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Meet walks inside her room. Meet Ahlawat switch off Light and grab Meet, he push her to the wall and says I would love to take a selfie with you in night dress and show her the clothes. Meet says where did you get this from? Meet Ahlawat says these were lost that’s why I brought it back. Meet says I bought it for you infront of the whole family, go and wear it and says to himself now I’ll get to know what’s going on in her head. Meet walk out wearing dress saying now take selfie. Meet Ahlawat looks at her and says who put pins on her night gown? Meet says I put on and I’ll wear night dress this way infront of my husband. Meet Ahlawat get his voice deeper and says do you think me as a if villain, I’m hero and will not loose character and says when you can share everything with me then why are you feeling shy and think something is going on in her head and she is hiding something. Babita call Meet. They both start arguing that aunty is calling me.

Babita in her room. Manushi walk in saying I guess I should quit because I don’t think Meet Ahlawat will ever trust me. Babita says don’t worry I called Meet too I’ll talk to her, someone knocks at door Babita says come in and says I didn’t expect this from you, Manushi told me how you cheated with her and remove car’s front seat and you ordered the night dress and not my son, how will I understand who is best then, Meet Ahlawat says Mom, Babita says what are you doing here, Meet Ahlawat asks what challenge are you talking about, you think Manushi is my love, no she isn't, she has no place in my life, where as Meet stood with me and she is my life partner.

Meet looking in mirror says how do people like these clothes, Sunaina and Isha walk in and ask Meet why has she stapled her dress, Meet says forget that, and stop teasing Meet Ahlawat he gets so annoyed instead and trouble me, Isha says I agree he gets so annoyed always angry, Meet says he is sweet and takes care of me, Sunaina says looks like you are in love with Meet Ahlawat, Isha says I am so happy.
Babita says to Meet Ahlawat that Meet is a cheater, Manushi left the house and wedding because of Meet she did this because she found out that Meet was in love with you, and so she gave up on you and left, here read this letter. Babita says Meet has to prove that she deserve all this, I have seen you in pain and in drunk state also you missed Manushi, Meet Ahlawat says that was old Meet and don’t you remember how Meet stood for me in drug case and remember when she fought with goons for me? Babita says when am I denying that, that’s what I’m trying to say your relation is one sided compromise and she will keep doing this to get your love and Manushi was your choice, you loved her I have seen you grinding in this relation, I know your happiness is with Manushi and I’ll do anything to get you two together. Meet Ahlawat think Manushi played her game against Meet I cannot do anything.

Tej and Sunaina is in the garden. Meet walk to them and says to Sunaina, you know why he always keep that book close to himself because your name is written in that. Sunaina says to Meet you know we had love marriage that’s why he remembers my name, we gave advertisement in everywhere but we couldn’t find him. Meet says you both sit here I’ll leave now. Meet says how will I put advertisement in newspaper about Parth I don’t know anything about him, I have to bring her reality but only Kunal can bring it, I have to find him and call someone saying I need to put an article, I’ll share photo and please write Me. Kunal wherever you are please contact Mr. Natwarlal and give her number and write you won lottery of 1 crore and disconnects call says I did my work now I need to wait for him to fall in my trap.

Raj on call talking to someone. Masum walk to him saying you have too much faith in your daughter in law. Raj ask now what happen and what are you doing at home you should be in the office. Masum says I did go to office but a notice was received at home because of which I came back and says Sunaina send a notice in which she is asking for her portion of property so that she can build her new home with Tej. Raj look at the notice and says what rubbish I cannot accept she could send this notice. Masum says then go and ask Sunaina. Raj says ofcourse I’ll ask her and I will not believe this notice till the time Sunaina don't tell me about this and leave. Masum says you have to accept this that Sunaina send the notice and call the lawyer saying thanks for changing the matter in notice your fees will be transferred to you. Sunaina says this notice is the answer of your slap Sunaina.

