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Meet cover herself with blanket and walk inside tent to help. She stumble and fall down, fire poll fall infront of her she dodges it and see man lying on the floor. She walks to him and says no need to panic Jaydeep, she help him to get up and give him asthama pump. She cover him with blanket.

Hoshiyar with Duggu in his hands. Everyone ask what happen. Masum get down and ask what happen to him you both went to fair then what happen. Hoshiyar says to Meet Ahlawat we went to fair but suddenly fair catches fire and then Meet. Masum says so Meet Bhabhi was also there you know she is a bad omen for our family, first she messed with Tej and now with Duggu, what does she want. Meet Ahlawat says stop talking about her, she always try to help. Masum says, yes she don’t do anything, everyone said no to her but still she messed with Tej, she was not in pooja too. Meet Ahlawat says stop blaming her when she come we will get to know the truth. Babita says to Meet Ahlawat I know she did so much for us but this doesn’t mean she will do whatever she want, because of her actions we have to face consequences. Masum says because of Meet already Tej is in shock and now Duggu, I don’t want any more negativity, I’ll never forgive her. She hold Duggu in her hands walks to Raj and says you punished me for your daughter in law, now it’s time to punish her, Duggu is in this condition because of her, you can not forgive her, she messed with Tej and now Duggu and made there condition worse now you have to give hee punishment and throw her out of house. Everyone in hall. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj but you know very well Meet cannot do this wait for sometime Meet will be here. Masum says to Raj no you have to throw her out of the house, I’ll go pack her bag and she leave.

Meet in burning tent trying to save Jaydeep, she bring him out. Jaydeep lie down on stretcher. Jaydeep apologize to Meet and says thanks for saving me. Meet says I didn’t save you it’s God who save you. Jaydeep says I know what your brother in law was saying, he said someone was murdered near the well in jungle nearby Shahbadh. Meet hear the address and remember the time of her father's death.

Ragini try to wake Duggu, he gets up. Masum think can he be fainted for some more time and run towards him and says thank god he is fine but this doesn’t mean Meet is innocent, you have to punish her. Raj says first I’ll listen to her side of story only then think of punishment. Duggu says but why punishment she should be given prize, she saved me and many more people, I was scared because of fire. Hoshiyar says that’s what I was trying to explain and says to Meet Ahlawat please go and help Meet she is trying to save people. Meet Ahlawat run to help Meet. Masum says so what she save my kid, she is responsible for Tej’s condition says to Raj and leave with Duggu.

Meet in jungle near well and remember when she was brought to crime scene. Inspector says to them this was the place where Ashok died while doing encounter. Anubha and Meet salute him. Meet Ahlawat walk to Meet. She get up and hug him. He ask why are you crying? She says it is the same place where my father died, Jaydeep told me that Tej here murder. Meet Ahlawat says what? She says you told me that Tej had gone missing in 2018 and it was same time when my father died, so I think there is some connection between these two scenarios and remember when he saw photo of my dad he threw red colour on his photo and ask what was the date when Tej went Miss. Meet Ahlawat says it was 6 August 2018. Meet says and my father died on 7 August. Meet Ahlawat says there can be chances that these two scenarios are different. Meet start looking in his phone and says look there is no news report on that case. Meet Ahlawat says what could be the connection between the two scenarios. Meet says I don’t know only Tej can tell the connection. Meet Ahlawat says don’t worry everything will be fine and hug her. Meet Ahlawat gets the call from Raj. Raj says come back soon Tej is in his senses. Meet Ahlawat get excited. Meet says put phone on speaker. Raj says and you know he remembers everything and called me Dad after so long, I’m so happy. Meet Ahlawat says we will be back. Meet pray to god and thank them and says to Meet Ahlawat now he can tell about the murder and what is the connection. Meet Ahlawat and Meet leave.

Everyone in Tej’s room. Tej ask then what is this. Raj says nothing it’s just for regular checkup. Tej looks at Babita says hey mom Ahlawat and whip her tears. Babita kiss him. Tej looks at Ram and call him Chacha. Sunaina give him hug. Hoshiyar says to Tej you lost many things so let me update you this is your sister Masum and now she is expert in kitchen and ask her to cook something for Tej. Tej ask Raj where is Meet Ahlawat.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet in jungle. Meet Ahlawat says I’m so excited. They both walking in jungle and Meet stumble and fall. She cut her hand during her fall and says I have heard jungle hide many secrets and people are murdered here, look at this rose plant it’s wet like someone just water the plant. Meet Ahlawat says this is weird, a rose plant in jungle. They both heard someone crying. An old man passing by. Meet ask did you heard someone was crying. Old man says there is a girl who comes here in memory of her lover and she give water to rose plant and go back when her tears dry. Meet says pity girl. Meet Ahlawat says come lets go we have to apply anticeptic on your hand.

