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Masum is in her room acting and says to Hoshiyar I’ll be late for my party so please take care of Duggu and here are few change and leaves. Masum call Hoshiyar and he wake up from his dream. Masum says to him Dad has decided to give me share from his property, I thought he will not give me but finally he decided to split among the three of us and they both lie on the bed and electricity goes out. Masum says go switch on light. Hoshiyar says everything is revolving. Masum get up and check the switch but it doesn’t switch on so she go out to check for the main switch. Masum is in the hall she hear scary voices, she continue to move. Two people are behind her disguised as ghost. Masum turn and sees no one she says Hoshiyar stop troubling me. Masum see shadows and get scared and says I can see two heads and 4 hands what kind of animal is this? Meet and Meet Ahlawat jump and scare her, she drops her phone and run. Meet says here is her phone and she won’t remember for some time because of being scared and till that time we will do our work. Masum is in hall shouts ghost. Ragini and Sunaina walk to her ask what happen? Masum says to Ragini nothing good happens in this house and where is my phone. Meet and Meet Ahlawat checks the phone says we didn’t find the number of Kushal Bajaj.

Everyone is at the dining table. Raj says start your breakfast. Masum says how can we start without mom we never did before. Ragini says I’ll go and get her. Raj says no need things are already changing in the house so let it be and get use to it. Masum says change is good but this don’t feel right, don’t know who cursed us. Hoshiyar says baby you. Masum start coughing. Hoshiyar says I meant you are right. Meet Ahlawat shout listen to me. Meet is at the corridor with stick. Everyone look at them. Meet says I don’t want to listen to you and go downstairs. Meet Ahlawat stop her. Meet says listen I’ll not leave that lawyer when I beat him then he will tell me who is working with him because of him our family is splitting, and I won’t spare the person who has joined hands with him and walk to Masum. Masum get scared. Meet take action to hit her. Masum says please don’t hit me. Raj says what happen? Masum start acting and get funny. Meet start saying again about that lawyer and will find about the traitor. Meet Ahlawat says no you should not take law into your hands. Raj says no Meet it’s not the lawyer's fault. Meet says I just want to bring the truth out infront of you, he did wrong I’ll not spare him. Masum says Meet bhabhi why do you do such things which ruin the reputation of our family, forget it. Meet says I did nothing it’s the traitor who did and I’ll go to any extent to bring out the traitor and start leaving. Meet Ahlawat walk to her. Masum is scared and says to Raj my phone battery is low I’ll go and charge it. Masum go and call Bajaj and says go out of town and ghost everyone for few days because my Meet Bhabhi is looking for you, you don’t know her, she is goon of Shahbadh she will hit you and make you say everything that I asked you to change the content of the notice. Meet’s phone is on speaker and everyone hear her. Raj says from the other end yes Masum, I’m stunned after hearing you, come down I need to talk to you. Ram says Masum did very bad, she shouldn’t have done that. Hoshiyar bring Masum and says you have to go down Raj want to talk to you. Masum go to Raj and says let me explain. Raj says I’m not that shock because you did this earlier but I’m hurt a lot, I feel ashamed of myself because of you, is this the kind of upbringing I gave you? Meet says I don’t want to hurt you but it’s necessary to bring out the truth because of you all are together and I don’t want you to take wrong decision without the truth, you are like god to us. Raj says thank you for stopping me from taking wrong decision, but how did you know that Masum is behind this? Meet says me and Meet Ahlawat used our brain and find out that Tej don’t need property share, Meet Ahlawat can not think of that and it’s only Masum who is left, for that we cut electricity yesterday to check her phone, yes yesterday everything was planned but after looking so much I didn’t find Bajajs number and that explain everything how she tricked Masum… (Meet and Meet Ahlawat see Masum has saved lawyer number as plumber and add Raj’s number with lawyers name in Masum’s phone.)… Meet says she did this so that no one learns about it and this is how we found out about this. Hoshiyar says but Meet how did Raj’s number come there? Meet says being with Masum I also learn few tricks, I changed the number so that when she call plumber, Raj will receive the call, she says to Raj I did all this so that you don’t do a mistake. Hoshiyar says to Meet Ahlawat your wife beat mine. Meet Ahlawat says she is smart. Isha says you are right, bhaiya and you solved all the matter like cop. Babita says to Raj now you will change the decision. Masum says I’m sorry dad please forgive me. Raj push her hand. Masum apologize to Babita. Meet says don’t forgive Masum this time.

Meet says to Raj and Babita you won’t forgive Masum today, she is taking advantage of your leniency, everyone is respected same way in this house, she will get in return what she give, you can not be saved just by saying sorry and everyone is equal here no one is superior and says Msaum dee you and Sunaina have equal rights in this house, me and Sunaina left our homes and give love protect our family and you being a daughter wants to break your family. Raj says Meet is right and says to Msaum, I explained to you lot of times but still you are misbehaving with Sunaina, he says she will decide your punishment. Sunaina says how can I. Raj says tell me what you want I can even throw her out of this house it’s all your decision now. Hoshiyar ask Masum what do you think she will choose.

Masum walks in kitchen and ask servant to make her cheelas and pasta for Duggu and paratha for Hoshiyar and veggies for mom and dad. Servant says says cook isn’t available. Masum ask where did cook go. Raj says his home town, everyone walks in along with Raj. Raj says Sunaina has very well thought about your punishment you have become use to spoiling others life, now you will cook for everyone and take care of everyone and even ask Servant to go and leave. Masum says mom how I’ll I manage so much work do something. Babita says did you think about me when you wanted to send Tej away? Raj says now you will get share in property only when you get on the right track, give her vegetable and says you will need it.

