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Mansi with Samrat returns from temple and offers prasad to family. Bhavani get happy for Mansi and says she used to pray for her son every day at temple and must be feeling good going to the temple with same son. Mansi says god heard her prayers, she just wants her son to be happy wherever he stays. Ninad says they will not let him go. Samrat says he can understand his feelings, but he needs to go. Pakhi walk down next. Mansi offers her prasad. Sonali ask Pakhi why didn’t she accompany Mansi and Samrat to the temple. Pakhi says she didn’t know about it. Omkar says Samrat should have taken her along or at least Pakhi should have asked him when he went out. 

Sonali says how can Pakhi know when Samrat slept in the guest room. Everyone look at Samrat. Samrat asks why are they looking at him like this, he is a guest in this house. Ashwini tickles him and asks why didn’t he ask her to prepare food like before and asks what would he like to have. He says whatever she prepares as his choice has changed over time. Ninad says Ashwini prepares tasty food, even he plays piano beautifully and shows his piano. Samrat gets happy hearing that. Ninad says Sai gifted this piano via her scholarship money. Mohit says Sai cares for their family a lot and surprise everyone often. Bhavani, Pakhi, and Sonali fume hearing that. Samrat says they are lucky to have Sai as their daughter inlaw. Sai passes by. 

Ashwini says she will live for 100 years as they were talking about her and asks why she is carrying food. Sai says for Virat as he is having fever. Ashwini gets concerned, even Pakhi’s expression changes in concern. Sai says nothing to worry as Virat is fine now and walk away. Ashwini informs Samrat Sai takes good care of Virat and describes how Sai left the house after argument with Virat, but then rushed to hospital and took immense care of him when he was shot during a mission. Bhavani, Pakhi and Sonali fume more hearing Sai’s praise. Samrat think when Sai is worried for Virat and Virat is hiding his feelings for Sai, there is something between them and he needs to suggest to Sai to look at their relationship in a different angle.

Virat wakes up from sleep. Sai with breakfast wishes him good morning, asks if he is feeling better, and says he should rest today and she will inform his seniors. He says he can not take leave for a simple fever. She says he was having high fever and should rest. He says she should attend her college and not bother about him. She says he is not well yet. He says he doesn’t need her care and truth is stubborn like her and doesn’t change, she easily open up what is in her heart, its her special quality, and shouldn’t change. Sai asks if he has that special quality, even he should reveal the truth. He asks what she wants to say. She says if he didn’t understand, sees breakfast cold and says she will reheat it and return. He says he feels uncomfortable with her care. She sadly says she is sorry for taking care of him and is ready to make him feel uncomfortable for the sake of his health.

Bhavani asks Samrat to rethink about his decision as its not good for him and their family. Omkar backs Bhavani. Samrat says he took a decision after much thought and it will not change. Ninad says Pakhi is a good wife and she fulfilled all her responsibilities as a bahu. Sonali backs him. Ninad asks if he is bothered that Pakhi and Virat knew each other before marriage. Samrat says he has already taken a decision, why they are forcing him. Bhavani says Chavan Nivas men don’t take divorce, Shivani already embarrassed them with 2 divorces and not anymore, she wants him to give a second chance to Pakhi and not think of divorce. Samrat says when 2 people are not happy together, they shouldn’t fall under society’s pressure and ruin their lives; he laughs off that Virat and Pakhi were just friends. Ninad says it was their past and they cannot compare it with their presence. Samrat says he knows what they were before and nobody can understand it better than him.

