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Virat Question Sai's Character Which Forced Her To Leave The House And Met With An Accident. Pulkit Lashes Out At The Chavan's Family And Promise To Send Virat To Jail If Anything Happens To Sai.

Ajinkya offer cup cakes to Sai and says he didn’t know she likes cup cakes so much. Sai asks about orthopedics class. He offers her notes. She thank him and starts coughing. He makes her sit and offers her water. Virat walks in angrily and misunderstanding them as kissing each other shout at Ajinkya how dare he to enter his room. Ajinkya nervously says he came to give notes to Sai. Sai tells Virat that he can not insult her friend like this. Ajinkya seeing Virat’s angry mood picks his bag and try to leave when Pakhi bring tea and snacks and asks if he got afraid of Virat. Virat asks not to interfere. Pakhi says what is wrong if Ajinkya visits Sai as they are best friends and study together. Virat shouts he doesn’t want to hear anything and asks Ajinkya to leave. Pakhi says Ajinkya is their guest and she will not let him go without having tea and snacks and asks Virat to have tea with them. 

Virat pushes tea cup away. Sai is shocked and ask if he has gone mad. Virat shout shut up and seeing cup cakes asks why did he lie that he brought notes for Sai. Ajinkya says since Sai was ill, he brought her cup cakes to make her feel better. Virat says and lend his shoulder for Sai. Sai ask what does he mean? Ajinkya says he was just offering water to Sai. Virat hold Ajinkya ’s collar. Sai try her best and frees him and says he cannot misbehave with her friend. Virat shouts he can as he doesn’t like her friend who meets and dances with her and today crossed his limit to meet her. Pakhi grins seeing that. Virat hold Ajinkya’s collar again and while Sai try to free him, he falls down. Ajinkya stands up and informs that he wanted to give notes to Sai and return when Pakhi insisted him to go to Sai’s room and give the notes to her there and she will bring tea and snacks for them.

Pakhi says she thought he will just give notes but didn’t know he came with wrong intentions. Sai says Virat is misunderstanding and can not understand in jealousy; Pakhi is pouring ghee in the issue; when Pakhi can enter their room any time and Virat doesn’t question her, why is Virat making an issue when her friend visited her? Virat says if Ajinkya is just a friend, why did she meet him in a room. Sai asks if he thinks she is having an affair with Ajinkya, she 1000 times told him that they are just friends, he doubts Ajinkya and asked her once if she wants to be Ajinkya’s wife instead of him? Ajinkya says he just came to give notes to Sai and will never visit her. Sai says he should better go and never come here even if she dies. Ajinkya runs away. Virat shouts she should answer him what was she doing with Ajinkya alone in a room. Sai asks if he wants to say that she was doing wrong with him. He shouts more loudly he is just questioning her what was she doing with Ajinkya? She says he wants to say that she is characterless, how can he think so low regarding her, and walk away. He shouts he is not yet finished and she cannot go from here.

Senior Chavan get tensed hearing Virat shouting. Ashwini returns home from shopping with Mohit and Karishma and seeing seniors tensed asks what is happening. Sai walks away while Virat walks behind her shouting to answer him first. Ashwini seeing that asks seniors what exactly happened. Sai walks on road remembering the incident. Virat runs behind shouting she cannot go without answering him. Ashwini confronts Pakhi for sending Ajinkya to Sai’s room without informing her and says she cannot send a stranger into a married woman’s room. Mansi backs her. Bhavani backs Pakhi and says Ashwini is insulting Pakhi for a small mistake; though Pakhi mistakenly sent Ajinkya to Sai’s room without her permission, but Sai didn’t send him out; she doubts Sai’s intentions. Ashwini asks how can she say that and worry for Sai. Mohit asks her to calm down as Virat will bring Sai back. Shivani also consoles Ashwini. Pakhi grins and thinks she doesn’t think Sai will return here, Sai thought she will stay here till she becomes a doctor, her time has finished in this house. Virat holds Sai and shouts to answer him before running away. She frees herself and walks away. Virat continues shouting she should answer him first when a speeding car crushes Sai under it and speeds away. Sai falls down unconscious injuring her head. Public gather and discuss about checking Sai’s phone and calling her family and ambulance. Virat says she is his wife. Public identify him. Virat holding Sai cries and pleads to open her eyes. He lifts her, gets her into cab, and thinks he will not let anything happen to her. He takes her to hospital where doctor asks if its an accident case. Virat says yes and pleads to save his wife. Doctor asks him to control himself and rush Sai to OT. Family reaches hospital. Ashwini seeing blood in his hands asks where is her daughter. Virat stands senselessly. She cry more seeing OT. Ninad asks Virat if he said something to Sai that she went away angrily. Pakhi says Virat saw Sai and Ajinkya in a compromising position. Ninad says he can not even think of it. Pakhi says even she didn’t think so. Shivani asks what is a big deal if Sai’s friend visits her at home to give her a note. Pakhi says some stories are true. Bhavani says she remembers that Virat didn’t like Ajinkya visiting Sai during her birthday, surely Virat doubts Ajinkya from before.