Meet Ahlawat thanks Meet and says because of you my family is together, he touches her shoulder and Meet feels the shock. Meet says why am I getting current when he touches me.

Meet walks to Sunaina thinking she will check wheather touching Sunaina all give her current. Meet touches Sunaina. Sunaina ask what’s wrong. Meet says aren’t you getting shock. She says no. Meet ask Tej to give his hand. She touches him and says I’m not getting shock from him. Ragini walks in. Meet hugs her and says even you are not giving shock and after that checks on Isha. Isha ask what happen to you, why are you hugging everyone. Sunaina says because she is getting shock. Meet says when I touch Meet Ahlawat I’m getting shock. Everyone tease Meet. Ragini says it means when Meet Ahlawat touches you, you get shock. Meet says yes this means there is something wrong with him. Everyone tease her again. Meet says tell me the solution. Isha says there is no solution but I can give you knowledge on this topic in GenZ generation it’s called love sensation and in your language it’s current and on this I remember a song and start singing it.

Meet Ahlawat is looking for Meet in the hall. Meet hide behind pillar and imagine dancing with Meet Ahlawat and get close to him, she gets shock. Ram Lakhan shake her says she is in love. Meet hold there ears and shush them.

Raj ask Masum about dinner. Masum is in the kitchen says it’s getting ready and start cooking. Masum messes everything. She says they made me servant, she drops atta all over her. Hoshiyar walks in with kids and get scared. Duggu tease Masum as white ghost.

Lakhan ask Meet are you getting shock. Meet says no but do you want. Ram says now you are getting shock from Meet Ahlawat this is what happen in love right. Meet says don’t bring your nose between elders. Ram says earlier you use to tell me everything now you hide everything. Ragini passing by ask them for water. They say no. Meet says to them how many time I told you to concentrate on your studies don’t you want to be a successful man. Lakhan mock her. Meet says let your result come then I’ll tell you, she give money to them and says give your Mom. Ram says you look tensed. Meet says not now but I’m worried for 2 months later. Meet Ahlawat hear this and stop. Meet says, Meet Ahlawat told me new semister is starting in 10 days then how can I earn money to send home. Meet Ahlawat hear this and calls someone and give him order to send all the household things at Huddah house in the name of Meet and I’ll pay you online. Meet Ahlawat says to himself you will surely go to college.

Masum in hall. A servant walks to her says Masum dee washing machine is not working. Masum shouts at him so why are you telling me go tell someone else. Everyone gather around. Masum says fine I’ll call someone to get it repair and leaves while looky for phone.

Meet Ahlawat, Jeet and Hoshiyar out in party drinking. Hoshiyar ask for the shots for everyone. Meet Ahlawat says no I won’t want any I’m done. Hoshiyar insist him to drink and says to him your wife did what I was trying from so many times. Meet Ahlawat ask what? Hoshiyar says today I had paratha made by her now we have to drink. Jeet and Hoshiyar forcely give him too many drink. Meet Ahlawat says to Hoshiyar you are right my wife brings everyone to right path her vision is clear for respect.

Everyone in hall. Isha ask Meet did you tell Bhaiya that you are getting shock when you touch him. Ragini says Meet looks beautiful when she blush and I feel good. Sunaina says why didn’t you tell him. Meet says it’s very difficult. Sunaina says you know me and Tej were in love but we kept waiting who will say first and then one day Tej praposed to me and we have interesting kiss story. Meet get’s up and shut Isha’s ear says we can not talk this here. Ragini get up and ask Isha to leave and says to Meet there is nothing wrong in that it’s way to express love.

Hoshiyar says to Meet Ahlawat always respect your wife. Meet Ahlawat says I know that and I’m scared of messing with her. Jeet says to Meet Ahlawat if you try to run away from one thing that definitely happen in your life. A girl walks to Meet Ahlawat says I lost my phone so can you please give a miss call at my number. Meet Ahlawat says I can not but my bestfriend can do and bring him forward says my wife Meet ustaad happily married. Jeet says excuse me your number. She walk away. They three enjoy and have more shots. Hoshiyar says happy married life is myth so enjoy.

Sunaina says to Meet it’s deep feeling to express love and first kiss is a difference feeling and you fall deeply in love without knowing. Meet says how is this possible. Sunaina says try it and let me know. Meet thinks is first kiss so special.
Meet, Sunaina, Ragini in hall. Meet says to Sunaina you made this love thing so special. Sunaina says okay you can try it, you will remember my thoughts during first kiss. Isha walks in and says you know how you will propose Meet Ahlawat in your style you will be having hammer in one hand and Screwdriver in other and says my one of the screw is loose like yours come we both will tighten that screw together. Ragini stops Isha. Isha says mom wait and says to Meet I genuinely want to help you, my tips will work for you and teel her to change her walking style, tease her and run away. Sunaina says remember first kiss is always special, everything gets unexpected.
Meet in garden says to himself Sunaina says anything, everything changes during first kiss and imitate what Isha told her. Meet Ahlawat see Meet playing with water and flowers in garden. He smiles looking at her and walks to her hold her hand and see a feather on her lips, he remove it and kiss her on her cheecks and pulls her close, puts her hand on his shoulder and kiss her. Meet run away smiling.

Meet in corridor blushing and fix washing machine and says to himself what is this happening, Sunaina and Ragini was right it feels different and Meet Ahlawat kiss me this means he also love me.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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