells she wants to impress Virat, but Virat doesn’t know her tricks. Virat returns and asks why wouldn’t he know, Sai is his wife and they share everything. Sai says they always tell truth to each other even if it is bitter, they are staying together in one room and hence she knows what Virat thinks. Virat gets office call and goes aside. Karishma sees Sai’s pendant and asks why didn’t she inform that she went shopping as her pendant looks new as if she bought it today. Sai says its a gift. Sonali asks who gifted her such a costly gift. Sai says Virat. Chavans gets jealous hearing that.
Karishma asks Sai when did she buy such a costly pendant. Sai says Virat gifted it to her. Family gets jealous seeing that. Pakhi yells Virat bought her an expensive gift as his mission got canceled. Sonali yells she asked such an expensive gift from Virat. Sai says Virat got it by himself. Bhavani says its very beautiful, even she wanted similar pendant, if its ruby. Sai says yes. Bhavani seeing Virat nearby loudly tells Sonali that she told her once that she likes ruby pendant as Panditji told its auspicious for her, even Virat was present but didn’t bring it for her. Pakhi says she didn’t tell about it before. Ninad says Virat let his wife take a separate gift and now brought an expensive gift for her, it is wrong. Sonali says he is right, Mohit is good in that case as he will not dare to bring gift to his wife without their permission. Omkar says she is right as Mohit doesn’t earn well from his acting to buy an expensive gift. Sonali says when her son will earn money, he will bring gift to her first and then the whole family, not like Virat who brought gift only to his wife. Bhavani says why will Mohit bring gift to his wife as she is not beautiful and talented like Sai, neither she is studying nor she can know how to lure her husband like Sai. Sai says Virat didn’t inform her about the gift or its price, she had just told him casually that she wants to buy pendant. Bhavani says even she informed Virat, but he never brought her this gift. Sai gives her pendant and says she can keep it if as she likes it. Virat finishing his phone call hears that. Bhavani acts and says she can not accept it. Pakhi tells Bhavani that she will ask her jeweler to make a similar pendant and tells Sai that she can not give a gift given to her by someone with love to someone else as its an insult. Sai says she is giving it to a family member. Omkar yells what she wants to prove with it and yells at Virat that he did wrong by bringing a gift to his wife. Sonali backs him and says he should bring gift to whole family. Mohit confronts her and asks what is wrong if Virat brought a gift for his wife, they should take handcuffs from Virat and handcuff Virat. Karishma yells he never brought a gift for her. Mohit says its not a question of him or Virat, its a question of outdated rules and why can’t a husband gift his wife. Ninad yells this is wrong as this never happened in this house. Virat says its not right to think like that as age-old rule can not always be right and some things have to be changed, what is wrong if he liked a gift for Sai and brought it. Pakhi says Ninad is old fashioned and thinks its wrong. Virat says he will bring a similar pendant for everyone then. Bhavani says no need for that and she just discussed that Guruji suggested her to wear similar pendant, she returns Sai’s pendant. Sai fixes it in Bhavani’s neck and says Pakhi doesn’t have to order a new pendant now. She asks Virat to have dinner. He says he is not hungry and will have food whenever he wants to and walks away. Pakhi says Virat didn’t like her giving his gifted gift to Bhavani, she insulted Virat’s feelings. Sai says Virat didn’t go for that reason, so she should stop worrying. Pakhi says she is thinking right, Virat left food because of her. Sai says she is repeating the words so that everyone should feel so.
Virat calls Sunny and says Sai didn’t realize that he is feeling bad. Sunny asks what did Sai do? Virat says he brought a pendant gift for Sai. Sunny praises him that he got romantic under his teachings. Virat say Sai told she wanted similar pendant since long and wore it, it was looking so nice on her, but she gave it to Bhavani; whole family was blaming him for bringing gift only to his wife and Omkar was hell bent to bring same gift for everyone. Sunny jokes and then says Sai should have hidden that gift from family. Virat says Sai is so good that she cannot hide anything. Sunny says he should take back that pendant from Bhavani and return it to Sai, but he doesn’t think Virat is courageous to do that. Virat says he will.

Ashwini returns home. Sai brings tea and snacks for her, hugs her, and asks about her father’s health. Ashwini says he is still in hospital and asks about Virat. Sai says he returned early as mission got canceled and brought a pendant only for her and not the whole family. Ashwini gets happy hearing that. Sai says she gave it to Bhavani. Ashwini asks if she heard it right. Sai says yes as Bhavani wanted similar pendant since long. Ashwini thinks Sai is very innocent and responsible, but when will she think like a wife.

The next morning, Virat gifts new ruby set to Bhavani. Bhavani gets happy and says Sai already gave one to her yesterday, if he brought it to take Sai’s gift back. Virat says this is also one reason, but he is feeling guilty for not bringing it for her earlier. Bhavani smiles, returns Sai’s pendant and says now his stubborn wife will accept it. He says she should order him whenever she wants something. She says his wife is stubborn, but is lucky to marry him. He is surprised to hear Sai’s praise from her. She asks him to go as he is getting late for work. He returns to his room thinking Sai will be happy seeing it and gets jealous Sai speaking to her college friend and convincing him that he can dance well during his dance competition.

PRECAP: Virat asks Sai whom she was talking to. Sai says his college friend Ajinkya. He says she should concentrate on her studies instead of chatting. She says why is he bothered. He says he is because her Aaba gave her responsibility to him and until she is in this house and related to him, he will be worried for. Bhavani asks Sai if she is challenging them, what will she do if they don’t. Sonali and Ninad back her. Sai says she will force them to attend the function.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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