Pakhi walks to Virat and says she heard he is unwell. He says he just had a mild fever and is fine now, why did she come here? She says she wants to talk to him about something important and its not that simple, she can’t speak in this house as drama was created whenever she speak to him and with Samrat’s presence, she doesn’t want everyone to misunderstand them and hence wants to meet him at a cafe at 4p.m. He says if its very important, he will reach cafe at 4p.m. She says she wouldn’t have troubled him if it wasn’t that important. He asks if she spoke to Samrat? She says yes, she will discuss even about it at 4 p.m. She turns and sees Sai hearing their conversation. Sai walks in. Pakhi apologize to Sai and says she needed to speak something important with Virat. Sai says she doesn’t want to know. Pakhi asks why did she react. Sai says its a normal reaction and she didn’t want to disturb them, its weird that she came here even in Samrat’s presence, she just brought breakfast for Virat and will go away till they speak. Pakhi says this room and Virat belongs to her, so she can stay while she goes away. Once she leaves, Sai asks Virat to have breakfast and medicines with warm water. He asks what about her college. She asks him not to worry about her college as she will go late today. He thinks its impossible to understand this girl, she is worried for his health but doesn’t value his feelings.
Ninad ask Samrat if he still thinks that there is something between Pakhi and Virat even after marriage. Bhavani asks why is he asking this, it all ended after Pakhi and Samrat’s wedding and she doesn’t think Samrat leaving the house for this reason. Samrat says he has his own reason and he remembers them a lot. Ninad says they will not let him go again, he should accept Pakhi as she has followed all the relationships loyally. Sonali back him. Mansi walks in. Sonali asks her to tell how Pakhi took care of them. Bhavani praises Pakhi. Sonali says what is wrong if Pakhi spoke to Virat, Sai created a big issue always and humiliated Pakhi. Samrat says Sai’s anger is valid, nobody understands her, but he does as their situation is same. Bhavani says he should understand their situation also, how can he take a decision to leave them, even Virat is taking transfer, how will this family cope up without both sons’ presence. Samrat says Virat must have taken transfer due to his return. Omkar says Virat loves his Jiva and was eagerly waiting for him. 

Samrat says when relationships are not like before, they should forget old nick names and they should stop calling him and Samrat as Jiva and Shiva. Ninad asks him not to say that. Omkar ask him to think about them and his mothers. Samrat hold Mansi’s hand and says aayi explained him that he should have faced his problem and not left home, now he will solve his problem, he will not force Pakhi to stay with him and will divorce her. Mansi asks if he spoke to Pakhi. He says yes, he told her that she need not leave this house after divorce and in fact he will leave this house. Mansi asks if they are determined to divorce. Bhavani says Pakhi would want to give their relationship a second chance and doesn’t want divorce. Samrat says he spoke to Pakhi and she wants divorce instead as asked if she wants to give their relationship a second chance. Bhavani says he is mistaken, she will speak to Pakhi as she respects her and will not disobey her. He says he or any of their family member will force Pakhi to take a decision, he wants her to take a decision without any pressure, and if he finds someone spoke to Pakhi regarding this, he will leave this house right then and will never keep any relationship with any family member.
Sai sees Virat not yet finished his breakfast and insists him to have it now. He drops breakfast bowl and shouts he doens’t want her care and her. She says he can’t do anything without her and needs her support as he is ill. He says his wish and he doesn’t need her advice or concern. She think he never misbehaved with her like this and remembers him saying that he will show a new face to her and will end their relationship, thinks he will take a decision whom he wants to spend his future with and she is not that person for sure, she respects his decision and will go away from his life once he informs his decision. 

She packs her stuff and seeing Aaba’s photo cry asking how will she handle herself after separating from Virat, Virat says their relationship is just a mutual agreement, but she is habituated to be near Virat; remembering Virat’s rude behavior again, she think if he will really take a decision; whenever she thinks of Virat, she feels lonely without him. She cry more thinking she knew about Virat and Pakhi’s relationship and always wanted their happiness, but he loves his brother and will not be even with Pakhi. She try to console herself saying Virat should be happy and his happiness is not with her, she knew this would happen one day. She wipes her tears and smiling thinks if she is happy, her Aaba will be happy. Sai walks down smiling. Samrat asks why is she smiling so much as people hide their pain behind smile. 

Sai says Virat is having fever and don’t know if he will have food or not. He says why she cares for Virat so much. She says even Virat cares for her so much and they respect each other. He asks if she can see her and Virat’s relationship as husband and wife as things are not same for long and situation change, she is like his sister and he wants her to let the things flow on their own and not control it. She asks what does he mean. He explains to her again. She think if she can forget the commitment Virat made to Pakhi?

Precap: Virat tells Pakhi that he loves Sai and its increasing each day, life gave a second chance to her and she should start a new life with Samrat. She says she wants to start a new life with Virat instead and will whatever he says as cannot live without him. Sai visits same cafe with her friends and notices them.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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