Doctor says everyone should leave he need some rest. Everyone leaves except Raj, Sunaina and Ram. Doctor says to Raj he is back in gis senses but we need to conduct some test for which we need to take him to hospital, we will keep him under observation for the whole night and then you can take him in morning. Ram says to Raj I’ll come with you. Sunaina says I’ll come too, if he need something I’ll be there. Ram says to Sunaina no, I understand your feelings but in hospital some decisions are taken on practical basis which will be quiet difficult for you to take. Raj says to Sunaina yes he is right you should stay and we will be back by morning. Sunaina says okay.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet go in Sunaina’s room and ask how is Tej. Sunaina says he remembers everything and thank you for everything and hugs her. Meet asks where is Tej. Sunaina says he is in hospital under observation, Meet says just a night and all will be good.

Ram and Raj on their way with Tej unconscious to home. Babita calls him and says we are on our way and Tej will take 4 hrs more to gain consious. Ram panicked.
Few men stop ambulance and get everyone out.

Ram, Raj and Tej in ambulance. Raj on call with Babita says we are coming back to house, he is not in his senses it will more 5-6 hrs. A man put barrel in ambulance way, ambulance stop and few people surround the ambulance and ask Raj to give them money. Raj says we will give you what you want, let us go our kid is not well and give them money and watch. Everyone threaten Ram and Raj loot them and ask them to come out, they both beg to them but people sit inside ambulance and try to run away with Tej. Raj says where are you going I gave you what you want. Meet Ahlawat standing infront of Ambulance. They try to turn on car, man says what happen to ignition. Meet says why are you in so hurry and roll out from under the ambulance, it wont start and ask Raj and Ram how are you. Raj says we are good but why are they trying to abduct Tej. Ram says how do you know we are danger. Raj says when they ask for the phone I send the SOS message. Everyone get out of ambulance and run to attach Meet Ahlawat. He fight back and knocks everyone. Meet helps him. Meet says don’t try to be action hero, if something happens then. Meet Ahlawat says my hero is with me and they both knock out everyone. Raj says thank god you came on right time we were scared. Meet ask them who send you tell. Police come to the location. Singh come out of car says what is going on let us also help you, we know how to make them talk don’t worry about them let us do our work. Raj says to Meet he is right let’s go for now we need to concentrate on Tej, we will be in touch with them. Singh says catch them all and everyone leaves.
Meet Ahlawat and Meet in bathroom. Meet says those guys have some other agenda then kidnapping Tej, we need to find out what Tej know because someone want Tej mouth to be shut and says to Meet Ahlawat we need to increase security of Tej. Meet Ahlawat ask her to sit and says I’ll manage and inspector Hawa Singh will interrogate them and when Tej wake up we will get to know the truth and the connection between your father, for sometime take rest. Meet shouts in pain and scolds him says when did you start hurting me. Meet Ahlawat I was being gentle and try to move her head. Meet in pain says leave it I’ll do it myself and cure herself. Meet Ahlawat says how did you do it? Meet says my father use to do it, I learnt from him and I told you earlier before making me your girlfriend that I’m different. Meet Ahlawat says now sit and take rest, we will talk to Tej when he is awake and he leaves.

Meet remember having food with her father. Ashok says I’m done with food and I asked you so many times not to be awake for me my job don’t allow me to come home early. Meet says so what you do so much for us least I can do for you, reat all father do job for 7to8 hrs and come back why don’t you. Ashok says because I’m police man and police work is to keep people safe and no one do bad job so don’t worry. Meet ask why people do wrong things when it hurt them. He says people always commit crime when he is intoxicated but some people make mistakes knowingly because of there power and people bear the pain of there crime which make them more powerful, so doing mistake and accepting injustice is not good so don’t do bad and bear that bad things…
Meet in her room says I’ll find out the truth. Meet Ahlawat come to Meet says Tej is awake now we can talk to him and they both leave.
Tej in his room sleeping. Someone walks to him and try to give him injection. Meet and Meet Ahlawat get inside Tej’s room and says he is sleeping. Tej open his eyes. They both walk to Tej and ask how are you. Meet says now everything will be alright. Meet Ahlawat we are here to help you don’t worry and Meet have some questions for you. Meet ask him I want to know what happen with you which made your condition worse, I know you don’t what to relive that memory but it’s important for me to clear my doubt, few days back you threw red colour on my father’s photo so I want to know is there any connection with my father and the murder scene and show him Ashok photo. Meet Ahlawat says if you remember anything please tell us. Tej try to remember and says I cannot remember anything and ask who is she why is she asking so much question. Meet Ahlawat says she is Meet my wife, your friend you both meet in Rajasthan and do you remember jalebi. Tej says when did you get married I don’t remember anything. Meet Ahlawat nothing happen just take rest and they both walk out of room. The disguised man come out of curtains with injection.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat with doctor in corridor. Doctor says he is now normal with shock treatment but he has deleted that bad memory and this is natural way of human body to survive, if he try to remember that incident again he can loose his memory again and walk away. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I won’t try to make him remember anything and see a shadow in Tej’s room says who is there and start walking towards his room. Man sneak out of window. Meet says I saw someone behind curtain. Meet Ahlawat says it may be air and we are back to square one how we will clear the doubt. Meet says I won’t leave this here I’ll try to figure out the connection and won’t stop till I know the truth.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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