Bhavani standing outside OT says Virat doubted Ajinkya when he first came to meet Sai. Mohit confronts her and asks how can they doubt Sai, Sai is kind hearted and they should stop wrongly alleging her. Sonali scolds him to stop supporting Sai. Bhavani says Sai blackmailed them lying about her fake accident and called them to her college function, now she met with an accident and karma. Ashwini asks her to show some humanity at least and stop alleging Sai. Virat reminisces Sai telling him that she and Ajinkya are only friends and if he thinks she is characterless. He feels guilty that Sai’s condition is because of him and hopes Sai doesn’t leave him. He repeats its his mistake. Ashwini says if he is realizing his mistake now, if he had realized it earlier, Sai’s life wouldn’t have been critical. Pakhi asks her to stop alleging Virat as he is already in guilt and tells Virat that she shouldn’t have sent Ajinkya to Sai’s room, but she didn’t know Ajinkya’s wrong intentions. Shivani says their thinking is not that cheap that they question a boy and a girl’s normal friendship.

Mansi asks her to calm down seeing Ashwini’s condition. Mohit asks why should Shivani be quiet, he can not expect gratitude from other family members. He asks Virat how can he doubt Sai and he mentally harassers Sai repeatedly because Sai doesn’t have parents and if they were alive, they would have questioned Virat. Sonali scolds him to stop alleging family. Mohit says is also his family, his sister and he will support his sister as her condition is because of Virat and he will not spare Virat if something happens to Sai. Virat asks him to allege him as he himself feels guilty, but say that Sai would be fine soon. Mansi asks what is the use now when Sai is in critical condition. Sai’s operation finishes and doctor comes out. Virat asks if Sai is fine now. Doctor says operation was successful, but Sai needs to be in ICU and her condition is still critical. Virat requests to let him see Sai. Doctor permits him to see Sai via glass window. He watches Sai, remembers the incident, cry that Sai’s condition is because of him, and prays to god to cure Sai soon. Pulkit reaches hospital. Bhavani yells why did he come here, who informed him. Mansi says she did as Pulkit is their damad and Sai’s professor. Ashwini says she did right. 

Pulkit says he is not only Sai’s professor but also her jija and he is sure someone among them is responsible for Sai’s accident. Omkar shouts at him how can he allege them as Sai met with an accident on the road. Pulkit says whatever it is, someone provoked Sai and made her get out of the house. He ask if someone will say what exactly happened. Mohit informs that Virat fought with Sai and said something that Sai went out of house and met with an accident. Pulkit asks Virat what did he say? Mohit explains about Ajinkya’s visit and Virat doubting Sai and Ajinkya. Pulkit asks how can Virat have such a low thinking, what is wrong if a boy hearing about his friend’s illness visits her, how can Virat doubt his wife. Virat says he accepts his mistake and his anger is valid, but being a big doctor, he should check Sai as doctor said her condition is very critical. Pulkit asks if he should treat Sai so that Virat can mentally harass her again; he warn that if something happens to Sai, he will send Virat to jail even if he is a big police officer. Ashwini plead to Pulkit to treat Sai. 

Virat requests Pulkit to let him meet Sai for 2 minutes. Pulkit says he will not being a doctor as Sai’s condition may worsen seeing him remembering his bitter words. Virat cry that if something happens to Sai he will not forgive himself and hits himself. Mohit and Ninad hold him. Pulkit enters Sai’s ICU room, tells doctor that Sai is a family to him, and asks about her condition. Doctor says Sai’s condition is very critical and she may go into coma. Bhavani yells that Sai lied last time and called fake police, but this time Pulkit will bring real police and send them to jail. Omkar says Virat will go to jail and not her. Ninad says even Virat will not go to jail as its not his mistake. Ashwini says they are too selfish and not bothered about Sai’s life. Mansi asks them all to calm down. Constable informs Virat that car which made accident is caught. Pulkit pray to god to do some miracle and save Sai, remembering doctor’s words that Sai may go into coma or die if she doesn’t get conscious in 1 hour. Sai’s vital signs differ.

PRECAP: Pulkit tells Sai that Virat or anyone doesn’t have right to control her life. Sai says she deeply hurt with Virat’s words. He asks her to meet Virat for 2 minutes. She says she doesn’t want to see Virat’s face again.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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