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Virat blindfolds Sai and takes her to a decorated room with lots of balloons, chocolate bouquet, all her favorite snacks. Sai excitedly asks if its for her. She excitedly picks them and seeing a big box asks if she should open it. He nods yes. She opens it, sees a beautiful pink gown, says its her favorite color and asks how does he knows its her favorite color? He says he knows everything about her and one she herself doesn’t know and asks her to get ready soon. She asks him to go out then. He walks towards door asking her to come soon as everyone are eagerly waiting for her. She hold his hand and thanks him for everything. He asks her to save her thank you for more surprises. Sai walks down wearing her gown. Her supporters get happy seeing that while haters get jealous. Ashwini tells Shivani that Sai is wearing her husband’s gifted dress on her birthday. Bhavani sees Sai wearing same red ruby pendant and removes her pendant. Harini tells Sai that she is looking like a princess. Sai says she is looking like princess, but Harini is a real priness. Virat hold Sai’s hand and takes her to cake. Harini and Devi bring her a crown and stash. Virat says let us click family pics and asks Mohit to click them. Her supporters join while haters don’t. Virat then asks Mohit if everything is right. Mohit nods yes. Sai asks if there is something else awaiting. Virat removes his blazer and dances with Sai. All supporters join them. Bhavani yells jungli mulgi made Virat dance on stage and now Virat is dancing with her all the time. Sonali tells same to Omkar. Sai imagines her Aaba happily extending his hands for her. She happily runs and hugs him and asks if he is here. He says he came to check if his daughter is happy with her family, her husband is celebrating her birthday and he is feeling proud of his decision. She says she can’t believe Virat planned her surprise birthday party. Aaba prays for her happiness forever and says her husband’s love is her happiness. Sai says this happiness is short lived and she has to leave him some day. He ask her not to say that as he became alone when her aayi left him. She says Virat is just following his responsibility and she will leave him once she completes her studies. Aaba asks what he used to say regarding flowers in her childhood. She says a flower is alive until its connected to its plant and once its separated, it sheds off. Aaba says similarly her happiness is with Virat and hence she should always be with him and be happy. She says but.. He ask her to promise that she will always be with Virat. She extends her hand to promise him when Virat shakes her and asks what happened and she says Aaba. He says she must be missing her Aaba as its her first birthday without him, but he is trying his best to make her birthday special. Sai says she knows and thank him. He hugs her and wishes her happy birthday and hopes her Aaba is happy for her wherever he is. Sai says Aaba is happy for him. He asks what does she mean? She says nothing. He wipes her tears and mimicking Rajesh Khanna saying I hates tears and she should say bye bye to sorrows and welcome to happiness. Sai laugh and says his jokes are bad. Ashwini walk to them and says they look so good together. Sai says her Aaba would be very happy seeing she got her aayi. Mohit says its cake cutting time. Sai walks to cake and asks Bhavani and puppets to join her. Bhavani yells she should be happy that they are attending her function. Ninad yells next. Sonali says it doesn’t matter to her if they attend her function or not. Sai says it matters or else she wouldn’t have lied and called them to her college function, and if they don’t attend her cake cutting event, she will not cut the cake, hence they have to and sing a birthday song for her. Mansi also requests them followed by Mohit. Sai holds Bhavani’s hand and pleads her. Bhavani feels irritated. Virat next requests all the puppets.

Sai drags elder Chavans to cut the cake. They hesitate. Virat requests them next. Sai tells Sonali that cake is really tasty and takes them all near cake. Virat asks Mohit to play Ay Dil Tu Laya Hai Bahar song and performs with family. Ninad sings a song and surprises them. Sai excitedly claps for him. Ninad says its her birthday, then why is she clapping for him. Sai says he is today’s rockstar, why didn’t he reveal that he sings so well? He says singing was his hobby and he also wanted to learn harmonium, but trying to take care of family, he sacrificed his dreams. Pulkit says he sings so well without any music and can win competitions. Omkar says dada used to win many competitions in college. Sonali backs him. Ninad says he had to take care of children and fulfill his responsibility. Bhavani says her husband was fan of Ninad’s voice. Sai says he can pursue his talent and learn playing harmonium. Virat says there is no age limit for learning, but this cake has and let us light the candles and cut the cake. Ashwini backs him. Virat says he doesn’t want Sai to miss someone and brings Aaba’s photo. Sai gets emotional reminiscing her Aaba’s love for her, keeps Aaba’s photo next cake. Harini says she said good girls don’t cry, especially on their birthday. Devi ask Sai to smile. Sai thank the whole Chavan family for giving her such a big surprise and says she never thought someone will celebrate such a lavish birthday for her after her Aaba left. Virat gives her tissue paper. She thank him. He says he told her to save her thank you for sometime and keep smiling. Sai says Pakhi is missing. Sonali says Pakhi is having headache since morning and by now it must have subsided. Shivani says how will the pain subside when it wasn’t there and taunts Bhavani to stop her false supports. Bhavani says Pakhi told her in the afternoon about her headache. 
Sai goes to bring Pakhi and asks her to come down as everyone are waiting for her. Pakhi yells if she has a problem if she sits in her own room. Sai ask if something happened? Pakhi yells if she wants something to happened to her? Sai says she didn’t mean it that way. Pakhi says she is having headache and Sai is increasing it. Sai concerned asks if she applied balm and search for it. Pakhi yells to stop bothering her and leave. 

Sunny ask Virat why they are calling Pakhi? Karishma says its a silence before the storm. Sonali scolds her. Ashwini ask Virat to go and check Sai. Virat says Sai must be coming. 
Sai suggest Pakhi to get her eye checkup. Pakhi continues yelling to keep her medical knowledge to herself and after a long yelling says she wants to prove her greatness. Sai says she didn’t mean like that. Pakhi yells she should go down and enjoy Virat’s surprise celebration for her. Sai says she didn’t know about the surprise and never expected Virat to throw a party for her. Pakhi yells Virat would obviously do anything for her as he loves her and its obvious as she is so beautiful, so good and is becoming a doctor soon. Sai says Virat likes her as she got Devi united with her husband, etc. Pakhi gets adamant and yells at her to leave. Sai says she has to accompany her down and has to listen to birthday call. Pakhi pushes her away angryly saying she doesn’t want to go anywhere. Sai falls down hitting her head to a table and injures her forehead. Virat comes to call Sai. Pakhi gets tensed that Virat will find out that she pushed Sai down. Virat asks Sai how did she fall down and why is she holding her forehead. Pakhi says Sai tried to act smart and insisted on her to join her birthday party. Virat insists what happened, pulls Sai’s hand and is shocked to see her forehead bleeding.

PRECAP: Ajinkya with other friends visits Sai’s birthday party. Bhavani says he is the same boy who danced with Sai. Ajinkya smears cake on Sai’s face. Virat gets jealous and asks Ajinkya to be careful as she is injured. Sai says its okay.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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