Duggu look for Meet saying Ustaad Mami. Meet call him saying come to the other side of the car. Duggu says wao you know how to repair a car but Mamu and Papa use to do this job. Meet says car dosent know who is repairing it Mamu or Mami now tell me what happen why were you calling me? Duggu give her envelope and says here it is for you and she looks at the article. Meet Ahlawat walk out. Meet says to him are you going somewhere? He says I was going out for some important work and I’ll be late in coming back. Meet Ahlawat at Meets house talking to Amma. Amma says to Meet Ahlawat this letter was left by Manushi during her wedding time, we got this letter when she left. Meet Ahlawat says everything in this letter is fake I don’t know Meet much but still I can prove everything in this is fake and Meet is true. Amma start crying and says my Meet is true gold, she was always standing for everyone and says I also believe that how much faith you have in Meet, even if I die I know you are here for Meet. Meet Ahlawat says don’t talk like this you have to see her growing, now tell me the truth. Amma says Manushi have ditched everyone by planning she took last sign of my son from us, she took this house and then she forced me to take this fake letter to Babita, if I deny that she would have sold this house and send us on street, Anubha is already suffering from stomach ulcer how could she go out and live in this condition.

Meet looks at the article and says wait I’ll bring the true face infront of everyone she picks her phone and call and says yes I’m speaking I like this article please publish this in tomorrow’s newspaper and disconnects the call.
Babita and Manushi in hall sorting out design sketch. Meet walk to them thinking let's publish Kunal advertisement in paper and Babita get to know that you ran because of Kunal then she will personally kick you out of this house. Babita gets a call and she gets shocked and says how will my show go on without her? Manushi ask what happen? Babita says Kavya is not doing the fashion show because she got sprain on her leg now with whom will Meet Ahlawat go on ramp they both were good pair, what will I do now? Manushi says relax. Meet walk to her and gives her water and says don’t worry I’ll talk to Kavya about this. Manushi says she won’t be able to work because she is not well at all. Meet ask her how do you know that Babita was talking on call with her, how can you be sure about her, is your hand in Kavya’s situation so that you can go on walk with Meet Ahlawat? Manushi says shut up don’t talk nonsense. Babita says this is a good idea. Manushi says you gave a super idea unknowingly, she says to Babita I know you can not arrange a known face but can introduce a fresh face who will be compatible with your son as wife on stage and nobody can match that perfect with Meet Ahlawat except me. Meet says to Babita I think Manushi is involved in Kavya’s case so that she can be with Meet Ahlawat on stage. Babita says please I just talked to model cordinator and she is highly professional they can not cancel their gig after all I love your idea they will look good on ramp and she is perfect for my son because of her hight and personality and you have nice features, the kind of wife he deserve but unfortunately he got Meet as her wife who’s height didn’t match, there are chances that he realizes Manushi should be his wife. Meet says to Babita you are right she have beautiful features and nice attitude but that’s only used to manipulate boys, she never came in use for mom and dadi, she got height but couldn’t bend down to take blessings of elders, and disrespects her says she is liar. Babita stops her and says you are talking about lying did you forget your dadi came to tell us about the letter, I’ll talk to my son about this he will decide further.

Meet Ahlawat is listening to everything and says you are true wife and don’t worry I’ll also try hard to be true husband of yours and remember talking to Amma saying don’t worry I won’t let anybody take your house away from you I’ll bring back the papers from Manushi. Amma says let me get the paper first then I’ll tell Babita personally about Manushi. Meet Ahlawat says we have to show her real face to mom because she didn’t see her from inside till the time she don’t understand we have to carry this play. Meet Ahlawat walk in. Babita call him and says Kavya is not doing the show again so Manushi will be your wife during the show. Meet Ahlawat look at Meet and says to Babita if Meet have no problem then I also don’t have any problem and walk away. Babita walk to Meet and says you won’t agree for this right?

