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Virat and Sai perform Aaba/Kamal sir’s death anniversary pooja in temple. Pandit asks them to close their eyes and pray for Kamal sir. Sai tells Aaba that its 1 year since he left her and she remembered him each day; there were many ups and downs in her life in this 1 year; he gave her responsibility to Virat and he is fulfilling it well; she remembers the day when she saw him the first time and thought he is stubborn, but he is clear hearted; Aaba thought well and gave her responsibility to him. Virat tells Aaba that he fell in Sai’s love unknowingly and feels guilty that he troubled her a lot because of which she went into dead bed and came out of it. Sai says she came out dead bed recently and knows he took a right decision. Virat loudly says he did a mistake recently in fulfilling his responsibility, but he knows how stubborn Sai is, he is trying his best and failed sometimes, etc. Sai listens to him. Panditji says they both are fulfilling their duty loyally and their Aaba’s soul must be in peace wherever it is seeing this. Sai thinks Panditji is right that Virat is just following his duty. Virat thinks when will Sai understand that he is not only following his responsibility but also his relationship. Panditji says pooja has finished.

Virat helps Sai walk down and goes to bring car. Sunny meets him there and asks how is Sai bhabhi. Virat shows Sai. Sunny says its good that Sai got well soon and asks if he remembers his upcoming wedding anniversary. Virat says of course. Sunny jokes that there would have been another drama if he had forgotten. He then suggests Virat to take Sai to a hill station for their wedding anniversary and propose her there. Virat says he cannot take a risk as Sai is unpredictable and doesn’t know how she will react. Sunny says there would good environment and situation, so he shouldn’t hesitate. Virat agrees hesitantly.
Back home, Virat brings Sai’s favorite snacks and nervously thinks how to tell her about the vacation. Sai gets happy seeing snacks and asks if its for her. He jokes for neighbor aunty. She thanks him and says he gifts her so much, but she cannot gift him anything. He gets happy hearing that and blabbers. Sai asks what is he blabbering. He says he is blabbering due to nervous of happiness. She asks what. He explains and then says his department is sending the officers and their spouses for a hill station vacation and hence he wants her to accompany him. She asks if he is taking her just for his benefit. He says no. Their nok jhok continues. She finally agrees and asks him to inform Pakhi first that he is taking her on an official trip as its necessary. He asks why should he, he gave an expert advice and she should thank him. She enjoys snacks. He books tickets wishing her happy first wedding anniversary in mind and hopes this trip becomes the most memorable trip of their lives.
Chavan seniors are busy playing cards when Virat walk to them and inform them that his department has organized annual get together trip. Sonali ask if its an out of station trip? Shivani says usually wife is accompanied in this trip and ask if he is taking Sai along? He nods yes and they are leaving tomorrow. Ninad asks how will he manage bookings in a short plan. Virat says everything was preplanned and he couldn’t inform them due to Sai’s accident. Omkar says Sai just returned from hospital and is not fit yet. Virat says Sai is fine now and he will take care of her. Pakhi gets jealous and says Omkar need not worry as Sai must be jumping by now in happiness. Ashwini ask what is wrong if Sai goes on a trip with her husband, if Pakhi is having any problem. Sai walks to them. Bhavani asks if she is going on a trip with her husband. Sai says its Virat’s official trip and she is sacrificing many things to do him a favor. Pakhi asks what did she sacrifice. Sai says she sacrificed her studies. Pakhi asks why is that so? Sai says she likes helping people and is happy to get a chance to return Virat’s favor. Pakhi taunts that Virat’s wife gave so many names, help, favor, sacrifice, etc. Sai tries to reply, but Virat stops her and says they had to inform elders and did and shouldn’t argue. Bhavani suggests to take Pakhi along. Ashwini asks why should Pakhi accompany Sai and Virat? Pakhi says she need not worry as she knows where to go. Karishma hearing that hopes Mohit takes her also on a trip. Sai says Karishma need not worry as she will plan a family trip soon. Sonali yells she need not worry about Karishma. Ashwini asks her to calm down as Sai thinks of the whole family Shivani backs her. Drama continues. Pakhi comments she is hearing about this kind of official trip for the first time, maybe Virat’s department wants to send them for honeymoon trip. Sai asks how does she get such thoughts, its an official trip. Shivani asks Sai not to spoil her mood with other’s comments and start packing her bag. Bhavani says she knows Pakhi is feeling alone with her husband and hence commenting this, so Virat and Sai should take Pakhi along. Pakhi comments again. Sai says again its an official trip. Pakhi walks away saying she need not give explanation.

Virat and Sai reach Mahabaleshwar. Sai gets excited sight seeing via car and says its very beautiful. Virat look at her says yes. Driver asks Sai if she is visiting Mahabaleshwar for the first time? Sai says yes. Driver says he can see the brightness in her eyes like firs time visitors and asks Virat if he is also visiting Mahabaleshwar for the first time. Virat says no. Driver says they came at the right time as many honeymoon couple come during this time. Sai says they came on an official trip. Driver says he thought they are honeymoon couple. Virat says they are husband and wife but on an official trip. Sai starts arguing with him. She ask when is his other department members reaching? Virat ask who, then says they are coming by train. He some how diverts her attention finally. They reach hotel. Virat pays driver. Driver says he brought his wife on a personal trip citing it as official. Virat nervously says no. Driver says even he has done it during his days. Sai ask Virat if he came on a personal trip. Virat gets nervous. She says he didn’t take bill from driver to produce. He says he is an officer. She says he himself is breaking the rules and lectures about budget. He asks her to wait in waiting area and goes to reception area to check in. Waiter serves juice to Sai. Sai asks where is Nagpur police department’s official meeting area? He says its Mahabaleshwar. She says she knows. He says there is no meeting here. Sai gets suspicious and walks to Virat and hears receptionist giving him honeymoon suite. She asks what was receptionist saying. He says she said happy stay and nervously says this resort didn’t have much room, hence they are staying here and other officers are staying in other resort. Sai says he is khadoos and hence his department booked him in this hotel and all others in different hotel. Virat acts as angry and sends her to check the room. She leaves. He relaxes and fumes at Sunny.

Precap: Sai walks with Sai and thinks she has become the necessity of his life and he wants to propose her before its too late. Samrat emerges in front of him.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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