Meet at pooja house prays to God saying Manushi is trying her every plan I was already scared for Meet Ahlawat and now Manushi brought fashion show too inside the game because of all these I think she will ruin Babita’s fashion show too. Babita says to herself Meet don’t care about anybodys emotions I don’t know when my son will see her true face, my son shouldn’t have given her this power.

Meet Ahlawat walks to Meet and says don’t worry about me do whatever you want to do and think I know what you have decided and join his hands with Meet in front of God.

Babita says she don't care about my reputation she just care about her title of being a wife. Meet says to Babaita things matter to me and I have decided, this family matters to me a lot infront of any game, I won’t let your fashion show be ruin. Babita says this means you don’t have any problem if Manushi walk with him as his wife on stage and you can loose this challenge. Meet says I know very well but still it’s my duty to serve, I’ll do what is good for my family and think I know Manushi you will be happy after hearing this but don’t worry I have planned things to reveal your story.

Meet Ahlawat says to himself I know you will put mom’s reputation first and want to show mom this is my wife but you are lost in outer beauty of Manushi, I promise before this fashion show end I’ll make you realize Meet is better compatible for me and a good life partner.

The next morning Meet see Kunal photo in paper and says this is the best job now Kunal will come out from his hidden place don’t know my sister take me to him because of 1 crore. She keep the paper on table and leave. Manushi read the paper and get shock saying he took all my jewelery now I’ll take this money, I need to contact Natwarlal. Meet walk to her and says what happen is there any sales in paper. Manushi says I’m a modern I don’t read these papers for sale. Meet think take Natwarlal paper there are possibilities that you will take me to Kunal. Manushi says don’t you think Meet Ahlawat proved that he still loves me after choosing me as model? Meet says I laugh at your situation because you think everyone will be a fraud like you, but I know Meet Ahlawat how he is, you should have stayed to know him so that you can realize how true loving men are. Meet Ahlawat walk to Meet and says today is rose day so I thought of taking you on a date on your bike. Meet start going with him. Manushi says to Meet Ahlawat what about our rehersal? He says why do you need rehersal you are already perfect and they both leave. Meet Ahlawat and Meet out sit on bike. Meet Ahlawat sits in front and make Meet to hold him. Manushi come out and see them going. Meet ask him where are we going? He says we are going to five star hotel because I want to take you on brunch. Meet says don’t spend money, I don’t want to go they are expensive. Meet Ahlawat says don’t worry your husband will pay. Meet says if you have too much of it then give it to someone who needs it and says I have a good idea to make this date memorable and goes to pani puri stall. Meet Ahlawat says this is so unhealthy and unhygienic he is not wearing his gloves still you want to eat. Meet says I want to eat and they both start arguing about that. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll get mineral water and we will eat hygienic panipuri don’t eat till I come he leaves. Meet sees her phone and says these many miss call from one number this might be Kunal and call back at that number she hear Manushi’s voice, Meet disconnects the phone and says she is so clever thank god I gave her the other number. Meet call her back and says hello. Manushi says hello I’m Manushi and I know Kunal personally. Meet tells her address and says come fast. Manushi says I’ll be there and disconnect the call. Meet seea a model and says she look like Babita’s fashion show model Kavya. She get to car and take her parcel from it and start running. Kavya run to catch her and says stop where are you taking my parcel to, you look from a good house but still doing these kind of work. Meet says you also look good but still do bad job. Kavya says excuse me you were stealing things and saying to me I’ll call police you will go to jail for 3 months. Meet says and how many years your will serve jail for breaking contract, you are model of Babita’s fashion show you called and said you are not well won’t be able to walk because of sprain but walking here in heels. Kavya try to walk away. Meet hold her hand and says please don’t involve me because someone ask me to leave the fashion show, I’m sorry I cannot tell you about that person. Meet says I’ll tell you it's Manushi Hudda told you this. Kavya says no Meet Ahlawat ask me to back off.

PRECAP: Babita says to Meet Ahlawat I feel happy that you gave Manushi one chance. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I trust you and know you won’t do anything to hurt me and nobody can come in between us.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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